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[SRP] She's a Survivor (Kasandra Lynn x Eldrin Bright-Tail)

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Interstellar Vampire

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 4:56 am
A solo rp for Berry's Kasandra Lynn and Eldrin Bright-Tail

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 5:00 am
User ImageThe young, shaggy, skeletal mare stood shivering knee deep in snow as the gales of a snowstorm raged around her. As the winds cut through her coat like knives she began to question her decision for the first time since she had decided to run pure pared into the storm. She quickly shook aside her trepidation. It was better to die a quick death to the elements than a slow one in their service. Besides, worrying about it wasn't going to help her survive. She pushed aside all thoughts of death and slavery and focused on making her frozen body move. One foot, one step at a time. As long as she was breathing she could fight for her freedom. She would escape the nightmare that had been her life up to this point.

Gods, she hated cold. She was grateful that she was beginning to no longer be able to feel it. She showed of have at least snagged a cloak before running out into the storm that she was using to cover her tracks but unfortunately she had been to focused on getting gone. Through the wall of white around her there was no telling where she was. It was in hope alone that she continued moving in the closest thing she could get to a straight line in what she hoped was toward the closest edge of their territory. "Just another step." She muttered to herself over and over again.

It didn't take her long to lose track of time. Her world had narrowed to just white and making sure that she would take one more step. It could have been minutes or hours for all she knew. But time was just a trivial distraction that she pushed from her mind. After what seemed an eternity something changed. Looming out of the white was a tall dark shadow. Kally vaguely registered that it was a standing stone a good distance past where her goal had been. But she still couldn't allow herself to relax. Not yet. So she continued moving. One foot, one agonizing muscle at a time. She turned to follow the backside of the standing stone and continued in the direction that she hoped was a cliff she remembered from her foal-hood. The last time she had seen this area.

By the time she reached the rock wall that she barely remembered, the poor mare was barely coherent. The last thing she remembered was walking into a shadow. The she had stopped feeling the wind. It was still blowing, she knew. She could hear it. "Ah. So this must be death." Was the last thought that crossed her mind before her knees collapsed, dumping her in a cold rock floor.



Interstellar Vampire

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Interstellar Vampire

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 7:37 am
User ImageEldrin was sleeping soundly through the storm, curled up under his feather cloak. A few days ago he had been on his way up the mountain when he had seen signs of the approaching storm. Conveniently he had also come across this empty cave. Rather than travel on and risk not being able to find shelter later he had spent the time stocking it with food gathered from the surrounding area so he could just wait out the squall.

When the storm had finally hit the night before he was doubly glad for his decision to stop. It was rather worse than he had initially predicted by the signs. The only downside to his nice cozy little shelter was that it was going to be rather lonely until he could move on. Lorcan had elected not to follow him into the ice and snow that dominated the mountain climates this time of year. Calling him insane for wanting to go. But Eldrin had his own reasons. After the initial shock and joy of discovering that he was going to be a father he was swamped by an unexplanable wave of agony. He had set off on his own in an attempt to either discover the root of this contradictory reaction so he could solve the problem or so he could simply spend enough time with the idea and feelings so that they couldn't affect or harm him anymore.

When the sound of company entering his cave initially woke him and he stared toward the entrance with sleep blurry eyes in the dim light he received a shock. At first he thought he was looking at a legend come to life. The walking corpse of a storm victim come to drag him into the snow to eternally join it. But his (mostly) logical mind quickly dismissed this theory and his second thought was that it may be a predator looking for an easy meal.

However it was only a moment before the figure collapsed and he realized that it was really just a pathetically thin mare practically dead in her feet from exhaustion and half frozen. He quickly heaved himself to his feet and nudged her further in away from the entrance. Hoping that it was enough he drug his cape over her and lay down next to her, trying to share his body heat. He sighed in relief when a short time later she began to shiver rather than lay ice stiff. At least her body was willing to put up a fight. Eldrin curled closer to her trying to give as much help as he could.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 1:23 pm
User ImageKally was floating in a sea of gray. She wasn't sure where she was or what was going on. She wondered if she had finally frozen to death in the pile of pathetic rags that had served as her bed for years. The Kalona family that she had spent the majority of her life with enjoyed watching her shiver herself to sleep. It wouldn't surprise if they had just let her die in the cold too. As she was starting to wonder if death could really be as boring as this the gray started to ripple between light and dark. It kind of reminded her of waves on the ocean.

Ah, the ocean. She clung to the thought. She hadn't seen the ocean since she was very young. She remembered prancing in the surf with her little foal legs. Then falling asleep in the warm white sand of the beach. The thought of a place that never got cold comforted her. She decided that if she ever managed to escape then she would head back to the beaches of her childhood memories. If she wasn't actually dead. The thought of escape jolted something in her memory. The undulation of light suddenly stopped and she began sliding steadily toward blackness. "Wait. No!" Her mind cried. She didn't want to go back to the cold blackness. Just before she was completely overcome, she opened her eyes.

The first thing she noticed was that she wasn't dead. Her body was on fire! Death couldn't be this painful. The second thing she noticed was that she wasn't on her pile of rags. The light was dim so she couldn't see very well and her eyes were having trouble focusing. She heard the rumble of a low voice. Then her vision was taken up by a blurry face. One she didn't recognize. Her mouth was opened and something wet and thick was poured down her throat. She choked on it. Her stomach clenching in agony as the first nutrition it had gotten in days filled it. She didnt have the strength to cough. Luckily the stranger seemed to understand the trouble she was having. And didn't drown her. Or overfill her.

As a comfortable numbness spread through her she tried to say her thanks to the stranger. She still didn't have any idea where she was or who he was. But all that was clear was that she was no longer in the prison that had been her home. For that she was grateful. Before she could make her mouth form the words she found that she was sliding back toward the gray sea.



Interstellar Vampire

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Interstellar Vampire

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 6:40 am
User ImageIn the dim light that was all the announcement of day that could make it through the gray storm and filter into the entrance to the cave Eldrin nosed through the slowly dwindling supply of food. He mentally sepperated what was left into portions for himself and his visitor. He grunted, satisfied that there was enough left to last them at least another two days if the storm didn't let up before then. At that point he figured he could go out and try to find more if it hadn't been destroyed or buried too deeply. He was thankful for his forethought of stocking up to begin with and thankful again for his habit of always planning extra. It helped that broth was all the mostly unconscious mare could swallow.

Speaking of it was about time for her to stir again. She seemed to do so fairly regularly which was a great reassurance to the question of whether or not she would survive. He stepped over to the small pile of coals that he kept slowly smoldering and nudged at them with a hoof until they flared a bit brighter so he could add a small amount of fuel sufficient enough to heat the crude bowl full of snow and plant matter. Once warm it would become the little mare's next meal. As he watched over the brew he kept an ear cocked listening for the subtle change in her breathing that would announce the resurface to consciousness. There. She was stirring. He pulled the warm bowl from the coals with his muzzle and carefully carried it over to where he could carefully drip the liquid into her mouth.

This was a routine they had followed for the last three days, since she had stumbled into his temporary shelter. With any luck she would wake soon and be able to eat by herself. Hopefully her body would be able to manage more solid food. Looking at her thinness was painful for the stallion buck. He hated seeing any creature in such a state, let alone one who was so obviously beautiful behind the ragged worn-downess.

It gave El great joy when, for the first time since her arrival, the mare finished the entire bowl full of broth. He set aside the bowl and laid down next to her, sharing his body warmth and comfort with her. He murmured encouragement and reassurances like "It will be okay" "You're safe" "I will take care of you" to her barely trembling ears until she fell back into unconsciousness. After he was satisfied by the sound of several minutes of her deep sleep breathing he rose and set about preparing another round of broth for the next time she awoke.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 4:50 pm
User ImageAfter the first day of drifting in and out of consciousness Kally became used to the sensation and didn't find herself in a panic every time she would wake or drift off again. As a matter of fact every time she recognized the ripple of her consciousness that meant she was waking she began to anticipate it. The liquid that she received on waking no longer made her stomach cramp in pain, which she took as a good sign. The presence of the other near her, the one who must be caring for her, began to be comforting. She hadn't been comforted by the presence of another being in what seemed like forever. Another lifetime. Back before.

Every time she woke she became more aware of what was happening around her. At first it was just the painful response of her stomach. Then it was awareness of another's presence. Next it was the kind voice that would softly lull her back into sleep. It wasn't long until she became aware that the voice was masculine in nature. Soon she was able to even understand the words he spoke to her, comforting though simple. 'Soon' she told herself every time she would drift off again. 'Soon I'll get up and keep going.'

When Kally next woke she felt different. Much more aware. She gave an experimental flick of her ears. Mere seconds later the now familiar bowl met her lips. She swallowed the broth as quickly as she could without choking or shocking her body back into sleep. This of course caused an expression of joy from her host. Licking her lips she tried for the first time in what seemed ages to open her eyes.Slowly, very slowly, for even the dim light that lit what had to be a cave was harsh to her. When she was able to focus she found herself looking into the face of a very handsome stallion. At that moment he was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. "Thank you." she tried to say. However all that came out was a pathetic rasp. All the same he seemed to understand what she was trying to convey.

Carefully she tested the movement in each of her legs. They were heavy and stiff with lack of use but otherwise seemed alright. After resting for a moment she exerted the effort to pull her legs under her and sit upright. She was used to weakness and stiffness, it happened when you had to work nearly constantly with little rest, so the effort it took to complete the task was no bother to her. As a matter of fact, with the nutrition and rest her body had been receiving, she felt almost powerful. Of course she was smart enough to know that standing was out of the question but it still felt good to be upright.

She gazed around taking in her surroundings. It was, of course, indeed a cave. It also appeared to be night outside as no light came from the entrance. She could still hear the raging sound of the storm she had walked into. The light that had been so intolerable to her a first was nothing more than the dim glow of a few banked embers. Though small, they were cheery. Or so it seemed to her. And the hint of heat they gave off warmed her through like nothing else. She felt more amazing than she had in as long as she could remember. She felt . . . free.

WC: 586


Interstellar Vampire

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Interstellar Vampire

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 3:10 pm
User ImageEldrin watched the little mare intently. Being stuck in a cave in a blizzard with little else to do he spent a majority of his time watching her sleep and t arrange heraking note of her breathing patterns. He could predict almost to the second when she would wake for more nourishment. It pleased him to o watch her become more aware of her surroundings each time she woke. Soon now h d even be able to add more solid food to her broths without fear of upsetting her body. At the rate she was recovering it wouldn't be s surprise if she woke with an appetite for fully solid food.

The day she finally fully awoke and tried to move was one of great triumph for him. He watched as she tried to legs on her own. Though she seemed to be struggling with the effects of being still for so long she still managed to get herself upright. She tried to say something about o him but all that came out of her was a rasp. He smiled encouraginy at her anyway which seemed to cheer her. He went to gather more food for her from his stores as she looked about, taking in her surroundings.

She was as perky as her situation allowed and seemed rather sweet and even cheerful despite her sorry state. He had to wonder what had brought her to such. He shook the thought off. It really didn't matter. What did was that she was here now. If she saw fit to tell him her story so be it but until then it was hers to keep. It wasn't long until she tired and fell back into a sleep but it wouldn't be long before she would be able to be up and around. Eldrin felt some pride at her improving state and vowed to himself that she would soon put on some weight.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 9:28 am
User ImageWhen Kally woke she knew that this time she would stand. She had been idle far too long. This was the longest she had gone since foalhood without waking to a hard days work. She was getting bored. She was beginning to get antsy too. While she had escaped her captors for the time being she was still far too close to them. Still in danger of being found and forced back. How was she to get further away if she couldn't even stand? As much as she appreciated the care her host was taking of her she really needed to get a move on. Actually, how did she know that he wasn't nursing her to health just to send her back? It may have been the cave environment, or maybe the continuing storm, but her thoughts were beginning to run wild with a seriously paranoid edge to them.

As she rolled upright the stallion was quickly by her side with food as usual. She thanked him with a smile still a bit put off by how rough her voice was after not having used it for a few days. She knew it would be back to normal in no time but it was still disconcerting. She finished her food and started arranging her legs to prepare to stand as the stallion put away his dish. She gave a great heave of effort and found herself wobbling precariously on unsteady legs. Not unlike a newborn foal.

The longer she stood the more steady she got as her muscles began to re-engage. After a moment she took a tentative step forward and then another until she stood next to the stallion. She cleared her throat half afraid she wouldn't be able to talk again. "I want to thank you properly for helping me. " she started off with. Luckily she was able to actually speak the words this time and with use her voice cleared a bit so she kept talking. "I don't want to seem ungrateful but I think I have been here long enough and really should move on. I don't want to burden you any further."


Interstellar Vampire

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Interstellar Vampire

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 8:02 am
User ImageEldrin was curious about the shuffling going on behind him as he put away his dish and poked at his little pile of coals with a toe. When he turned around what he didn't expect to see however was the decrepit mare weaving drunkenly on her feet. He was taken entirely by surprise. He hadn't expected her to be able to get up for another few days at least. He would have preferred to rush to her side to steady her but the determination on her face kept his cloven hooves rooted to the rock floor. That determination and spirit must have been what made her able to survive whatever she had been through. If she wanted to keep relying on herself he certainly was in no position to stop her.

He himself was the same. He had learned that he was the only one who could determine his successes and failures. He was thoroughly impressed when she walked toward him and was even almost completely steady on her feet by the time she made it across the cave. Her next statement however blindsided him even more completely than if she had started to dance a jig. Leave? In this weather? In that condition? He quickly wracked his brain for ways to convince her to stay until she was in better shape. He decided the best way was the direct approach with a bit of bribery.
"If you walked out of this cave right now you would die. I can't let you do that after I just saved your life once. Stay at least until the storm lets up. Then if you insist on going I will let you. However, if you choose to stay until the first hint of spring I will personally help you get to wherever it is you are going. Or even just out of these mountains if that is what you wish. My name is Eldrin Bright-Tail by the way. May I inquire as to whom I am speaking? If you would rather not tell I won't press the matter. I would just prefer to have something to call you. "
PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 9:47 am
User ImageWhen the stallion started to deny her leave she had to fight of a panicked reaction. However after a deep breath she listened to the rest of what he had to say. It made sense that he wouldn't want his hard work of caring for her to go to waste. He had even offered to help her leave without even asking what she was running from. If she could trust him, and she really really wanted to, he might be an even bigger help than he had already been. When he asked her name she was a bit taken aback. No one had cared about her name since she had last seen her parents.

"Ahh . . ." It took her a minute to recall it. "Kasandra Lynn. That's my name. But, I think I was Kally for short. " The only reason she had been able to remember was that on the nights she didn't fall instantly into an exhausted sleep she would repeat it to herself. Just in case she needed it again someday. The Kalona she had been in servitude to treated her no better than a pet who had no understanding so they had never bothered to call her anything in particular let alone cared about her name. It was nice to be able to say it again. "And,um,I guess you're right about the storm. I'll stay for a while. Thank you again. Eldrin Bright-Tail. " it felt so odd to be having a conversation. But very exciting at the same time.


Interstellar Vampire

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Interstellar Vampire

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 3:01 pm
User ImageEldrin was able to see every bit of the internal battle that the mare fought with herself. He waited patiently, not pushing, as her reason fought to overcome her fear. It made him want to march out into the storm and find whatever it was she was running from and squash it just so she could rest easier. Anything that could disturb someone badly enough to think that wandering off into the middle of a blizzard was a good idea had to be terrible. It touched a chord of something in himself that set off a reaction he didn't particularly appreciate let alone understand. Sorrow. Pain. He shook it off knowing it wasn't worth bothering with as he wouldn't be able to suddenly understand. It wasn't uncommon for him to have weird wishes Ike that.

When she finally relaxed he felt a bit of tension leave himself as well. He hoped that it hadn't been obvious how worried for her he was. Putting pressure on her like that was likely to cause her to spook and run out on him anyways. Likely when he was sleeping and unable to stop or pursue her. However the relief was short lived as he was again struck by the fact that she seemed to have trouble even remembering her name. The pause could have been caused by her perhaps attempting to come up with a fake name but the poor girl was so disoriented that it was highly unlikely.

"Kasandra Lynn. Kally" He repeated the name back to her, confirming he had heard correctly.
"Well, Kasandra Lynn. I'm honored to have you as my guest for however long you wish to grace me with your company." It never hurt to treat a lady with dignity and respect. Perhaps it might even make her feel more secure in his company. "Feel free to warm yourself by my fire." He settled himself down next to it by example, again hoping that his behavior would help put her at ease. "If you're tired don't keep yourself awake on my account either." He tacked on pretending to stifle a yawn.

WC: 353
PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 12:19 pm
User ImageIt was so good to hear someone say her name! Kally hadn't realized how much she had missed hearing her name used. It made a little flutter in her chest. The rush of pleasure made her unstable on her feet and when she saw that he was settling down for the night himself she made a decision to stay at least one more night. After that who knew what direction she might go or how long she might stay. He was so polite too. If she had to stay with anyone this Stallion didn't seem such a bad choice.

She stepped toward the fire and settled herself opposite him. It would be rude for her to keep him up with worry. Especially after he had taken so much care with her. Letting her fight her own demons without being overbearing.
"I'm glad to have your company too." She told him. "Thank you for the use of your fire. And your cave." While Kally was tired, she didn't quite feel like sleeping yet. It was good to awake and know she was free. To know she was in the company of someone who treated her with respect and dignity despite her obvious poor circumstances.

She sat and stared into the fire while she mulled over his previous invitation to help her leave the mountains. Not only that, but to keep her company until spring when it would be warmer and the going easier. As much as the idea of being stuck so close to her captors chafed, her survival instinct was beginning to push past the panic. In truth it had been so long since she had seen anything outside the immediate area she had been allowed to wander outside the cave that had been her prison, that she was already completely lost. Her luck and she would wander right back into their territory. The more she thought about it with a clear mind the more she realized that she truly needed the aid that this selfless stranger offered.

As Kally pondered her options to herself the hypnotic dance of the flames began to make her eyes feel heavy. Just as she felt herself slipping into sleep she came to a firm decision. She would stay with Eldrin until she felt she had to move on. If that wasn't until spring then so be it. She would tell him her conclusion when she woke.


Interstellar Vampire

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