Prompt: What is Halloween without candy and snacks? Have your character, either solo or in a PRP, try to bake up some sugary sweets or delicious treats. Make sure they're Halloween-like!

((IDK, I associate peanut brittle with fall! Lots of Halloween goodies mentioned though))

Halloween should be the most glorious time of the year, but quite frankly Sacha wasn't impressed. He'd been around the best of the best during the month of Halloween, the true October, and he'd seen what Halloween preparations looked like. Pumpkin bread with the creamiest of centers in perfect pinwheels. Ghoulish goulash, spiced pumpkin cider, pristine spider webs made of the thinnest spun sugar, booberry infused "fog" made with dry ice.

That was just the beginning. There were countless more dishes, starting with the numerous bloody or oozy punches and ales to the clever little appetizers, visually appealing and designed to put someone in the mood for the season. Add to that huge banquets of mains and sides and he was in heaven. Of course desserts were a must: pies and pastries, cookies and cakes, tarts and treacle.

Not to mention the tables so loaded down with candy that they almost bent double.

So no, he was not impressed. Not impressed at all with the paltry offerings of store bought candy or baked goods, of seeing the same items again and again. And again. And again. Some of them even tasted fine, but all too quickly the available items grew tiresome, and it was time to give in.

All it took was a quick phone call and mummy dearest was sending him an extra large shipment of candies and sweets, filled with holiday favorites including every type of caramel apple her company made.

He was going to need a bigger dorm room.

Unfortunately it would be hours before the shipment would arrive, potentially as late as the next morning, and he would probably perish by then if he didn't do something about it now. He was limited somewhat, his candy making skills not what they should be, but anyone could make peanut brittle.

Plus, it didn't take all that long to cool, so he'd be able to dig into it quickly enough.

Sacha preferred his brittle thick, so he greased a few pie pans with a bit of butter and began setting out the butter and baking soda to be added at the last minute. Next he measured out his peanuts, setting them aside before gathering the rest of the materials. For a double batch. Naturally.

Water, sugar, salt, and corn syrup were added to his pan, which in turned he placed on the stove. This was why brittle was a bit easier to make he supposed, it was closer to cooking, though the extreme temperatures were a bit more finicky. Finally his sugar dissolved, and after what seemed like ages the mixture began to boil as he stirred so he was finally able to add the peanuts.

While he stirred them in his shadow reached out, finding the candy thermometer and placing it into the pan before he had it take over stirring while he watched the temperature climb until it was ready.

Finally it was crunch mode as he dumped in the baking soda and butter, stirring furiously to mix it all together, the clear mixture studded with peanuts turning orange as he moved to his pie pans and started pouring them in.

There was just enough time to clean everything up before his brittle was cool enough to break rather than string, and he was halfway through one of the pie tins before he even stopped to think.

Eyeing his leftover candy he almost grudgingly began to pack up a small baggie full of the treat, tying it with a bit of black twine and setting it aside, trying not to focus too much on the warm smile he might get for his trouble. Scowling at himself for being such an idiot he reached for the bag and a marker, drawing a pathetic looking ghost on it. There, a fitting gift for a bro.