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Indomitable Seraph

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:36 am

Hello, I am Strife, and this is my plot & singles thread. *w*

Post 01: You're here!
Post 02: idk
Post 03: idk
Post 04: idk
Post 05: idk
Post 06: Ladies
Post 07: Gentlemen
Post 08: Familiars

Teepee for more info!
For self: updated RP rules


[b]Looking For:[/b]
[b]Herd & Location:[/b]

[*] reserved [max stats][/list]

[*] [/list]

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:40 am

Right now I am not accepting new RP (I'm overcommitted with those I discussed/committed to already, sorry!) but I'm up for background plotting whenever forever. *w*
I am generally super slow with responses. Please bear with me. T__T <3


Indomitable Seraph


Indomitable Seraph

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:41 am

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:44 am



Indomitable Seraph


Indomitable Seraph

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:59 am

This is a quote form! To grab my attention! For plot purposes!

[size=18][b]Give Me Ur Plots[/b][/size] [size=11]
[b]Strife's Pony:[/b] My-Pet-Name
[b]For Purposes Of:[/b] Plots, Breeding, Mockbreeding[/size][/quote]
PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:00 pm

User Image
Name: Enfys
Gender: Female

History: Is a healer who travels. Does healing with ointments and herbs and stuff. Alizarin is her apprentice of sorts.
Personality: Nice people. Is motherly??
Interests: Herbs and healing!! Also collecting stuff
Looking For: Stuff!!
Herd & Location: Traveling! Has no herd atm, but I have something in mind (unicorn healers??)



User Image
Name: Absinthe
Gender: Female

History: Child of an angry union
*w* need to figure out hwat her childhood is like, since I figure that will color the majority of her life
is somewhat ~tormented~ and a tiny bit broken
Personality: Volatile??? (see what I did there)
Tends to be solitary
Interests: being alive
Looking For: Plots!! And drama. Plots that don't involve death or disfiguration. Chaos???
Herd & Location: ???

  • Has strange cravings. Has a couple of extra eyes. Dresses herself up in flowers and pretty plants to downplay the creepy wing factor and to hide the eyes on her butt; this makes others less wary of her and less alarmed because she does the whole "cute lady of the forest" act???? maybe??
  • Maybe she'll be normal one day. Maybe not. idk.

  1. Lassuarium
  2. reserved??
  3. Hakuron
  4. Kunal
  5. Narcissa
  6. reserved
  7. reserved

  1. Lassuarium

User Image
Name: Yulia Belrose
Gender: Female

History: Has two mommas and two awesome bros, yyyyeeeeah. ;D
Personality: Super sweet. Is innocent and carefree; being so tiny, she grew up being the baby of the family, and often jokes about always getting what she wants, but in reality isn't so spoiled. <3 Scotch had a thing for her but she was oblivious and it was unrequited. She is so tinyyyyyy. And loving. Best gurlfrand.
Interests: being cute, being helpful, searching for trinkets and bestowing them upon others, getting lost in safe places (aka exploring), maintaining bone collection (no one expects the bone collection)
Looking For: Buddies! Frands! Things! Animals! Stuff! Plots! Danger! Love! Basically everything.
Herd & Location: Currently traveling, away from the Belroses

  1. Laertes


User Image
Name: Vixen
Gender: Female?

History: Got separated from her twin bro, Blitzen. Is wandering the Kawani.
Personality: Vixen is sweet and gentle to a fault. She is trusting to the point that she is naive and clueless in the ways of world, having never been exposed to cruelty or deceitful individuals. Her compassion could easily be taken advantage of. Vixen is peaceful, doing her best to avoid conflicts, but not realizing that running away from a conflict is sometimes worse than being confrontational. For all her kindness and compassion, she has a difficult time understanding other individuals; others seem unpredictable to her.
Interests: being awesome
Looking For: awesomeness
~the attack of reality~
Herd & Location: everywhere & nowhere



User Image
Name: Bloodseeker ("Bonecrusher")
Gender: Female

History: Child of Conqueror and one of her concubines, Scotch
Looking For:
Herd & Location:



User Image
Name: 音雨 (Yin Yu)
Gender: Female

History: Daughter of Huan Qing and Ialu. She is the sound of rain.
Personality: Even as a foal, Yin Yu is dignified and graceful. She comes off as cool and distant at first, but this is only because she's easily lost in thought. She tends to be introspective and is considerate. Yin Yu believes that respect is paramount, not something to be earned, and has the utmost respect for others. Honor and loyalty are other qualities that she holds dear and lives by (sometimes to an excessive degree). She is calm like a gentle spring rain, yet steadfast like a flowing river. She is in the wave that greets the shore. She is in the mist of the morning. She is water, flexible and resilient, everflowing.
Interests: Natural artwork (art in nature), collecting various precious and semiprecious gems and metals, gardening and cultivating, sleeping to the sound of waves, daydreaming, finding her purpose
Looking For:
  1. A Clash of Creeds:
    Yin Yu meets someone who holds the belief opposite to hers -- that respect is something to be earned, not something granted and given freely (until lost, if ever lost at all) -- and their personalities clash. I'm not sure which way this would go yet -- I figure she could befriend someone even though their personalities are drastically different. But this could just as easily end up with an enemy, and would teach her in her youth that not everyone is as open and welcoming as she grew to believe.
  2. Honor Lost, Foe Gained:
    Yin Yu makes a big mistake that results in someone getting hurt -- accidental poisoning when applying healing herbs, or being unable to help a friend in a time of need and danger. It was unintentional, of course, and they regain full health, but Yin Yu suffers the backlash and feels like she has lost her honor. (Maybe she's even told this directly.) Conflicts continue with the person she unintentionally harmed. She learns to overcome this, but it will always be in the back of her mind after this incident.
  3. Spring Rain's Bounty:
    In adulthood, I'd like Yin Yu to meet someone who maintains a garden and/or orchard. I'm thinking this may tie in to a couple of my other soquili, who maintain grow flowers and herbs! She eventually maintains a garden and grows stuff that she gives to travelers. *w*

Herd & Location: with her parents and siblings



User Image
Name: Lumi
Gender: Female

Personality: Ice queen tsundere??
Looking For:
Herd & Location: No herd; travels, but her home base is in the mountains

  1. reserved
  2. reserved
  3. reserved


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Looking For:
Herd & Location:



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Looking For:
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Looking For:
Herd & Location:




Indomitable Seraph


Indomitable Seraph

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:04 pm

User Image
Name: Seraphiel
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heteroflexible

History: Has issues. idek, see his teepee page?? @_@ Must type up everything that has been plotted but left unposted the past year!! There are three main phases of his life, which I typed up somewhere and need to find. I plot these in non-chronological order: stubborn and youthful, angry and bitter, and ~well-adjusted~ and mature.
Plots: (wall of text alert)
  • Beauty and the Beast: Sera meets a pretty young filly/colt who becomes his playmate. Later, he develops a childhood crush on her/him, only to be snubbed by her/his family due to his [Sera's] dark coloring and (or) his father's line. [Disclaimer: not a lover/breeding plot.] His/her family cuts off all contact with Sera, prohibiting the two foals from even talking to each other, and Sera loses a friend. He goes to the ladies in his own family (his mother, Florian; his aunt, Briallan; his grandmother, Shoshana), seeking advice and wisdom: why was he treated like this? What can he do? At this point, Sera learns a little of his father, even if not directly told who his father is. Sera puts two and two together and notices that his father is treated with disapproval by some Soquili, and he perceives a stigma on his father's line. Ultimately, he and his family are unable to do anything to convince his friend's parents that he is a suitable companion for their daughter, and he loses touch with the filly/colt. [participants: Florian, Briallan, Shoshana, a filly/colt and his/her herd/family]

  • Black Sheep: After the incident with his filly/colt-friend, Sera views his parentage with a new perspective. He becomes a little paranoid about how other Soquili treat him, and mentally questions if he is being judged for everything he does in and out of the herd. He seeks support from his siblings and asks them how they feel they are being treated, and if they feel the same doubts that he does. This can go either way, depending on how his brother(s)/sister(s) feel. If they don't share Seraphiel's fears, Seraphiel will begin to feel isolated and will start becoming secretive; he will feel alone and wonder, "Why me?" If Sera's siblings do share his fears, they may decide to have a family discussion with their mother. [participants: Seraphiel's siblings]

  • Born on a Bed of Roses (the Primrose Path): Sera becomes frustrated and begins developing a guilt complex over his blood relationship to his father. To compensate, he throws himself into his mother's family line deeper than ever before, developing an insatiable desire to intimately know their history. He begins to form a strong identity centering on the entire herd itself; no longer is he just a son of Florian, but a son of the Primrose and Hope herd. He views his grandmother as his mentor, perhaps eliciting mild envy or hurt in his mother because he seeks out Shoshana's advice more than Florian's. Sera also develops a desire for male role models, and begins attempts to interact with his grandfather, Oracle; his uncle, Winter Rose; and his cousin, Cadhla. Sera begins viewing direct blood relation with increasing importance. [participants: the entire herd]

  • Fall from Grace: (This may be tied into the previous plot.) Seraphiel may inadvertently start minor conflict within the herd because he places an inordinately strong emphasis on blood relation. In contrast to the ways of the herd, he does not view (for example) Shilo, Meykal, or Kisha as his family members because he is not related to them by blood. Possibly he gets into an argument about the relevance and importance of blood ties in a family, and makes a thoughtless statement like, "If you aren't blood related, you aren't my real family." This can result in a retort about Seraphiel's father, maybe something like, "Your father is blood, but he doesn't raise you, we do," and this results in hurt feelings all around. Sera is left feeling torn, confused, hurt, and angry, and doesn't even know if he should be filled with guilt and remorse. [participants: the entire herd]

  • Speak of the Devil and the Devil Shall Appear: For the first time, Sera meets his father. Seraphiel is immediately drawn in by Messiah's charming, charismatic nature and led to implicitly trust his father; he is unable to understand why his grandmother dislikes Messiah so much. Regardless of how Florian behaves towards Sera's dad, Sera will be overjoyed at Messiah's appearance and not even think twice about why Messiah was missing for much of Sera's childhood. If Sera's siblings react badly to their father's appearance, Seraphiel will likely incite an argument with them, defending Messiah. Perhaps Messiah witnesses this? [participants: the herd, Sera's siblings, Messiah]

  • Blood is Thicker than Water: Seraphiel ignores any warnings he gets from his herd and actively seeks out Dad for what he thinks is some father-son/daughter "bonding" time, not realizing that Messiah agrees not out of paternal love but out of a desire to manipulate his children. Sera's siblings may be invited as well (but not their mom) on the first encounter. This strengthens Sera's trust in his father, even if his siblings (or his mom or grandma) react badly. Messiah takes this opportunity to learn about his children -- what they love and hold dear, what their values are, how impressionable they may be -- and evaluate their "usefulness." There may be another outing for family bonding, and Florian may come along -- if Shoshana permits this outing, she may insist that it be done under her supervision. Seraphiel is not the center of attention; he pays close attention to how his mother and father interact. [participants: Messiah, possibly Sera's siblings, possibly Florian]

  • Devil in the Details: Messiah has left the Primrose and Hope herdlands, and Seraphiel is discontent. Sera still believes blood relation is extremely important for a family, and he wants his mother and father form a traditional, ideal family unit... even if it means separating his mother, siblings, and himself from the herd. He learns what lifemating is and completely overlooks Florian's decision not to lifemate with Messiah and those implications (specifically, that Florian and Messiah do not want to stay together for their entire lives). Sera attempts to reunite Florian and Messiah, disregarding the feelings and desires of everyone else involved, only to have his attempts backfire. In the process, he manages to offend members of the herd, anger his father, and upset his mother and grandparents. After being called selfish and inconsiderate, Messiah begins to distance himself from both his family and his herd. [participants: the entire herd, Sera's siblings, Messiah]

  • Brand of Cain: Frustrated, Seraphiel leaves the protection of the Primrose and Hope herd for what is meant to be a short time. This is meant to be a spiritual retreat, a time when he can relax, view the world with a fresh mind, and make a clean start. He leaves the herd with the hopes of coming to terms with his father's lineage and then finding a love in his life. Instead, he hears about a dark Soquili with six wings -- a stigma, the "mark of Cain," -- and this spurs him into an attempt to find all members of his father's family. Sera sets out on a mission to prove that not all descendants of Lucifer are corrupt, but doesn't know what he will find. [participants: various relatives of Messiah? <3]

  • Baptism of Fire: Sera wanders alone, not ready to face his herd and family just yet -- he is still torn and upset over what happened in Devil in the Details. He travels the wilderness until he meets an angeni of the opposite sex, and he is awed at first sight. He attempts to speak to her, but she turns him down. Unwilling to give up, he follows her. She tells Seraphiel that he's acting irrationally, but he responds that he doesn't care, he's no longer sure what's rational or not... not to mention he's starting to view her evasiveness as a game, like "playing hard to get." The angeni attempts to escape by leaping over a long fall such as a ravine, a canyon, or a waterfall, using her wings to help her, thinking that Sera would stop. (If Seraphiel has wings, then at the beginning of this RP he had suffered an injury -- this plot requires him to be unable to fly for at least a short time.) Seraphiel attempts to leap across as well, but his hoof gets caught and he can't make the distance. To the angeni's horror, he falls, tumbling against rock on the way down, and falls unconscious. He awakens to find the angeni treating his wounds. Sera apologizes, and the two finally have a real conversation. He expresses wonder of her "purity" and abilities as a result of her angeni blood. Seraphiel begins to feel envy. After healing, he returns to the Primrose and Hope herd. [participants: an angeni!]

  • Devil's Advocate: (Not as planned out as the above plots) Without realizing it, Seraphiel is being manipulated by his father, doing Messiah's dirty work. This gets him in trouble with some unsavory (kalona?) Soquili. Sera refuses to believe that his father is anything but the poised, debonair gentleman he appears to be and steadfastly continues trusting Messiah. Meanwhile, other Soquili treat Sera like a bringer of bad luck and misfortune because whenever Seraphiel appears to get involved, arguments and disagreements come about. Seraphiel notices that he seems to have a talent for getting other Soquili to lose their temper. His herd doubts him. Sera's relationship with his mother deteriorates; he and Florian grow increasingly distant. Sera feels like he can no longer confide in his own mother. [participants: Messiah, kalona?, Florian, the entire herd, other Soquili]

  • Thirty Pieces of Silver (the Price of Treachery): (Not as planned out as the above plots) Messiah continues to manipulate Seraphiel; Sera is his father's tool. Sera had already he created mistrust within the Primrose and Hope herd. This time Sera's behavior has grave consequences: he causes a family and/or a couple to break apart (probably only temporarily, just for the duration of this plot, but Sera is unaware of this). Sera takes the blame for this, and his relationship with the herd (and with his grandmother) worsens until there is a verbal fight. Sera is turned away from the herd. Upset, he leaves them for a few days. When Sera attempts to rejoin his herd, his herdmates are not yet ready to accept him again. Hurt and angry, Seraphiel tells Shoshana that he needs some time to himself. He finds Messiah and/or "evil" Soquili, telling them of his troubles. These Soquili convince Sera that the herd never looked out for him, that he's better off without him. They work Seraphiel into a rage until Sera agrees. Seeking to harm the herd from inside, Sera plots with the evil Soquili and organizes an attack on the herd. In turn for the kalonas' help, Sera promises to aid them when called upon (i.e. Sera kind of "sells his soul" to the Soquili version of the mob).[participants: Messiah, kalona? (evil Soquili), the entire herd, other Soquili]

  • Fire and Brimstone: (Not as planned out as the above plots) The attack planned in Thirty Pieces of Silver occurs. Florian and/or Shoshana and/or Oracle confront Seraphiel. Sera comes to the conclusion that he is inherently evil because he is a son of Messiah. [participants: Messiah, kalona? (evil Soquili), the entire herd, other Soquili]

  • Judgement Day: Seraphiel becomes self-destructive. At times, he feels overcome by guilt, but he oscillates between remorse, regret, and a feeling of complete and utter helplessness, believing that he is a beast. He wanders the wilderness with the intention of harming himself: he burns in the desert sand, freezes in the mountains; his body aches and he does not have to face other living beings. However, he runs into the angeni he met in Baptism of Fire. He confesses to her, asking her to put him out of his misery, but instead she treats him with pity and foregiveness. She helps Sera come to terms with his actions, and after receiving her support, they once again part ways. He asks her for something to remember her by. [participants: an angeni]

  • Prodigal Son: (Not as planned out as the above plots) Seraphiel returns to the herd, seeking forgiveness. This RP will involve his attempts to mend his relationships with the herd members. Whether Sera is accepted or turned away, he will feel remorse for his treachery. [participants: the entire herd, especially Florian]

  • (Warplot) Wages of Sin (Original Sin): Long after the incidents in Thirty Pieces of Silver and Fire and Brimstone, the kalona-mob calls upon Seraphiel's for his assistance. But Sera's done with his wrongdoing and wants nothing to do with them. They begin hunting him down. Sera finds other Soquili who made deals with the mob, and they band together against the kalona. However, their loved ones are taken hostage. [participants: LOTS of Soquili, hopefully! 8D;]

  • (Warplot) Dark Horse: (Not as planned out as the above plots) The Soquili-mob plans another attack on Sera and his allies... but there is a mutiny within the mob! A "dark horse" becomes its new leader, and (s)he seeks out Seraphiel and his allies to make a truce.

Personality: Awful (turning into a Good Guy)
If there's one thing that's constant and immovable, it's Sera's "admanatine" (haha) stubbornness. In his youth he is selfish and self-serving, as are all young children; it takes him a long time to grow out of this. Seraphiel isn't evil, but he is impulsive and emotional, taking all statements by others to heart very seriously while saying (or doing) things he doesn't truly mean whenever he loses his temper. He never feels like he's fully part of something, mainly due to daddy issues. Sera envies pure angeni and close-knit families because he feels like they have everything he doesn't (this is not true; momma and his siblings care for him deeply). As Sera grows, he becomes increasingly confused and lonely. He feels like he inherited some "black mark" from his father and this affects his relationships with almost all other Soquili. He also struggles with self-doubt; he doesn't know if he's "good" or "evil" because he doesn't feel like he is either, but others often treat him like he's rotten and its out of his control (no s**t?). Sera perceives this to be worse than it actually is, because he takes everything to heart and, over time, becomes slightly paranoid. This is also a source of a lot of frustration for Sera; he wants to believe that he's not doomed to be a likeness of his dad, but then he does something selfish without meaning to or really thinking about it, and wonders if he really is a bad person. Eventually he becomes gentle and learns to be altruistic, happy things~~
Interests: Flowers, beaches, flying, revenge, Faustian bargains
Looking For: Drama!! Plots of all kinds, minus death or permanent injury/maiming. (Not open to breeding offers, sorry! ;w; But open to mock-babies.)
Herd & Location: Primrose & Hope (currently traveling)

  1. Whiskey
  2. Ereshkigal
  3. Arabella Nox
  4. Coquette Sinclair
  5. Crusnik
  6. Nadezhda
  7. open

  1. Coquette Sinclair

User Image
Name: Scotch
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual, poly-friendly

History: Was raised by buffalos.
Personality: Passionate! Boozy!
Looking For: ????? Not open to herds atm
Herd & Location: Currently being Conqueror's concubine |D

  1. Conqueror of the Weak
  2. ???
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. ???
  6. ???

  1. Conqueror of the Weak

User Image
Name: Alizarin
Gender: Male
Sexuality: good question |D

History: Was raised by Enfys. Is a traveling healer/herbalist-in-training who found a dumb prince stranded in the mountains. Needs to be more plotting
Personality: Dazzling (generally good-hearted, but prone to baiting/goading others >w> bad!!)
Interests: Learning stuff, learning about herbs, saving baby birds, collecting minerals
Looking For: Lots of things...........
Herd & Location: No herd atm, but have something in mind *w* Currently traveling.

  1. Foxglove Boneblossom

  1. Foxglove Boneblossom

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Looking For:
Herd & Location:



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Herd & Location:



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Looking For:
Herd & Location:



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Looking For:
Herd & Location:



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PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:28 pm

User Image
Name: Memory
Gender: Female
Sexuality: ....Forgetful? /brick'd

History: Is glitchy. Damaged. Can't remember things. Bad.
Personality: See above
Interests: This is horrible, but........... nothing really.....
Looking For: ???
Herd & Location: Currently being babied by someone, not sure who yet. Doesn't travel much, and never alone. Not bonded.

  1. Calixita (+MCCL)
  2. Wasteland Wyvern (need to check if still)


User Image
Name: Ostadar
Gender: Male
Sexuality: open

History: Adopted by momma Enfys
Personality: Good-natured
Interests: Gathering herbs with his tiny hands
Looking For: ???
Herd & Location: Traveling with Enfys!



User Image
Name: Belle
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual

History: Buffalo family! 8D
Personality: Sweet and charming, my southern belle ;w;
Interests: good question....
Looking For: ???
Herd & Location: Unsure!



User Image
Name: Brenna
Gender: Female
Sexuality: I'm not sure!

History: Not sure, need to discuss/ask... *w*;;
Looking For: ???
Herd & Location:




Indomitable Seraph


Indomitable Seraph

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:29 pm

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:11 pm



Indomitable Seraph


Indomitable Seraph

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:12 pm

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:13 pm



Indomitable Seraph


Indomitable Seraph

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:14 pm

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:18 pm

Info on Plots & Breedings:

  • Right now I'm looking for background plots to flesh out my soq some more (also for convoluted complex multiplot drama 8D, and plots for friendships, breedings, and mock-breedings) but not new RP.

  • I'm generally not good at updating things -- my teepee has more info but this will probably get more attention!
    Ponies listed here may not necessarily be single, those in my teepee not necessarily taken, but all everywhere are open for plots. *w*

  • I'm good with most plots, I think (of course, it may vary depending on soq). Unless otherwise stated, my soq are not open for death or permanent maiming/injury.
    But plotted skinwalker encounters can be a thing, etc...

  • I do monogamy (monogamous flings) and flings in general, but not lifemates.
    Lifemates are something I'd only even consider with people I'm extremely close to, sorry! ;w;
    I've heard about too many disappearances/disagreements with one-sided LM breaking to be open to it in general.

  • I am super forgetful and scatterbrained. If I've not responded for a while, I probably have forgotten; please don't be afraid to poke me! D:

  • Re: breedings and such, I don't consider anything to be official until an agreement is made, so please don't hedge on anything until we've confirmed it. <3
    Additionally, I don't make any promises as to when I'll enter/obtain a particular breeding -- the slots aren't necessarily listed in order.

  • I don't make any promises or implications that I'll obtain anything with staff credits unless I state this up-front.
    Additionally, even if I commit to getting something with SC, keep in mind that it won't necessarily be highest priority:
    I reserve the right to put personal things first, I reserve the right to reprioritize, approval isn't guaranteed, etc.
    Please also keep in mind that a year-long wait for SC stuff is normal.

  • Right now, I don't have any couples on the MCCL or entering in slots.
    That said, I may only want to enter certain soquili in certain slots (types of slots, minimum stats for basket chances, colorists, etc.)

  • Almost nothing makes me squeamish and I'm pretty easygoing I think?? *w*
    Feel free to approach me about breeding within a family line (thanks, GoT! and Friendship is Witchcraft!), though the soq in question have to be cousins or more distantly related as per current rules.

  • I am 100% okay with all kinds of plots in terms of questing soq -- if either of us are questing soq, plotting and future planning chatter are all good and exciting *w*
    (But please keep in mind that I won't promise or make breeding agreements until all parties are of age, and please don't have any staff credit expecations)

  • PM me here!
  • Post here (please quote me)!
  • IM me at ReadySteadyEnvy (AIM)! -- least reliable!
    I don't use Skype anymore, sorry!

I actually prefer AIM for communication because it doesn't stress me out as much and generally gives quicker response times, but there is a high chance I can miss your message. OTL;; Also, I'm only rarely logged in to AIM when I'm drawing.


Indomitable Seraph


Indomitable Seraph

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:19 pm

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