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After they had gotten their fill of the rest of the carcass and got a little more water into their system the two of them began to head off in the direction she was leading the two of them in. He honestly wasn't sure where they were going but he was certain she knew where to go. He just wanted to make sure she got to where she was in one piece and that she was unharmed and well. He would hate to find out something had happened to her later on and he could have prevented it. "How far away do you think your pride is?" He asked her curiously. He was planning on being in the rougelands for some time so it wasn't a huge concern of his, but he still was curious. He was quite starting to enjoy her company.

Both her hunger and thirst were quenched, paws were well rested and mind at ease thanks to her companion. These were the beginnings of an easy trip home, one she hoped wouldn't be overly long. Though the thought had come to her that she truly didn't know how far she was, only that she knew how to get back. That likely meant they would take a nights break. Yet another night of sleeping next to someone she'd become fond of. These evenings had been her first few times even sleeping near the opposite gender. It simply hadn't come up. The thoughts brough a blush to her face and she found herself staring down, watching each paw, one after the other.

"I haven't the foggiest how long the trip may take." Her answer was broken at first, but she was able to collect herself enough to finish the sentence with a stronger voice. "I hope I don't take to much time from you, you've been awfully kind." Though she didn't look to them as they walked she did smile.

As the two travelled he was having a decent time. He was pleased she wasn't hostile or attempted to kill him in his sleep. That could have proved to be very bad. He didn't mind sleeping next to her at night, it got chilly and he didn't mind keeping her warm. Though during the day with their pelts being so dark they did have the issue with being a little warm but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle.

"It's alright. I don't mind, I quite like your company." He said to her warmly with a small glance. "And don't worry, you haven't taken any time from me, and you've been kind in return so there is no reason for me to treat you illy." He said kindly. As they continued on he would steal small glances at her for a moment. "So, would you like to tell me a little abit about your pride?"

Step after step. Had it not been for the cool nights the days would be almost dreadful. With some shade here and there that allowed for the pair to share breaks every now and then they were actually able to make fantastic time. Some silence had come between them every so often and she actually enjoyed it. When they did speak it was mostly about her and her home.

"I quite like yours as well. It's turned out to be more pleasant an experience than I could have hoped for!" She joked, a smile radiantly glowing on her now healthy face. "My home is enchanting, though likely a little on the damp side." A giggle this time, it all put her mind at ease. "We have music, laughter, young voices and old. We spend much of our time simply celebrating life. Or at least that is what we had done before the storm" Her smile lingered, though her tone dropped.

"At this point I am thankful to be alive and well. Thanks to you. I have been so selfish though, what about your life, your past.. do you have a home to go to?"

Her question was simple. Something she should have asked many moons ago.

Travelling with her was like travelling with a close companion, you didn't need much but each others company and it was quite refreshing. He enjoyed hearing about her home, it wasn't like some of the other prides he had encountered and he very much liked that about it.

"i'm pleased to hear you enjoy my company. Most are intimidated by my size, or they recognize my coloration and stay away." he said with a chuckle. He was beaming at this point, he was having a very wonderful time with her. "It sounds like such a lovely place, almost like the Kizingo'zaa pride. They do celebrations like that from time to time.

He nodded when she said she was thankful to be alive and well. "That is a blessing, I guess it's lucky I found you. Or you found me." He said looking at her warmly. "You haven't been selfish at all." He said gently. "I live in the Pridelands, but I'm a scout so I can venture forth into the rouge lands to make sure there isn't trouble or even bring lions back to our pride to join." He said as he mentioned his pride. "My mother and some of my siblings are there. My father is the God of Hate and isn't a part of our lives. She was mated to the God Primitius but that recently ended so I'm not sure how well she's doing right now."

Size was something that was typically looked at, but her eyes blinked and were painted with innocence when he mentions color. "Coloration?" She pauses her step and blantantly stares at him, getting a run down of his colors. Still unsure about what he means she moves on. During that moment of staring though, she feels a fire light in her belly.

Pushing aside the fire briefly she listens to his voice, grasps to hear his words and really figure out what he means. Was she this naive and unaware? Shauku wished, silently, that she could truly be surprised. Unfortunately she had been so wrapped up in her own pride, in her own story, that she had forgotten to learn about others.

"You mingle with Gods!" Her voice creaked slightly, her paws - that had begun to carry her forth again - stopped in their tracks. "And your poor Mother!" The gasp she let loose was almost dramatic, but definitely real. She moved herself closer to him, a token of comfort. She extended this by pressing her head to his cheek. There was no thought prior to this action, it just felt right, soothing and so she simply did it.
just now

He gave her a slightly quizzical look when she seemed confused about his coloration. Ah, she was one of the fortunate few to have never heard of Neltharion then. Or any of his other spawn that seemed to roam the lands. "My markings are specific identifiers of what lineage I come from." He said somewhat coolly. He didn't like to talk about the b*****d of a lion that basically coerced his mother into having cubs with him, while she was mated to Primitus. "And yes, you could say I mingled with the gods, but more so I was raised by them. My mother was just a simple lioness, nothing more and Neltharion took advantage of her." He said with a small spark of anger in his eyes.

When she pressed up against him his spark of anger dissapeared and turned into something else. Something deeper down and he allowed himself to relax against her and he felt a need burning within him that he hadn't felt in a long while. While her face was against his cheek he couldn't help but rub back against her, caressing her neck and shoulders every so slightly with his jawline as he pressed himself closer to her. He would stop if she pulled away.

The pause was what they both needed. Her body relaxed immediately upon his touch, nearly melting where she stood. "I think we should take a break? Perhaps give ourselves a moment to forget about everything else going on." She inhaled slowly and gave a small exhale.

Taking an inventory of what surrounded them she spotted a small den - perfect. She smiled lightly. It would do just nicely, for she imagined that this would take a turn she hadn't taken in quite some time. The spark was there, the flame lit. She could feel it.

"There is some place cozy right over there..." She basically cooed. "What do you think?" All the while she spoke her body did not leave his. It was spectacular how an innocent gesture could change so quickly, not that she minded.

He gave a deep growl in his throat, not a menacing one, but a lusty one as she melted into his touch and suggested they take a break. His gaze followed her voice towards the den and he gave her a small rub against her face with his own and purred slightly to her, "I think it will do just fine with what we're wanting to accomplish." He said to her trying to control himself just a little longer. He had to give it to her, she was stunning, and she had so much going for her.

"Come now," He said to her throatily as he essentially herded her to the den, his body never leaving hers for a second and it probably wouldn't for a little while. Besides, a day of resting wasn't going to hinder their journey at all. They could continue on with their travels tomorrow. But for now there were more important manners to take care of. "And don't worry, I'll make sure you're well taken care of." He said as he ushered her inside with him right beside her.
