Wordcount: 1096

User ImageIt wasn't very often that Neo'ni wandered far from her trinkets and items. She liked her space, and she was quiet sure the other Shamans in her house did so as well. Today was different, though. She could feel something amiss, and of couse she had to go explore what that was. It was a sound, like an echo in her mind. She could never be sure what she heard was actually a sound others could hear, or one that manifested within her own mind.

The bright pink dog frowned as she wandered away from the clearing into the scattering of trees that lead into the forest. She never ventured too far, not after she got here. The woods were a mystery to her, and she wasn't particularly aching to change it. Perhaps it was nothing, and she could leave the sound to the mysteries of the forest. Neo'ni gave a small hum as she made her way forward, though a bit hesitantly.

What could be out there? Prey, of course. Another dog? Even the Patrol, really. She veered off a little, looking for anyone that was patroling near by. There was always someone patroling near by, of course. It took her a moeoment to spot the Blue dog that was walking along a set path, well worn by the dog himself. "Kumo," She greeted warmly. He knew Kumo and his mate well enough. She teetered on pack mate and friend, though she wasn't quite sure where she stood with the pair. She was a single female, after all, and could be seen as a threat, though she doubted it.

"Oh, Neo'ni. Good morning!" Kumo greeted in turn, a grin on the male's face. "I don't see you come this way often." And it was true, but the bright pink dog looked distracted. She glanced into the forest, a confused look on her face. He wanted to ask if she was alright when she stepped forward, towards the woods. Kumo frowned, suddenly, turning towards the source of the female's attenion, listening intently for something. He could hear the scattering of forest creatures along the floor, and brids singing in the trees, but nothing he could guess caught Neo'ni's attention.

He watched her for a long moment, and she stepped a few more steps away from him. "Are you alright?" He asked, suddenly. The words seemed to snap her out of her reverie, and she turned to look at him. She looked a bit startled, but Kumo couldn't tell if it was from the sound, or from his voice.
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"I thought I heard something..." Neo'ni admitted softly. "But if you didn't hear anything, it's probably nothing..." She looked a bit shaken by the fact, but she shook her head, as if she was trying to clear the sound from her head. Kumo titled his head, confused.

"We can check it out if you like?" He told the other. Neo'ni was briefly terrified by the thought of going into the forest with the phantom sound, but like she said... It was probably nothing? She took a moment before nodding, looking back towards the source of the sound. Kumo would be able to protect them, or at least she hoped so? How would he be able to protect her from a sound in her head?

Even so, the pair moved forward. Kumo's ears were alert, facing forward. The only flicked slightly whenever a particularly loud bird called. Neo'ni was shaking, her whole body quivering, but the noise got louder as they moved forward. Perhaps she could just turn around now...

Unfotunately, Kumo kept moving forward. She could see him watch her out of the corners of his eyes, and she winced. They navigated the trees, Kumo with more ease than Neo'ni. He seemed to be a natural forest wanderer. "What do you think it is...? Why can't you hear it?" She seemed frustrated by the fact. She couldn't have sharper hearing than he did, could she? Maybe it was really nothing, and her mind was finally leaving her.

Kumo gave a small shrug. "I don't know what you're hearing, so I can't say for sure." Kumo said. "Maybe I am hearing it, but I'm not sure what sound you're hearing." He did navigate these woods more often than the Shaman. He could just be used to the sound.

But then the sound was closer, and Kumo's head whipped the same direction Neo's at the strange sound. A flutter of wings followed the sound, and the pair's eyes suddenly fell on a black vulture. The creature looked injured, like blood was dripping from their face and wings, and Neoni took a sharp breath like a gasp. "An omen," the breathed the words softly, but then the bird made the noise again, and it was followed by a sound further away, a similar sounnd that wasn't quite the same as the birds. The birds black eyes turned to them, like a cold stare, and Kumo was suddenly reminded of why he knew the sound.

He knew why the sound didn't phase him, as it was one he heard a lot in his childhood. "Oh, I see." He clucked, making a sound like the birds, but a different key, like a different note, and Neo'ni's head whipped towards him. As did the vulture's.

The Vulture looked at the blue dog for a long moment, then towards the trembling dog. "You are Ousia," Kumo said, not really a question. The Bird nodded anyhow.

"We are passing through, but my One is old. He tires easily." The Bird explained, its wings arching forward as it prepared for flight. "We wished to let your pack know." With that, the vulture took flight, weaving through the trees easily, likely going back to its One.

Neo'ni looked sharpy towards Kumo. "What was that about?" That was the noise she had heard, and Kumo had mimiced it fairly well. Kumo didn't seem as shaken as she was. She wanted answers, but perhaps away from this spot, and she could feel herself taking the stemps to leave the forest, still watching Kumo.

"There is a pack, one that wanders like ghosts. They pass through sometimes, and the bird - the ousia - they have their calls, and we call back." Kumo seemed to wince, as if he slipped up. No one knew his past, but Elly knew the most. Neoni would know a little. "I grew up in that pack." He continued though, confirming the questioning sound Neoni made. He gave a smile, shaking his head.

"Come on, let's go back..."