Taime yawned as we woke up. He stretched and looked around. The black and green lion stood blinking in the bright light as he tried to take in his surroundings. He was too afraid to go out and about to see what the place was like as Chozi had recomended that he stick close. The pride was friendly but not naive enough to let just anybody go wondering around.

He sat back and looked around see as much as he could from his position. The pride seemed to be quite active moving around. Taime was quite shocked at the number of hybrids in one place. Of course he had gathered that this was a pride manly for hybrids. He wondered how it stayed alive from what he knew hybrids couldn't have babies. He waited hoping that Chozi would come by soon so that he could learn more about his surroundings.

Chozi woke early, having wandered away to check on his sister's children - they were also his, so he worried for them. She was a good mother though. He hadn't stayed long, and was walking back to his den where he left the guest he had brought into the lands the night before. Nanth, one of Chozi's only personal orja, had already gone off to do her own thing, though he could see her quite close by as well. "Morning," Chozi said as he arrived, seeing his guest awake.

Chozi spun his head back towards where the voice had come. he had been staring off into the distance in the oposite direction. Excited to see his host he rose to his feet and walked towards Chozi.

"Good morning and thank you." he said to Chozi bowing his head in thanks to the hybrid. "I have been watching the pride from the mouth of your den here. Taime gestured to the spot he had been sitting.

"There are a lot of hybrids here." Taime said subtly wasn't exactly his strong suit.

Chozi gave a small laugh. "Well, it is a hybrid sanctuary. The pride was founded on that," He told the lion. It had been founded long before Chozi was born, but due to a catastrophe, the numbers diminished greatly.

"We survive though, it's a nice place." Chozi was always quick to defend his home. His kids, the ones that stayed at least, thought of it as their home as well, as far as he could tell.

Except Mpenzi, who had followed her brother to another pride.

Taime nodded along as the spoke. He was watching everyone come and go. It was weird being in a pride again. Taime hadn't stepped foot in one since they had left his old home. Some days he missed it but other days Taime loved having his freedom to move about as he saw fit.

"How do you survive?" Taime said not bothering with being politically correct at all. "I mean I was told that hybrids can't have babies. You would think you would all die out and no one would be left." Taime was thinking out loud and not pausing to put the words into something that was polite in fact whatever words went through his head where coming out of his mouth.... not exactly a great feature of his.

Chozi was used to the question, or the inquiry by outsiders. He also had young children - and children that had once been young. He was patient.

"Some hybrids have the ability to carry or produce children," He explained gently. "There's a very small chance, though." Chozi wasn't sure if he should continue, so he stayed quiet for a moment.

He gave a soft sigh. "We keep some non-hybrids here to produce children as well..." He didn't outright call them slaves, most were there by will. Some were captured though.

Taime listened carefully and considered what they hybrid was telling him. "Hmmmm thats interesting. I don't think this is why spread knowledge." Taime of course didn't know at all what other people did or did not know about the ability of hybrids to have children. Heck his old home thought hybrids were an abomination. The hybrid he was talking to now was the first he had ever spoken to.

"Do yo always reed to make hybrids." Taime asked, wondering if those who were non-hybrids were allowed to mate with others of their species or if it was a rule in the pride that any breedings must at least have a chance of making hybrids.

Chozi coughed a but before sitting down. Days he stayed still were the best for his health, but he had gone to visit his sister. "Not always," he answered. "Many of the Orja are free to do a lot of things. It's preferred, of course." He stated. It wasn't unheard of, but slave children were a bit of a rarity.

"Hmmm it seems like an interesting place. I am glad I got to see it. I would say its definitely a unique place in the world." he mused as he walked. Taime always liked seeing new places and i was even better if they were unique. He had gone from a quietish cub in a sheltered pride. After the fire happened and they had moved Taime realized there was a while great big large world out there and he needed to see it all. "Thank you for brining me here." he said with a smile. He started to look around for the border they had crossed over to get here in the first place. It was time for him to get back on his way. There was plenty more world to see.

Chozi gave a small hum, nodding. "We get by. Hybrids are important, but so are the non-hybrids" he said. He stood after a moment. The pride was getting even more busy as those that often took a late start to their day began to rise and emerge from their dens to start their own days. "You're welcome. I'll show you out."