Gebhuza walked with a small smile, taking in the sight of his daughter's pride. It felt good to think of it that way. His daughter's pride. It filled him with an immense amount of satisfaction to see that at least three of his cubs had become strong, independent adults and one had even become so well-respected that she was willingly followed by others. It was even more rewarding to see that some of the old pride's values had bled through to this one... it was not all gone, it would never be gone while those who remembered it remained.

"This is a good place. The pride will flourish here." He said quietly in his deep gravelly voice.

His eyes caught a subtle movement on the ground but he made no motion to acknowledge it. It was something small and very unlikely to be a threat but Gebhuza watched silently out of the corner of his eye, no outward changes betraying his interest.


The grass blades moved close to the lion's paws. Kuro was trying to be discreet but a few more seconds and he was going to be stepped on by the heavy-looking lion so he really had no choice but to move. It was rather intimidating to se a mass of heat in front of him, slowly approaching until it was towering the much smaller creature. At least the giant beast was distracted, Kuro thought to himself as he tried to make a quiet escape.

There were far too many lion and leopard scents in the area anyway. It was about time he made his way to a safer location.