Seaki: Nuru was giddy. Well to be more accurate, she was high on adrenaline. The sun was hot, and she was running it was exhilarating! She would be able to crash into the cool water of the river after her run and that's what made it worth it. As a guard, she found herself training herself. While running wasn't a necessary skill as a guard - someone that was supposed to takedown an opponent. Nuru just liked to run.

nessiaing: Taime had left the pride of hybrids and was back on his mission to see the world. He thought he had made pretty good progress so far; he had seen a pride of hybrids, a family that was being hunted by a cannibal. Really the world had proved to be quite amazing so far. He woud never have been able to see all of these things if he had stayed at home. There were no cannibals or even killers (since his great grandfather died) in his old home. There certainly weren't any hybrids.

Today he was looking for water. The black male was dying in the hot tempertures and the sun beating down on his pelt. Thirst was driving him at this point. He heard the tell tale sound of a babbling river and he turned to head in hat direction as quick as he could.

Seaki: The Canjawa centered on the river - it was an essential part of the pride's continued existence. Every pride needed a source of water to survive. Theirs - the Nile - happened to be large and made the land quite fertile. It had been quite some time since Nuru even thought of having children - a long time since she felt safe enough to even consider it. This place was good though. It was a place she was safe. It didn't take much more for the pale yellow lioness to slow her speed to a trot. It was best to cool down before jumping in the water. It might shock her system into cramping! She had experienced that more than once in her life! She was panting a bit as she made her way towards the familiar sound of the river.

nessiaing: Reaching the water Taime wasted no time. Instead of simply drinking from the edge the male walked himself into the water up to his chest. The liquid cooled him immediately and he sighed in his relief. Stooping his head he began to take long drinks of water.

Having drank his fill for the moment Taime looked back up in time to see the pale yellow female coming his way. He was happy to see someone else in the area. Taime had learned that travelling was only fun when you met others from the area you were visiting. It was those that new the land that were able to give him all the information and secrets of the area. There was only so much one could learn on their own simply passing though

Seaki: Nuru sighed as she reached the water. Her heart rate had gone down, and so had the adrenaline. It left her hot and itchy, so she waded into the water, allowing the current to brush away the desert dust off of her body. She didn't even notice the male until her belly nearly touched the surface of the water. She nearly reeled in surprise. "Hello," she greeted. He had rather dark fur for someone being out and about in the daytime. "Aren't you hot?" She asked.

nessiaing: Happy that the female greated him and in a way that he interpurted as friends, her question after at all seemed to suggest concern with him.

"Yup, the water is helpful though. Plus you start to get use to it always having the black pelt no matter where you go." he said a chuckle in his voice.

"Though I must admit the strength of this desert sun is much harsher than any sun I have been under before." he added looking up into the sun blinking over and over again.

"Are you from around this area?" he asked excited about the possiblity to learn. He of course was skipping social events like introducing himself.

Seaki: Nuru gave a small laugh. "Indeed, a light pelt helps. Usually those with dark pelts are about in the morning and evening." That's how the guard worked at least. Nuru ' s pelt was light, so she was often out at the peak of the sun. She moved through the water a bit. The surface was was warm, but the water at her paws felt cool and nice. "I'm not, but I do live here." She had only recently became part of the pride, hoping to make it her home. "And you're not, either," the light-colored lioness stated. "Where are you from?"

nessiaing: "I am from many places. Originally I lived in the a swamp and then moved to the mountains. But now I travel the world its better like that." Taime hadn't felt like he belonged in either home that he had had. In fact he had felt most at home when he was on his pilgrimage, he had returned home with his new name as thats what he was suppose to do. When they moved to the mountains though and his father left the pride Taime said a quick goodbye to his sister and moved on.

"Tell me about where you live." Although he didn't want to live in another pride he was always interested in knowing how others lived. Perhaps the pale lioness would even give him a tour. "My name is Taime by the way. It's nice to meet you."

HE moved into deeper water to cool off more as he waited for the females reply. He loved the water, and this water was way better than the muddy water that ran through the swamps.

Seaki: Nuru had heard of the swamps and what had happened. She had been travelling at the time, her own pride having disbanded. "I live here now," She laughed. "It's different, from my old home, but it's nice. I work as a guard," She told him. The pride was pretty lax at the moment though, as they encouraged new blood in.

"We have a pharaoh, that rules the lands, and his wife who leads this place," She was sure the pride would differ over time. Prides that stagnated often failed, she had noticed. She gave a small yawn. "I suppose its the same as any pride, really, though its small. It has the potential to grow."

nessiaing: Taime niodded along listening to the pale yellow lioness. It did sound like most other prides but he feigned interest. Nuru was a nice lioness and just because Taime found prides boring didn't mean he thought Nuru was boring.

He laughed a little when she stated exactly what he was thinking it was just like any other pride. "I am sure it will grow in time most prides seem to." he agreeded. "Why don't you show me around the rest of the lands?" he asked. He liked Nuru and had decided that he might like to stay around here for the next little while.

Seaki: Nuru bodded her head in a nod. "If it gets too hot we can always come back to the river," The river snakes through the lands, so it would be quite easy. She pulled herself from the waters, shaking off the excess as she reached the shore. "Lets go then."