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The idea of following a captain made Xennek chuckle. The previous rogue warrior, even firekin, had his own experiences of leading a band and to think that he was starting from the bottom again was actually quite amusing. The raids that the Viking group had already finished with had left blood and tears behind in the roguelands. Nothing too drastic of course, mostly battles that the berserker had found on his own while the group traveled. Now that was the fun stuff. Finding your own battles and clawing your mark across an opponent’s hide.

A blur of crimson across the grasses made his smirk grow. He was thankful that the ‘cub’ he had trained all these months ago was back in the running. As strange as it was to think that the boy had been lovesick for his own daughter, the lion was just relieved that his apprentice had shaken off that damn lovebug to become a true warrior again.

“Stop staring at me, Xennek.” Muttered Sekayi as he brushed past the older lion, “I can feel your gaze on my back a whole savannah away.” Seriously. Ever since he had proven himself worthy to join the firekin the older warrior had been smirking at him. Most likely cause he was involved with his daughter. I really have got to stop reminding myself of that. As if it weren’t weird enough that the two were alike in appearance, both instead also had the same personality and habits. Gods only knew what the Viking pride had let into their borders this time.

“What you not appreciatin’ my beautiful eyes?” Xennek teased before a ruckus made his paws hesitate, “Did they finally find some action?” The whole band had been wandering back towards the pride after taking some things here and there, but now it seemed that the peaceful walk was over. Curious the older lion turned towards the end of the group where a younger Viking had strayed.

“Xennek, wait!” Sekayi cursed as his friend bolted away. As if being towards the end of the group wasn’t bad enough now the lion was sticking his noise into another viking’s business. Yet there was something familiar about that scent of that blood…peering over his shoulder one last time Sekayi shrugged before he too bolted away from the fading group and towards the fight.

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Cursing Eyvindr wiped the blood from his gaze. This b***h definitely was putting up a fight! The thought made the Viking’s lips curl into a snarl, “I don’t think you understand how pointless this is.” He growled as he pressed his body low towards the ground for another attack.

“I think I should tell you that!” While others from her pride may have been easier targets Chiemi was no weakling. Too much of her father’s warrior blood burned through the lioness’s veins and years of fighting, of building up strength as a guard attested to its power. Her sister may have been a berserker, but Chiemi was a tactician and as the boy moved towards her she lashed out with her rear legs to send him tumbling backwards once more.

Eyvindr spat blood from his maw as her kick sent him reeling backwards again. He was a Viking, dammit! Nothing like this should even bother him. He knew there were female Vikings, but for this purple rogue to just rail on him so easily….it wasn’t right! His claws dug into the ground, “I’m not leaving here without you!” For his honor, for his goals as a viking he had to have her! Especially now that he saw how she could fight…what a better way to show power with such a thrall.

“Oh really? Oddest love declaration I have ever heard!” Chiemi grinned as she prepared to swipe towards the Viking. She had known that the roguelands were a dangerous game, but since her sister had breezed through the Shrinekeepers with the two males…one who was supposedly her father! Cheimi had wanted to find out more. More action, more adventure, more blood to quench her thirst for battle….that was her father’s calling.

As she moved to meet the lion in a tackle the lioness caught scent of the two arrivals. Eyes widening she stumbled mid-strike as the crimson pelt with that sun marking boldly showing came into view. They’re here? Surprise flickered across her features as the identical gazes of midnight blue connected. Somehow she had managed to avoid him and his companions both during their visit, while the tale had only reached her from fellow pride members. And to see her father face to face…that feeling sent a shock through her whole body.

Not caring about why the indigo lioness had stumbled in her attack, Evyndir prepared to take full advantage of things. Yet when the Viking reached out to swipe his sharp claws down the female’s side a crimson pelt shoved into him, “Not today.” Xennek spat towards the other Viking with a burning gaze. If it wasn’t a fellow pride member he may have been more inclined to tear into the younger lion, but for now he held back.

It also was strange to see Xennek stopping an attack, but even Sekayi pieced the puzzle together quickly. Xennek wouldn’t stand to be the reason someone failed in their duel, nor would he stand to let his daughter get mauled because of him. While Sekayi wasn’t a hundred percent certain the familiar appearance of Rakasta and this indigo lioness wasn’t lost on him. If I hadn’t nearly been jumped by Iesha’s mother I may have never realized the similarity The sun marking around the female’s neck also shined. It had to be because of that blood.

Eyvindr , however, did not understand why the hell Xennek had interfered. “Hey!” He growled as he rolled back onto his paws, “This is my battle, so back out old timer!” Warrior with experience far beyond many others or not, Evyndir did not care. All he knew was that this female was his prey while these two were butting into his business.

“Your losing battle, ya mean.” Spat Chiemi as she tried to calm her racing heart. Seeing her father had sent chills down her spine for certain, but seeing him move so quickly…to defend her was something else. Not completely a rascal then, perhaps? Her gaze flashed towards the Viking, “If you want I can resume tearing into your hide at any moment.”

In return Eyvindr snarled. It was true that blood was dripping from several cuts on his pelt, but he wasn’t alone. Chiemi herself had several new wounds and a few bruised ribs thanks to the other lion. Each throbbed every step she took, but her determination kept her paws firm. Her Viking opponent was just as stubborn also when it came to ignoring his own wounds.

As the two stared each other down Sekayi sighed and stepped up, “Let’s take a moment to breathe, shall we?” The lion looked towards the younger Viking, “You know you can’t capture a thrall like this, right? If she’s kicking your a** how were you supposed to drag her back?”

Eyvindr glared towards the other lion, “I could have figured it out.” He truly was annoyed at the presence of the other Vikings. All of the thralls captured by their group during this outing had been so easily, such little trifles. This one, however, she had a fighting spirit that he appreciated. It would have been so fulfilling to put her down and to claim her.

Chiemi frowned as she watched the three lions interacting. While she had so many questions for her father already, more appeared before her. Why did these three seem so calm around each other…almost as if they knew each other? The connections, the mentioning of these ‘thralls’ almost as if he knew…”You’re from the same pride.” She commented in surprise as her father circled to come towards her, “Why?” Her brow furrowed. Why had she planted such ridiculous ideas of a traveling knight into her head? It was beginning to shatter around her…

“Aye, we’re Vikings.” Xennek commented watching his daughter warily, “We came out on a quest together, but this one wanted to take a bite of something that he quite wasn’t ready to chew.”

Eyvindr growled at the insult, “I said I was fine! Why the hell did you interfere anyways?”

Sekayi sighed as he pushed the younger lion back, “Because blood calls to blood, you fool.” Then again if he hadn’t met her mother Sekayi himself would have doubted the daughter and father relationship.

Even though she knew, Chiemi had almost wished she was wrong. Hearing Sekayi confirmed it brought a knot to her chest, “Blood to blood.” She retorted lightly. More like fool to fool. What had possessed her to leave home for this? “I didn’t realize my blood was full of scum.” The insult passed lightly as she glanced around more, “My sister, where is she?” Had they tricked her into some sort of scam as well? Was Iesha one of these thralls? The thought bristled her fur and her lips curled in a snarl, “I’ll kill you if so.” Father or not…

“Calm yerself.” Xennek placed a paw on his daughter’s shoulder, “She’s a Viking as well. She fought so well that no one could stop her.” He chuckled, “Almost killed the poor Reaver who tried standing against her joining.”

That did sound like Iesha. Sighing Chiemi sat back down on her haunches and stared around at the boys, “What now?” She smirked towards the purple Viking as her anger turned into relief. It was pleasing to say the least knowing that she had railed on this Viking boy. Hard to be tough against a fighter who had inherited her father’s fire, “Should I continue pounding him as well?”

“You’ve gotta be joking me.” Eyvindr glared at Xennek, “She must take a lot after her mother then for me to believe you.” He snapped, “What if this is some sort of scam to keep me from making my claim?” Next thing he would know they would steal his intended thrall right from under him.

“I wish.” Sekayi sighed, “Unfortunately this b*****d was pro at offspring before coming to the Viking pride. Her sister is Iesha, so even if you doubt Xennek’s claim then Iesha can step up.” That name was enough for most considering how the berserker had broken through many a fool Viking. She definitely was ferocious in multiple ways.

“I suppose she should come with us then.” Eyvindr commented, “To show this claim.” Even if she had family, he didn’t want to give up. There was just something about that fighting spirit…it called to his own. He wanted power and to be great, as many Vikings aspired towards, and to see such afire out here…well it was refreshing. Much better to see a free spirited fighter with such a calculating gaze than that of either scrubby berserkers or puny rogues.

He found himself staring and a flush threatened to warm his cheeks as the lioness boldly glanced towards him with that brilliant gaze, “Gladly then.” Chiemi smirked, “I was wanting to have a family reunion, so thank you.” She was almost saddened that she was interrupted from beating this lion into a pulp. What a cub! It was so sexist thinking that a lioness would go down any easier than a male. She glared towards him one last time before brushing past to walk alongside her father, “Lead the way.”

Xennek chuckled, “Not much leading.” He nodded his head towards the faint outlines of some Vikings, “Seems they noticed all of the noise you cubs made.” It was strange that as he glanced towards the indigo lioness he felt a surge of pride. Once the rogue had shunned family and had despised the idea of cubs, but the more he got to know his blood…the more he felt comforted by it. Each had their own bloodlust, but they managed to handle it in their own way. Now if only he had children with the mark of the moon…his heart knotted in his chest. Any memories of that lioness should be long locked away. Her fate was sealed and he was alone for the rest of this ride.

Chiemi frowned as she noticed the flickering expression in her father’s gaze, “It’ll be alright, okay?” Surely he wasn’t nervous about her appearance…right? The lioness frowned, “Just tell me more about these Vikings so I can be prepared to show them some more fighting spirit. My mother…named me Chiemi by the way. Figured it might help you to at least know the name of another of your b*****d cubs.”

Xennek chuckled, “I suppose that will help. You already know my name of course.”

“Obviously, Xennek.” She had almost said father but the name felt strange in her mouth. Hopefully this wouldn’t take so long. Seeing Iesha and finding this Xennek had been her intention. She didn’t know how to feel about this whole Viking pride thing however. What was this place even like? Lost in thought the indigo lioness slightly listened as Xennek gave her a small run down.

Sekayi smirked towards the younger Viking as they turned to follow Xennek and Chiemi towards the others, “You sure know how to pick them.” He commented slyly as the younger lion bristled.

“Shut up.”

Laughing some more Sekayi took some longer strides so that he could catch up with the daughter and father before him. Gods only knew what Xennek was trying to explain to her. He was probably giving her some information about fighting more than the actual pride itself.

Scowling Evyindr followed behind the trio. When they got back to the Viking Pride he would make certain to keep an eye on this new lioness. Obsession or crush or just intrigue…he really didn’t know. Either way he was going to make certain to watch over her until he figured it out. Plus, whether she liked it or not the lion was going to find a way to make her stay until then. He had been bored for so long that this was an opportunity that he did not want to lose.

Chiemi didn’t know why she had a sudden chill down her spine, but when she glanced back towards those fiery eyes the lioness nearly stumbled. Finding her father had been her intent, but the end result may have been more than she had originally expected. Indeed it was almost as if she had opened up a whole new path that her paws were destined to take. After all beneath her calm exterior burned a flame that was blood tied to her. Once awakened the blood of a warrior was hard to tame after all.

That blood and this chance meeting…may have just shattered her dreams of returning to a peaceful home. This ‘quick trip’ and family reunion was starting to turn into something more for the lioness.

For better or worse only time would tell.
