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Sunrise was up and about early in the day. The brightly coloured lioness enjoyed being out during the day light, it was the hours when her coat was most visible and she felt it her civic duty to go out and about for all to see her. It was true that Sunrise was a little bit vain, she thought her coat was the most amazing coat ever, even though she knew she was beautiful she was quiet and thoughtful. She loved to be seen but hated to talk, most of the time she would perch herself somewhere that she was easily seen but not approachable.

She stood for a moment her eyes scanning her area looking to see if their was a spot that would be suitable for her to perch. It didn't take her long to see a boulder sitting in a beam of sunlight. She made her way over and leapt effortlessly up onto the large rock. She positioned herself with her paws crossed over and closed her eyes ready to enjoy the sunbeams.

Izzy Makani
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