So normally I would probably put this in the sub-forum, but I feel like it more belongs here. <3

I'm looking to get the Mlima Tuokoa back up and running smoothly and to do that I'm looking for individuals who may be interested in becoming rather...notorious characters within the Mlima Tuokoa. They can be rogues that join or pre-existing members, but they will not be overly well-liked by a good amount of the colony. I might be able to do a coupe of customs if people are interested but don't have anything in here, but I have things I need to catch up on before I can even -really- think about that. So, ideally I'd like the SoA to already be existing. Lions, leopards, anything the pride accepts is totally free game!

The colony's about to take a rather...dark turn.

My first idea? Heretics. As some of you may be aware of, the colony worships Shan Furen. Well, this is the real Shan Furen, but not the one the colony's lore is based upon. They've romanticized her until she's unrecognizeable from the real deal. The one the colony worships is a pale, feminine leopard who is more cream and white colored. While no one except of a single noble has actually met the real Shan Furen, rumors have begun spreading about the dark brown figure with wings made of stars and a following behind this warrior goddess is growing within the colony. Most heretics will likely follow her viewing her as a sort of savior to the colony or something of the kind.

I would like to mention that heresy will come with the possibility of being exiled or death, likely the latter. This is only if they're 1) found out and 2) proven guilty.

What do you need if there are heretics? Someone to get rid of them. This is where the inquisitors come in. They will be a rank within the priesthood utterly devoted to maintaining the religious sanctity of Shan Furen's image. They are tasked by the crown to find and rid the colony of anyone who would spread heresy about their goddess. They'll be ruthless and need to offer no sympathy to the heretics within the colony.

Both of these ranks will be unlisted ones and no one will 'officially' be listed as a heretic or an inquisitor on their cert.

Another idea that's forming is a elite squad tasked with protecting the crown, particularly the monarch and their heir. This will be headed by Aalis, the daughter of Queen Elisheba. They're sort of...outside the law and will go to extreme lengths to keep their wards safe. They'll be characterized by every member having a raven which they use to report back to Aalis with, as well as using it to spy on others when they can't. As such, many members of the colony will likely grow wary of ravens and quiet when one is spotted nearby in fear of being the new one thrown from the mountain for the sake of protecting the royalty.

This will be a group will work without the monarch or their heir truly knowing the intention or the full extent the group will go to to maintain their safety. This on the otherhand will be a certed rank, with two ranks appearing. One being Silencer and the other being Listener. For both ranks, it should be fairly obvious what they specialize in~

Keep in mind this 'guard' will be relatively unknown, a sort of boogie man and something for everyone to fear if they even breathe a single word bad about the monarch, their heir or anything to that effect. No one, save those that work for her, will know that Aalis is the one behind it all. (;