Nerisei was curious. She couldn't help it. The maze was tall, looming, and seemed ever so frightening. It reminded her of the woods of her home, with dark shadows and endless paths that seemed to be darkness at the end. She couldn't help but move close, examine the materials, and get excited enough to venture inside. Maybe it was a mistake, but she was never one to fear getting lost on her own.

After all, there always was an exit to be found.

As she entered the maze, there were two options. Two very simple, yet very important options. With a slow breath, Nerisei went left.

Almost immediately, a slow moan sounded in the maze, low and full of sorrow. Nerisei couldn't suppress the shiver that ran up her spine, and she paused at the cross road to listen. When the sound finally died away, she let out the breath she was holding and wondered how authentic this really was. She decided to skip the left path and continue forward.

As the path continued on, the hamadryad noticed a boil up ahead, one that was sobbing on a rock. As she neared, the boil seemed to wail louder, and she wondered if this was the source of the sound she had heard earlier. The big question now was if she should ignore the boil or attempt to reassure him. It seemed as if he was keen to ignore her, and so Nerisei felt that she would do the same. She moved as far as she could to the side of the path, passed the boil, and continued forward.

The moaning suddenly stopped, and Nerisei could hear the sound of running water. She took a glance over her shoulder, but all that was behind her was darkness. Shivering again, she faced forward and continued to walk, this time seemingly a great distance. Finally, she sighted something different up ahead, and approached the artificial pond that sat in the middle of her path.

There were two options, it seemed, based on her observations. In the middle of a pond was a cup, one that she was directed to drink from thanks to a sign. However, there also was a sword, and a place for it to be placed within the pond. The question was, which was she suppose to do?

The water did look crystal clear and pretty nice. The more she looked at it, the more thirsty she became, until Nerisei determined she would drink from the cup.

Suddenly, she was assaulted with the vision of vines. They moved around her body, wrapping around her head like a cocoon, and began to wind closer together. She tried to not panic, but the lack of control over the vines caused her breath to hitch, as her body began to prickle in pain from thorns. They weren't actually touching her, but the feeling was there. However, the vines soon faded away and she realized it was all a vision.

Then, she heard the voice say "Go East".

Taking a deep breath, she debated following the path suggested. The vines didn't actually hurt her, so why should do ignore the directions. So she decided to Go East.

Nothing dangerous appeared, but she found a dead end full of glowing stones. They sparkled and hummed, and she couldn't help but take a stone. Righting herself up once more, she realized the maze seemed to be expanding around her. Was this another illusion? It seemed to tower above her head as if it wanted to swallow her whole, or that she was shrinking. In fact, as she glanced around at the pile of stones, they were towering. Was she the size of a gnome?

Suddenly, she saw a path to the side, one that was perfect for her size. Determined, she rushed to the path and followed it through the darkness. She made it out, but it seemed her size was permanent. There was no certainty on how long this would last, but it would take some time to get home. Eventually, as she neared the dorms, her size returned to normal, and she swore she would never touch a glowing stone again.