Familiars, get your familiars!
This shop is run by Kait.
I only do unedited familiars. My talents are best served with natural-ish patterns and markings.
And I love birbs.
Current slots:
Flaffle: None
Familiar Customs: 5 raffle slots + 1 mutant slot available! Ends May 25th 9PM EST
Trading Post Items: None
A lot of my format has been stolen from odet, just like everyone else, ahaha.
This shop is run by Kait.
I only do unedited familiars. My talents are best served with natural-ish patterns and markings.
And I love birbs.
Current slots:
Flaffle: None
Familiar Customs: 5 raffle slots + 1 mutant slot available! Ends May 25th 9PM EST
Trading Post Items: None
A lot of my format has been stolen from odet, just like everyone else, ahaha.