Ornella stretched and yawned. The elegant lioness moved quickly through the shadows. It was night time but Ornella didn't have sleep on the mind. Tonight seemed like a great night to hunt. The sky was clear and the wind low she figured she would be able to go mostly undetected by most pray.

Her silver coat shimmered in the moonlight as she paused outside some bushes she could hear some hares within them. She pondered the best way to scare them out into the open without them getting away.

Kifunguo was born in darkness, and had never known a true light. Now that his vision was stolen from he the God was eternally trapped, though these days he was feeling infinitely less bitter about it. In fact...Kifunguo was quite...pleased. Nisija was proving to be a good distraction from the melancholy of an extended existence and for that, he was grateful. As he prowled the rogue lands, the God became aware of prey beasts close to him. He could hear their scurrying paws in the dirt, could caught glimpses of their skeletal structures as they scampered into hiding. They knew he was there, and that another was closing in. He didn’t bother hiding his true form; rather, he kept it, and waited.

Ornella creeped towards the bushes. She was going to have to try her luck. Her plan was to make a commotion on one of the bushes and then dart around to the other side to hopefully catch at least one of the hares that scurried out. Her only hope was that one of them was slow.

She was unaware of the god that stood further in the shadows. She set her plan into motion to pounched causing all sorts of noise to occur on the one side of the bush and then ran full tilt to the other side. She didn't see the figure already there her only focus was to catch a hare as it ran out. Her eyes were low to the ground not looking where she was going but instead looking for her dinner. Suddenly her full tilt became a dead stop when she ran into something hard and large. She fell back onto her back, as she was lying there she tried to figure out what she had just hit.

He knew the creature was going to run after the hares; that much was obvious. What Kifunguo hadn’t been expecting was for the predator to fly towards him. Even with his wings he couldn’t move out of the way fast enough, and so he was forced to bear the brunt of it. While the God wasn’t knocked over himself, he didn’t make a large ‘omph’ noise, followed a cursed hiss. He was going to feel that in the morning!

Out of surprise, Kifunguo’s skeletal wings had unfurled, creating a protective ‘barrier’ around him. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

Ornella stared up at the skeletal wings, she had heard of gods before and even had known that some at one point or another walked the earth with the mortals, but she had always pictured them as beautiful, fluffy angelic like creatures. What was before her was nothing like she had ever imagined.

"I am so sssorrry" she stuttered. Unable to take her eyes away from the creature before her but also wishing to run at the same time. Her dinner was now the furthest thing from her mind. She wondered if perhaps she was about to die... or may was already dead.

Kifunguo wasn’t overly large, in truth he was rather regular, but by God standards. To a mortal he musted have seemed frighteningly big and imposing with his wings, elongated fangs, and over all surly demeanor. “I didn’t ask for your apology.” He turned to face her, though it was more out of habit than an actual need to see her. Kifunguo saw the world around him in skeletons and bones; nothing else. Everything else was a mass of black nothingness, while the creature before him was like a clear moving image of what she might look like if she were dead for hundreds of years. The fact that it was female explained a lot. He disliked nothing more than females, with only a few exceptions. “You can’t have been so focused on the hunt that you ignored the sight of a God.”

Ornella worked to right herself, with her feet firmly planted on the ground she felt a little more at ease. The god was frightening but in the end just an angry male. Ornella had dealt with a number of them from time to time.

"Its hard to see in the dark. You are black and in the shadows you can't expect to be seen. If you don't want to get run into then perhaps you should stay out of the shadows." she said a bit of edge in her voice. Ornella had been alone for a long time some of her social niceties were long gone.

“Perhaps if I were able to differentiate between shadows and lightened areas I would accomodate your needs.” Kifunguo quipped. While he was naturally surly, it only intensified when he was embarrassed. If it were night then it would have made sense for her not to notice him right away, as he remembered having a darker pelt. Wasn’t his mane brighter, though? Had it been green?, blue? His wings flexed to a full extension before tucking themselves in at his sides. “You still have a fair amount of space between your vertebrae, so I can forgive your actions based on your youth.”

Ornella cocked her head to the side... had he just based her age on her vertebrae. She paused before speaking. His tone had changed perhaps she too should change hers.

"How can you see my vertebrae?" she asked unsure if she really wanted to know. Her interest was peeked though. She felt herself relaxing bit by bit.

“How can I not, when your skeletal structure is the only thing I can see.” Kifunguo wasn’t exactly warming up to her by any means, but at least his voice lacked the bite of earlier. “I am the God of Bones, and also blind, in the mortal sense.” The admission wasn’t common for him; most could tell what he was upon first inspection, but since it was darker out he didn’t know if she would be able to. “My sight was taken from me, and now all that I can see are the very things I have dominion over.”

Ornella listened now fully interested in what this male had to live with. "That sounds difficult to never see colour again." That was what Ornella would miss the most. Although her pelt lacked any colour she found the colour the bes tthing there was. She was always seaking out new brightly coloured flowers to wear behind her ear.

"My name is Ornella by the way." she told him. He hadn't asked her name and she felt he was unlikely to give her his but she felt it was still good to tell him.

"Do you come down to earth a lot?" she asked him. She was curious about the way the gods worked and lived. She decided not to ask anything more about his powers, it didn't seem like a happy topic.

Color wasn’t the thing he missed the most. He could live in a monochromatic world very happily if only he were able to see it. That would have made the difference. No more flying into trees, landing in oceans, or spending hours flying just to find a living creature for directions. Some things he knew instinctively; it came with being a God, and others were not as easy to come by. “I don’t.” Blatantly ignoring the admission of her name, he carried on, “I normally try to avoid it. Your kind are prone to early deaths, and the circle of life becomes to hard to keep up with.”

It sounded like a depressing life to Ornella. Though in someways her's was just as depressing. She had been alone for what seemed like forever just talking to creatures here and there. Though most of the conversations went better than the one with this god.

"Oh so I am special to have ran into you?" she asked trying to bring a lighter tone to the conversation. "What brought you down today?" Perhaps there was something he needed, she would be willing to help him maybe send some good karma her way.

“I suppose you are.” Kifunguo’s tone was lighter, even if the God did nothing to try and smile. It was certainly becoming more of a habit for him to run into mortals rather than others of his kind. “I’ve been here for a while now, but so far I’ve stayed on the beach. I branched out to visit with a friend, though now I’m having difficulties making it back.” He still hadn’t known why he had visited Sekmes. Kifunguo hadn’t seen the other God since he became a father again, and now that his spawn were adolescents Sekmes was trying to set Kifunguo up with one of his three daughters. While he didn’t doubt they were “gems of unmeasurable caliber” the last thing he wanted was a Goddess for a mate.

"Are you trying to get back to the beach?" she asked. It had been a little while since she had been to the beach but she did know where it was.

"I could help you get back there, its only a day or two walking at my pace. If you don't mind going a little slower I can get you back there in one piece." she offered to him. She found herself holding her breath waiting for the gods answer. She still didn't know his name so anytime she reffered to him in her head he was simply 'the god.'

“I would like that.” While it was as close as he was going to get to a ‘thank you’, Kifunguo truly was grateful. If he had tried to find it himself he may have been roaming the mortal plane for years, and Nisija may have passed on. A few days was nothing compared to that. “If it makes it easier for you, you may call me by my given name; Kifunguo.” This was going to be interesting, to say the least. Hopefully he wouldn’t come to regret it.

Ornella offered him a smile, though it occured to her afterwards that he wouldn't be able to see it. She chuckled softly to herself.

"Alright then Kifunguo, right this way." she said to him she moved to walk in front of him so he could follow her skeleton as she lead them to the beach.