Home Decor
Decorate your dorm room to make it as spoopy as possible! You may do this in a PRP, or as a Solo.

Other students had been leaving their doors open, the last few days. They were, Kwasi assumed, showing off how organized and mature they were by not having heaps of trash and garbage all over the floor. He was also, grudgingly, aware that they were decorating their rooms in some sort of spoop-off, some getting decidedly competitive over the entire thing. His own door had remained firmly shut. No one needed to see, or smell, what was behind it. Usually he was happy to keep things the way they were, but the open doors, and spotless rooms beyond, gnawed at Kwasi's ego. Weren't students supposed to have messy rooms? It's not like they were adults out on their own - a little chaos was to be expected. Sitting on his bed and looking at his room, part of Kwasi muttered that he was stretching the definition of 'little', but that 'chaos' was accurate enough. After a prolonged battle between that outspoken part and his laziness, the adze gave in. He would 'decorate' his room, as in, he would clean his room. The goal was to have a floor that was, if not completely clear, then at least one where you could reach the carpet just by putting your foot down. It didn't seem very ambitious, unless you had seen Kwasi's floor.

The boil began his long and arduous task by bringing in a sizable collection of garbage bags - 'borrowed' from one of the janitorial closets. His door was firmly locked, as the one thing worse than other students seeing his mess would be other students seeing him cleaning his mess, and his windows were flung open. A fresh breeze passed through the room, and theoretically it should have made everything better, but instead it only contrasted the scents in the room and made them more noticeable. Well, there was nothing to it but to start shovelling everything in sight into the bags. As each was crammed full of empty wrappers and old magazines they were summarily tied off and dragged over to the door. There wasn't much sorting to do - no important items to salvage from the mess. Kwasi had come to school with not much, and things that passed through his hands tended to not have much sentimental value. Dragging his sheets off his bed, he did react in surprise to a kitpin that poked it's head out from a nest and bared it's teeth at him. Kwasi had assumed it had run off ages ago when it vanished, but it seems that it had sustained itself by living on the left overs and garbage. What a smart mini.

Hauling the garbage bags down to the trash chute and dumping them was what Kwasi had originally assumed to be the final task, but when he arrived back in his room, the bare floor simply highlighted all the crumbs, scraps of paper, and assorted little tidbits of garbage. Before the boil could stop himself, he had swept the floor, given all the surfaces in the room a quick dust and wipe, and even dragged his laundry sheets to get washed. This was insane. Or maybe a halloween miracle? Either way, when it was done he sat on his bare mattress, marvelling at how big his room had suddenly become. Of course, he liked cramped - it felt cozy - but who would have thought that just cleaning stuff off the floor would make a place seem so much larger? It was only a day later that he realized, to his horror, that all his precious and hard-won trick or treat candy had got caught up in the clean and was now sitting in the bottom of a trash bin.