With the dressing up done, Sorrel moves on to decorating pumpkins. He bought a couple to carve into and are on his kitchen’s countertop all ready for it. The dormouse was humming happily as he works on cutting the top off and scraping out the pumpkin guts. He laughs on how the insides look with pumpkin webbing and all the seeds it has. “I should have this for something . . .” He spoke to himself as he collects the insides into a bowl and saves it for later. The pumpkin seeds can at least be eaten which is very yummy if they’re candied in sweet sugar. With a spoon he scrapes out the last bits inside to make sure it’s completely clean for carving.

With both pumpkins cleaned out, he brought it over to the living room to be with his mini pets as he tries to think of an idea to carve and design. “Hmm . . .” His ears and tail twitch in his thinking, and reaches over to grab a black marker. “Maybe I should try to make a scary looking face for one of them, right?” Looks over to Chiffon who seems to be curious about what he’s trying to attempt. Sorrel began to draw his design of a scary face, or something close to being scary. He draws some scary looking eyes and a big grin with some sharp looking teeth. Giving it a check and two over, it was time to cut it out and grabs a sharp knife. “Carefully . . .” He starts with cutting out the eyes first as he stabs it through the thick skin. It was a little tough, but he wiggles the knife around in cutting along the marked lines. Sorrel tries to make sure that none of the black lines are seen through, but so far it looks pretty good.

The scary looking mouth was next, and that was a little tricky with all the awkward corners he has to cut. “Whoops . . .” He accidentally cuts the tip of the sharp teeth off a little too short than what he had traced on, but Sorrel works with it to finally finish his pieces. “There! What do you guys think?” He shows them the scary pumpkin, but they didn’t look too scared at it. In fact, Torte just scoffs it off. “You could be a little nice about it.”

Setting the pumpkin aside, he moves on to the other pumpkin he has and decides to make a cute design. Sorrel can actually do that with ease as he draws adorable round shape eyes and a cheerful grin with the marker. It’s not a skill so useful here, but he does like what he can make as he draws a big happy smile across the pumpkin with the marker until he feels happy with it. Now he cuts it out, and it was rather easy. A few slashes with the knife and cutting out the pumpkin rind, the face was finally made. It really does look adorable, but he hopes it’ll look nice when it’s lighten up.

Grabbing a couple of candles and a match box, he place the candles inside of his pumpkins and lit up the match to light the candles. His carved pumpkins were Jack-o-lanterns now and it gave that spooky aura that his carving couldn’t do alone. “This is really cool, huh?” Chiffon and the other minis walked up to the lanterns in admiring the lighting from the inside and lies down next to it in liking the warmth. They were a better use for his minis which made him very happy.