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Reply Familiar Breeding Dens
Familiar Drunken Cupid - Rolling Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 ... 8 9 10 11 [>] [>>] [»|]

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People Counter
 100%  [ 41 ]
Total Votes : 41

odet amo

Fiendish Nymph

41,375 Points
  • Miasmal Lake Champion 500
  • Devoted Fortune Seeker 400
  • Alchemy Level 10 100
PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 11:35 am

... Drunken Cupid ...
Familiar Mixer

Colorists - Celestial Requiem, Devil NightShade, Odet Amo, Ovarian Paint, Roniel Targaryen

If anyone else wants to join in feel free to add your name

Starts: February 10 @ 7:00 PM EST
Ends: February 14 @ 5:00 PM EST

... Slots ...
The colorist will roll first one single from one gender Ticket List, then the other from the other gender short list of the same species. They can then either Manually Pick from each person's list of singles, or roll again to make the pair completely randomized. In the event that the drunken Cupid couple are related the colorist will reroll a match for the first familiar, and if they have not yet rolled their last pair, they will reroll a mate for them. If it IS their last couple, they may mix and match from previous set up couples.
Unedited: 2 Celestial Requiem, 2 Devil NightShade, 1 Odet Amo, 1 Roniel Targaryen

This type of slot means that the colorist rolls one from one gender ticket and then picks a mate from the other gender that is the same species.
Unedited: 1 Celestial Requiem, 1 Devil NightShade, 1 Odet Amo, 1 Ovarian Paint, 1 Roniel Targaryen

Purely CC
Colorists will choose pairs or roll from a short list. Couples must be opposite genders and the same species.
Unedited: 1 Devil NightShade, 1 Roniel Targaryen, 1 Odet Amo, 1 Ovarian Paint

... Payment ...
These breeding are pay-what-you-want. Please send trades directly to the colourists - not to me! XD

... Rules ...
All familiars won from this breeding raffle will be strictly UNEDITED -- You may enter edited familiars, but all offspring will be made from stock templates only. If you enter a templated mutants (such as pea-condors, wolpertingers, etc) there is a chance of mutant offspring.
You can post a max of five familiars TOTAL between TWO separate posts -- One male post and one Female post. Your post can be any combination of gender or species. Males get one post and females get another (aka your tickets - can be: 5 males and no females, 2 females and 2 males, 4 males and 1 female etc.) Do NOT enter 3 males and 3 females since that makes your total six. You're only allowed two tickets. Don't worry if your familiar species isn't popular or tends to be all one gender. If for some reason Cupid can't find an acceptable mate from the pool he will find an unknown stranger to step in.
If you've won a familiar breeding already this month -- you are restricted to a single ticket, and thus a single gender, though you can still post up to five ponies within that gender post. BUT you must Mark the top of your Form with the following form.


Post certed Familiars -- I like seeing the Familiar without having to click every link so please post the image of the cert (It must be the certed image. There is no other way for us to determine age)
Names! -- Please provide the full name for both the Familiar entered and the owner.
Forms -- Since this is a mixer and a little different from normal slots, please make sure and fill out the form provided.
Please only post one familiar per post -- It would just make things a little easier for the mixer.
You may edit forms -- So long as it doesn't effect the current list. You may add information up until the event closes. IF it does affect the list, such as switching from 2 girls and 3 boys to all boys please post saying you are altering the list.
Be Nice! -- Sometimes things go wrong, please bare with us. If you notice anything that is problematic or might be a problem in the future let us know.


Most of the Soq rules apply to familiar breedings. Please make sure and read through the Familiar breeding information thread before entering. Failure to do so may result in disqualification. I am not obligated to inform you if you have broken a rule. So it is in your best interest to double check and ask questions before this thread closes.


It has been required for both owners to post permission for the breeding in the FAMILIAR PERMISSION THREAD prior to the close of the raffle in order to be eligible for raffles now, so hopefully everyone has gotten the idea. However, just as a reminder:



Familiars are meant to be simpler and shouldn't need co-owner agreements. Familiars should only have one owner.


Major mistakes that are spotted after winners have been rolled, such as triple-entries into the breeding raffle or lack of permission can result in a nullification of the win. It is in your best interest to spot these ahead of time so that they can be corrected, or extraneous pairs removed instead of nullifying all of your chances.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 11:36 am

... Entry Form ...
PLEASE NOTE: Males must only be posted with your males on one post, and your females only posted with your females on the other post. You’re only allowed two entry posts, and you’re allowed to edit and change around the ratio of genders as long as you do not alter the ticket amounts you have.

... Male Ticket ...
[align=center][size=18][color=#38ACEC][b]Handsome Hunk[/b][/color][/size][/align]

[b]Entry Code[/b]: (Ownername / Male Ticket)

[quote="1: Familiar name"]

Entry Code:
[code]Familiar Name - Breed - Male


[b]Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk):[/b] Would you prefer the old or new template? A mix? Or CC?
[b]Alternate Variations:[b] Are you with all of your breeds variations, including templated mutations? Are there ones you would like to avoid?

[b]Throwbacks?:[/b] (Saying yes gives the colorist a bit more freedom in the breeding. Throwbacks can come from previous generations from the parents, this mean grandparents/etc. For 1st gens this would mean mystery traits. NOTE: Just because you say yes doesn't mean you'll get throwback traits. It only gives the colorist the OK to play around. Nothing more. You also don't get to choose which throwback traits are picked.)

[color=white]---[/color][b]Link to previous generations/family members:[/b] (If said Yes to Throwbacks please link to all parents, grandparents and family members you would like to be considered. NOTE: LINKS ONLY. NO IMG TAGGING)

[b]Twins:[/b] Yes/No
[b]Triplets:[/b] Yes/No [/quote]

[quote="2: familiar name"][/quote]
[quote="3: familiar name"][/quote]
[quote="4: familiar name"][/quote]
[quote="5: familiar name"][/quote]

... Female Tickets ...
[align=center][size=18][color=#C12283][b]Lovely Ladies[/b][/color][/size][/align]

[b]Entry Code[/b]: (Ownername / Female Ticket)

[quote="1: Familiar name"]

Entry Code:
[code]Familiar Name - Breed - Female


[b]Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk):[/b] Would you prefer the old or new template? A mix? Or CC?
[b]Alternate Variations:[b] Are you with all of your breeds variations, including templated mutations? Are there ones you would like to avoid?

[b]Throwbacks?:[/b] (Saying yes gives the colorist a bit more freedom in the breeding. Throwbacks can come from previous generations from the parents, this mean grandparents/etc. For 1st gens this would mean mystery traits. NOTE: Just because you say yes doesn't mean you'll get throwback traits. It only gives the colorist the OK to play around. Nothing more. You also don't get to choose which throwback traits are picked.)
[color=white]---[/color][b]Link to previous generations/family members:[/b] (If said Yes to Throwbacks please link to all parents, grandparents and family members you would like to be considered. NOTE: LINKS ONLY. NO IMG TAGGING)

[b]Twins:[/b] Yes/No
[b]Triplets:[/b] Yes/No [/quote]

[quote="2: familiar name"][/quote]
[quote="3: familiar name"][/quote]
[quote="4: familiar name"][/quote]
[quote="5: familiar name"][/quote]

odet amo

Fiendish Nymph

41,375 Points
  • Miasmal Lake Champion 500
  • Devoted Fortune Seeker 400
  • Alchemy Level 10 100

odet amo

Fiendish Nymph

41,375 Points
  • Miasmal Lake Champion 500
  • Devoted Fortune Seeker 400
  • Alchemy Level 10 100
PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 11:37 am

... Optional Seasonal Twist!...
You can pick non, pick one or pick both. Picking more then one may result in highbreed twists. (Frozen Flowers, Ice Hearts, ect). It is up to the colorists if they are coloring Seasonal Twists. Note that all offspring will be unedited, so you won't be getting any edits on your kids, though colourists are free to splice templates together as they wish to try to achieve a desired effect and do minor alters to stock items to fit them on familiars. Feel free to post one form for each familiar or one form at the end of your ticket, depending on if you want the same twists per familiar.

[align=center][size=18][color=#E45E9D][b]... I'm okay with all Spring Twists! ...[/b][/color][/size][/align]

[align=center][size=18][color=#56A5EC][b]... I'm okay with all Winter Twists! ...[/b][/color][/size][/align]

[align=center][size=18][color=#7A5DC7][b]... I'm okay with all Swinter (Spring and Winter) Twists! ...[/b][/color][/size][/align]

... Spring Twist Long Form...

[align=center][size=18][color=#E45E9D][b]... Can You Feel The Love Tonight? ...[/b][/color][/size][/align]
~~~ Would you mind Feathers or Wings?:
~~~ Would you mind Insect Wings?:

~~~ Would you mind Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?:
~~~ Would you mind Spring/Valentines inspired colors?:
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:

~~~ Would you mind Flowers?:
~~~ Would you mind Flowy scarves?:
~~~ Would you mind ribbons and bows?:
~~~ Would you mind Arrows?:
~~~ Would you mind Candies/Chocolates?:
~~~ Would you mind Hearts?:
~~~ Would you mind Toys?:

Things you don't want to see
~~~ Colors?:
~~~ Themes?:

... Winter Twist Long Form...

[align=center][size=18][color=#56A5EC][b]... Do You Want To Build A Snowman? ...[/b][/color][/size][/align]
~~~ Would you mind Antlers?:
~~~ Would you mind Wings or Feathers?:

~~~ Would you like something representing Winter Holiday?:
~~~~~~~~ If yes which holiday (Xmas, Hanukah, Kawanza, New Years Ramadan, etc) :
~~~ Would you mind Snow and Ice?:
~~~ Would you mind Wintery Colors?:
~~~ Would you mind Wintery Markings?:

~~~ Would you mind Bells? :
~~~ Would you mind Scarves? :
~~~ Would you mind Blankets?:
~~~ Would you mind Holly/Mistletoe?:
~~~ Would you mind Furry Accessories?:
~~~ Would you mind Ribbons and Bows?:
~~~ Would you mind Lanterns?:

Things you don't want to see
~~~ Colors?:
~~~ Themes?:
PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 11:42 am

... Winners List ...
I know you want to see your familiars name here!
Don't forget to update your post in the Master CC thread for the new year.

Celestial Requiem
Bane (Roniel Targaryen) x Sylvain (Rita Zyon)
Ayame (AislingJuno) x Chi'i'vari (dawns_aura)
Misty (Lunadriel) x Zex`chel (Mewsings of An Angel)

Rita Zyon

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): N/A
Alternate Variations: Sure

Throwbacks?: Sure

---Link to previous generations/family members: N/A

Twins: No
Triplets: No

Roniel Targaryen

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): n/a
Alternate Variations: Sure! All is good.

Throwbacks?: Sure!
--- First gen

Twins: Yes

User Image 

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): n/a
Alternate Variations: sure

---Link to previous generations/family members: he's first gen, have fun

Twins: Yes
Triplets: No


User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): n/a
Alternate Variations: sure

Throwbacks?: yes
---Link to previous generations/family members:n/a

Twins: sure
Triplets: No

Mewsings of An Angel

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): N/A
Alternate Variations: Yes

Throwbacks?: Yes.

---Link to previous generations/family members: Zex'chel was part of a large "family game" which had the whole family mapped out.

Twins: Yes
Triplets: No


User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk):
Alternate Variations: Are you with all of your breeds variations, including templated mutations? Are there ones you would like to avoid?

Throwbacks?: Sure!

---Link to previous generations/family members:

Twins: No
Triplets: No

Devil NightShade
Odessa (~Mesamune-) x Jasper (Astoria Fallen)
Killamaq (LadyAriaStarstone) x Vikata (Ririka)
Aurora (AstoriaFallen) x Asbru (calixta)
Countess (YukiBear) x Hania (RoarieDesu)
Brindle (Phail Ninja) x Ambrose (Master Wild Mage)

Odet Amo
Keres (She-Ra of Etheria) x Turok (Faithofthefallen)
Kora (FrostyPeaches) x Ricado (Fatal Irony)
Mithril (JetAlmeara) x Zarin (Cajmera)
Zellie (Revel1984) x Xanti (Strawberri Stardust)
Irene (Pollack) x Yates (Cheyriddle4)
Kōsetsu (~Twilight...Angel~) x Saariq (Ririka)

She-Ra of Etheria

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): Yes
Alternate Variations: Yes

Throwbacks?: No
---Link to previous generations/family members:

Twins: No
Triplets: No


User Image
UNCERT (Can't find)

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): CC
Alternate Variations: Up for anything

Throwbacks?: Yes

---Link to previous generations/family members: NA

Twins: No
Triplets: No


User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): N/A
Alternate Variations: Yessss

Throwbacks?: Sure
---Link to previous generations/family members: N/A

Twins: CC
Triplets: CC

Fatal Irony

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): n/a
Alternate Variations: Good with everything

Throwbacks?: Sure
---Link to previous generations/family members:

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes


User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): CC
Alternate Variations: All good

---Link to previous generations/family members:N/A
Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes


User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): New, please!
Alternate Variations: Ok with all!

Throwbacks?: Sure

---Link to previous generations/family members: N/A

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes


User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): CC
Alternate Variations: I'm good with all

Throwbacks?: No
---Link to previous generations/family members: N/A

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes

Strawberri Stardust

User Image User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): N/A
Alternate Variations: Sure~

Throwbacks?: Sure~

---Link to previous generations/family members: N/A

Twins: Yes
Triplets: No


User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): N/A
Alternate Variations: N/A

Throwbacks?: Sure!

---Link to previous generations/family members: N/A

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes


User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk):N/a
Alternate Variations: Sure
Throwbacks?: Sure

---Link to previous generations/family members: 1st gen

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes


User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): N/A
Alternate Variations: Sure!

Throwbacks?: Sure!
---Link to previous generations/family members: N/A

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes


User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): CC
Alternate Variations: Sure

Throwbacks?: Sure

---Link to previous generations/family members: N/A

Twins: Sure
Triplets: Sure

Ovarian Paint
Luna (Sawaki) x Sorin (JetAlmeara)
Queeny (Cajmera) x Erhard (spelldancer)

2: Luna

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): NA
Alternate Variations: NA

Throwbacks?: NA
---Link to previous generations/family members: NA

Twins: No
Triplets: No


User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk):N/A
Alternate Variations: All good

Throwbacks?: He's first gen so sure if you feel like it

---Link to previous generations/family members:N/A

Twins: Sure
Triplets: Sure


User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): N/A
Alternate Variations: Ok with all

Throwbacks?: Sure!
--- N/A

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes


User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): N/A
Alternate Variations: Sure

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous generations/family members: 1st gen

Twins: Yes
Triplets: No

Roniel Targaryen
Yumi (AislingJuno) x Orion (Master Wild Mage)
Nightfall (Kyrieko) x Diefenbaker (Tara de Draiocht)
Celaeno (~Masamune~) x Void (dawns_aura)

Master Wild Mage

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): Mix
Alternate Variations: Are you with all of your breeds variations, including templated mutations? Are there ones you would like to avoid?

Throwbacks?: NA

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes


User Image


Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): n/a
Alternate Variations: sure

Throwbacks?: yes
---Link to previous generations/family members: n/a

Twins: sure
Triplets: No


User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): CC
Alternate Variations: Have fun with it!

Throwbacks?: Sure!
---Link to previous generations/family members:
Mother, Father

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes

Tara de Draiocht

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): CC
Alternate Variations: CC im all for anything


---Link to previous generations/family members:
Twins: No
Triplets: No


User Image 

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): n/a
Alternate Variations: cc

---Link to previous generations/family members:
Leeki x Bix

Twins: Yes
Triplets: No


User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): CC
Alternate Variations: Yes

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous generations/family members: N/A

Twins: No
Triplets: No

odet amo

Fiendish Nymph

41,375 Points
  • Miasmal Lake Champion 500
  • Devoted Fortune Seeker 400
  • Alchemy Level 10 100

odet amo

Fiendish Nymph

41,375 Points
  • Miasmal Lake Champion 500
  • Devoted Fortune Seeker 400
  • Alchemy Level 10 100
PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 11:53 am

... The List ...
If you see any mistakes, pm me

Male Tickets

---Page 1
  1. (.Tortured. .Pumpkin. / Male Ticket)
  2. (Sabin Duvert / Male Ticket)
  3. (GrnGriff / Male Ticket)
  4. (Fatal Irony / Male Ticket) - Won Once (Odet Amo)
  5. (Kaya Wolf Moon / Male Ticket) - Can only win once

    Page 2
  6. (ramenli / Male Ticket)
  7. (Pollack / Male Ticket) - Won Once
    (dawns_aura/ Male Ticket) - Won Twice (Roniel Targaryen) (Celestial Requiem)
  8. (Kitsune Mistress Nyoko / Male Ticket)
  9. (Tiger_Kisa699 / Male Ticket)
  10. (Strawberri Stardust / Male Ticket) - Won Once (Odet Amo)
  11. (Leez0rz / Male Ticket) - Can only win once
  12. (Kivras / Male Ticket)
  13. (DarkenWoodWolf / Male Ticket)
  14. (Phail Ninja / Male Ticket)

    Page 3
  15. (Sawaki / Male Ticket) - Won Once
    (JetAlmeara / Male Ticket) - Won Twice (Ovarian Paint)
    (Ririka / Male Ticket) - WonTwice (Odet Amo / DNS)
    (Calixita / Male Ticket) - Won (DNS)
  16. (Cheyriddle4 / Male Ticket) - Won Once (Odet Amo)
  17. (Revel1984 / Male Ticket) - Won Once
  18. (nekolulu / Male Ticket)
  19. (She-Ra of Etheria / Male Ticket) - Won Once
  20. (Faithofthefallen / Male Ticket) - Won Once (Odet Amo)

    Page 4
  21. (Rein_Carnation / Male Ticket)
  22. (Roarie Desu / Male Ticket) - CC by DNS
  23. (Mewsings of An Angel / Male Ticket) - Won Once (Celestial Requiem)
  24. (Tara de Draiocht / Male Ticket) - Won Once (Roniel Targaryen)
  25. (Kyrieko / Male Ticket) - Won Once

    Page 5
  26. (AstoriaFallen / Male Ticket) - Won Once (DNS)
  27. (Lady Aria Starstone / Male Ticket)
  28. (~Twilight...Angel~ / Male Ticket) - Won Once
    (Master Wild Mage / Male Ticket) - Won Once (Roniel Targaryen) - CC By DNS
  29. (Ebonrune / Male Ticket)
  30. (Lunadriel / Male Ticket) - Won Once
  31. (Nisshou H / Male Ticket)
  32. (LydaLynn / Male Ticket)

    Page 6
  33. (Agneza / Male Ticket)
  34. (Ownername / Male Ticket)
  35. (Odet Amo / Male Ticket)
  36. (Deejaye / Male Ticket)
  37. (Summer Raaven / Male Ticket)
  38. (~Masamune~ / Male Ticket) - Won Once
  39. (dolphingurl / Male Ticket)
  40. (Angelique DelaMort / Male Ticket)

    Page 7
  41. (Niyaru Delacroix / Male Ticket)
  42. (spelldancer / Male Ticket) - Won Once (Ovarian Paint)
  43. (Kamiki / Male Ticket) 
  44. (Chibi Hige / Male Ticket) 
  45. ( FrostyPeaches / Male Ticket) - Won Once
    (AislingJuno / Male Ticket) - Won Twice
  46. (xxx Yuki Bear xxx / Male Ticket) 

    Page 8
    (Cajmera / Male Ticket) - Won Twice (Odet Amo)
  47. (belloblossom / Male Ticket) 
  48. (Rita Zyon / Male Ticket) - Won Once (Celestial Requiem)

Female Tickets

---Page 1
  1. (Sabin Duvert/ Female Ticket)
  2. (Fatal Irony / Female Ticket) - Won Once
  3. (ramenli / Female Ticket)

    Page 2
  4. (Pollack / Female Ticket) - Won Once (Odet Amo)
  5. (Kitsune Mistress Nyoko / Female Ticket)
  6. (Strawberri Stardust / Female Ticket) - Won Once
  7. (Kivras / Female Ticket)
  8. (Phail Ninja / Female Ticket) - CC by DNS

    Page 3
  9. (Sawaki / Female Ticket) - Won Once (Ovarian Paint)
    (JetAlmeara / Female Ticket) - Won Twice (Odet Amo)
  10. (Calixita / Female Ticket)
  11. (Revel1984 / Female Ticket) - Won Once (Odet Amo)
  12. (Faithofthefallen / Female Ticket) - Won Once
  13. (She-Ra of Etheria / Female Ticket) - Won Once (Odet Amo)

    Page 4
  14. (Rein_Carnation/ Female Ticket)
  15. (Pandora Talie / Female Ticket)
  16. (Roarie Desu / Female Ticket)
  17. (Mewsings of An Angel / Female Ticket) - Won Once
  18. (Master Wild Mage / Female Ticket) - Won Once
    (Roniel Targaryen / Female Ticket) - Can only win once - Won Once (Celestial Requiem)
  19. (Lunadriel / Female Ticket) - Won Once (Celestial Requiem)
  20. (Tara de Draiocht / Female Ticket) - Won Once
  21. (Kyrieko / Female Ticket) - Won Once (Roniel Targaryen)

    Page 5
  22. (AstoriaFallen / Female Ticket) - Won once (DNS)
  23. (Lady Aria Starstone / Female Ticket) - Won once (DNS)
  24. (Rita Zyon / Female Ticket) - Won Once
  25. (~Twilight...Angel~ / Female Ticket) - Won Once (Odet Amo)
  26. (stormflower / Female Ticket)
  27. (belloblossom / Female Ticket)
  28. (Nisshou H / Female Ticket)

    Page 6
  29. (LydaLynn / Female Ticket)
  30. (Agneza / Female Ticket)
  31. (one over three / Female Ticket)
  32. (Deejaye / Female Ticket)
  33. (Summer Raaven / Female Ticket)
    (~Masamune~ / Female Ticket) - Won Twice (Roniel Targaryen / DNS)
  34. (dolphingurl / Female Ticket)

    Page 7
  35. (Angelique DelaMort / Female Ticket)
  36. (Niyaru Delacroix / Female Ticket)
  37. (spelldancer/ Female Ticket) - Won Once
  38. (Kamiki / Female Ticket) 
  39. (FrostyPeaches / Female Ticket) - Won Once (Odet Amo)
    (AislingJuno / Female Ticket) - Won Twice (Roniel Targaryen) (Celestial Requiem)
  40. (xxx Yuki Bear xxx / Female Ticket)  - CC by DNS
    (Cajmera / Female Ticket)  - Won Twice (Ovarian Paint)

    Page 8

By Breed
  1. Page 3: Bates - Gator - Male
  2. Page 3:Tristan - Gator - Male
  3. Page 4: Seaweed - Alligator - Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 2: 403 Forbidden - Alligator - Female
  2. Page 3: Keevatha - Alligator - Female
  3. Page 4: Risika - Alligator – Female
  4. Page 4: Password Denied - Alligator - Female
  5. Page 5: Grimm - Alligator - Female
  6. Page 7 biggrin ulcibella - Alligator - Female

  1. Page 2: Void - Bat - Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 1: Batterfly - Bat- Female
  2. Page 1: Eowyn - Bat - Female
  3. Page 3: Chime - Bat - Female
  4. Page 6:Celaeno - Bat - Female
  5. Page 7:Vesela - Bat- Female

  1. Page 3: Buyo - Bear - Male
  2. Page 5: Amitola - Bear - Male
  3. Page 5: Urso - Bear - Male
  4. Page 8: Sylvain - Bear - Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 2: Kahlúa - Bear - Female
  2. Page 2: Hiro - Bear - Female
  3. Page 4: Benita - Bear - Female
  4. Page 4: Bane- Bear - Female
  5. Page 6: Vala - Bear - Female
  6. Page 6:Winny - Bear - Female

  1. Page 1: Ricado – Bobcat - Male
  2. Page 3: Shiro -bobcat - Male
  3. Page 6: Pinwheel - Mutant Bobcat - Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 3: Ancilla - Bobcat - Female
  2. Page 7:Mihoka - Bobcat - Female
  3. Page 7:Kora - Bobcat - Female

  1. Page 1: Shadow - Buffalo - Male
  2. Page 3: Turok - Buffalo - Male
    Page 4: Hania - Buffalo - Male
  3. Page 5: Gerard - Buffalo - Male
  4. Page 7:Beau - Buffalo - Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 3: Keres - Buffalo - Female
    Page 7:Countess - Buffalo - Female

  1. Page 3: Elijah - Rabbit - Male
  2. Page 3: Imani - Rabbit - Male
  3. Page 4: Mordecai - Rabbit - Male
    Page 5: Jasper - Hare - Male
    Page 7:Ziggy - rabbit- Male
  4. Page 8: Zarin - Wolpertinger Rabbit - Male
  5. Page 8: Bracken - Rabbit - Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 1: Craft - Rabbit (Wolpertinger) - Female
  2. Page 3: Mithril - Rabbit/Wopletinger - Female
  3. Page 3: Cadence - Rabbit - Female
  4. Page 4: Harlequin - Wolpertinger - Female
  5. Page 5: Iva - Rabbit - Female
  6. Page 6:Sootarala - Bunny - Female
    Page 6:Odessa - Wolpertinger - Female

  1. Page 5: Coal - Chicken - Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 3: Chook - Chicken - Female
  2. Page 4: Miss Nola - Chicken - Female
  3. Page 4:Kotopalla - Chicken - Female

  1. Page 1: Halite - Cockatoo - Male
  2. Page 4: Spotlight - Cockatoo - Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 2: Abhainn - Parrot - Female

  1. Page 1: Hexen - Mutant Condor (Pea-condor) - Male
  2. Page 3: Narcissus - Mutant Condor - Male
  3. Page 4: Imperial Cerulean - PeaCondor - Male
  4. Page 6: Pai - PeaComdor - Male
  5. Page 6: Nemesis - Peacondor - Male
  6. Page 7:Eclipse - Condor (mutant) - Female
  7. Page 7:Vexen - Condor - Female

Female Tickets
  1. Page 3: Abduxuel - Condor - Female
  2. Page 4: Oydis - Phoenix-condor - Female
  3. Page 4: Talon - Condor - Female
  4. Page 5: Udiya - Mutant Condor - Female
  5. Page 7:Galatea - Mutant Condor - Female

  1. Page 1: Nil - Crow - Male
  2. Page 4: Ritual - Raven - Male
  3. Page 5: Brisingamen - Crow - Male
  4. Page 5: Modesto - Crow - Male
  5. Page 5: Khaa - Crow - Male
  6. Page 6: Ragnar - Crow - Male
  7. Page 6: C'Thun - Crow - Male
  8. Page 6: Caochladh - Crow - Male
  9. Page 7:Craven - Crow - Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 4: Mizukage- Crow - Female
  2. Page 4: Iona - Raven - Female
  3. Page 6: Medivh - Crow - Female
  4. Page 6: Tiresias - Crow - Female
  5. Page 6: Cheyenne - Crow - Female
  6. Page 6: Muninn - Crow - Female

    Unknown Male Suitor

Female Tickets
  1. Page 5: Lydia- Dolphin- Female
  2. Page 6: Damla - Dolphin - Female
  3. Page 7:Coral Beauty - Dolphin - Female

  1. Page 1: Wraith - Ferret - Male
  2. Page 2: Conall - Ferret - Male
  3. Page 2: Tasuhel - Ferret - Male
  4. Page 2: Raveri - Ferret - Male
  5. Page 4: Stich- Ferret- Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 2: Fantasma - Ferret - Female
  2. Page 4: Tosei - Ferret - Female

  1. Page 1: Gromit - Fox - Male
    Page 2: Chi'i'vari - Corgi-fox - Male
  2. Page 2: Egan - Fox - Male
  3. Page 2: Cinaed - Fox - Male
  4. Page 3: Saariq - Fox - Male
  5. Page 6: Wallace - Coyfox - Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 4: Shalira - Fox - Female
  2. Page 5: Kōsetsu - Fox - Female
  3. Page 6:Aria - Coyote - Female
    Page 7:Ayame - coyote - Female

  1. Page 1: Rinse - Goat - Male
  2. Page 2: Barley - Goat - Male
  3. Page 2: Rascal - Goat - Male
  4. Page 3: Ziraph - Goat - Male
    Page 3: Vikata - Goat - Male
  5. Page 3: Ambrose - Goat - Male
  6. Page 5: Blix - Goat - Male
  7. Page 7:Alvar - Goat - Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 2: Dakini - Goat - Female
    Page 5: Killasumaq - Goat - Female
  2. Page 6: Terah - Goat - Female

  1. Page 2: Davkas - Hawk - Male
    Page 2: Yaotl - hawk - Male
  2. Page 2: Nahuel - Hawk - Male
  3. Page 2: Zakur - Hawk - Male
  4. Page 3: Lioth - Hawk - Male
  5. Page 4: Du'an - Hawk - Male
  6. Page 5: Enan - Hawk - Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 6: Shea - Hawk - Female

  1. Page 1: Whelp - Hummingbird - Male
  2. Page 2: Bahiti - Hummingbird - Male
  3. Page 2: Jung-Su - Hummingbird - Male
  4. Page 2: Bauble - Hummingbird - Male
  5. Page 3: Zaniah - Hummingbird - Male
    Page 3: Asbrú - Hummingbird - Male
  6. Page 4: Zex'chel - Hummingbird - Male
  7. Page 5: Haru - Songbird - Male
  8. Page 5: Orion - Quetzalcoatl - Male
  9. Page 6: Ray - Quetzal - Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 4: Lyness - Hummingbird - Female
  2. Page 4: Gloria - Songbird - Female
  3. Page 4: Mistyy - Hummingbird - Female
  4. Page 5: Starlight - Quetzal - Female
  5. Page 5: Aurora - Songbird - Female
  6. Page 6: Aya - Songbird - Female
    Page 7:Yumi - hummingbird - Female

  1. Page 4: Surreal- Lizard- Male
  2. Page 7:Skooma - Lizard - Male

Female Tickets
    Unknown Lady

  1. Page 2: Gavriel - Lobster - Male
  2. Page 4: Flash - Lobster - Male

Female Tickets
    Unknown Lady

Mountain Lion
  1. Page 4: Betryal - Cougar - Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 1: Mararita - Lion- Female
  2. Page 1: Daeva- Lion- Female
  3. Page 1: Chanda - Lion - Female
  4. Page 5: Kadri - Mountain Lion - Female
  5. Page 7:Nila - Mountain Lion - Female

  1. Page 2: Scorch - Bee-mouse - Male
  2. Page 2 razz acifica - Bee-mouse - Male
  3. Page 2: Xanti - Mouse - Male
  4. Page 7:Erhard - Mouse- Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 1: Primrose  - Beemouse - Female
  2. Page 2: Zi An - Mouse - Female
  3. Page 3: Zellie - Mouse - Female
  4. Page 6: Dreamsicle Nilla - Mouse - Female
  5. Page 7:Queeny - BeeMouse - Female

  1. Page 6: Sangre - Octopus - Male
    Page 7:Caspian- octopus - Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 5: Thalia - Octopus - Female
  2. Page 7:Anka - Octopus - Female

  1. Page 2: Alden - Owl - Male
  2. Page 2: Daedalus - Owl - Male
  3. Page 3: Sorin - Owl - Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 3: Luna - Owl - Female
  2. Page 3: Cleaver - Owl - Female
  3. Page 5: Zita- Owl - Female
  4. Page 6: Lyla - Owl - Female

    Page 7:Caelum- porcupine - Male
    Page 7:Abudu - Porcupine - Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 2: Shiva - Porcupine - Female
  2. Page 3: Kiowa - Porcupine - Female
  3. Page 4: Tea - Porcupine - Female
  4. Page 5: Familiar Pleo- Porcupine - Female

Prairie Dog/ Squirrel
  1. Page 3: Yates - Squirrel - Male
  2. Page 8: Gizmo - Squirrel - Male

Female Tickets
    Unknown Lady

  1. Page 3: Lemon - Pronghorn - Male
  2. Page 7:Jack-o-Lope - Pronghorn - Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 4: Poky - Proghorn - Female
  2. Page 4: Nollaig- Pronghorn - Female
  3. Page 7:Hyone - Pronghorn - Female

  1. Page 1: Yori - Raccoon - Male
  2. Page 5: Conifer - Racoon - Male
    Page 5: Ambrose - Raccoon - Male
  3. Page 5: Onar - Raccoon - Male
  4. Page 7:Allegro - Raccoon- Male
  5. Page 7:Toto - Raccoon - Male
  6. Page 8: Kit - Raccoon - Male

Female Tickets
    Page 2: Brindle - Raccoon - Female
  1. Page 3: Tzipporah - Raccoon - Female
  2. Page 4: Istas- Raccoon- Female
  3. Page 4: Nabi - Raccoon - Female
  4. Page 5: Teshira - Raccoon - Female

River Otter
  1. Page 1: Silvy- River Otter- Male
  2. Page 4: Silver Coin - Dragon Otter - Male
  3. Page 5: Castor - Dragon Otter - Male
  4. Page 5: Kyatchi-suru Ko - Otter - Male
  5. Page 5: Shouta - River Otter - Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 4: Rhodanthe - (Dragon) River Otter - Female
  2. Page 7:Ren - Koi Otter - Female
  3. Page 7:Rema - Dragon Otter - Female

Sea Otter
Sea Turtle
  1. Page 6: Phurtle - Turtle - Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 2: Iris - Turtle - Female
  2. Page 6: Jackie - Turtle - Female

  1. Page 3: Fenrir - snake - Male
  2. Page 3: Seth - Snake - Male
  3. Page 6: Bacillus - Snake - Male
  4. Page 7:GrisGris - Snake - Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 1: Veve - Snake - Female
  2. Page 4: Circuit - Snake - Female
  3. Page 7:Echidna - Snake - Female

  1. Page 1: Tsukuyomi - Wolf - Male
  2. Page 1:Mangekyō - Wolf - Male
  3. Page 2: Sudi - Wolf - Male
  4. Page 3: Bones - Wolf - Male
  5. Page 4: Diefenbaker - Wolf - Male
  6. Page 5: Parvam - Wolf - Male
  7. Page 6: Mickey - Wolf - Male
  8. Page 8: Damian - Wolf - Male

Female Tickets
  1. Page 3: Kaze - Wolf - Female
  2. Page 3:Talía - Wolf - Female
  3. Page 4: Nightfall - Wolf - Female
  4. Page 5: Tanya - Wolf - Female
  5. Page 5: Venta - Wolf - Female
  6. Page 6: Duchess - Wolf - Female
  7. Page 6: Nikki - Wolf - Female
  8. Page 7:Esme - Wolf - Female
  9. Page 7:Ines - Wolf - Female
  10. Page 7:Emerald - Wolf - Female
PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 6:09 pm


odet amo

Fiendish Nymph

41,375 Points
  • Miasmal Lake Champion 500
  • Devoted Fortune Seeker 400
  • Alchemy Level 10 100

.Tortured. .Pumpkin.

Backwoods Garbage

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 6:22 pm

Handsome Hunk

... I'm okay with all Swinter (Spring and Winter) Twists! ...

Entry Code: (.Tortured. .Pumpkin. / Male Ticket)

1: Gromit

Entry Code:
Gromit - Fox - Male

User Image

Alternate Variations: Sure, go nuts!

Throwbacks?: Sure

---Link to previous generations/family members: None

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes

2: Shadow

Entry Code:
Shadow - Buffalo - Male

User Image

Alternate Variations: Sure

Throwbacks?: Sure

---Link to previous generations/family members: None

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes
PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 8:07 pm

Handsome Hunk

Entry Code: (Sabin Duvert / Male Ticket)

1: Hexen

Entry Code:
Hexen - Mutant Condor (Pea-condor) - Male

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): NA
Alternate Variations: I'm totally down for variations biggrin

Throwbacks?: Sure!

---Link to previous generations/family members:
BloodShadow (Mother) & Spook (Father)

Twins: CC
Triplets: CC

2: Silvy

Entry Code:
Silvy- River Otter- Male

... I'm okay with all Swinter (Spring and Winter) Twists! ...

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): NA
Alternate Variations: Absolutely!

Throwbacks?: Sure though he's 1st gen

---Link to previous generations/family members: NA

Twins: Yes/No
Triplets: Yes/No

Sabin Duvert

Winter Trash

Sabin Duvert

Winter Trash

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 8:08 pm

Lovely Ladies

Entry Code: (Sabin Duvert/ Female Ticket)

... I'm okay with all Swinter (Spring and Winter) Twists! ...
(For ALL My female familiars! biggrin )


Entry Code:
Craft - Rabbit (Wolpertinger) - Female

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): The new rabbit template please!!
Alternate Variations: Absolutely!!

Throwbacks?: Sure but she's 1st gen
---Link to previous generations/family members: NA

Twins: CC
Triplets: CC

2: Batterfly

Entry Code:
Batterfly - Bat- Female

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): NA
Alternate Variations: Sure!

Throwbacks?: Sure but she's 1st gen
---Link to previous generations/family members: NA

Twins: CC
Triplets: CC

3: Familiar name

Entry Code:
Veve - Snake - Female

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): NA
Alternate Variations: Absolutely!

Throwbacks?: Sure but she's 1st gen
---Link to previous generations/family members: NA

Twins: CC
Triplets: CC
PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 8:09 pm

Handsome Hunk

Entry Code: (GrnGriff / Male Ticket)

1: Nil

Entry Code:
Nil - Crow - Male

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): --
Alternate Variations: Fine with everything!

Throwbacks?: Sure!

---Link to previous generations/family members: Gen 1

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes

2: Halite

Entry Code:
Halite - Cockatoo - Male

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): --
Alternate Variations: Fine with everything

Throwbacks?: Sure!

---Link to previous generations/family members: Gen 1

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes

3: Rinse

Entry Code:
Rinse - Goat - Male

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk):--
Alternate Variations: Sure

Throwbacks?: Sure!

---Link to previous generations/family members: Gen 1

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes

... I'm okay with all Swinter (Spring and Winter) Twists! ...
For all familiars


Deus Sherry

Fatal Irony

Friendly Gawker

12,500 Points
  • Peoplewatcher 100
  • Flatterer 200
  • Brandisher 100
PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 8:28 pm

Handsome Hunk

... I'm okay with all Swinter (Spring and Winter) Twists! ...

Entry Code: (Fatal Irony / Male Ticket)

1: Whelp

Entry Code:
Whelp - Hummingbird - Male

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): n/a
Alternate Variations: Good with everything

Throwbacks?: Sure
---Link to previous generations/family members:
Mother and Father

Grandfather and Grandmother

Great-Grandfather and Great-Grandmother

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes

2: Ricado

Entry Code:
Whelp - Hummingbird - Male

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): n/a
Alternate Variations: Good with everything

Throwbacks?: Sure
---Link to previous generations/family members:

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes

3: familiar name

4: familiar name

5: familiar name
PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 8:33 pm

Lovely Ladies

... I'm okay with all Swinter (Spring and Winter) Twists! ...

Entry Code: (Fatal Irony / Female Ticket)

1: Primrose

Entry Code:
Primrose - Beemouse - Female

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): CC
Alternate Variations: Ok with all variants

Throwbacks?: sure
---Link to previous generations/family members: n/a

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes

2: Mararita

Entry Code:
Mararita - Lion- Female

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): CC
Alternate Variations: Ok with all variants

Throwbacks?: sure
---Link to previous generations/family members: n/a

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes

3: Daeva

Entry Code:
Daeva- Lion- Female

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): CC
Alternate Variations: Ok with all variants

Throwbacks?: sure
---Link to previous generations/family members: n/a

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes

4: familiar name

5: familiar name

Fatal Irony

Friendly Gawker

12,500 Points
  • Peoplewatcher 100
  • Flatterer 200
  • Brandisher 100


Alarming Consumer

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 8:36 pm

Voiding because I forgot to add the twists form
PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 8:43 pm


... I'm okay with all Swinter (Spring and Winter) Twists! ...

Handsome Hunk

Entry Code: (Kaya Wolf Moon / Male Ticket)

1: Yori

Entry Code:
Yori - Raccoon - Male

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): CC
Alternate Variations: I'm okay with everything

Throwbacks?: Sure

---Link to previous generations/family members: N/A since he's a 1st gen

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes

2: Tsukuyomi

Entry Code:
Tsukuyomi - Wolf - Male

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): N/A
Alternate Variations: I'm okay with everything

Throwbacks?: Sure

---Link to previous generations/family members: N/A since he's a 1st gen

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes

3: Mangekyō

Entry Code:
Mangekyō - Wolf - Male

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): N/A
Alternate Variations: I'm okay with everything

Throwbacks?: Sure

---Link to previous generations/family members:
Mother: Scout
Father: Damian
Maternal grandmother: Sayen
Maternal grandfather: Wrath
Paternal grandmother: Brid
Paternal grandfather: Kovak

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes

4: Wraith

Entry Code:
Wraith - Ferret - Male

User Image

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): N/A
Alternate Variations: I'm okay with everything

Throwbacks?: Sure

---Link to previous generations/family members:
Mother: Diou
Father: Ghost

Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes

Kaya Wolf Moon

Mystical Wolf

10,125 Points
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Rebel Spark 50
  • Frozen Sleuth 100


Alarming Consumer

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 8:47 pm

... I'm okay with all Swinter (Spring and Winter) Twists! ...

Lovely Ladies

Entry Code: (ramenli / Female Ticket)

1: Chanda

Entry Code:
Chanda - Lion - Female

User Image
UNCERT (I don't have it? D: SORRY)

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): N/A
Alternate Variations: CC

Throwbacks?: Gen 1
---Link to previous generations/family members: Gen 1

Twins: CC
Triplets: CC

2: Eowyn
Entry Code:
Eowyn - Bat - Female

User Image
Cert with Soquili (She does not have a separate cert and I didn't want to post a soq oddly)

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): N/A
Alternate Variations: CC

Throwbacks?: Gen 1
---Link to previous generations/family members: Gen 1

Twins: CC
Triplets: CC
Familiar Breeding Dens

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