The scent of the pride all but burned her senses, she let out a glare in its general direction, unknowingly being closer to it than she had thought. Cora had little use for a pride, unless it was a pride of minions to worship her and do the things she felt were below her. Otherwise, she viewed those within them as pathetic and weaklings.

Something to be wiped off ones paw.

Not that she would let that tid bit be known to her new viking friend, he was not like the others and well if he too should become a sheep among the flock well then...she would cull him to free him. It would be such a pity if things came to such a manner, she really hoped it wouldnt. She still had plenty of use of him.

There was something about the lioness that kept Shya on his toes and alert, his eyes never leaving her as he watched her prowl through the darkness, a stones throw from himself. No no, something evil seemed to ooze out of her, the shadows at her paws even seemed...different.

No, he would not be allowing her any closer to his home, and to his love he thought. The golden hued lioness most likely waiting for him to return after his shift was over, but he couldnt let his mind be clouded.

No, there was something about this lioness that just seemed dangerous.

He snorted.

The snort caught her attention, she was being watched. How cute she thought with a smirk, maybe she could have a little game, it would be nice to add to her bone collection, and she had no issue taking bones from other lions, oh that challenge was even more thrilling.

"Well aren't you just a little creep hmm? Watching a lady from the shadows." She tossed out as she turned towards the direction of the snort, there were to many scents for her to pin point where he was

"Just doing my duty ma'am." He was careful with his words, though his tone was steeled, he didnt make a move to show himself either, simply used the advantage of the prides mingling scents to hide himself.

"Care to share your name and what business you have here?" He questioned, surely no one within the pride had any ties to her. Not his home, not the faces he saw daily, none could have ties to this...lioness.

She grinned now, no reason to put on airs for this one it seemed, he wouldnt be fooled. Must be sensitive to her essence she thought, oh what a pity. For him.

"Cora, and my business is that of death." She laughed now, it echoed in the early evening, the darkness hadnt quiet taken its hold over the land, but that would be done soon enough.

Her laughter made his shackles raise, oh he would do what he must to protect his home, and the lioness of his heart, and that would to make sure she never came within their borders.

"We've no use for those like you." He said in clipped tones, a low growl bubbling up within him. "You are not welcome within these lands Cora." He now growled, if she made a threatening move, then he would have no choice but to bring her down.

For his pride.
For his love.

"Oh it seems the little boy has his big boy pants on." She huffed as she tossed her bangs and flashed her fangs, "Do you want to dance? Shall I slay you where you stand?" She moved towards the sound of his voice now, this day wasnt ending on a sour note she thought as she paused a few feet away from him.

"Would your views allow you lay a paw on a lady hmm? Shall we test your boy scout merit?" She taunted. "C'mon lets tango."

He snarled, and was still young enough in his years to be foolish and step forward, showing himself now. He was by no means a small lion, even for his larger boned pride he was a big male, his paws though were massive.

"If a lady was what was before me, surely I do believe this conversation would be different, but since there is none, the answer matters not." He shot back.

'Ayodele forgive me' He thought to himself, he knew he had to stand on the attack, but hopefully he'd just be bringing his hide back to her with a few scars, he would return to his mates side this night.

"Why you little!" She growled and lunged at him now, her own temper was generally well controlled, but damned she would be if she was going to let some little nothing talk to her in such a manner!

Her claws sank into his shoulder, as her fangs went for his neck, which was sadly protected by a rather thick mane, but she did manage to pierce through it slightly, enough to pull her head back and laugh as small trickles of blood ran down her fangs

He roared out in pain, using his massive paws to shove her off, the bite of her claws slicing through his flesh only fueled him further to keep his love, his pride safe from her. Lifting a massive clawed paw, he slashed out as her face while she laughed.

She had been distracted in the minute, not thinking he was more than an over grown cub, his paw was heavy, she hadnt noticed the size of them until the one knocked into her jaw, claws slicing her muzzle as she skidded back a few steps.

She wiped at her maw, noting the blood he had spilled from her.

This time when she went for him, he was ready. They went round after round, roars and cries echoed in the night as the darkness took the land, the scent of blood grew heavy as the pair battled it out, one with the fire of love in his belly and the other who drank in the pain of others like it was air. Claws slicing flesh, fangs piercing hide, fur flying, threats and come backs bouncing back and forth, her laughter echoed out randomly.

Finally the pair fell apart, she snorted, panting lightly. She hadnt expected him to be so battle ready, not this pridelanders brat. She had expected to find a fat, spoiled unskilled easy kill..but instead, she would admit he had power, drive and strength...he would have been a good addition to her minions, but as she eyed him through the haze of blood she doubted she could bend him to her will.

He stood with his head up proudly, one eye closed as a trio of claw marks slashed down over it. His body quivered as he awaited her next move, he didnt want to kill her, but should she go at him again, he would do it.

"I'll get you pretty boy." She growled out, "Maybe not tonight, but one day you'll be begging at my paws." She laughed, as she limped away into the darkness.

"Never." He called out to her, he stood there for what seemed to be hours, until another scout came to relieve him from his post. "There is a threat out there, a black lioness with orange orbs." He warned the other, but he wasnt sure she would be back anytime soon, her wounds would need to heal.

And with a breath he had seemed to be holding for who knew how long, he released it and started towards the den he shared with the lioness he loved. Tonight, he would bask in her warmth and drink in her scent, and let her love soak into darkness that had threatened them tonight.

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