Home Decor
Prompt: Decorate your dorm room to make it as spoopy as possible! You may do this in a PRP, or as a Solo.
Prize: +1 raffle ticket that can be used here! In order to qualify, the RP/solo MUST be complete, and you must have written over 600 words!

To go on a shopping trip alone was a bad idea. San wanted to decorate his dorm room for Halloween, the best time ever in the year, and he had no idea what to get. Each and every year that pass, all the decorations back at home have been done by someone else. It would be his mother sometimes, or maybe she will hire someone to do the massive decorating. This year it will be his turn and his very first as well. There were so many things on sale at the maul that was so overwhelming at first sight, from pumpkins to spooky ghosts to ‘real’ skeletons –the authenticity on the box made him questionable though. He didn’t know what to get, and he just decided it would be simple to get one of each. He has the money for it, so why not?

It was the biggest mistake he ever made . . . lately.

He was a giant in a room with bags full of creepy, cheesy cute décor, and he had no idea on how to use them. “Stupid me . . .” The large boil sighs as he thinks he needs to be watched over for anything he does like a scarling. Scratching at the back of his head, he stares at the stuff to see where he can start. “I guess the ceiling?” His glowing eyes stares up to the ceiling of his room and thought that it can be a good place to go. Looking through the bags, San found the paper lantern ghosts and hangs them up in his room. Even some went into his meditation room to give it a nice glow. They have different faces that he, also, bought one of each kind too.

Moving on, he got the fake spider web and made his attempt to web his entire dorm somehow. The stuff is rather tricky to use as San tries to get it on his furniture, the corners of his room, upon the lanterns, and wherever else he can use. In fact, he was rather impress on how real this look. Using real spider webs was out of question for he doesn’t want it to actually catch any little critters or his minis in it. That could only spell disaster for the demon who prefers quiet over the loud. Among the webbing, he hang some skulls which he really fancies in and some small spiders. San made sure to get some different looking ones and different colors to make it very festive. It really did put a smile on his face on seeing how his progress is going so far.

So far . . . it seem that he didn’t make a dent with what he shopped. His minis are enjoying the decorations more as toys which wasn’t so bad. At least they had their use. He put up some of the ‘real’ bones in the room, placing his candles in the black candelabras he bought. “I might just keep these out for the rest of the year.” Their spookier style were much more aesthetically pleasing than what he had before. At least he did one good thing.

With all said and done, San believes he is done with his work. “But . . . what to do with the rest?” Looking over his shoulder, there are still some bags of decorations he doesn’t need or have the space. “Maybe Tavi or Mea could use them.” The Rakshasa said to himself as he pack some of the stuff together, and pulling his minis out of the bag before he left his decked out room to spread some spooky holiday cheer and fright.