Name: Kaitlyn "Kate" Frezzo
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Species: Hybrid
Hometown: Floaroma, Sinnoh

Background: Kate grew up as an only child, her mother having died of illness in her childhood. As a result of the circumstance, Kate was raised by a single father, whom she affectionately nicknamed "Zilla" due to his love of croc-related pokemon. The two were inseparable, sharing a close bond that made other friendships pale in comparison. Due to this, Zilla had a tendency to shelter Kate, painting the world to be a perfect wonderland and giving his daughter an innocent outlook on life.

Things went downhill as adulthood dawned on Kate. Homeschooled and dependent on her father, Kate's world crumbled down after her father died in a car accident while on a routine trip to Hearthome City. Kate, having no clue what to do with herself, packed her bags and moved to Orre- remaining a shut-in save for the annual vacation to Sinnoh. There she would catch local pokemon, and later sell them to vendors for high prices back at Orre.

While on one of the many trips to her home region, Kate was informed of the revival of Snagem. The pure child who once saw life as wonderful and pure now resonated with the idea of a tainted landscape Snagem seemed to offer. Packing up her things, Kate made her way over and was quick to join the organization.


Roselia - "Violet" - Female - Doner
Sleep Powder, Magical Leaf, Toxic Spikes, and Giga Drain
Shinx - "Skye" - Female

1x Hoverboard
1x Snag Machine
1x SNAG (Snagem Network Access Gear, communication device, pokedex, map, etc.)
2x Pokeballs
5x Revives
5x Potions

Snag Coins: 11

User Image
Art by Sophie. Thanks <3