Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 4:59 pm
Bell's Bright n' Shiny Plot Thread My old plot thread was feeling too cluttered/complicated, so I've decided to make a new and much simpler one! Whoo! Bell's Muse is: Super Active! Give me ALL the plots/RP!
Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 5:56 pm
Underdeveloped Darlings These are the ponies that I need the most RP with, since I need a grasp of their characters! They are more likely to fit into any plots that you might want for your own ponies, or can be used for casual meet n' greets! Savannah Personality Blurb: A rough n' tumble "wild child". Savannah is adventurous, bold, and is determined to run off to wherever her gut tells her, regardless of the consequences. Potential Plots??: If you've got a quest down some adventurous road, Savannah will follow along in stride. If you've got a pretty face, she'll follow just as willingly, if only to boast about her adventures and try to impress ya. ;3 Romantic Notes: Savannah is bisexual, with a leaning towards mares. She's off the market until she's old enough though. Eleanor Foal Cert Personality Blurb: Despite being raised by a survivalist father, Ellie never quite grew up, keeping her whimsical foal hood ways close to her heart. Oblivious to any sort of darkness, bubbly Ellie is a lover of love and believes that it can chase the clouds away on any day! Potential Plots??: Grumps that Ellie can cheer up by sheer force of will. Once she finds a frown, she's determined to turn it upside down, no matter what it takes! Romantic Notes: I would like to find Ellie someone to love! Whether it's another pony who is just as loving as she as, or a darker Soq who wants a loving pet, I'm happy to try anything! Go ahead and offer! (No gender/breed restrictions.) Ambrose Personality Blurb: Raised in a healers elitist herd, Ambrose has been raised to believe that anyone who doesn't show visible Unicorn/Kirin traits are beneath him. He has left his herd not for the case of disagreeing with their principles, but in search of other strong blood lines to bring home and potentially, a pretty mate. (Along the way, he'll come across his ostricized sister, Rosalyn and potentially change his ways, but for the time being, he'll be acting as a prejudiced buttface.) Potential Plots??: He's a healer for hire: If you're in need, he'll gladly help you.. For a price. He's also a recruiter for his herd, so if you've got any healing magic in you, whether it come from strong Unicorn or Kirin bloodlines, then he might try to convince you to come back with him... Especially if you're his type. Romantic Notes: Initially looking for Unicorns or Kirins, or crosses with the two breeds. This may change as his character shifts after meeting with his long lost sister. At any rate, he's off the market now until he's older.
Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 6:39 pm
Plot-Intensive Ponies Which is to say that these are the ponies that I've put a lot of effort into and am looking to continue their futures until they get their happy endings. Some of these ponies will be more flexible in their plots than others, but I hope you'll be interested in them all the same! Tenzin Personality/History Blurb: Tenzin lives in the Western Forest, accompanied only by his wolf familiar, Damian. While initially reclusive, the soft-spoken stallion was able to come out of his shell with Damian's help as well as the wandering Soquili who came into his forest. The familiar-proclaimed (as Damian was the one who came up with the title) "Guardian of the Western Forest", Tenzin continues to help anyone who steps hoof into his home... So long as they have good intentions. Plots: Travelers From Afar - Having never set hoof outside of the Western Region, Tenzin is always amazed by the stories of traveling ponies and would gladly offer you a safe place to lay your head in return for a tale of wherever you've come from. Brute Force - As a draft stallion, Tenzin carries a lot of strength within him. If you're in need of a bodyguard through the Western Forest, he's the stallion to ask. Putting a spin on things, this plot can also be used against someone else, whether it's a skinwalker or another threat. Regardless of what you are, if you mean harm to Tenzin's forest, you can bet that this stallion will be there to stop you. Guardian of the Western Forest - I'd like Tenzin to get his reputation as the Guardian of the Western Forest up. Whether it's through rumors spread by his familiar, Damian or through his various good deeds, I'd like for people to know about my boy. Romantic Notes: Tenzin is off the market! Sorry, ladies! Lockes Personality/History Blurb: Lockes has never been the most stable of mares. For the longest time she has been dealing with the impulse to have other ponies conform to her ideals of perfection and when they wouldn't confirm, she violently murdered them. While this attracted her carnivorous gator familiar, Grimm, she has since come to terms that the path of a murderer is not the one that she wishes to walk down. She continues to have her episodes, though they are slowly becoming fewer and farther between, though she still needs all the help she can get for her inner demons to be put to rest. Plots: Helping Hooves - Lockes needs friends and healers to talk to on a semi-regular basis. Maybe she has a regular healer that she visits in hopes that talking to someone who has helped others can somehow help her too. Although at this point, Lockes just needs some people that actually care about her, even if for a little bit. Delightful Divas - Just because her obsession with making other Soquili perfect doesn't mean that her own hygiene habits have slowed down! She would love to make some friends with a few others who have similar takes on good hygiene and fashion. This could be a stranger she met at the hot springs, or friends that she's made in the past. Why, they could all meet up for a Divas' Day! Embracing the Darkness - (Note: This plot is sort of up in the air unless someone takes an avid interest in it. If no one takes interest, I'll propel Lockes towards a happy ending instead.) Lockes had been having a really good streak recently. She hadn't killed in seasons and she had made friends who stuck by her side as she recovered through her illness. She really thought that the darkness in her mind had gone and that all would be well again. But there's always something lurking in the background, isn't there? One day, Lockes is preparing to travel West to visit her favorite hot spring location, when she is greeted with a positively filthy Soquili who looked as though they crawled right out of a swamp! Seasons of repression and malice come out tenfold and the body is hardly un-recognizable by the time she is through with it. Lockes, frightened of her inner darkness, flees the scene and the happy life she had started, running away to where she hopes no one can find her, but unknown to her, someone has taken notice of her, someone who may have been watching her for a very long time. A Hunter's Pet: ( "Embracing the Darkness" Cont.) For this plot, I would need a very dark Soquili to take up an interest in Lockes and be inclined to make her into their pet. In her broken state, it would be easy to convince Lockes that she was a monster and she would likely follow anyone who would stick with her despite her murderous episodes. This could be a dark Soquili or a Walker looking for a longtime plaything. I just don't want her to get killed through any of it. Romantic Notes: Lockes has three flings lined up, which will leave her with only one left over when they are finished and she gets maxed. I still want her to find her happily ever after (unless she ends up the plaything of a Walker) is there anyone who would be interested in her after her flings are complete? Thalia Veraldi Personality/History Blurb: Thalia was the only foal of two conservative parents. While they taught her not to judge others based on their appearances, "scary on the outside doesn't mean scary on the inside", her parents kept her hidden away from the world. By the time that Thalia was ready to go out and explore on her own, she was more than happy to spread her wings and take off, holy to be away from the cramped comfort of her home. That was, until she realized that she had absolutely no idea what she was doing or where she was headed. Not wanting to turn back so soon, she simply chose a direction and went with it, flying wherever the winds took her. She's made a few lovely friends already and now that she's feeling more confident, she's determined to continue seeing all that the Soquili lands have to offer her! Plots: Merry Music Makers - Thalia is very musically inclined, loving to sing whether she's on the road or off of it. She would love to meet others who are just as interested in music as she is. If she got enough Soquili interested, maybe they could become a traveling band! On The Road - This is a pretty casual plot for meet n' greets with fellow travelers/wanderers on the road like herself. They could exchange a few stories or brave a dark wooded area together and then split off when they came to the end of their small adventure. Romantic Notes: Thalia is off the market! Sorry, boys! Rosalyn Personality/History Blurb: Rosalyn was ostricized from her herd after she didn't carry any of her mother's unicorn traits. Having no where to go or friends to turn to, Rosalyn traveled as far away from her herd's territory as she could get, before coming across a forested grove where she took refuge and would continue to live indefinitely. Through experiences of her own, Rosalyn realized that she had a natural talent for gardening and within her grove started a rose garden, which was highlighted by the wild flowers that already grew there. It was through the comforting scents of the flowers that Rosalyn decided that if any Soquili were to stumble across her garden feeling woeful, that she would try to help them through aromatherapy and the simple gift of listening. She has been doing so ever since. Plots: Flowering Friendships - Do you have another Soquili that's interested in gardening? Maybe they could stumble across Rosalyn's garden! She'd be more than happy to teach those willing to learn and/or exchange helpful tips with other experienced gardeners! Tale of Woe - Soquili who feel burdened with a tale of woe should get it off their chest, or so Rosalyn feels. If you've got someone who's willing to talk, then she's willing to listen. And while you're at it, why don't you stop and smell the flowers too? Romantic Notes: Rosalyn has only just gotten the news that she's going to be a momma! When her foals are grown, she'll be back on the market and searching for her LM, but until then you're gonna have to wait. Sorry, boys!
Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 6:56 pm
Friendly Familiars These familiars are open for flings/mates and plots! Poke me if you're interested! Familiars  - Damian is bonded to Tenzin, living with him in the Western Forests. His first priority is always going to be Tenzin's wellbeing, but he won't ignore a pretty she-wolf if she crosses his path.  - Grimm is bonded to Lockes, traveling with the mare wherever she goes, so long as there is a steady supply of food coming in, though Grimm has been known to wander off if she smells something (or someone) tasty nearby.  - Tanya is Damian's daughter. She followed the path of her mother, Scout, and joined the Wolf Pack.
Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:02 pm
This thread is now open! There isn't any form, just post an offer! 3nodding
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:26 am
Hihi! I was wondering if you would like to have Ambrose meet Aziza! Even though she's a unicorn Aziza has very weak healing powers. The most she can do at the moment is closing minor cuts or fading bruises. Instead of using her horn she prefers herbal medicine. Could prove interesting (or just plain funny) for someone who holds healing in such a high regard to meet her!
Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 12:28 pm
Pollack Hihi! I was wondering if you would like to have Ambrose meet Aziza! Even though she's a unicorn Aziza has very weak healing powers. The most she can do at the moment is closing minor cuts or fading bruises. Instead of using her horn she prefers herbal medicine. Could prove interesting (or just plain funny) for someone who holds healing in such a high regard to meet her! This sounds like a wonderful plot! I can even see Ambrose getting so frustrated that he tries to insist upon teaching her some sort of healing magic in attempts to show her how "superior" it is. xD Would you care to start it, or shall I?
Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 2:50 am
belloblossom Pollack Hihi! I was wondering if you would like to have Ambrose meet Aziza! Even though she's a unicorn Aziza has very weak healing powers. The most she can do at the moment is closing minor cuts or fading bruises. Instead of using her horn she prefers herbal medicine. Could prove interesting (or just plain funny) for someone who holds healing in such a high regard to meet her! This sounds like a wonderful plot! I can even see Ambrose getting so frustrated that he tries to insist upon teaching her some sort of healing magic in attempts to show her how "superior" it is. xD Would you care to start it, or shall I? xD Lol, he's gonna have one hell of a time succeeding with a student like Aziza!
I don't mind starting out. Here you are deary~
Da roleplay
Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 10:34 pm