So… That went well (not really). While the group did save Rhyme and the Devon workers, the last thing everyone expected happened, with Aile jumping ship suddenly and attacking the group, helping Flare to run away with the little core they found and named. Needless to say, we’re going to be trying to figure out their plans now, if nothing else to catch Aile and get some answers from her. However, in the meantime, there should probably be some rewards given out for everything that’s happened here.

RFR Rewards:
-10 Snag Coins
-1 Ultra Ball
-1 Joy Scent
Eligible members- Sub, Reno, Rhyme, Amaranth, Darts, Isaac

Standard Rewards:
-15 Snag Coins
-1 Balm Mushroom
-Any one Elemental Gem
-1 Soft Sand (You know, with that sandstorm and all, the sand gets everywhere. EVERYWHERE.)
Eligible Members- Anyone who posted

And for anyone who did a battle, they'll get 7 Evo/purification points. If this takes you over on purification points, the excess will roll over into Evo Points.

And with that, hope to see you at the next RP! Don't forget to post any Snag Coin updates and any snagged Pokemon in the Member listing thread~