Svipul circled around a huge rock from around the training ground. It was early morning, not even day break yet. She attacked the rock. Again. Again. And again. Her attacks weren't like. her nails had etched against the rock so many times, that it had looked like a carver had done them.

She continued with very little thought except for breaking it.

Another paw, and even pushing against the rock with her shoulder. She growled in pain. Falling to the ground and rolled to the side. Laying there for a moment as she gathered her strength again. Lifting up, and going back to the rock with an attack that grabbed the rock and biting. Sliding down and huffing as she tried to gathering her strength.

"I'm going to destroy everything that lies in our path and for that~ I must continue to train... for the wars that may come to pass." Starring at the rock with extreme prejudice.

To fight, roll 1-6 sided dice per attack (each post will be a new attack). Roll the dice then fill in your post accordingly.

1 - miss (- 0hp to opponent)
2 - hesitate ( -0hp to opponent)
3 - light hit ( -1 hp to opponent)
4 - medium hit (-2hp to opponent)
5 - hard hit (-4 hp to opponent )
6 - critical ( -6 hp to opponent)