Name: Wasu
Brief Bio&Personality: Iie’s first son, a little odd, talks in the third person like his mother. Tends to like strange things and steals random trinkets he finds amusing to him.
Looking for: Male/Mini Male lovemate.
Plot/BG Status: Would like some plotting/background plotting even light aim rp if wanted.
Breeding Status: - Needs flings.
Lavinia - Tefla - [Won]
Howl - Tirokio - [Won]
Glameow - Meepfur
4. Open
MaskName: Lord Opal
Brief Bio&Personality: Lord Opal is rather vain to some extent, easily wrinkling his nose at those he sees as lesser beings (not that this stops him from flirting or sleeping with them) but in public will easily not acknowledge or ignore them unless they have some status or unique trait that makes them worthwhile to know. Unlike his mate he not as nearly skilled at playing the game however he does have a lot of charm that he tends to use to his advantage and can maneuver politically well through manipulation of others. Not above using others to whatever needs he can and discarding them when he no longer finds use for them. Fond of being worshipped by admirers for his looks and rather pure like appearance, not necessary but loves it anyways. Most of his more dirty work is handled by his
(Lord Opal and Lady Mantillon beliefs are based/similar to Orlesian's ways from DA)
Looking for: Female/Male Flings (Males can be mock kids OoO) He does have a mate/wife Lady Mantillon however its a marriage of political arrangement and despite his mate's disdain he does have has his mistresses
Plot/BG Status: Not necessary.
Breeding Status: - Needs flings to have b*****d kids running around
1. Open
2. Open
3. Open
4. Open
Name: Apate
Brief Bio&Personality: Constantly cheerful and typically always smiling Apate is a rather unusual assassin. Skilled at being silent in moving with a rather small petite frame, is only real flaw is that he can be rather chatty at times. Anyone, doesn't matter, he will chatter to easily and has a rather cheeky personality that never stops him from saying anything on his mind regardless if he should say it or not. He loves seeing expressions change on others, and will do and say things to invoke these emotions from others. There are two spirits that follow him, he didn't have them younger but after a few dozen kills they started to trail him around. Don't be fooled tho, despite his bright personality Apate takes his job rather seriously, escaping him won't come easy.
Looking for: Male lovemate. Just a fling atm (LM in works)
Plot/BG Status: Would like some plotting/background plotting even light aim rp if wanted.
Breeding Status: - A few surrogates maybe
1. Open
2. Open
3. Open
Name: Pulvis
Brief Bio&Personality: A night botanist, tends to chat more to his plants that he does other soquili. ATM his personality is alluding me and being rather stubborn
neutral Looking for: ???
Plot/BG Status: Would like some plotting/background plotting even light aim rp if wanted.
Breeding Status: ???
1. Open
2. Open
3. Open
Name: Elieser
Brief Bio&Personality: Viking, likes to explore, travel, can defend himself if need be, not really afraid of anything however doesn’t talk a whole lot and doesn’t warm up right away.
Looking for: Female/Male, preferably natural. Adventurer. Preferably life/lovemate forever.
Plot/BG Status: Would like some plotting/background plotting even light aim rp if wanted.
Breeding Status: - (debating on mating with Rhea)
1. Open for lifemate.
2. -reserved-
3. -reserved-
4. -reserved-
Name: Ksiye
Brief Bio&Personality: Twisted and evil just like his father Sikine, like his sister Breath he was born as a twisted joke of his father’s.
Looking for: Female flings. Male lovemate.
Plot/BG Status: Flings unattached, however would like most of live with father (can take away when adult). Lovemate does have a plot, will need some rp and plotting please ask for more info.
Breeding Status: - Flings only.
Rouxe - Ryuu
2. ??? (I can't remember if there was someone else....)
3. Open
4. Open
Name: Ceal
Brief Bio&Personality: Works for the angeni of navigation, loves to travel but his favorite place is the sea. Friendly, easy going and can be a bit of a tease.
Looking for: Female, preferably natural, a mate.
Plot/BG Status: Would like some plotting/background plotting even light aim rp if wanted.
Breeding Status: - Needs a lifemate.
1. Open for lifemate.
2. -reserved-
3. -reserved-
4. -reserved-
Name: Black Death
Brief Bio&Personality: Like his mother, twisted and manipulative. Loves to see when things die but even more loves crushing dreams of others.
Looking for: Females/Males
Plot/BG Status: Female fling unattached. Mate (male/female) - Would like some plotting/background plotting even light aim rp if wanted.
Breeding Status: - Flings
Requin - Kivas
2. ??? (need to check plot)
3. Open
4. Open
Name: Bug
Brief Bio&Personality: Adrenaline junkie and storyteller. Loves anything creepy or scary, anything to get his blood pumping. Son of Terror and adopted by Chii her mate.
Looking for: Male/Female/Mini
Plot/BG Status: Would like some plotting/background plotting even light aim rp if wanted.
Breeding Status: - (may have mate)
1. -reserved-
2. -reserved-
3. -reserved-
4. -reserved-
Name: Beer
Brief Bio&Personality: Easy going adventurer, prefers peace over fighting with others and tries to encourage it among others.
Looking for: Male/female/mini
Plot/BG Status: Would like some plotting/background plotting even light aim rp if wanted.
Breeding Status: - Needs flings
1. Open
2. Open
3. Open
4. Open
Name: Fovos
Brief Bio&Personality: Lurks in the night, he is a like an oversized teddy bear, large and scary but deep down he has a sweetheart when given time. Doesn’t say much of anything tho, tends to do more in action than words. Has a half sister he watches over silently, and a son who is a handful triwing.
Looking for: Male Lovemate, already has flings filled.
Plot/BG Status: Would like some plotting/background plotting even light aim rp if wanted.
Breeding Status: - Closed ATM.
Ristyx - Pinkdog - [Won]
Aisling - Spelldancer - [Won]
Amitiel - Meepfur
4. ??? (need to talk to someone to make sure)
Name: Alessio
Brief Bio&Personality: Currently having a fling with Thelea’s Eve. Will lose his children to her and wander aimlessly crushed and rather defeated in nature. Fears becoming evil however cannot avoid it like his sibling, father, and his soon to be children. Needs someone who is willing to pick up the broken pieces and encourage him.
Looking for: Female/Male mate, natural pref.
Plot/BG Status: Would like some plotting/background plotting even light aim rp if wanted.
Breeding Status: - Will need a lifemate or flings after drama with Eve
Guinevere - Thalea
2. Open
3. Open
4. Open
Name: Murdoch
Brief Bio&Personality: Rather large and creepy looking he is actually a little bit of a romantic once you get past the punk attitude on the exterior. He is use to others fearing him and tends to look on the pessimistic side of others.
Looking for: Male/Female
Plot/BG Status: Would like some plotting/background plotting even light aim rp if wanted.
Breeding Status: (maybe surrogates)
1. Open
2. Open
3. Open
4. Open
Name: Tomoe
Brief Bio&Personality: Wants to spread love all over the world, huge flirt and tease, tends to meddle in the affairs of love of others.
Looking for: Male/Female/Poly - maybe an adorable male lovemate?
Plot/BG Status: Would like some plotting/background plotting even light aim rp if wanted.
Breeding Status:
Saoirse - Fuzzy Grumdrop
Sayerauho - Uta
Faye4. Open
Name: Darian
Brief Bio&Personality: Evil, manipulative, loves tricking others and causing any sort of damaging emotional effects on others.
Looking for: Female flings, maybe a really strong evil male mate.
Plot/BG Status: Unattatched flings. Mate - Would like some plotting/background plotting even light aim rp if wanted.
Breeding Status: - Flings
Axelle - Ryuu
Nevara - Kyaishi
3. Open
4. Open (I am not sure if I forgot someone ???)
Name: Deimos
Brief Bio&Personality: Kalona purist, was kicked out of his herd that he keeps secret from others. Skilled in fighting and strategy, secretly loves the stars.
Looking for: Kalona females for flings only/male lovemate
Plot/BG Status: Would like some plotting/background plotting even light aim rp if wanted.
Breeding Status: - Kalona Flings Only.
Numb - Baneful
Vasilisa - Regal Renegade
3. Open
4. Open
Name: Pterois
Brief Bio&Personality: Koi-Koi’s cousin, tends to view himself a bit of a lover but avoids getting too personally close to others.
Looking for: Male/female/mini
Plot/BG Status: Would like some plotting/background plotting even light aim rp if wanted.
Breeding Status: - Fling or Mate
1. Open
2. Open
3. Open
4. Open
Name: Tuke
Brief Bio&Personality: Despite the vanity and bit insanity of his parents, Tuke is a bit of laid back fellow, rather casual in handling any sort of situation and rather easy-going. Can be a bit of a flirt and never seems to take things serious enough.
Looking for: Male/female/mini/familiar/surprise me?
Plot/BG Status: Would like some plotting/background plotting even light aim rp if wanted.
Breeding Status: - Fling or Mate
1. Open
2. Open
3. Open
4. Open
Name: Cayo
Brief Bio&Personality: Taking after his mother a little bit Cay is a bit of a cheerful handful having the tendency of getting himself into the occasional spot of mischievous trouble of being a little meddlesome in others affairs of love. In first meeting Cay is rather cheerful, always putting a smile on his face regardless of the situation. He is fond of cracking jokes and making others feel at ease, however sometimes it can be a little hard to tell if he is being serious, or if he is ever serious at all. Cay tries to keep most of any other emotion other than happiness to himself, feeling that if he showed anything besides love and happiness that he will let others down and he puts a lot of pressure on himself to make others lives better with one another. Rather loyal to fault, Cay will with the best of his abilities do what he can to help his friends and family however his strengths lie better in strategy than strength for the most part making him more of an observer and aid than a knight.
As a foal he has light habit of teasing others when they find out they have fallen in love, especially if they get a little flustered and blushing when they think about the significant other thinking it as a cute habit. He also loves to hear the stories of how they met and that moment they realized they loved the other, this of course is all before he finds his own way to meddle if they still haven’t gotten together. Rather it be an over complicated elaborate plan (which will be his first couple of attempts, doomed to not go how he wants) to a simple encouragement of him insisting they should just tell the other. This will stay with him as he grows more into an adult but he will know better how to handle more situations and offer advice than making a total blunder of it.
He has the fear that he will never find his true love, that it does not exist out there for him but instead he believes that everyone has their soul mate and he hopes to reunite them. Cay also likes to sing but is easily shy about showing anyone else, in fact the less soquili who know the better.
Looking for: Male/female/mini
Plot/BG Status: Would like some plotting/background plotting even light aim rp if wanted.
Breeding Status: - Fling or Mate
1. Open
2. Open
3. Open
4. Open