Her room was a mess, of course that was normal for the ghost cat as she looked at the various mounds of clothes that seemed to form on the floor. Of course putting them away in her closet wasn’t really something she enjoyed doing but considering the box of decorations she had managed to haul from home to her dorm room she was going to have to if she wanted to decorate. First it started out with her kicking all of the piles closer together, shoving them towards the door of the closet before she stared at the hangers, there was of course a look of debate about simply shoving it into the bottom of the closet and shutting the door and letting them run amok with the minipets but, she decided that she should hang them up.

It took foreeevverrrr or at least what felt like forever for her to hang all of her shirts and sweaters up. Next was putting away everything else into draws, like her panties, socks, and leggings. Of course like always some socks were missing their partners, so in turn the ghost cat simple paired them with another mismatched and quickly stuffed them into the draw without worry. Now all what was left was for her to finally put away the random boots and shoes scattered across the floor. She groaned picking up each one and tossing them into the bottom of the closet hoping she didn’t harm anyone in the process. Of course she went ahead and made her bed, tossed all the blankets and pillows back and finally flopped down being done with the cleaning.

Finally now that her room as clean she could decorate, that was after she took a nap. Cleaning was hard work for the ghost ghoul, plus it was already the afternoon and the warm light coming in the window made her yawn.


An hour later the ghoul woke up again, blinking she looked at the box remembering that she was going to decorate her room for spoopy style for Halloween. Dumping it out she looked at what her mother had reluctantly handed over to her. There was of course some sort of critter thing that could hang, in which she immediately scooted over to the window and hung up so it casted an even larger shadow in her room. There was something that she had merely assumed use to be some sort of spider web. Didn’t matter, it was perfect to go over her desk and then stretched along to her guitar holder and even up the wall almost to the ceiling. It took a bit of a balancing act to not topple over the make shift tower she had made to stand on to reach it. Not that she cared if she ruined any of her schoolbooks it was the guitar case she was more worried about.

Next were a few pumpkins with wretched looking faces, they looked even better when they had little candles in them and they could move their mouths as if they were talking to anyone who passed by. Moving a few things she put them on a shelf together, so they looked as if they were constantly holding a conversation with one another. There were some weird gooey things that she threw against the wall, they stuck and then proceeded to slide down a little bit, reminded her of something sneezing and leaving its mark.

Lastly she pulled out a few bat like beast that she hung from the ceiling. They hand long teeth that glittered from their mouth and long claws that reminded her of a cat.

Some streamers and she considered her room done and perfect.