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nessiaing: Giz was on the move. Hewa had settled nicely into the pride he called home but the blue male was restless. Since he was a young teen he had an itch that needed scratched and to do that he needed to get back out into the rogue lands and see the world. Giz loved his home but he liked to see the world too and the only way he would be able to add to his harem was if he went out into the rogue lands. He wanted to help keep the bloodlines in the pride open. Already some of his siblings had mated up with siblings from another litter it was too close to home for Giz's liking.

While he traveled Giz kept in mind the prophecy his beautiful little seer had told him. He woudl find more love with the colour blue but beware red. With the thought of colours in his head he set a trail through the rouge lands, no real destination in mind. He would get there when he got there.

hibi: Mneme stared at the small rodent she had caught. She was not hungry, but she sort of felt like eating. What she felt was boredom, but she never had the concept explained to her before so she was unaware of it. Survival was what she was aware of. Survival had been all she had known when she was still with her sisters. Now there was only her. One sister dead, the other sister missing. And here she was surviving from place to place.

She had been following a goddess for some time as a servant, along with a red strange-marked male, but eventually they too disappeared from her life. One day she woke and they had all gone, and she was alone again. It was a pattern she did not like, and in the process she had grown distrustful of everything. First prides, then gods, then everyone. They would all just leave her eventually...

Deciding that eating when not hungry was not worth the clean-up of her coat, Mneme watched the rodent scurry away as she let it go. She sighed, blue furr sitting in a cloud of dust.

nessiaing: As Giz moved he kept his eyes peeled for any colour in the plain colours of the fields he walked through. For miles all he could see was the tall yellow grass that was dry and cruncy under his step. A breeze shifted the grass before him and almost like an illusion he spoted the colour blue, and lots of it. He perked up at the sight suddenly it seemed his venture out into rogue lands was going to pay off.

He of course was counting his chickens before they had even hatched, he hadn't even said hello to her and he was already dreaming of her coming back to his pride with him and joining his harem. He marched towards her a smile on his face. No one could mistake Giz as threatening, perhaps a touch cocky but not a treat of any sort.

"Hello there." he said to her softly as he reached her. He noticed the rodent scurring away.

hibi: Mneme's head snapped in Giz's direction, pupils dilated and body frozen. She had not heard the male coming up on her because of her zoned out interest in the rodent and now she was compromised in a position that her mind was scrambling for an exit to.

Her mind was swimming with thoughts that were making no connection, and her body was still frozen tightly in her position. All she could do was breathe in an out slowly, audibly, with dilated pupils so wide they reflected everything that looked into them. She began to shrink into herself, hoping that the look of her being so small would dissuade the male from whatever it was he was here for.

nessiaing: Giz watched the female shrink away to herself and he frowned. This was the exact opposite thing he had invisioned happening. "Wait no its okay I am nice." he said quickly trying to make her feel more at ease. He took a few steps back and bowed down a little. He didn't want to appear intimidating to her. He tried to shrink down so that he wasn't towering over her.

"My name is Giz what is yours?" he asked once he laid down so low that he even rested his chin on the ground. His tail was swishing playfully behind him. It had been so much easier with Hewa she had been sitting there waiting for him.

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hibi: Mneme watched the male and his displeased frown. He seemed to have had an expectation of how their encounter would go that was anything other than this, and it only vexed the lioness further. She fixated her gaze on the male as he moved, watching as he first backed off, then bowed, and then practically flattened himself to the dusty ground below them in an attempt to ease her anxieties, but it wasn't helping.

All she could fixate on was him and his markings and the thought that had now penetrated the static of her mind that revolved around why he was doing all of this. What did he want? What was his game? Is she going to be attacked?

When the thought that she might be attacked crossed her mind, her hackles raised quickly and she started taking swift glances around her looking for other signs of life that were not the vultures. It was a solid few minutes before she felt placated enough to turn her gaze back to him where it stayed.

"Why names?" Was her reply, as she looked him over once more, before darting her gaze to her sides.

nessiaing: Giz did his best to hold his composure he could see tha tthe lioness was no responding in the way that he thought she would. Fighting the urge to flatten his ears or frown with displasure Giz held his postion. Keeping his eyes on the lioness and not looking around him as if he were counting on someone else to come out and help him.

"I find name make social interactions easier." he told her his voice low and calm. "I travel a lot you see, collecting information about the lands around my pride. When I meet other souls I like to introduce myself get to know them and where they are from. It is the best way to collect information." He spoke slowly althouh his heart was racing. Perhaps this was not the blue lioness his beautiful orical had foresaw for him.




