Name: Morgan Dulac
Age: Somewhere in Kanto a birth certificate might indicate that he is 24.
Gender: Male
Hometown: Occasionally, one might come across a makeshift encampment in the wilder places of the world. Come morning, its sole occupant will have relocated. (The aforementioned birth certificate, however, states that he is from Lavender Town, Kanto)
Rank: Tier 5 - Snagem Scout

Morgan stands at several inches over six feet, and though he is relatively thin compared to most it would be unfair to call him skinny. Athletic or lithe may be better terms. His freckled skin has taken on the ruddy, weathered hue of someone who spends the majority of their time outdoors. Perhaps if he ever spends more than a few days inside he'll return to a more ghostly pallor. His chestnut colored hair is shaggy and unkempt, with a tendency to obscure his vision, and his eyes are the stormy grey of tempered steel and cold iron. All this, accompanied by a scruffy 5-o'clock shadow that never seems to go away. His nose is a tad crooked. Perhaps it broke at some point in the past?
He tends to dress practically -- he only really has two or three articles of clothing to his name: Loose work jeans, carpenter shorts, baggy t-shirts, a long duster and a single pair of hiking boots. Always a well-worn backpack.

Hopelessly itinerant, Morgan has lived the life of a wanderer and outdoorsman since he first stowed away on a ship similar to the SS Anne many years ago. He doesn't talk about his past much, and gives no indication that his wandering is for any particular reason. He is a drifter. It's who he is.
Still, there are some salient points to keep in mind. His time spent travelling has given him a worldly view of things, and he is much more open to and accepting of a variety of ideologies and viewpoints than others might be. Wandering the wilderness has led him to learn the various calls of the world's flying pokemon, and he can easily mimic a fair few. He is a capable tracker, though he generally has utilized the ability to avoid confrontation in the past, and bears the skills of a survivalist in every sense of the word. Time spent on the streets of various cities, encountering various thugs and lowlifes without any pokemon to defend him, have shaped Morgan into a capable brawler -- not a Blackbelt by any means, but he can certainly hold his own whenever running and diplomacy aren't enough and underhanded tactics are never beneath him. In spite of all this, Morgan has a good heart. He prefers to talk his way out of battles, and possesses a strong sense of justice which has a tendency to get him both into and out of trouble.

1. User ImageHope - Honedge Medium Rate (0/25)
1. User Image??? - Mystery Egg Ready to Hatch!

Leavanny-made Leaf Tent (nothing special, just sentimental)
Hoverboard x1
Snag Machine x1
Pokeball User Image x2
Potion User Image x5
Revive User Image x5

Snag Coins: 10