User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.AstoriaFallen
The young male was finally finished finding his place among his pack. He was very pleased with this because that meant the could finally go home and see Konane again. He actually missed the pale female, which was odd to him. He'd been around plenty of females before but hadn't really connected with one like he had with her. It was something about her spunkiness and her love of life that just made something inside of him feel, well, different. He figured after he told his pack his calling he'd find her and ask her if she'd want to come with him to see his pack. Perhaps even join it. He honestly couldn't believe he was thinking that way, but here he was. Thinking it.

As he walked he thought he saw movement ahead and began to focus more on his surroundings and realized there was someone up ahead. It wasn't anyone he knew from his pack so it was likely just a wonderer. He liked talking to those who liked to travel because they had such great stories to share. As he got closer he realized it was a female and he admired her coloration. It as quite lovely. "Greetings, I don't mean you any harm so please don't be startled." He said to her as he came within speaking distance.

Aeolus was far from her pack. She often did this to make sure the area was safe before they settled in for a period of rest. They had travelled quite far from their last rest location, so Aeolus felt here was a good spot. There were others to do this job - guards, soldiers, but Aeolus liked to check as well. Phii had gone a different direction to check more ground in a shorter period of time for the pair.

The sky-colored dog sighed, about to turn back to the pack when she heard a noise, followed by a voice. "Oh, Hello," she greeted in turn. Not one of her pack, obviously. She didn't want to immediately distrust the male, so she gave him a kind smile instead. "I don't mean you any harm as well," Aeolus said, quite amused.

As she turned and greeted him he gave a small bow of his head and smiled warmly towards her. "Well, i'm quite pleased to know that both of us shall leave this encounter in one piece then." His chuckle was warm and light. He wondered if she was just a wanderer or if a pack was nearby. He honestly didn't know how far away from his pack he was currently. He knew he had travelled many moons but he was on his way back now and that's all that mattered. Time seemed like nothing to him anymore.

"Are you just passing through the area like I am?" He asked her curiously. He didn't need help finding his way home, the stars were his guide and they never steered him wrong. "I'm Zhangzi by the way, sorry for not introducing myself sooner." He said slightly embarassed for being so rude.

User ImageSeaki
'We do travel," She told the male. He might think her use of 'we' was a quirk, but she fdelt herself as the whole pack - she was one with them, as she was with Phii. "We're going to rest here for a while before moving on. It's quite a nice place, we think, but we'll eventually move on again. " It was in their blood, after all. The Wind would call them away from this place eventually after all.

"I am called Aeolus. It's nice to meet you, Zhangzi. Do you have a pack, then?" She asked with a bit of curiosity. She wondered why he was out here. She had not heard of another wandering pack, after all. Hers was the only one, so far, that she knew of, though she met a lot of rogues, and some type of pack that had Seekers, which found new blood for their pack. It was unique she thought. Perhaps he was one of those, or perhaps just a wandering rogue.

He gave a nod of his head and he realized that she was part of a nomadic pack. "How is that? Travelling everywhere all the time. I bet it's exciting." He said to her. He was pleased when she introduced herself in return and then asked about his pack. "Oh yes, I live a couple nights travels from here. We don't travel so the only time we get to see anything is really during a situation like this." He said. He knew he was going to have to explain so he cleared his throat slightly.

"In order for us to find our place in our pack we must go out and find our constellation. It will come to us when we are ready and once we know it we return and we take our role." He said simply. It actually didn't sound as complicated as he thought it would.

Aeolus hummed a bit. "It can be fun, yes, but it can also be stressful," she told the other. Nothing was ever fun and games forever. It was just how life was. Sometimes they got harsh winds and violent gusts that shook them as they ran towards their destination, and sometimes it was a breeze.

"That sounds interesting. Constellations, you say?" She glanced up to the sky, but not fo long. When she looked to the sky, it was usually to look for Phii, not at the stars, though sometimes they helped when she needed to find the direction they needed to go. "Are you leave, now, or returning, then?"

"I can see that." He said thinking about the different situations one could end up in while traveling like that. Especially in territories unknown. It was almost risky one would think.

"And yes, Constellations." He watched as she glanced skywards. "I'm not quite sure how to explain it or I would better tell you how it comes about." He told her thinking about how he would actually go about telling someone how it would indeed work. "I'm actually returning home. My constellation is The Sheild and I'm going to be a Colossus for my Pack." He said very proudly. "A colossus is a warrior within the pack. Or protector you could say."

Aeolus hummed. "A noble rank," She agreed. Guards and Soldiers were what kept the pack safe. She was sure it was at least a little different in the other dog's pack. "I am the Lailapás of my pack. The, ah." The paused, unsure of how it would translate. The word was on the tip of her tongue.

"Like a mother, I suppose," She didn't think that was the right word though. She mulled it over for a moment. "Ah! Matriarch. I lead the pack," she told him. Their cultures were very different, Aeolus thought.

"Thank you." He said graciously to her compliment. He listened intently to her as she explained her role for her pack was and when she finally got it he did gave an impressive nod. "Now that is a noble rank." He said with a smile. "To be able to lead all of your pack through anything. I commend you on that." He gave her a smile. Glancing at the sky he realized he must continue on and he didn't want to keep her for much longer. "Well Aeolus, it was a pleasure meeting you. I do have to continue on my way though. Perhaps we shall cross paths again one day. You never know." He gave her a bow and a smile and then turned and began heading home once more.

Aeolus smiled at his returned compliment. "Thank you," she returned, with as much grace as he did. Then nodded she as he spoke again. "Ah, yes, it isd geting quite late. Phii will be looking for me if I don't return soon," she mused aloud. She wagged her tail a bit. "It was a pleasure meeting you as well. Perhaps the wind shall guide us to your pack, eventually," She told the male.

She took her own leave, bidding one last farewell, and heading back to the thick of her small group. yes, this should be a fine place to rest a while, and perhaps she would meet a few more interesting characters while she was here.