[5:00am – War floor, Tower]

Rise and shine. The tiny horsewoman stretched her wings and rolled out of her hammock, drifting sleepily down to the ground below. A couple of morning exercises, leaps and sprints that led to taking flight around the trees were in order. Then target practice and sharpening her knives – always ready for battle.

[7:00am – War floor, Tower]

Breakfast, and time to pester the elders and others for things to do. There was a desperate need for her to have some purpose for the day... without it she'd be left to having to poke around Halloween Town for some entertainment.

[12:00pm – Halloween Town]

Crouched up somewhere up in the trees, the horsewoman observed the halloween denizens with slightly more interest than usual. It seemed like they were preparing for some big festival... huh, and what's with all the candy when you could have MEAT.

Gzifa's eyes gleamed as she shifted her position within the trees ...Now where was the student she liked to bother again?

[6:00pm – Somewhere in the Woods]

Fire crackling, the mare sat down before her tiny campfire and yawned while her game was being cooked. There was nothing quite like hunting for one's own food. The tower was a bit too...civilised for her tastes, and the lack of the wilderness and its resources was hard to get used to.

She still missed her home on the islands.

Curling herself up into a ball, the horsewoman rocked herself back and forth while watching the flames of the fire dance before her eyes.

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Gzifa is a smol war horseman
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