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So many stories to find with so little time to tell them.

Ever since she had left her home to venture out into the roguelands as a story teller Sayuri found that there was just so many things to learn. Life out here was different, it had a wild taste to it that freed her from any previous restrictions. While she did on occasion miss her family the leopardess was truly finding it appealing to wander. And when she would manage to get home her hope was that she would have enough stories for a few good moons before heading back out again.

And maybe just maybe she would have the evidence to prove that proud ‘leader’ wrong. Just the thought made her maw clench in frustration. How was it that some stupid rogue could go in and just make her family look so awful? Did age make such a drastic difference? Adults got injured too! It wasn’t like my siblings and I were mere cubs. Sayuri huffed as she walked along the river’s edge. It wasn’t fair that the mistake of their warriors was dragged into her family’s life. It wasn’t the fact that young leopards had joined in that was the problem…it was the lack of preparedness all around. If everyone got cut down for their mistakes then what was the point of learning? No one died that day either…thankfully.

While the leopardess found herself lost in thought the lithe form of a rather blue lion slipped into view. Sayuri may have not noticed him because of her distracting thoughts, but Anai definitely took the time to notice her. Is she really here? The rogue smiled in silent laughter at the image of the leopardess just walking along. It seemed a whole stampede could run through without breaking her concentration.

It really was amusing to see.

Sighing as if a thousand years were buried on her heart Sayuri stumbled in surprise as she finally noticed the lion walking next to her, “Oh!” Hissing the leopardess jumped backwards to stare down the male. Sure he was handsome enough, but he was a lion! Was he going to be aggressive like those other two from before? Still…she was smart enough to notice his gaze. It didn’t seem menacing…

“Don’t worry I’m not going to eat you.” Anai teased lightly as he waved a paw towards her stony expression, “That’s too much of a hassle for me.” The lion stretched out as Sayuri slowly circled around him. She definitely was wary, but that was to be expected out here. Especially for a female so petite and delicate looking like her…something told him though that this leopardess was not to be taken for granted. There was a steel in her gaze that he could respect.
“So what do you do? Wait until they stop suspecting you so it’s not a hassle any longer?” The sarcasm came out without menace, but with more of a tease. As she circled she slowly began to relax. If this lion had been plotting something then he wouldn’t be so at ease, right? It didn’t even look like he was trying to hide any tension in the way he was standing there. Still it was better safe than sorry and so Sayuri made certain to keep a few breaths away.

“As it is do you need something from me?” She raised an eyebrow, “Or do you just normally stalk behind strangers?” It was obvious he was used to being a rogue with freedom. There seemed to be no worry in his expression nor was he tense at all by being near her. That or I just look really, really weak. Who would worry over a flower like her? Hah, if only they knew!

Smiling at the amount of sass the little leopard had to offer Anai shrugged, “Not really. You just looked like you were about to stumble into the waters so I wanted to keep an eye on ya.” He truly did have a charming smile as he glanced towards the river, “Takes a lot to get that lost in thought.”

A light flush lit her cheeks. Had she really been that lost in her thoughts? Glancing down the leopard noticed exactly how close she had been towards the water’s edge. It was fortunate that there had been no crocodiles ready for her then. The thought brought a small smile to her face, “I suppose I wanted to swim?” She suggested lightly, “I do rather enjoy water at times. One day I may swim and learn how to dive like those who live on the southern beaches. I hear treasures from lands faraway often get washed up there along with even stranger creatures.”

Anai laughed at her reply, “Oh? Then you truly must have wanted to enjoy the water just now.” The lion smirked towards her, “You have a beautiful voice for telling tales. Has anyone told you that?” A story teller of sorts himself the previous scribe enjoyed hearing others who could weave stories from the air. It was nice how mild fantasies could become so real in the right paws.

Nodding Sayuri blinked up towards the lion, “It’s why I’m out here actually.” She finally admitted softly, “I come from a colony where some of us are offered the chance to roam and learn more about the world. After I learn what I can, I wander back home for a bit to retell these stories before heading back out again.”

“Oh?” Anai grinned, “Sounds like a fun life then. Though perhaps a bit lonely….if you want company I can tell you a few tales about the desert lands and a pride that once thrived there.” A very tragic tale in his heart, but one that still held fond memories regardless. If the pride couldn’t live on at least its memory would.

At the suggestion Sayuri found herself pausing. Company? She had thought that she would be alone most of this trip…never had she imagined running into such a friendly and charismatic lion….her family would definitely be surprised! I may have to keep this story on the down low. She smiled at the thought before finally nodding, “I suppose some company doesn’t hurt. As long as you promise me that your tales will be vivid and interesting~”

Laughing Anai nodded, “Of course.”

(1057 WC)