Along their way, Wizard had a thought. Their pride had its collection of...oddities. Of course, he was counted among them along with his mate but that was a different degree of "different". Their coming had announced a dark cloud, and it had the pride unsettled. Myuto figured that his own behavior didn't help the fact but he hadn't exactly grown up in the warming embrace of a kind community.What civility he had was openly desplayed. He wasn't overly friendly but he was far from hostile. For him, that was enough.

Lewenharto, also known as Rennisance, was a brilliant mind but a little on the ...strange side. He was fascinated by everything.


He would pull carcases apart to doodle their innards, carefully counting every little bone in a downed gull and marveling at the anatomy of its guts. Most lions would eat it. If anyone could think up a solution to the buffalo problem, it was him. Of course, he wasn't certain how the Bahari would take to him.

He detoured, straying from the main path between prides to move his guests in the direction of the dens. Ren denned far from the others, in fear of offending the little ones and their mothers, towards the sand dunes.

Neither lion had been sure what to expect of the neighboring pride. They were loud, that was certain, but then it was that time of year again for the Mummer's Ball. Of what they'd been told, the Kizingo'zaa were particularly loud at such a time. Natsu looked around, speckled nose twitching as he took in the smells, ears moving as they took in the sounds. It was a delight, being here, but also already beginning to get... Overwhelming. He'd come from a small family, after all, and their prior pride had been smaller than the Bahari, and while the Bahari'mtoto was booming with activity in comparison, it was still much quieter than this. It was almost a sensory overload.

Her own paws moving, Siobhan found much more fascination with the Kizingo'zaa. With multiple brothers, she knew the worlds of buzzing activity and quiet peace in equal measures, spending as much time surrounded by the cacophony her family brought as she had moments of calm and quiet with just her and Natsu. Her eyes danced as she glanced toward where the festivities were going on, but she noted they weren't heading that way. "Is your pride leader not at the party with everybody else?" Where, indeed, were they headed? It had her wondering, just a bit.

"He would be... I doubt he would have time at the moment to discuss anything. He has to oversee the festivities as the leader.... If he leaves it may cause some alarm." Wizard lifted his head slightly and nodded down the beach, "Another lion... Odd but brilliant lives out this way. He is an alchemist. He is.... Eccentric to put it.... Mildly. But he could come up with a proposal for dealing with your problem. Best approach Riddle-mouth with a problem and a proposed solution than come to him empty-pawed."

Or so he thought. He barely knew the gypsy King.

".... He likes.... Hugs this one. I'll be moving to the side. Just a warning."

Siobhan's ears pricked, eyebrows lifting. "He likes hugs?" She didn't find that a problem, personally. There were a few like that around the Bahari. It was a very loving group of lions, to say the least. But she was also well aware that there were those who weren't so keen on touching, for their own reasons. One of her brothers was like that. Antrim never liked touching, or hugging, even when he'd been, according to her mother, a cub. The rest, though... They were much more into hugging and cuddling, especially their little baby sister. The memory brought a spark of glee to her mind, but she made no external indication of her thoughts.

In comparison to his mate, Natsu's ears went back just slightly as his own eyebrows went up. "Not sure I'm up for a hug. But if he can think of a solution that results in minimal damage, that would make us most happy." He was minutely aware of some distant roar, but he brushed it off, sure it was the waves he heard. "I don't think either pride wants stampeding buffalo, and they're in just the right place they could easily go either way." He cringed, a great grimace on his face. That would surely put a damper on the Mummer's Ball, that was for sure.

"Mm mm....", he thought that an event of that magnitude would be spoken of in the sky, but who knew? There was no science or reason behind his visions. They came, they went. Sometimes they spoke small, other times they spoke big. It was never predictable.

Some fortune-teller he was.

He slowed as they came outside of the den- large for a non-Royal, and decorated with hung pelts, strings of found objects, pelts with paintings drawn on the skin side with colors of crushed berries and other flora, and small oddities that the sea had washed up. A shadow moved back and forth as a frantic voice, speaking to himself, rambled on from the inside.

As they drew closer, for the first time Natsu pondered just what a fortune teller was. What did they do, really? Could they read a lion's fortune? He'd have to ask some time, when one pride wasn't so busy and the other didn't feel so ill at ease. As they approached the den, he couldn't help but have his mind distracted, staring at the various things hanging and painted upon the pelts. Eyes flicking to and fro, he did his best to take them in. "He's a very busy lion, isn't he?"

Her own eyes danced as she took everything in, admiring the strings of shells and such hanging everywhere. She didn't care how touchy-feely the lion living here was, she liked what he'd done with his den and was getting ideas for their own! Perhaps some good soft pelts in the back... Her gaze panned around, soon spying the moving shadow, ears flicking to try and catch the ramblings. Glancing at Wizard, Siobhan tilted her head. "Does he often speak to himself, or is today special?" Not that there was anything wrong with talking to oneself. It just depending on the context, such as talking oneself into doing something they found difficult to do, like jumping down a slope after their less afraid friends. It was when somebody began to talk to themselves as if another lion was there that things became strange or problematic.

"Mmm... alchemists. I don't know much about them. They mostly....seem to enjoy grinding things up to make other things. Potions. Or so they say."

He cleared his throat and reached a paw out to knock at a string of larger bird skulls. The bones rattled together, ringing out loud in the stony hall of the den.

The question was met with another bob of his shoulders. Leo was not one that wizard tried to understand. It was just...none of his business.

A starry-pelted lion peeked out, his eyes wide and his pelt smeared with paints. He had a bone in his mouth that had a bit of his own hair tied to it with a string of dried pelt. The end looked smeared in purple- likely crushed berries.

"Strange time to come calling. Oh hello?" He looked beyond Wizard to the two strangers. Carefully extracting his brush to tuck it behind his ear, and effectively dribbling paint into his mane, he stood himself upright. "There's two faces I don't know."

She had to do her best to not giggle at the paint in his mane. "Hello! Yes, we're something OF new faces!" She motioned to herself and her mate. "I'm Siobhan, and this is Natsu. We're from the Bahari'mtoto, right next door!" She looked past him, trying to gleen what he had been painting purple. Was it another lion? Or perhaps a fruit of some sort. She couldn't tell, though. "What are you painting, if I may ask?" Her curiosity was strong, wanting to know just what he'd been up to before they arrived.

Natsu, on the other paw, was less concerned with the paint, looking up at the skulls that Wizard had nudged. "That's a genious idea!" He went over, rising on his hind paws to get a better look at them. "Though if you found a way to seal the holes, you could put rocks or something in them so they make a bit more noise if they ever get too quiet." He'd have to see about such a thing for their own den back at home. Maybe put it down low, so lions coming to visit didn't have to reach SO high, though. Some were smaller than others.

Newcomers. The word seemed to flutter by, perhaps with the lion's attention, as his face lit up. If anyone appreciated his work- they were instantly a friend. Instantly. The pride, for the most part, enjoyed his crafts and while his behavior was borderline dreamer-like, he was liked well enough to be given some respect among those within the lands.

"Come on in- do mind your paws though. I've a bit of a mess started. I saw the most beatufiul sunset the other day and I wanted to capture it-"

He stepped aside so he could display a large stretched Zebra's skin hanging pinned to the far wall of his den. The den itself was littered with half-finished paintings, skins stretched and being dried, found objects, and turtle shells filled with dyes, berries, and leaves.

Leo's chest swelled as the other newcomer marveled at his announcer. He had to re-name that thing one of these days...

"It's a polite way for my guests to announce themselves. I can hear it clear in the back. I could easily make another if you'd like. I'm sure pitch would seal the holes well- just some sap out of the trees would hold a rock or two in the holes."

The idea of taking one of the things home to hang up delighted him, eyes shining with joy as he stared a bit longer at the collection of skulls. "That would be wonderful, thank you!" He looked back, that bit of knowledge that nothing in life was free politely popping up in his head. "What would you like in exchange? I'm sure we can find about anything." His ears flicked. "Perhaps a buffalo skin..." It would just take a bit of work to get it, was all.

Siobhan gave a sudden start. "The buffalo!" Distracted by the paintings, including the beginnings of the sunset being painted, she had nearly forgotten why they were there. "Wizard said you might know a way to take care of the buffalo that have been in the jungle for about a year now over in the Bahari lands. The jungle's starting to die around them, and they're very irritable and dangerous to anybody!" Now that she thought about it, she suspected that was why there hadn't been cubs in quite a while in the pride. It was just too dangerous to HAVE cubs with them there.

"Oh anything or nothing. It's really no skin off my back. I find the things everywhere, I just had so many I had to find some use for them." Lewenharto replaced his brush into the small bowl of paint and stepped back to get another look at his work. That cloud needed work- and that wave looked too choppy compared to the others-

He startled as the female exclaimed. His eyes went wide. Oh dear, she sounded...distressed.

"Buffalo? Causing troubles are they? Well how many are we talking about?"

"Oh, gosh, I'm not sure... Nobody's gotten a chance to properly count them. Nobody can get close enough TO count them!" Every time somebody tried to go in, they got chased right back out. It made it frustrating for them all. The thought that they might be there for a long time yet suddenly made the idea of bringing cubs into the pride a frightening one for Siobhan.

Natsu's ears went back, thinking of the buffalo. There wasn't much more he could say, really, about their presence. "They'd probably make for a great feast, that's for sure..." And a lot of skins to line dens with. Or, if one got creative with trees growing around the dens, and tying vines... Hanging them to make a flap to keep the wind and rain out.

"A general idea would work well. Are we talking a few? A lot? A whole lot?" He rolled his paw trying to pluck more details from the otherwise vague statement. "Buffalo travel in herds- and they tend to migrate. There must be a reason behind this behavior. A god perhaps? Or perhaps there's something that's keeping them from their ancestrial route. We could start there. Find a non-combative way to deal with them."

" could be. Is there even a god for those beasts? Or migration? Likely...there's gods for puddles and shits these days." Myuto grumbled.

He could only shake his head. "We're not sure, really. Like Siobhan said, nobody can get close enough to find out how many are there or why they've been around so long." It was truly baffling.

Siobhan shot Wizard a look, one eyebrow up. "Everybody believes in something. So long as it's no harm to others... Besides, it makes some folks feel better, to have something to pray to."

Myuto grunted and rolled his eyes. Believe what they wanted. Puddles. Corn. Animals that didn't exist on their continent. It happned- there were crazies out there. He'd seen gods before, his own sire had been one such entity. Darkness. Go figure.

"Then that's where I'll start." Lewenharto snatched a satchel from near the doorway and slung it around his neck. "I'll be off. Once I collect some data, get the lay of the land, and perhaps get some perspective I can come up with something. Any objections?"

Turning thoughtful, Siobhan frowned. "At the moment, I can't think of any objections." She looked at Natsu, head tilted. "What about you?"

He let out a slight huff, also thoughtful. "The first thing I'd suggest is talking to Ram. Don't want any problems on his paws, I'd say. Other than that... Nothing right to mind.

"Ram? Oh the grumpy fellow. Yes, yes, I'll seek him out." Leo checked over his gear and pulled a bit of loose leaves from his mane. It wouldn't do to show up to a pride leader looking like he'd been tumbled across the beach.

"I'll be off then. I'll report on what I find- we'll go from there. Never jump right into things- unless the things you should."

They both chuckled, then gave bows of their heads in farewell to Wizard. Perhaps they would go enjoy the festivities of the Mummer's Ball, while they were on this part of the beach. Side by side, tails twining together, Natsu and Siobhan wandered off toward the sound of festivities.