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Distinct Regular

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:59 am

With the recent explosion in staff levels, we thought it may be a good idea to let you know a little more about us here at Soquili. Currently we have way too many staff to count, but there may be like 52 of us or something. :3

[b]Preferred to be called:[/b]
[b]Preferred Pronoun:[/b]
[b]Favorite things to work on:[/b]
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 8:09 am

Preferred to be called: Yumi / Yu
Preferred Pronoun: he / him /his (male pronouns)
Job Title: Rookie Soquili Colourist (Does his own certs.)
Likes / Dislikes: ...not all that sure right now, I need more time to settle in and give more things a try.
Examples: SOOOON!
Hobbies: Pony colouring, baking, language learning (currently working on Japanese for JLPT N3 exam preparation), science, reading, chilling out (a.k.a being lazy when I can with vidya games, youtube, tv, movies, music, anything really.)
Favorite things to work on: (Still working it out mostly so this list might change but)
Naturals (natural horses or natural themes like plants / birds, etc), spots, stripes, braids (a new found love), swirly patterns, space, extra fluff, glow effects, familiars (gimme all the familiars)
Timezone: UK - GMT during winter and BST during summer.
Personality type: INTP-T (You can take a test too to find out a little about yourself. biggrin )
Pony work-stuffs: I update my worklog quite regularly (it's updated for every pony completed and posted every 2 months). If you're on the worklog then I haven't forgotten and am probably working on it, I don't often log a percentage of progress but sometimes will say what stage it's at. Please check my worklog before asking me about anything. Ctrl+F me! :'D
I work on ponies between uni work and studying for the JLPT. This is usually during the evenings or weekends if I can.
Certing can take me a while but I try to get it done when I have a decent handful of soquili to cert together.
  • If a month passes and you don't have your certs, come and send me a message I might have missed it or something. Please refrain from messaging me before this point though.
  • If there is a mistake on the information of a cert, send me a message immediately and I will rectify it when I do my next round of certs.

Inbox: Always open, I don't bite but pitch a tent or set up a home in there because sometimes it can take me a little while to reply during busier times.
AIM: It's a faster way to get a response from me and I love chatting to faces new and old when I have the time. Please check timezones before sending messages to asking about questions related to anything urgent, I may just be asleep. (Damn them pesky timezones! *shakes fist*)
Mid-day (GMT) I'm usually busy, so if you see me online I'm only on to check messages for 5 seconds or I might have left my computer logged in and can't talk because I'm AFK.
Life: Right now I'm studying for my final year of uni (I'm studying for a degree in Medical Biology). With uni work and the JLPT coming up things are getting quite crazy and sometimes I can be very tired and my brain turns to mush. If you don't mind talking to mushy-brained Yumi, then it's all cool. :'D University is over but things are still hectic. Job hunting.

Yumitoko II

Eloquent Genius

14,575 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Super Tipsy 200


Divine Galaxy

13,850 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Wintersday Bard 50
  • Divine Donator 100
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 8:10 am

Preferred to be called:
xxxArarara (and other variants), Arashi, Ara

Preferred Pronoun:
xxxFemale pronouns do fine!

Personality Type:

xxxRP, reading, playing cello, playing with colours, personal growth/development, COOKING omgdrool.

Favorite things to work on:
xxxCerting! Not a colourist but I adore natural colours and the like! Glow, paint splashes, etc, etc. :'D So much fun!

xxxSaskatchewan. So I spend part of the year aligned with the Central Timezone, the other part aligned with the Mountain Timezone; I basically keep track of all my friends and timezones in NA, in general.

xxxLife has been uber busy for me as of late; I'm trying to grow my own business! I get to sit down and help individuals and families by providing a unique financial education and we can really change their lives! At the end of the day, all they say to me, is "THANK YOU", and it's so fulfilling and rewarding. Certing, when I have time, is normally done on Sundays. If I know I won't have time, sometimes the certs wait, sometimes I try to squeeze them in during the day...but I promise I am working on them!
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 8:20 am

Preferred to be called:
_____Strife, Strifey

Preferred Pronoun:
_____She! Female pronouns please <3 I really strongly dislike being called gender-neutral or masculine pronouns; I am hyper-feminine.

Myers-Briggs Personality Type:

_____drawing & piano
_____studying, esp. medicine and surviving academically
_____salsa and bachata! Also clubbing :) going out with friends, exploring the city, exploring europe, traveling
_____gaming, reading fantasy & sci-fi, puzzle solving, movies/shows, nature walks, making sweets

Favorite things to work on:
_____Themes & Edits: Creepy-elegant themes (ex. bones and flowers), kitsunes, skullfaces, elegant themes, delicate things, nature-based themes (flowers!!, roses!!!!, crystals/ice), kalona/uni/kirin/fur tails
_____Colors & Markings: Bright-but-not-neon colors on dark bases, neutral colors, naturals, pastels, subtle markings, sugar skulls, starry/celestial markings, peacock colors, bluuuue, white, teals, gradients
_____Definitely not hair q_q

_____I'm from New York City! (EDT/EST) =D As of August 2018, attending medical school elsewhere, so diff. time zone a few months out of the year.

_____I'm in medical school, so I'm pretty busy. <3 I'm currently taking MD2 courses and working on research.
_____I might be slow to reply because I'm really busy and introverted ahhhhhhh
_____I don't have the time for any RP I haven't already discussed (I'm struggling to find time even for that), but I'm always open for plots <3
_____I have a love-hate relationship with long hair. I love the way it looks (I grew mine out past my butt), but it's so time-consuming to draw... and take care of OTL

Samples: (old)
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Indomitable Seraph

xxx Yuki Bear xxx

Rampaging Bear

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 8:23 am

ʕ ง•ᴥ•ʔ ง

Preferred to be called:

Preferred Pronoun:

Job Title:

Doodling / Writing / PC Games / League of Legends / Foreign Languages

Favorite things to work on:
Naturals, Spooky, Gore, Body Horror

China time! ( GMT+8 )

♢ I'm an insomniac so I have odd hours.

♢ I'm currently working overseas, so my schedule is a bit unpredictable

♢ I am 100% open to questions and concerns via Discord DM!

♢ I also love bears ʕ ·ᴥ·ʔ.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 8:40 am

Preferred to be called: Jet
Preferred Pronoun: She,Her
Hobbies: Horseback Riding & Training, Oil Painting, Writing, Reading, Video Games, Organic Heirloom Gardening, DIY House Projects & Self Sufficiency
Favorite things to work on: Naturals, Dapples, Patterns based on birds/insects/other animals/plants..pretty much anything nature related.
Timezone: EST
Other: I'm almost always around during the day but tend to be busier in the evenings & weekends doing family stuff. My Aim is always on - even if I'm not actually at my computer its generally logged in so feel free to send me a message (JetAlmeara) anytime. PM's are also open but I might be slower to reply if I'm not actively refreshing Gaia or coloring.


Eloquent Raider

Phail Ninja
Vice Captain

Man-Hungry Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:02 am

Preferred to be called:
Phail, Ninja, Pahil, Phil, Hawaii, Cat, Hula
Really, any nickname is fine! The last 3 are from my old username hawaiiancat2007

Preferred Pronoun:
Knock yourself out, we all know I'm the seathi queen

Job Title:
Upper Management - I do all the things. Help me. SOS.

Tennis, skiing, horse-riding
Computer games, especially RPGs
SCIENCE, sci-fi & fantasy books
Reading, writing, RPing

Favorite things to work on:
Lists. Seathi. More lists. More seathi. LISTS LISTS LISTS 8D

UK - GMT during winter and BST during summer

My inbox is always open to PMs!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:17 am

Preferred to be called: Rynn or Troll (Malis also works) Just not Ami please...
Preferred Pronoun: Female

Job Title: Elder familiar colours, Unedited soquili colourist
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Hobbies: Looking after Babby and browsing the internet (used to be art, costuming, and reading but a 3 year old kinda got in the way of that :p )
I still play WoW though now I am a filthy casual and if you toss WoW-themed pets or art at me I'll be a happy camper, especially if they are Troll or Arakkoa related!
Favorite things to work on: Tribal markings, starry stuff, light textures, my bane is feathers but I love them so...
Timezone: Cali! (PST)

*Most of my time is spent with Babby though I'm also online pretty much any time I'm at home. Because of everything going on IRL I can be quite scattered so if I have forgotten something or there is something need fixing, feel free to poke me on AIM or in PMs. Especially, if I forget something 'cause I am horrid at keeping notes on what I need to complete (I'm working on it). I love chatter over AIM 'cause sometimes it is the only 'adult' conversation I get on days I am not working.
*I am working on getting my Arakkoa herd up and running. It is the first time I've actually invested into world-building in a long time so I am -really- hoping it goes over well and flourishes.
*I -love- to plot. I suck at keeping an RP going but if there is something you'd like to plot with me about I am all for it. Same with plotting breedings and the like. I have a few that I have been working on for a while but I am always happy to work out for future flings/lifemates.

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

ATh e a r t

Romantic Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:18 am

Preferred to be called:
    Heart, @<3, <3, ATh... If you have a nickname you want to add, just tell me first XD; I'm all open to new nicknames - I just need to be aware you're talking to me...LOL.

Preferred Pronoun:
    Female Pronouns please!

    Coloring ponies, baking (both savory and desserts), reading (historical fiction and fantasy are my favorites)

Favorite things to work on:
    Cute/Elegant ponies. I don't do gore/blood/bones very well, but working on it helps me improve!

    Southern California - PST

    My PM inbox is always open! I'm not always on AIM, but I check Gaia on my phone <3
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:18 am

Preferred to be called: Deej, DJ
Preferred Pronoun: she/her, will respond to anything tho
Job Title: Colorist
samples spoilered

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Hobbies: coloring, writing, programming, video games, watching Sunny in Philadelphia over and over, talking about my cats. I used to play D&D but we're on a break right now
Favorite things to work on: soft/gradient stuff, stripes, armor, shiny stuff, WoW-esque stuff
Timezone: CST
I'm #1 and I like to be the first to post in any sort of list/entry thing /side eyes everyone that posted before me/ (:...
I'm a full time student and have a full time job so i'm kind of on at weird intervals
If you IM/PM me and I don't respond right away, I'm either AFK or will reply when I'm not in a ton of meetings/school related stuff.
i'm apparently the youngest person on staff so i'm the staff babby
i can't do fancy formats Q_Q


O.G. Hunter

Pandora Talie

Shy Kitten

16,175 Points
  • Waffles! 25
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Novice Mage 100
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:37 am

Preferred to be called: Pan, Panny
Preferred Pronoun: She/her
Job Title: Senior unedited colorist - Certist
Toddler wranglin'
Gaia- Coloring, RP
WoW- Horde Druid | Area51 or Emerald Dream | Mauzy#11768
Reading - Currently glued to the Buffy the Vampire Slayer graphic novel series, fantasy, sci-fi, historical
Sewing - Amateur with the machine XD prefer hand sewing
Watchin' mah Tv Shows - Doctor Who, Supernatural, The 100, Walking Dead, Shannara Chronicles, The Magicians, Gotham | Sci-fi, Fantasy, Comedy
Favorite things to work on:
Stuff with visuals
Splicing <3
Spots are love <3
Timezone: Canadian; Newfoundland Timezone | I use EST in events
A lot of my time is spent with the family/work(family business) but when I get time( kiddo is asleep or doesn't want to play with mom xD ) I'll be colouring or working on a RP.

I don't stay up late any more; hard to do with a kiddo X_X so if you need to reach me PM would be the best bet and I do have quote notification enabled.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:22 am

Preferred to be called: Karacub / Kara
Preferred Pronoun: Female
Job Title: Junior | Semi Quarterly Unedited Pony Colorist ( I Do Not Cert The Pets I Color )
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Hobbies: Anime / Manga / Spoiling My daughter / coloring / Listening to music / RPing
Favorite things to work on: Tribals / Henna / Stripes / Spots / Swirls / Glow
Timezone: AZ so MST [ we don't do daylight-savings time here so we are MST all year around ]
Other: I am a mother of a 6 year old. My PM box is always open. So is Skype and AIM.
I also update my worklog every time I finish a pony so if I owe you something or you won something from me check there if I haven't PMed you or dropped it off on the mule to see what is going on.

Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko


Swashbuckling Fairy

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:25 am

Preferred to be called: Spell
Preferred Pronoun: Female pronouns
Hobbies: Oh gosh… ummm… well this is the short list:
jewelry making: beading, wirewrapping, chainmail, other random things
Hat making: blockied and felted
Felting: scarves, clothing, hoods for hats...
Designing and sewing costumes
Dying and fabric painting
Collecting artwork
Baking: always gluten free (feel free to ask for recipes)

Favorite things to work on: This is still evolving:
Pretty things
Purple and green/teal stuff
Experimenting with items on familiars
I can do gory things, but if they get to realistic then I have trouble (bloody is okay)

Timezone: Pacific Standard (observing daylight savings)
Other: I am a corporate tax accountant and I enjoy my job immensely. (I know, I am weird) I work crazy hours some of the time and might be slow at producing stuff around then. Also, please don’t ask me for tax advice. I won’t be able to give it due to company policies.
I love RPing but I don’t have much time for it. But plotting is also loved and desired.
Feel free to PM me about anything. I will get back to you when I can. If for some reason I don't, poke me again.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:37 am

Preferred to be called:
xxxxxI go by many names. However you can call me Nay ; Nayci ; Gen ; Yami ; whatever. I used to be known as II--Gen3sis--II and Yamibakurachan!

Preferred Pronoun:

Job Title:
xxxxxRP Manager

xxxxxScriptwriting (Mostly sci-fi stuff)
xxxxxVideo Games (If you talk to me about Mass Effect we'll be friends for lyfe yo!)
xxxxxHorseback Riding
xxxxxKeeping up with my TV shows (Walking Dead ; Supernatural ; Impractical Jokers ; Naruto/Naruto Shippuden ; etc)

Favorite things to work on:
xxxxxComing up with super special awesome RP stuff for you guys with Faithofthefallen and Lolernative!

xxxxxPST/MST - Arizona

xxxxxI came into the shop in 2009 thanks to the lovely Samusx!
xxxxxI graduated with a degree in Political Science with a personal concentration in International Affairs in 2014.
xxxxxI have a five year old cat named Pandora. Sometimes she likes to say hi.
xxxxxIf you have any problems at all, whether it be RP questions, Breed questions, or even something that you're not sure where to ask, feel free to PM me (or, if you already have me on discord, poke me there). I promise I don't bite.


Dangerous Shapeshifter

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