You creepin'? |
Total Votes : 18 |
Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 6:13 pm
A small plot thread featuring those that my muse is most active for. Also houses RP logs and breeding forms.
I have a pretty bad memory, so PLEASE don't hesitate to poke me over and over again if I don't respond to your inquiries or RPs - I will never take it as an insult, because I genuinely feel awful for forgetting.
xoxo Yuki :
Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 6:19 pm
► Dramatic/tragic slow-burn romance
► Character development
► Evil/cultish herds and themes
► Fighting/violent confrontations
► Dark character introspection
► Unique, complex characters
► Clashing personalities/views
► Multiple story arcs
► Meet & greets
► Instant love at first sight
Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 6:20 pm
Death to My Foes/Jellyfish Personality: At this point in her life, Jellyfish is cautious of the intentions of everyone she meets. She is quiet, and, with the help of her new herdmates, she has been able to tone down her impulsive tendencies. She is still very emotional and she feels very deeply. It is easy to upset her and this is something caused by her past that will probably never change. History: I. The Birth of the Beast Jellyfish used to be a child-like, mindless beast who was fully under the control of her 'mother', Lux Flamma. The herd mistreated her and feared her, and she often only found kindness from Lux. With the help of a concerned friend within their herd, she realized that she was so much more than what others saw her to be. She started to gain a bit of independence. But even a little independence was too much for Lux to let happen. A mysterious ‘accident’ killed Jelly’s one friend. Heartbroken, she recedes back into herself. Lux gives birth to three foals.
II. The Lies of the Mother Later, Lux’s children have grown up. Conqueror of the Weak sees Jellyfish as a means to help overthrow her mother. A war comes to Jellyfish’s doorstep and she is right in the middle of it. During a heated exchange, Conqueror spills her mother’s secrets in front of everyone. Jellyfish was stolen away as a basket. Lux had made it her mission to destroy her true fathers’ lives and make his family line suffer. Lux was not her mother. Lux did not care for her. Jellyfish goes into shock, thinking of the wonderful life she could have had. Then Conqueror reveals that Lux had Jelly’s friend killed. Jellyfish is consumed by emotion and impales an attacker on her tusks. The battle begins.
III. The Flower Jelly escapes the battle heavily wounded. She runs as fast and as far as she can before she collapses in a small pond surrounded by beautiful flowers. Some time later when she wakes up, she has an audience. A small ‘suti with many eyes explains that Jelly is currently sleeping and bleeding in her pond. Her name is Iris, and she takes care of Jellyfish. Time passes, and a tentative romantic relationship forms. They fall in love, but happiness is never permanent with Jellyfish.
IV. The Dark Brotherhood Iris and Jellyfish have a rough patch. They have a big fight over both of their pasts, and Jelly runs off. Kasrava has been watching from the shadows. She has known about Jellyfish for almost her entire life. She knows a lot of things. She tantalizes Jellyfish with knowledge of her birth parents and a judgement-free existence in Kasrava’s misfit brotherhood of assassins. Jelly joins the Dark Brotherhood.
RP Timeline: [ The Birth of a Beast ] [ Mother Says ] [ She Will Be a Conqueror ] [ Secret Plotting ] [ The Coup of the Century ] [ Blood & Flowers ] [ What is the Music of Life? ] [ June Shorts ] Specific plots needed: Jasmine History: RP Timeline: Specific plots needed:
Lux Flamma History: RP Timeline: Specific plots needed:
Mest History: RP Timeline: Specific plots needed:
Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 7:24 pm
Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 7:28 pm
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:06 am
Single Ladies Single Gentlemen
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:07 am
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:16 am
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:18 am