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Ryuu's June 2016 Customs [Closed] Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 ... 7 8 9 10 [>] [»|]

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Man-Hungry Fatcat

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2016 12:00 pm

Ryuu's June 2016 Customs

Starts: May 25, 2016 @ 7AM PST / 8AM MST / 9AM CST / 10AM EST
Ends: June 1, 2016 @ 7PM PST / 8PM MST / 9PM CST / 10PM EST
(The thread will open and close at its stated time, regardless of whether or not an announcement is made.)

World Time Buddy, which shows current times in PST, MST, CST, and EST
Countdown Until Slots Close

  • 2 Open
  • 1 Mini

    Minis will be included in both lists; everyone else will only be in the open list. There is a cap of 1 Super Rare win, and 1 Mutant or Hyperhybrid win. If a Super Rare form is rolled, all other Super Rare forms will become void. The same applies for Mutant and Hyperhybrid forms. Rolls will be made from the open list first; the mini slot will be rolled last.

  • Speed: Slow. I cannot offer decent estimates at this time since schedule and workload change every semester. If you choose to enter, please understand there will be a wait, and patience will be appreciated.
  • References: Make sure they're up to date and accessible (that is, they do not require a login to view). Please consider hosting them somewhere stable, such as on a personal account. Because of the wait mentioned above, it's common for links to be broken by the time I get to them. This cuts down on speed as well, as it may be another few weeks until I have the opportunity to look at the corrected links.
  • WIPs: In general, I send WIPs for sketches, lineart, markings, and flat colors. I do not send WIPs for shading color or lineart color unless specifically requested. If you ask for WIPs in your form, I'd prefer it if you didn't contact me about an update. If I had anything new to show, I would have PMed you. If you're in my workload post, I haven't forgotten you. If I have any concerns you did not receive my message, or I did not receive your reply, I would contact you again. However, feel free to PM me about anything else!
  • Stream: All customs are free to be streamed at the colorist's discretion. You're free to state you'd be interested in seeing it for your own custom, but I make no guarantees. In addition, users should not make special requests, such as "only if you quote me," "only when I'm around," and so forth.
  • Payment: Pay what you want, including paying nothing at all.

  • Check out the custom information thread for rules, pricing, and forms. Please note that although we'll do our best to help out, we're not obligated to inform you if you have broken a rule.
  • Similarly, to remind users of an existing rule: please check to make sure you have been added to the list correctly. We will do our best to keep the list accurate and updated frequently, but mistakes do happen, especially when there's a high number of entrants. With this rule, we will no longer be rolling an additional slot for missed people (exceptions may be made depending on the circumstance, but they are just that: exceptions, and not the rule).
  • Fill out the form completely. WIP forms will not be considered.
  • Forms cannot be edited if it affects the list. Once the custom is put on the main list, we will not be going back and re-checking every form. However, you are allowed to edit anything that doesn't affect the list, such as adding references or changing desired colors. If you need to edit anything past that, see the next bullet point.
  • If you need to fix anything that changes the list, be it by our request or your own, make a new post in this thread stating that you are voiding your listed entry. (Users should not simply edit the original post. It's necessary that users mention the void entry in a new post.) After that, you may repost the new form. If we ask you to repost but you only edit your original post, we will not be adding your entry to the list. If you update your form and the update is not reflected in the list (such as changing from a common form to a super rare form without reposting), your entry may be voided if rolled.
  • Those entering in twin slots will only be listed once, not once per owner. Even if the twins are owned separately, they will not be added twice.
  • For those entering for angeni, be wary of domains that can be perceived as evil. If your angeni's intended domain is questionable, such as an Angeni of Disease, please run the power's abilities and uses with our RP manager, Uta, before entering. If your domain power isn't confirmed to have a positive bend, your angeni will not get the domain.
  • You may proxy for one person besides yourself; simply make a separate post for them and be clear that it's a proxy.
  • If you are entering for paid slots, trades must be titled appropriately and sent within 48 hours, or you risk losing your win. If you're sending the trade via a mule account, specify the username of your main account in the title of the trade. If you're not sure you'll be here near the closing time, state so in your post (do not make a new post).

    Rules in blue are unique to these slots:
  • If you win, but it turns out your form did not fit the slot you won (for instance, your custom is part 'suti but you won a Common slot), you will be given the opportunity to modify your form or have your slot re-rolled. If you choose to modify your form, you are free to downgrade; for instance, you may opt for an Uncommon custom if you won a Super Rare slot. However, note that there is a cap of 1 Super Rare slot; if a Super Rare slot winner and a Mutant slot winner both submit a Super Rare form, the one who was actually rolled for the slot will get priority.
  • The only parts of the form I'll be looking at are: username, rarity, and solo/twins. You do not have to void and repost if you choose to modify the species or edit level.
  • To expand upon the above, I will not be scrutinizing every form. It's possible that users may be rolled with ineligible entries. In such a scenario, users will not lose their slots, but may be asked to create another form within a week. If the new form is not submitted within a week, or the owner willingly gives up their slot, a new winner will be rolled.

Wills and Won'ts
    .... Will Do
  • All Edit Levels
    However, I may choose to reject certain heavy or extreme edits. For instance, I'm willing to try clothes, custom animals, mechanics/robotics, scales, and other edits of similar complexity, but I may request you tone it down if I feel I cannot do the edit adequately. Bottom line: anything goes, but be ready to provide an alternate concept if needed.
  • Identical Twins
    These twins are the same sex, with only minor differences between them.
  • Fraternal Twins
    These twins may be the same sex, with hefty differences between them, such as different styles of long hair. They may also be twins of the opposite sex, with either minor or hefty differences between them.
  • Cosplays
    Duplicate cosplays allowed. You may check the original Master Cosplay List to ensure designs for the same cosplay aren't too similar if you'd like.
  • Growings
  • CCs/Semi Customs
    Please note that if you go with this option, you're leaving things in my hands. The very definition of a CC is "colorist choice." If you end up not liking what you get, I will not be obligated to change it, unless it's an issue of quality (eg. poorly-colored lineart, colors leaking out of the pet). If you do not want to risk it, do not use CCs.
  • Alternate Versions
    Alternate versions are uncerts with and without accessories and wings, to better show off items and markings. They also include skinwalkers versions without their pelts, so that their non-walker traits can pass on to their children. To clarify, I am offering the option to receive alternate versions; I will not automatically provide them for every custom. If you want them, be sure to mention it in your form!
  • Mutants
    Mutants are traits that do not fall under any other breed, OR they do, but you want to remove a breed's blood from a particular trait. For instance, you can have an ulun'suti with a custom feather mane be considered a hippo'suti crossbreed OR a mutant ulun'suti halfbreed. You can have a kalona'corn with feathered wings, and have it be considered a kalona-unicorn-wind hyperhybrid; if the wings are custom-made, however, it can be a mutant kalona'corn crossbreed OR a mutant kalona halfbreed. Standard pricing is: ???
  • Hyperhybrids
    Hyperhybrids are customs composed of three or more breeds. Standard pricing is: (most expensive breed) + 0.5(sum up the full prices of all other breeds here) = final amount.

    Can't or Won't Do
  • Leg-Up Full-Sized Mares
    The edit isn't complete for all breeds, and therefore isn't open for custom options at this time. Sorry!
  • Purewalkers
  • Untemplated Walker Species
  • Custom Walker Feral Stages
  • Illegals
    Skinwalker x Angeni children, cosplays based off of real life people as opposed to fictional characters, cursed Hippogryph skinwalkers, etc.
  • Familiars
    Sometimes, users are allowed to pair familiar customs with their soquili custom. In such a case, there is a limit of one familiar form per soquili form, with mutant familiars only allowed if coupled with a mutant soquili slot. However, I am not offering familiars at this time.

Edit Examples
(Please note that the edit levels for examples may not necessarily match up with what I have them listed for in my worklog. Things change; the more experience I have with something, the easier it'll become for me. It used to be that any custom wing would land the pet in a high Heavy or low Extreme category, but now even two sets of custom wings may be considered Heavy.)

I don't know my edit level; can I ask you?
If it's important for you to know, then feel free! However, as these slots allow any level of edits and works on a pay-what-you-want basis, neither eligibility nor payment is affected by edits. As such, for these slots specifically, you're free to put "CC," "???," or simply your best guess. I'd be happy to go over the entirety of the form with you when you're rolled, and we can ruffle out any uncertainties then. Having an inaccurate form that we correct together won't get you voided (although breaking one of the rules may).

If I have a mutant mini, which header should I use?
The mutant one, please! Simply indicate in your form that it's a mini as well (preferably in the "species" section) and I'll make sure you're added to the mini list.

I have a hyperhybrid form, but it's listed as a mutant.
I'll be using "Mutant" to refer to both mutants and hyperhybrids when creating the list; it won't affect your custom in any way.
PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2016 12:10 pm


Usdia, Imp, Putti, Nixie, Pixie, Nymph, Minicorn, Quilin, Seathi

[b]Entry Tag:[/b] (Username | Species | Edit Level | Solo Custom or Twins)

[align=center][color=orange][b][u][size=22]HONEY I SHRUNK THE PONY! I shall call it[/size] [size=9]Mini-me[/size].[/b][/u][/color][/align]

Regular, Cerynei

[b]Entry Tag:[/b] (Username | Species | Edit Level | Solo Custom or Twins)

[align=center][color=seagreen][b][u][size=22]COMMON SENSE IS...?[/size][/b][/u][/color][/align]

Kelpi, Wind, Unicorn

[b]Entry Tag:[/b] (Username | Species | Edit Level | Solo Custom or Twins)

[align=center][color=#fa298b][b][u][size=22]ITS "UNCOMMON" MIND, UNCOMMON![/size][/b][/u][/color][/align]

Kalona, Kirin, Mer, Flutter, Hippogryph

[b]Entry Tag:[/b] (Username | Species | Edit Level | Solo Custom or Twins)

[align=center][color=crimson][b][u][size=22]RARE CANDY.. LVLUP![/size][/b][/u][/color][/align]

Super Rare
Angeni, Ulun'suti, Cursed Skinwalker

[b]Entry Tag:[/b] (Username | Species | Edit Level | Solo Custom or Twins)

[align=center][color=royalblue][b][u][size=22]I PREFER MY MEAT SUPER RARE.[/size]
(Just let it look at the oven in terror and send it out to me ok?)[/b][/u][/color][/align]

Mutant or Hyperhybrid
[b]Entry Tag:[/b] (Username | Species | Edit Level | Solo Custom or Twins)

[align=center][color=limegreen][b][u][size=22]I'M GONNA BE AN X-MAN WHEN I GROW UP.[/size]
(no gamma rays were involved in the making of this pony.)[/b][/u][/color][/align]

If your custom is composed of two breeds, it falls under the higher rarity (so an Angeni'lona would be considered Super Rare, and a Kirin Halfbreed would be considered Rare). If your custom is composed of three or more breeds, it falls under the Hyperhybrid category.


[b]Edit Category:[/b] - Choose from Unedited, Minor, Moderate, Heavy, or Extreme
[b]Soquili Species:[/b] - What species or combination of species is your custom? (Uni, Wind, Regular, Kirin/Kalona etc.)
[b]Body Build:[/b] Choose from Regular, War, Draft
[b]Gender:[/b] Male or Female
[b]Starting Stage:[/b] Basket or Adult
[b]Concept Origin:[/b] (original design or commercial cosplay)
[b]WIP Needed?[/b] Do you need a WIP for your custom? Producing WIP's will slow down your delivery time.

[b]-- Colors & Markings --[/b]
[b]Body:[/b] Describe any colors and patterns on your horse's body
[b]Face:[/b] eye color, eyebrows, inner ear, expression, roman nose for drafts, blush, any facial markings
[b]Mane:[/b] Include premade style name for unedited, or Edited; describe style
[b]Tail:[/b] Include premade style name for unedited, or Edited; describe style.
[b]Hooves/Fetlocks:[/b] Fetlocks is the "fur" around the feet - Either stock or Edited; Describe style and color.
[b]Reference Image(s):[/b] If you have any visual References, link them here.

[b]-- Physical Breed Traits --[/b]
[b]Horn(s):[/b] Describe Horn(s) - Uni, Kalona, Cerynei, Suti & Kirin only
[b]Wings:[/b] Describe Wings - Wind, Kalona, Flutter, Suti & Angeni only
[b]Fins:[/b] Describe Fins - Seathi, Mer & Kelpi only
[b]Scales:[/b] Describe Scales - Kirin only
[b]Pelt:[/b] Animal Species & Design - Skinwalker only
[b]Other Notes:[/b] Breed variants, traits not desired for halfbreeds, recustom, alt versions, non-standard traits, etc. (don't forget to list colors too for any physical breed trait)

[b]-- Accessories & Edits --[/b]
[b]Trading Post Items:[/b] If any, list them here and desired colors.
[b]Custom Items:[/b] List any custom accessories/items.
[b]Reference Image(s) for Items:[/b]

[b]-- Existing Pets --[/b]
[b]If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?:[/b]

[b]-- Angeni --[/b]
[b]Desired Domain:[/b] Angeni Only.

[b]-- Ulun'suti --[/b]
[b]Element:[/b] (descriptions are here: [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=24820707#375672651] List of Elements[/url])

[b]Username of owner(s):[/b]
[b]Level of Edits:[/b]

[b]Reason you do not want to fill out the form:[/b] (time restraints, gift for someone etc)

[b]Do you understand that by using this form, you are forfeiting your chances to be CCed?[/b]

Additional Form Modifiers

Horsing Around
In standard situations, I would follow your form to a T. However, this modifier gives me permission to deviate from your specifications if I feel some other hue, edit positioning, etc. would look better. If you end up not liking the ideas, you're free to request I go back to following your form.

Note: Due to the nature of art and translating text and images to the custom you want, there will always be some level of flexibility, regardless of whether or not this modifier is used. This modifier simply gives me explicit permission to make a wider range of suggestions.

[size=18][color=red][b](neighing sounds) Horsing around is fine with me![/b][/color][/size]


Man-Hungry Fatcat


Man-Hungry Fatcat

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2016 12:20 pm



    .... Page 1
  1. .Tortured. .Pumpkin. (Mutant, Solo)
  2. nekolulu (Mutant, Solo)
  3. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko (Mutant, Solo)
  4. GrnGriff (Mini, Solo)
  5. hanging gallow (Mutant, Twins)
  6. Missy-Kun (Mini, Solo)
  7. lysia_nyteblade (Mini, Twins)
  8. dawns_aura (Mutant, Twins)
  9. Kamiki (Super Rare, Twins)
  10. Nisshou H (Super Rare, Solo)
  11. -Diamond-Elephant- (Mutant, Twins)

    Page 2
  12. Kara Asumie (Mutant, Twins)
  13. LunaRei_SilverBlood (Common, Solo)
  14. spelldancer (Super Rare, Twins)
  15. Tigeria (Rare, Twins)
  16. Kyribird (Super Rare, Solo)
  17. Faithothefallen & -[The Spoof]- (Mutant, Solo)
  18. Fuzzy-Gumdrop (Uncommon, Twins)
  19. xX Green Tea Tree Xx (Mini, Solo)
  20. Fatal Irony (Mutant, Solo)
  21. Mewsings of An Angel (Mini, Solo)
  22. bella dea (Super Rare, Twins)
  23. Kitomyx (Uncommon, Solo)
  24. Rinial Sisterdragon (Mutant, Solo)
  25. cursedandwandering (Mutant, Solo)

    Page 3
  26. AstoriaFallen (Mutant, Solo)
  27. stormflower (Mini, Twins)
  28. Rein_Carnation (Uncommon, Solo)
  29. Kesmi (Uncommon, Solo)
  30. Sawaki (Rare, Solo)
  31. ProphetOfProfit (Mutant, Twins)
  32. Lady_Ourania (Super Rare, Solo)
  33. Caitlyn Hellstorm (Super Rare, Solo)
  34. NovaCracker (Uncommon, Solo)
  35. Tara de Draiocht (Mutant, Solo)
  36. Aneiron (Mutant, Twins)
  37. Divena (Mini, Twins)
  38. Natelie (Mutant, Twins)
  39. Valkymie (Mutant, Solo)

    Page 4
  40. Cheyriddle4 (Super Rare, Solo)
  41. S u r f For L o v e (Rare, Twins)
  42. pippi18848 (Super Rare, Solo)
  43. Zaikt (Rare, Solo)
  44. Fea Line (Uncommon, Solo)
  45. Pandora Talie (Mini, Solo)
  46. ~Latonia de la Courtel~ (Mutant, Solo)
  47. one over three (Mini, Solo)
  48. FitzRoyal (Mini, Solo)
  49. [Mistress Morbid] (Mutant, Twins)
  50. ATh e a r t (Mutant Mini, Solo)
  51. Thalea (Mutant, Twins)
  52. Kivras (Mutant, Solo)
  53. Strawberri Stardust (Mini, Twins)
  54. Amirynth (Mutant, Twins)

    Page 5
  55. Capricorn Sunchai (Rare, Solo)
  56. Malikztiah Ankhere (Common, Solo)
  57. Lestragne (Mutant, Solo)
  58. Tiger_Kisa699 (Mutant, Twins)
  59. Twitchapher the 3rd (Rare, Solo)
  60. Astraea Pandora (Common, Solo)
  61. magnadearel (Super Rare, Solo)
  62. Lady Aria Starstone (Super Rare, Solo)
  63. DeeJaye (Mini, Solo)
  64. Pollack (Super Rare, Solo)
  65. Kettyn (Uncommon, Solo)
  66. Gracie Loff (Super Rare, Solo)
  67. sage_the_vampirc_angel (Mutant Mini, Solo)
  68. Lunadriel (Mutant, Solo)
  69. Nikkichomp (Mutant, Solo)

    Page 6
  70. Blue_Sparkle27 (Super Rare, Solo)
  71. Chibi Hige (Mutant, Solo)
  72. JetAlmeara (Uncommon, Solo)
  73. LydaLynn (Rare, Twins)
  74. Teh Cheryl (Mutant, Solo)
  75. She-Ra of Etheria (Rare, Solo)
  76. dolphingurl (Mutant, Solo)
  77. ~Masamune~ (Uncommon, Solo)
  78. Niyaru Delacroix (Mutant, Solo)
  79. Rita Zyon (Rare, Twins)
  80. Calixita (Mutant, Twins)
  81. Mameha Otome (Common, Twins)
  82. Eternal Xantara (Mutant, Solo)
  83. Devil NightShade (Mutant, Twins)

    Page 7
  84. Kyrieko (Mini, Twins)
  85. belloblossom (Mutant, Solo)
  86. Kaya Wolf Moon & PhoenixGuardianMikazuki (Mutant, Twins)
  87. Lita Rutherford (Mutant, Solo)
  88. Mythi Red Panda (Common, Twins)
  89. o-Elixir-o (Mini, Twins)
  90. Regal Renegade (Mutant, Solo)
  91. Insane Butterfly (Common, Solo)
  92. [X]Natty-Chan[X] (Mutant, Solo)
  93. Syrius Lionwing (Mutant, Solo)
  94. Lady Argentum Draconis (Common, Solo)
  95. ~Lady Kanna~ (Mutant, Solo)

    Page 8
  96. SSBrosB (Mutant, Solo)
  97. Tsunake (Mutant, Solo)
  98. junglerunner (Rare, Solo)
  99. Infinities (Mutant, Twins)
  100. The Dawn of Twilight (Rare, Solo)
  101. catmagick (Mutant, Solo)
  102. Bluedemonwolf (Rare, Solo)
  103. Dea and #Teddy# (Uncommon, Twins)
  104. ~Twilight...Angel~ (Mini, Solo)
  105. xSakura Serenityx (Mutant, Solo)
  106. Yumitoko II (Common, Solo)
  107. Adora_Heartseeker (Rare, Solo)
  108. -MoomoolatteCha- (Mutant, Solo)
  109. Angelique DelaMort (Mutant, Solo)

    Page 9
  110. Upside.-.Down (Common, Solo)
  111. Frezir (Mutant, Solo)
  112. Alanna the Pirate Queen (Mutant, Twins)
  113. AislingJuno (Mutant, Solo)
  114. AlexiaSilver (Mutant, Twins)
  115. Draconian_Peacock (Mutant, Solo)
  116. Moon_Princess_Yuki (Uncommon, Solo)
  117. Teigra (Mutant, Solo)
  118. Mahogany Sunset (Mutant Mini, Solo)
  119. baby_gwing (Mutant, Twins)
  120. musicaloner7 (Mutant, Solo)
  121. Raving.Rabbids (Mutant, Solo)
  122. Tygress Dream (Super Rare, Solo)
  123. Dollfie (Rare, Twins)
  124. WishMage (Common, Solo)


    .... Page 1
  1. GrnGriff (Mini, Solo)
  2. Missy-Kun (Mini, Solo)
  3. lysia_nyteblade (Mini, Twins)

    Page 2
  4. xX Green Tea Tree Xx (Mini, Solo)
  5. Mewsings of An Angel (Mini, Solo)

    Page 3
  6. stormflower (Mini, Twins)
  7. Divena (Mini, Twins)

    Page 4
  8. Pandora Talie (Mini, Solo)
  9. one over three (Mini, Solo)
  10. FitzRoyal (Mini, Solo)
  11. ATh e a r t (Mutant Mini, Solo)
  12. Strawberri Stardust (Mini, Twins)

    Page 5
  13. DeeJaye (Mini, Solo)
  14. sage_the_vampirc_angel (Mutant Mini, Solo)

    Page 7
  15. Kyrieko (Mini, Twins)
  16. o-Elixir-o (Mini, Twins)

    Page 8
  17. ~Twilight...Angel~ (Mini, Solo)

    Page 9
  18. Mahogany Sunset (Mutant Mini, Solo)

Last Updated: Pg. 10 on June 1, 2016 @ 7:00PM PST
Remember to check that you've been added to the list correctly!
PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2016 12:30 pm


Open: dolphingurl (Mutant, Solo)
Open: junglerunner (Rare, Solo)
Mini: one over three (Mini, Solo)


Man-Hungry Fatcat

.Tortured. .Pumpkin.

Backwoods Garbage

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2016 7:01 am

Entry Tag: (.Tortured. .Pumpkin. | Mutant Wind | Extreme? | Solo Custom)

(no gamma rays were involved in the making of this pony.)

(neighing sounds) Horsing around is fine with me!


Edit Category: Extreme
Soquili Species: Mutant Wind
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin:
• Original Character - Based on an OC of your own design or existing pet(s) of your own design.

WIP Needed? I would love one. <3

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Pure black. She should have a lot of aged scars from a monstrous kalona fight in which she was protecting her young. If you're feeling it, I would love feathered texture. If not, that's okay. XD
Face: Pure black. Her eyes should be a cold, distant blue/grey, with perhaps a black sclera. Some scars on her face, but preferably not many, as she blocked most of those blows with her wing. I'd also like for her to have a solemn expression.
Mane: Sleek and long. Should be touching the ground. Should look unkempt, as she cannot take care of herself. Feel free to throw twigs and leaves in there.
Tail: I want a long, sleek tail. It should be obviously unkempt. With Mother being alone and unable to care for herself both due to her physical disability and her mental state, she wouldn't be preening a whole lot. Feel free to throw twigs and stuff in there.
Hooves/Fetlocks: I would very much like fluffy fetlocks, but they can also look dirtied/unkempt.
Reference Image(s): None.

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Wings: Mother's front (the one facing toward the viewer, not the side against the cert) is severely broken and paralyzed. It drags along the ground, and is very disarrayed. The feathers, while sleek and black toward the top, often times get caught on bushes and such. So it could either be disarrayed or smooth-looking. Whichever you would like to color more. She's never had any healing or help with her wing, so it could be bleeding/scabby where it drags if you'd like.
IF you're feeling up to doing a custom back wing as well, that'd be fantastic. Otherwise, I'm very fond of heron wings.
Other Notes: I would like a wingless version, please! I would also like a version with no scars if allowed for breeding purposes, but definitely not mandatory.

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: None
Custom Items: None
Reference Image(s) for Items: None

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Blackbird "Mother"
Owner: .Tortured. .Pumpkin.
Breed: Blackbird
Temper: Solemn
Mate: N/A
Tag Background: CC
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): CC
PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2016 7:11 am

]Entry Line: nekolulu || Wind Mutant || Solo Custom

(no gamma rays were involved in the making of this pony.)


Edit Category: modrate
Soquili Species: - Wind Pawed Mutant
Body Build: draft, no roman nose, leg down please
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Original Design
WIP Needed? please <3

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: white with purple tubby, blue,purple and pink calla lillies
Face: would like calla lilly markings around eyes and purrple nose
Mane: Wild wind blown, med length, mix and match some fun stuff white with blue,purple and pink strips
Tail: Long, with braids, a little wind blown same as mane
Hooves/Fetlocks:faline paws, purple in color around feet though.
Reference Image(s):Pattern for his markings. Just a general idea make them your own. But this kinda look to him.

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): //
Wings: heron wings-white with purple tips and blue, pink and purple calla lillies
Fins: /
Scales: //
Pelt: //
Other Notes: feline paws please

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: lucky paw necklace, double bands and hat
Reference Image(s) for Items: //

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Ashton Lillian
Owner: nekolulu
Breed: lilly
Temper: Curt
Mate: Bella Lillian
Tag Background: [x]
Tag frame color: CC to match
Tag feather color(s): CC to match


Intellectual Kitten

Kitsune Mistress Nyoko


Shameless Elocutionist

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2016 7:31 am

Entry Tag: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko | Mutant Regular | Heavy | Solo Custom

(no gamma rays were involved in the making of this pony.)

(neighing sounds) Horsing around is fine with me!

Edit Category: Heavy
Soquili Species: Mutant Regular
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Male (Leg Down)
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Pet Memorial
WIP Needed? Yes

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Orange and white, faint tabby markings along orange parts.
Face: Yellow eyes, eyebrows matching mane, pinkish inner ear, calm expression. White snip between eyes interrupts tabby M. (Possibly more cat-like ears?)
Mane: Something very short and fluffy, more like a scruff of fur along his neck than a mane.
Tail: Short and kitty-like. Similar to the bobcat tail on the catwalker pelt template. Tabby stripes most noticeable here.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Newer template kitty paws. Claws would be cream.
Reference Images: Overall coloration, facial reference, blurry tabby stripes, more faint tabby stripes.

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horns: N/A
Wings: N/A
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: N/A

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: None.
Custom Items: Blue safety collar with little fish on it. It should have a small, round gold tag with his name etched onto it attached near the bell. (Note: the brand name doesn't have to be on buckle.) Also a little kitty friend in honor of Luna rubbing against one of his legs with her tail sticking straight up and crooked slightly at the tip or curled up on his back or something. And another kitty friend to represent Lily possibly playing with a long, red ribbon near his feet?
Reference Images for Items: Collar, tag. The best kitty friend ever. This kitty loves ribbons.
PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2016 7:59 am

Entry Tag: (GrnGriff | Seathi/Nixie mix | Moderate | Solo Custom)

HONEY I SHRUNK THE PONY! I shall call it Mini-me.

Edit Category: Moderate
Soquili Species: - Seathi/Nixie - Seathi base with Nixie fins
Body Build: Seathi
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Original
WIP Needed? Not needed! I trust you!

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Base color is mostly white - with purple markings. See refs for marking style~ Purple in color. Exact details are CC - I trust you!
Nixie style fins for Seathi on her spine/tail.
Face: CC to match her body
Mane: Edited: CC color - but something elegant and flowy~ with some kind of shell or seaweed ribbon in her hair. (exact style is CC)
Tail: The "Flowy" tail for Seathi, CC to match the rest of her.
Hooves/Fetlocks: CC
Reference Image(s): She's to be inspired/based on the Chrysaora colorata Jellyfish. Exactly how you interpret the markings onto the pony is up to you!
One Jelly, Two Jelly, Three Jelly, Four Jelly, Five Jelly, Six Jelly, Seven Jelly

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): n/a
Wings: n/a
Fins: Flowy Tail fin for Seathi, Nixie style back fin for seathi - addition of the Nixie style Headfin is CC (if it fits with the mane). Other nixie style spine/tail fins if they fit!
Scales: n/a
Pelt: n/a
Other Notes: The Nixie style fins for the Seathi are lovely. <3

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: --
Custom Items:
--A bit of seaweed ribbon (or something similar) in her hair, or a shell or something. Your choice!

--A cute little mini jellyfish companion (custom critter)! Like a little chibi jellyfish, just swimming around with her. It's color/pattern can either match hers, or it can be different. CC!
Reference Image(s) for Items: For the little baby jelly: Feel free to ref. the jellies the pony is based on...or your own imagination~ <3

(neighing sounds) Horsing around is fine with me!


Deus Sherry

stella cinere

Ice-Cold Codger

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2016 8:01 am

Entry Tag: (hanging gallow | Mutant Pawed | Extreme | Twins)

(no gamma rays were involved in the making of this pony.)

(neighing sounds) Horsing around is fine with me!

Username of owner(s): hanging gallow
Breed: mutant pawed
Level of Edits: extreme

Reason you do not want to fill out the form: Time

Do you understand that by using this form, you are forfeiting your chances to be CCed? Yes
PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2016 8:22 am

Entry Tag: (Missy-Kun | Pixie | Heavy | Solo)

HONEY I SHRUNK THE PONY! I shall call it Mini-me.

(neighing sounds) Horsing around is fine with me!

Edit Category: - Heavy
Soquili Species: - Pixie
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Original Design
WIP Needed? No need.

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Markings are based off of a Poison Tree Frog. However as far as colors are concerned I'd like it to be more natural, a white or light tan for the base, light and dark brown for the pattern.
Face: Pink eye color, I'd like her to have a serene expression, eyes partially closed if that makes sense, will link a reference below. She should have some slight blushing beneath her eyes, Long eyelashes, but not too long, eye color should still be visible. She should be holding a cherry blossom branch in her mouth.
Mane: Similar to the curly style, only more volume and length, it should be slightly wispy with cherry blossoms weaved inside.
Tail: Same curls as the mane, a bit more voluminous and should be slightly longer than the braid style, cherry blossoms weaved inside.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Dark or light brown hooves
Reference Image(s): Poison Tree Frog Cherry Blossoms&Insect WingsExpression

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): N/A
Wings: N/A
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: Her insect wings should be blue butterfly wings, slightly translucent, included reference above. Slightly longer Antenna, similar to that of a butterfly, they should also curl backwards towards her body as opposed to in front of her.

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: N/A
Custom Items: Pearl bracelets on front legs. Pearl (bobby pins?) should also be in her mane along with the cherry blossom. She should be holding a cherry blossom branch in her mouth.
Reference Image(s) for Items: Pearls

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

-- Angeni --
Desired Domain: N/A

-- Ulun'suti --
Element: N/A


Indulgent Nymph


Dangerous Lover

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2016 8:27 am

Entry Tag: (lysia_nyteblade | pixie | Mod/Heavy | Twins)

HONEY I SHRUNK THE PONY! I shall call it Mini-me.

(neighing sounds) Horsing around is fine with me!

Twin one:
Edit Category: - Moderate/Heavy
Soquili Species: - Pixie
Body Build: mini
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Basket
Concept Origin: Original
WIP Needed? Please

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Moon light white
Face: (Mostly see ref)
- Eye color: Blue
- Eyebrows: Match mane
- Inner ear: Same as body
- Expression: Happy

Mane: Long and flowing, Sea green fading to blue, pulled back and pinned with a white flower who's center is a large pearl. (see ref for colors and pin placement)
Tail: Long and flowing same color as mane. No pin
Hooves/Fetlocks: -Hooves: Ivory/pearl
- Fetlocks: Stock
Reference Image(s): [X]

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): N/A
Wings: Blue butterfly pixie wings
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: N/A

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: N/A
Custom Items: Flower and pearl Hairpin.
Reference Image(s) for Items: [X]

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

Twin Two:
Edit Category: - Moderate/Heavy
Soquili Species: - Pixie
Body Build: mini
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Basket
Concept Origin: Original
WIP Needed? Please

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Moon light white
Face: (Mostly see ref)
- Eye color: Blue
- Eyebrows: Match mane
- Inner ear: Same as body
- Expression: Happy

Mane: Long and flowing, Sea green fading to blue, pulled back and pinned with a white flower who's center is a large pearl. (see ref for colors and pin placement)
Tail: Long and flowing same color as mane. No pin
Hooves/Fetlocks: -Hooves: Ivory/pearl
- Fetlocks: Stock
Reference Image(s): [X]

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): N/A
Wings: Blue butterfly pixie wings
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: N/A

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: N/A
Custom Items: Flower and pearl Hairpin.
Reference Image(s) for Items: [X]

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A
PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2016 8:32 am

Entry Tag: dawns_aura | mutant pawed tri-wing angeni'corn | heavy-extreme (up to your discretion) | Fraternal Twins

(no gamma rays were involved in the making of this pony.)

(neighing sounds) Horsing around is fine with me!

Username of owner(s): dawns_aura
Breed: mutant pawed tri-wing angeni'corn
Level of Edits: heavy/extreme (at colorist's discretion)

Reason you do not want to fill out the form: Time

Do you understand that by using this form, you are forfeiting your chances to be CCed? yes


Peaceful Demigod


Fandom Fox

20,600 Points
  • Elysium's Hero 500
  • Marathon 300
  • Perfect Attendance 400
PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2016 9:01 am

Entry Tag: Kamiki | Cursed Catwalker | Moderate-Heavy | Fraternal Twins

(Just let it look at the oven in terror and send it out to me ok?)

Username of owner(s): Kamiki
Breed: Cursed (Charmed) Catwalkers
Level of Edits: Mod-Heavy

Reason you do not want to fill out the form: time restraints, cosplay

Do you understand that by using this form, you are forfeiting your chances to be CCed? Yup

(neighing sounds) Horsing around is fine with me!
PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2016 9:15 am

(neighing sounds) Horsing around is fine with me!

Entry Tag: Nisshou H | Hippo’suti | Moderate | Solo Custom

(Just let it look at the oven in terror and send it out to me ok?)

Edit Category: Moderate (for hair length and fiery bits)
Soquili Species: Suti/Gryph cross
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: New Concept

WIP Needed? Please!

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: CC using this image for inspiration.
Face: CC using this image for inspiration.
Mane: Edited- This style but black in color with fire at the ends of it.
Tail: Suti tail- Stinger club (spiked). Color CC using this image for inspiration.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Front feet- Gryph claws. Back feet suti w/leg spurs and raptor claws. Color CC using this image for inspiration.
Reference Image(s): This raw fire opal.

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): Looped horn (suti)
Wings: Frilled wings (suti)
Fins: N/A
Scales: Suti scales please (back, legs, and tail. If you like the belly scales feel free to do those too!)
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: None

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: None
Custom Items: List any custom accessories/items.
Reference Image(s) for Items: This as a bracelet or necklace. Whichever looks better to you!

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

~*~ Angeni ~*~
Desired Domain: N/A
Justification for Domain Choice: N/A

~*~ Ulun'suti ~*~
Element: Fire

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter


Dapper Mage

11,100 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Battle: Mage 100
PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2016 9:31 am

Entry Tag: (-Diamond-Elephant- | Mutant cerynei | Moderate - Heavy | Twins)

(no gamma rays were involved in the making of this pony.)

(neighing sounds) Horsing around is fine with me!

Twin 1:

Edit Category: Moderate - Heavy
Soquili Species: Mutant cerynei
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Original design
WIP Needed? Yes please!

These twins are somewhat of a CC custom with a general idea and inspiration images behind them. Floral tri-wing jackalopes, is the basic idea.

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Cc
Face: Half-lidded, coquettish expression edit. The rest is CC
Mane: Long and wavy, reaching past her shoulders. Colour CC.
Tail: Stock moose tail. Colour CC
Hooves/Fetlocks: Long cerynei fetlocks and fleetfooted hooves. Colour CC
Reference Image(s): Colouring inspiration, jackalope headdress ref, mane ref

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): Stock 4 point branch antlers, colours cc.
Wings: Mutant tri-wing, the style of the wings is CC/up to yourself! Feel free to use templated wings or custom. Colours CC
Other Notes: She has edited mutant ears that resemble that of a rabbit. Colours CC. Ref here.

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: N/A
Custom Items: Flower crowns, floral accessories, butterflies perched on their shoulders. Very much CC!
Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A

Twin 2:

Edit Category: Moderate - Heavy
Soquili Species: Mutant cerynei
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Original design
WIP Needed? Yes please!

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Cc
Face: Half-lidded, coquettish expression edit. The rest is CC
Mane: Long and wavy, reaching past her shoulders. Colour CC.
Tail: Stock moose tail. Colour CC
Hooves/Fetlocks: Long cerynei fetlocks and fleetfooted hooves. Colour CC
Reference Image(s): Colouring inspiration, jackalope headdress ref, mane ref

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): Stock 4 point branch antlers, colours cc.
Wings: Mutant tri-wing, the style of the wings is CC/up to yourself! Feel free to use templated wings or custom. Colours CC
Other Notes: She has edited mutant ears that resemble that of a rabbit. Colours CC. Ref here.

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: N/A
Custom Items: Flower crowns, floral accessories, butterflies perched on their shoulders. Very much CC!
Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A

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