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Crystal Traveler

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:31 pm

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A simple plot thread with a simple purpose; Find plots and lots of them for one of my most, if not the most, beloved Soquili.

Start with her abandonment, We will follow the fall, and eventually the 'rebirth' of Ozzie, soon to be known for quite some time as the being known as 'We Are Mother'.
I need it to be known that I am a VERY slow RPer, and I HEAVILY prefer background plotting over guild threads, and I'll even do some Skype RP once in a while.

You shall;
Post here to add in your own plot ideas!
Post here to offer a mate!
PM me about any aspect of the plot!
Make the custom baby for me

You shall not;
Post here to inquire about any other plots (I have a thread for that!)
PASS! Ihadtoimsorry

Anyways, let's get to the goods, shall we?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:31 pm


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A simple mare with a not-so-simple history and family.

Ozzie was born between a quick and not-so-smart union between a young stallion named Sadiki Iah and a cunning mare named Aderes...a cursed skinwalker. Already, Ozzie's life was less than ideal. Her father wasn't quite fast enough to rescue her from what could have been a vicious mauling and her basket was badly damaged. When she emerged, she was small. Smaller than a filly should be. It took longer for her to learn to walk, and if Sadiki hadn't been so vigilant, she would have easily perished.

As a result, Sadiki was, and continues to be, horribly and overtly protective. Sheltering her even from the most mudane things, and keeping her as naive as possible. To the point where she didn't even know how to be far from his side without panicking. Sadiki soon fell in love, for good this time. His time with his eldest daughter diminished until he hardly had time for her anymore.

It was at this point that she ran into a stallion known as Kerrigan. One thing happened, so did another thing, and soon, Ozzie found herself alone, again. Only this time she was sick. Or, at least she thought she was. Her stomach was getting larger, and she felt...sick. She didn't understand, she was scared. She refused to talk to her father, worrying that she might upset him and interrupt his time with his new mate.

Instead, she found two friends; Momiji and Scarlet. Scarlet, in absence of a mother, was soon known to Ozzie as 'Momma Scarlet' despite being an Usdia, and together with the stallion known as Momiji helped her realize that she was pregnant. Unfortunately for all involved, one offhand comment about babies being like kitties stuck, and Ozzie began to, and still, believe that she was going to soon have kittens.

When her children were born, she was an amazing mother! ...For about a week. The baskets soon lost their 'new' ness, and Ozzie didn't pay them much, if any, attention thereafter. When the foals themselves emerged, she was barely able to care for them, having no idea how to actually care for them. Her two sons were soon lost to her, and the daughter that remained, Kitten, gained a dislike for her mother that remains to this day.

Through it all, Ozzie had one constant; Momiji. For the longest time, they had a fairy-tale like romance. Ozzie loved him, depended upon him. They laughed, they played, they talked, and eventually they had three sons together.

But, like everything in Ozzie's life, it was not meant to last. Only her youngest, Kei, remained after who knows how long. Momiji and her other two sons soon disappeared, without warning. Kei fought tooth and hoof to keep his mother safe, and even managed to bring his grandfather, Sadiki, and his aunt, Kyuhyun, to be with his mother. With her family all around her, Ozzie calmed. There was no reason to be upset, she still had her father and her half-sister, right?

And this is where this plotline begins.

Ozzie is getting restless. She misses her Momiji. She wants to be let out of the thicket her father and son keep her, well, imprisoned in.


Crystal Traveler

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Crystal Traveler

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:33 pm


And now we get to the actual plots.

Alright, I'll be honest, a lot of what I have in mind is bare-bones and not thoroughly fleshed out. This is because I really, REALLY want my partner(s) in crime to help fill in the blanks.

A bit of a rewrite has happened!

Shadowmoon will be found, as a basket, by Ozzie, who has essentially run away from home. In a fit of...what can only be anger, she decides to take in this 'lost kitty' to raise the best she can. Which, because it's Ozzie, isn't the best. But she will try, and she will try hard. She will believe that Momiji left her this basket, so it must be their 'kitty'.

Eventually the filly will emerge. Although she looks eerily similar to Ozzie, she will have...traits that clearly do not come from Ozzie or Momiji whatsoever. But the filly, rather than being angry, will become Ozzie's second protector. Loving her and happily being her daughter. Extremely intelligent, the filly will realize that Ozzie is not her real mother. But she won't care. Her wings, claws and fangs will aid in protecting her mother.

Ozzie will then, once more, fall in 'love'. It'll be a whirlwind romance, and she will once more end up with baskets. The stallion will leave her, but because she's SO SURE that this time it's true love, she will wait with their baskets, being as doting as Ozzie can possibly be.

However, Kei will be pissed. The young stallion, convinced she will harm the foals, will berate his mother. Yell at her, and break her down, tell her she's irresponsible, and eventually will forcibly take the baskets away to see that they go to a 'proper' parent.

Ozzie will be crushed. Inadequate, and now even her only son that remains feels she's worthless. Her entire family, she's sure, feels the same.

Ozzie will abandon them to look for a 'cure' for her 'illness'. Nothing is wrong with Ozzie, but she will become convinced that she's all wrong. This will lead to her stumbling upon a shadowy figure; The name Oyahusa will haunt her the rest of her life.

The promise of being 'okay' will be too much to turn down.

She will not change much, but much of her maturity will go right back out the window. Her fondness for foals will turn gruesome, hunting down foals she deems 'her kitties', breaking a leg or two so they cannot leave, and playing with them, forcing them to play with her until they are exhausted, and only then killing them. Their pelts will be added to her own, so that her 'kitties' will be with her to play forever. Madness will consume her swiftly. During this time she will be known only as 'We Are Mother'.

Her adopted daughter, her children from the short-lived romance, and a Stallion she travelled with shortly, after not hearing from her for a long time, will catch wind of her, and what has become of her. They will desperately seek help from her blood family, with little to no luck (Unsure if Reila will accept or not; She and Kei will be the only interested ones) and eventually will seek help elsewhere.

This will lead to Ozzie being hunted down, cornered, and somehow charmed.

From there on, it's a mystery~
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:34 pm


:: Fling ::
Stallion Only.
I'm rather picky and prefer dark colors with a splash of color.
Everything else is aesthetics and how likely he will be to bolt after babies!

:: Daughter ::
Currently trying for in custom slots. May take a while, which will put all these other plots on hold.

Edit Category: Edited
Soquili Species: Kalona'Suti
Body Build: Normal
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Basket (Needed for plot~)
Concept Origin: • New Concept - A brand new design of your own

WIP Needed? Please

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Black Base, see Ref for Markings
Face: I would like her to have a Skull-face marking just like Kitten's. The usual Kalona 'Frown', and would like something more like the 'Male' Kalona snarl on her. 'Suti Face Spikes as well, please. Black Sclera and blue glowy-eyes.
Mane: CC; Would love long dreadlocks of some sort, maybe feathers+Bones interwoven? Again, CC, have fun making pretty long hair~
Tail: CC; Tail Spikes 'Suti Tail for the most part. Would like it if she had a mane of hair going down her neck/back and her tail, and ending in a feathered tip with the spikes poking out of the fur on the way down.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Cloven Hooves+Raptor Claws, colored black; Fetlocks please. Would like them longer and elegant!
Reference Image(s):
A few Inspiration pics...
RAPTOR (Also, tail inspo, bottom left)
Dreadlocks inspo

And her to-be adoptive Mum for leg markings and such; [o]

and the Main Ref;

User Image

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): 'Suti Smooth Horns; Same color(s) as the tail spikes (off white) with white markings like her body.
Wings: Kalona Wing Style 3, Ragged Feather Option; CC colors to go with the body+Markings!
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: Breed variants, traits not desired for halfbreeds, recustom, alt versions, non-standard traits, etc.

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items:
Beach Nath; Sharktooh; CC
3-Hoop Earrings; CC
Custom Items: CC! Bones and feathers and...go nuts. Have fun. Would like a bird skull of some type strapped to her left leg, and a wolf skull holding up her hair on the back of her head.
Reference Image(s) for Items:

:: Mate ::
Stallion Only.
Someone to protect her.
Someone to never leave her side, make sure she's not taken advantage of.
Someone who understands her without being overbearing.
Someone to put their foot down when she's simply being -too- silly.
Someone who will go places with her, and won't cage her up 'for her safety'.

Someone who will stick with her through the painful, terrifying process that will be her Cursing.
Someone who, during said event, seek out help for her instead of abandoning her.

No one evil. Stern is fine.

Would like him to be 'special' in some way. Be it that he's special to you, a special breed, what have you. Just...someone special for my special girl.

Preferably someone who looks like they could definitely be her protector.

I would LOVE a feline-pawed stallion for her to affectionately call 'her favorite kitty'. Or maybe someone with a cat-like tail. Or both. Or, heck, even a wolf-like Soq for her to insist is 'Her Kitty', and at some point he's give up and go with it?

I may or may not ask someone to custom her a mate. If you feel like you want to custom her a mate, please feel free to, but run it by me first!

Looks-wise, I'm looking for something slightly monochrome with a SLIGHT splash of color. Please no browns, oranges, greens or yellows. Blues are considered above anything else!
:: Friends ::
Above all, Ozzie needs friends.
These can just be simply plotted out as 'yes this is friend', or we can RP the meeting/friendship!
These friends can fit into a few categories, as I see it;

---These friends stick around during her cursed time, assist her family with the search for a 'cure' and afterwards provide the moral support she will need badly.
---Friends that Ozzie makes that completely abandon her during her cursing, only to come back afterwards and pretend like nothing happened. Ozzie herself will see no issue with this, but her family and closest friends will probably have an issue.
--Gone Sour
---Perhaps she makes friends that are just against skinwalkers as a whole and even afterwards will not want to be around her, or will even want to kill her because she's a skinwalker, despite being charmed?

:: Victims ::
Post-Cursing, I'd love for Ozzie to scar a foal or two in order to have to live with the consequences post-charming.
These scars can either be mental, just from the memory, or physical (Ozzie, while cursed, will attempt to break foals' legs to keep them from running away)
I would like her to have at least one victim that forgives her, however.


Crystal Traveler

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Crystal Traveler

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:37 pm

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 2:57 pm

One more extra


Crystal Traveler

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Crystal Traveler

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 2:58 pm

And we're open!
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 3:14 pm

"I may or may not ask someone to custom her a mate. Though she has 2/4 breedings left, I don't want to wait for the stallion to look for flings, as that can and does take YEARS. Must be willing to give up 2 breeding spots."
Hey I think you're allowed to get surrogates now for soquili with uneven breedings, so they can be mated and get surrogates, I think if you choose this route. biggrin

Yumitoko II

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Crystal Traveler

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 3:17 pm

Yumitoko II
Hey I think you're allowed to get surrogates now for soquili with uneven breedings, so they can be mated and get surrogates, I think if you choose this route. biggrin

Huh. I thought the surrogacy thing was just for poly couples surprised Good to know! heart
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 3:41 pm

Yumitoko II
Hey I think you're allowed to get surrogates now for soquili with uneven breedings, so they can be mated and get surrogates, I think if you choose this route. biggrin

Huh. I thought the surrogacy thing was just for poly couples surprised Good to know! heart

No worries. ^^ heart

Lifemates With the Use of Surrogates/Breeding Outside a Poly-Group...

• Seeking out surrogates does NOT break the original lifemating if permission is granted by all lifemated partners and their mating situation qualifies them for surrogacy.
• Have a six month breeding ban imposed on all parties if the lifemated couple or poly group are broken.
• The surrogate contract to a lifemated soquili is similar to a Selective Permission Breeding and can be broken, with all party approval, without penalty
• Requires the posted agreement of all owners and co-owners in order to be dissolved. Please be aware that if one party member does not agree to break the lifemating, there is nothing we as staff can do about it. It is an all or nothing deal, and needs to be worked out between the owners. We as staff will not play Divorce Court.

Please be aware that surrogate breedings are akin to selective permission breedings. They would not be eligible for a lifemate slot or the minor lifemate basket bonus because the surrogate is not the actual lifemate.

Yumitoko II

Eloquent Genius

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Crystal Traveler

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 7:25 am

Bumping up~
PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 4:09 pm



Crystal Traveler

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Crystal Traveler

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 8:07 pm

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 12:26 am

I adore ozzie. XD

So, I have two foals I could throw your way. I think DarkHeart would almost be perfect for this because he's schizophrenic. Though I don't know if he'd be scared from her post-cursing? His voice might actually find her fun, despite how DarkHeart feels. razz Either way it would be fun! He's my special boy. ;u; I'd actually offer him for the mate you're looking for. He'd definitely stick by her since everyone finds him odd or weird because he talks to himself. But I don't know how you'd feel about him? He would definitely do all of the requirements and if he wasn't up to it, his voice definitely would be. XD
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I have Neon Twilight too. He'd likely be scarred from an incident with someone in a situation like that. Though I don't know if I want that for him. -shields her pretty boy- I'll have some other foals in the future to throw your way. But those are the only two I have right now. XD
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I think the basket i'll get from the breeding i'm WOULD DEFINITELY be perfect for the victim plot.


Winter Wolf


Crystal Traveler

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 6:14 pm



Unfortunately I'm definitely not looking for any browns for her mate-wise, but confusing times to be had with the voice thing sounds like fun.

Aaaaaaahhhhh i dont wanna hurt that lovely boyo, but maybe he can at least be friends with her daughter? biggrin
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