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[SRP] Diary of a Thief (Masaru)

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~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 8:22 pm
((This is a private RP of ~Latonia de la Courtel~ for Masaru. No posting please.))

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Latonia Teepee
PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 8:24 pm
The fact of the matter was, Masaru had a restless heart. The pale-pelted stallion found himself straying even as a colt, sneaking off to play pranks on others that had gotten lost in the woods. As the humor of that entertainment wore off, he expanded his range, traveling for travel’s sake and then to find objects that interested him. If the object happened to belong to someone else before it found its way into his possession, that was of little concern. However, the thrill of such things soon wore off, and as a result he found himself extending his services yet again. Now, if one was so inclined, they could hire him to recover what they might have lost, or never owned in the first place, as the case was. Masaru was not really concerned with the history of the thing, simply making sure that no one was physically harmed by his endeavors and then not bothering to give it a second thought.

He did have a few rules though. He wouldn’t willingly play into any sort of family grudge or feud, because as far as he knew such things never ended well. For anyone involved. As Masaru’s main concern was his own well-being, he had no desire to get tangled in any sort of messy affair. Money or payment of any kind was hard to spend when one was no longer breathing, which meant tangling with Skinwalkers was all but banned. There were very, very few situations in which he would deign to steal from a Skinwalker, and most of those situations boiled down to a very specific set of circumstances, and a huge benefit to himself with minimal to non-existent risk. Skinwalkers being what they were, such situations were (as you imagine) hard to come by. Domained Angeni were also not on the list of those he wanted to cross, on a similar level to Skinwalkers for entirely different reasons. An Angeni certainly wouldn’t eat him or keep him in a cave as an experiment or a stored stash of food in a larder, but they were certainly not the sort one wanted to upset.

But beyond that, the world was more or less his for the taking. Literally. Which did nothing to explain why he was dosing idly beneath an old oak, other than the fact that he didn’t have a job at the moment. A strand of dainty golden bells threaded about his neck that spoke of fresh payment, but no new prospects. It was frightfully dull, and not at all something he’d tolerate.

“Enough rest.” He murmured, rising from where he’d bedded down in a quiet meadow. Shaking himself from nose to tail, the rose coated stallion grinned. “Time to get back to the taking, I think…”

Word Count: 462

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 8:57 pm
The irritation at being task-free had worn off quickly when another job came his way, and Masaru eagerly accepted the simple ‘make it disappear’ mission with a grin. In a matter of days he’d done the research he needed, recruited some local talent, and tested a few alternatives before settling on a plan. That done, it was merely a matter of waiting for the perfect moment, and striking.

On the dark of the moon, strike he did, gently lifting the bauble and disappearing into the night. Since it was important to make the item disappear, the rose-coated stallion wasted no time in putting some distance between himself and the herd, before he slowed down long enough to contemplate how best to dispose of it. Then again, it was a pretty little thing…

“Now there’s an idea.” He mused, hesitating for a moment with a tilt of his head. “Selling or trading it off to one of the herds here would be a fine opportunity. Better than a market, where there’s a chance it’d turn up to be re-sold. No, best to find it a new home here, and then head off to collect my wages.”

Humming jauntily to himself, the young stallion picked up a light trot and headed toward one of the more powerful herds he knew of in the area. With any luck, they’d be in a trading mood.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 9:00 pm
Another trinket nicked from one wealthy herd and sold to another, and Masaru found he was wealthy indeed. The gentle chiming of bells, all matter of sizes as was his preference for payment, marked his ever step. He would stash probably half of them with a trustworthy friend, and the rest he would use to barter or bribe for this service or that information. Hopefully, by the time he’d spent what he was willing to, he’d be well-provisioned with some portable but tradeable wares and on his next job.

"Thrill keeps fading." He muttered to himself, stalking through the forest with his worn wealth. "Perhaps I should consider switching professions... Hire myself out?"

Protection could be interesting. Assassination was hardly in his repertoire but he could hold his own in a fight, so bodyguarding certainly had potential. Bound to be a little more thrilling than easy lifts and quick trades in distant parts of the land or the shadows of swamps.

"Not to self, no swamps for awhile..."

He definitely wanted to let the smell fade out of his nostrils first.

Wordcount Total: 412  

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2017 1:09 pm
As a matter of personal pride, Masaru preferred the sort of scenario in which he could get paid handsomely. Even more so, a scenario in which more than one party paid him handsomely, particularly for the same amount of work. Easy money was dull, but well-earned funds were entertaining in their own way, and it was always a treat when two or more parties wanted to pay you for the thing you were planning to do regardless of their involvement.

Some jobs behind and some strides ahead, Masaru tucked his head to nose at the pouch full of bells, and then set out at a ground-eating trot. With stockpiles of trade goods and wares hidden across the land with discrete partners, Masaru rarely traveled with more than a light load. A strong enough collection of bells –mostly in the gold and silver category, with some smaller copper and bronze bells just in case- as well as modest sum in coin or trinket, and he was all set. They were more than enough wealth to buy him safe passage, a guide, information, or even something he might take fancy to at a festival or market.

On occasion, a job paid in or yielded stones, frequently polished and sometimes cut or carved, as reward. The stones were usually the first to be passed off to his partners for selling or trade or at least safe storage, as those met in the travels did not accept them as readily as other goods. At the moment he had a few pieces he’d rather not carry about, so he set course for one of his favorite companions and hoped they’d have information on a new job as well as space to take on his new artifact.

Wordcount: 291  
PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2017 1:32 pm
Before she could tell herself -yet again- what a foolish plan this was, Eteri Voska bit the metaphorical bullet and marched right up to the stallion in question. A chatting raccoon who was the local 'talent scout' around these parts told her to keep an eye out for a rose color stallion with a painted pelt slung across his shoulders. This looked like the one.

"Excuse me, you are Masaru? My name is Eteri Voska and I would like to hire you as a guide and escort, I am told you are the best around."

Masaru eyed the brown beauty of a mare before him, blinking golden eyes in contemplation of her proposal. Still a young thing, though wise enough in the ways of the world to seek an escort, the mare who introduced herself as Eteri Voska eyed him coolly in return.

Her blue and green eyes fixed firmly on the strange stallion before her, Eteri flicked her tail and waiting to hear either an affirmative statement or a smug brushoff. Either he would help her or he would not, and she would continue in her search for a guide. Still, the chime of golden bells around her ankles was an unmistakable one, and she had a feeling…

“Where exactly are we headed?” Masaru asked, stubbornness in his tone brought on by the mare before him. If she wouldn’t be flapped by a scowl, maybe a gruff series of questions would spook her back to her mother. Or if not, and she was made of steel like those strange eyes implied, then maybe he’d take her on. She seemed an un-annoying sort, a good way to test the possibility of being an escort and guide. “And if you think to take a shortcut through Kalona or Skinwalker territory, you’ve got another thing coming. Chiming as sweetly as they are, those bells might as well sing out dinner. I’ve no mind to be eaten, I’ll say that now.”

At a loss as to how else to respond, Voska rolled her eyes and sighed loudly. The gust of air was enough to startle her forelock out of her face and back into order. “Of course I’m not asking you to take me on a shortcut through Kalona or Skinwalker lands. That would be tantamount to serving myself up as dinner, and I’ve no desire to be eaten. All I ask is that you safely guide me out to visit a trading outpost, so some goods can be exchanged. There is supposed to be another stallion who can guide me back after, if we can get there within a fortnight.”

So the filly had spirit, that wasn’t everything. Still, it made the rose-pelted stallion want to laugh, since she was obviously annoyed by his questions and attitude. Still, she hadn’t gone elsewhere, so he’d already talked to the other guides or she’d heard he was one of the best and didn’t want to settle. Well, that meant Masaru would have to pay off some of his staff then, they were clearly doing their job and talking him up in his new venture.

“Pace is of no concern to me.” Masaru shrugged. “I live on the leg, I can run straight there, if I choose to. Though going by your pace is certainly going to be a different thing entirely. Are you sure you’re fit to travel the distance in that time? Besides, how do you expect to find the fellow you’re going to meet? Or do you know him, already?”

Voska was more amused than anything by his casual, cavalier attitude. It was clearly a smokescreen, since he was asking questions that implied he cared about her well-being once he’d been paid. “I know where we are going, though the best way to get there is up to you to determine. You will be paid half now, half when we get there. There will also be a bonus attainable, if you get me there in time to meet my other guide for the return journey.”

“As for the guide I am supposed to meet for the trail back, I know a general description as well as his name. He is called Morien and he is a traveling bard and a minstrel, which means he goes many places and is quite well known. He will be traveling to the herd lands near my family’s, to serve as entertainment at a gathering before he travels onward to another kingdom. As such, the window we have to leave in is short, though he and I have slightly longer to return, as the gathering is not for another moon cycle. So then, will you take me along, or no?”

Grinning and giving a final shrug, the stallion nodded. “Pack your bags, Princess. We’ll leave now and sleep out in the wild. I trust that isn’t a problem?”

“Everywhere is wild.” Voska returned with a snort. “I promise I won’t have the vapors if I see a bug. I can’t say the same for you.”

Alright, so the girl had spirit. He might be fond of her, just a bit.

Eteri Wordcount: 493
Masaru Wordcount: 360

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 7:51 pm
“Oh no, another bug!” The painted mare teasingly commented over the chime of her golden bells. “Whatever shall I do? If only there was a brave escort who deigned to save me!”

Behind her, the loud snort indicated her companion had heard her, and possibly laughed, but made no comment.

“I see you trying not to smile as though I do not amuse you.” Eteri Voska murmured as she frisked along the trail on graceful blue hooves. “You might as well give it up, I have already figured out that you are not as tough as you appear. As it is entirely too late, you might as well just be honest with me. We are the only company we have for the time being, as we move through the ‘wild’ as you said.”

A trip ‘into the wild’ was hardly an adventure for Voska, since she was born and raised in the wild places. True enough she was traveling further away from her home than she had ever been, but the land itself was not a stranger to her. Sleeping out under the stars was not strange to her, dancing in the rain and racing the wind were her delights. Skittering ahead of her escort and reaching the height of a nearby rocky outcropping, Eteri Voska paused and glanced back over her shoulder to consider the rose coated stallion climbing along behind her.

“Are you going to give me the silent treatment the entire time?”

Masaru shook his head wordlessly, arching his neck and lowering his head as he powered up the rocky path. It was easier to use it as an excuse to watch the path and his steps, rather than glancing up to meet the mismatched eyes of his strange new acquaintance. Voska was feisty, in a word, and since their first discussion had been little more than a polite argument she’d taken every opportunity to take him to the ground for it.

It was amusing, in an alien sort of way. He’d certainly not had many female clients, and fewer still that hired him for an escort mission. He was first and foremost a thief, a liberator of objects with significant worth, a whisper in the night. Yet, here he was in the broad daylight, walking a little princess to the trading post to swap her goods and meet her return escort. A daylight mission, and not a single party being robbed… Just security, and guidance. And not throttling the sharp-tongued lady who had decided he’d be amusing to prod at while they walked.

“Do you wake up this annoying, or did you have to practice at it?” He asked in a politely bland tone, rocks skittering away in the wake of his hooves as he reached the next ledge ahead of her. “Did you climb out of your basket like this, by chance? I am just wondering if you had to work at this sass, or if it comes to you naturally.”


Pacing through the stalls of the trading post, Morien eyed the various wares available for sale or trade and paused here and there to pass time by speaking with merchants or other patrons. The bulk of his buying and trading had already been done the day before, and sent along with a conveniently timed merchant train. Assuming no unfortunate weather or incidents befell the train, and they would be at the Journey’s End Inn within four days’ time, and be able to begin dispensing some of the goods to Toko before they continued on their path.

Still, he was hoping to buy a few more things before the week’s end, and send it along with the next train so that the goods could reach their destination in good time and well-secured. There was always the chance that he’d find a few objects that he couldn’t resist, and take them back as gifts for his family on his next visit. Things always went better when he took gifts home, at least to his sister. His brother and father were far more mild-mannered than she, and Morien would take any advantage he could get when it came to her. Just in case.

Eteri Wordcount: 245
Masaru Wordcount: 251
Morien Wordcount: 200
PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 8:10 pm
“You would probably like it if I had to work at it.” Voska mused out loud, taking a moment to gather her hooves under her and quickly scramble after him. “It might mean that you would get a reprieve, a break when I ran out of commentary. While I may not have climbed out of the basket like this, I would say it is more of a natural talent than an acquired one. I have, however, honed it through much practice and contemplation…”

Gaining the plateau and grinning brightly at him, Voska made a point to jostle past him with a flick of her tail, and then approach the next climb with her head held high and ears perked forward. “If it makes you feel better, I will attempt to give you a break in the whole matter… I just cannot say for certain if you’re deserving of it, or will put it to the best use.”

She hesitated for a moment, then grinned wider. “Not that I am doubting your skill, I hope you understand. I certainly wouldn’t hire you if I didn’t have faith in your skill. Aside from that, you came highly recommended and I trust my friends not to lead me astray or let me down.”

“The potential for a reprieve is a somewhat tempting concept.” Masaru sassed, amusement levels rising as the mare had breath to snark and comment at him as well as make the climb. At least she wasn’t some useless, fainthearted filly that he had to carry or drag the entire way. He would almost consider calling her by the friend, if he didn’t kick her down a mountain by the time the day was over. “Silence in general is a pleasing companion, as far as I am concerned. Between your bells and your mouth, I may not get any of it until this journey is finished.”

He waited for a moment before starting the next climb, making sure she had a firm foothold and was a strides ahead before he began. His size meant he was more comfortable at a shorter stride, which in this case seemed to be to the benefit of his companion. Eteri kept pace well enough, in both the conversation and the journey, which made her a unique commodity on a thief’s road.

“I am utterly thrilled that I am so well approved in proper circles, truly.” He murmured dryly. “Considering the flexibility of my work and the tasks I can perform, it is nice to know that those on the ‘straight and narrow’ can recognize my talents in broad daylight, when they operate within the law.”


Bowing his head to the trades master, Morien turned away from the booth with a few new items in his carry pouch and moved onward down the row of booths. He’d purchased a few trinkets for his family and was now in search of some unique but portable items that would be good for trade. Buying them for a few bells at this outpost and carrying them to his next stop might make all the difference in the deals he made due to the presence of unusual baubles.

Leastways, it couldn’t hurt his bargaining.

Drawing to a halt at the next booth, the fluttercorn stallion flicked his ears forward and eagerly admired the displayed wares. “Well, what have we here?”

Eteri Voska Wordcount (Total): 455
Masaru Wordcount (Total): 481
Morien Wordcount (Total): 320

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 4:48 pm
The weather for the climb was cool, scattered clouds and a decent breeze. Gaining the next plateau and hesitating, the bay and painted mare glanced back in the direction they had come with a smile. She looked over the strangely painted rose stallion that was her escort, instead trying to gauge the distance traveled and determine pace. So far, so good; or at least it was as near as she could tell. Truth be told, if it were otherwise, she rather imagined her companion would speak up to advise her of such.

“I am sure that you expected me to be quiet and remote throughout the whole of our trip.” Eteri Voska teased as they continued to wind and climb their way through the mountains. “Perhaps some damsel that grew faint in the thinning air? Are you grateful that I’m fit so you don’t have to bear me up and then down the other side? Or resentful, as it means that the peace you so sincerely covet is not forthcoming? I imagine you would look ever so fetching with a lady draped or swooning over your muscular back as you paced into the trading post. Thankfully, such dramatic and undoubtedly heroic gestures are not needed. At least, not during this little escapade of ours.”

In spite of himself, Masaru found that he was rather enjoying the teasing, sarcastic nature of his companion. For all that she continued to trade witty commentary with him, her pace never flagged and her spirit seemed bright. Escort and protection tasks weren’t his forte, but he found that he rather enjoyed this break from his usual tasks of stealing and trading. Perhaps it was the companion, perhaps it was the novelty of a break in routine. Besides, the task was simple and the money was good. There was also the chance that he could find some interesting trade wares at the post or the next festival, and possibly turn a tidy profit even on the heels of an easy job. All benefits, really, very little down side.

“One could hope for such fortune.” He mocked her gently, laughing when she flicked her tail in reprisal. “Silence is golden, or so they say. A stoic ice princess might very well be better company than one with spite and fire in her veins. Still, I am quite glad that you haven’t swooned. I have no desire to haul you up and down the peaks in truth. It is much easier to just keep pace with you; though if your commentary begins to wear on my nerves there are plenty of options left. If they wind up making me look even more heroic or dashing, well I guess that is my burden?”


“It was no trouble at all, and I sincerely hope that you have a fine day, gentle sir.” The fluttercorn stallion murmured with a grin. “Happy to bring those wares to you, and let me know how they do? Some of the weavers may want to send along more, once they’ve heard the news. It was just good fortune I traveled this way to bring them from the last Fire Night gathering. I do hope things go well for you.”

Morien bowed his head in greeting to one of the other shop keepers, offering up a stack of coins and some thin vials of spices in trade. The booth mistress greeted him warmly, offering dye cakes and silk thread in return. “Always a pleasure to do business with you, madam. Please convey my greetings to the dye mistress the next time you visit the Faire, would you? I know her wares do well, some of the clothiers and seamstresses swear by them. It would be a pleasure to speak with her in person, and hear any tales she may be inclined to share from her life in the Traveling faire and Reenactment Faire. I hope to be able to make my way there soon, but as ever it will depend on how the rest of the trade routes flow.”

Eteri Wordcount: 214
Masaru Wordcount: 240
Morien Wordcount: 219
PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 5:20 pm
She strode along for a few moments in silence, admiring the gentle chiming of her bells and the stillness of the mountains. “I wonder, since you did come so highly recommended and it does thrill you so thoroughly that your skills may be recognized by those within the light. Are you available for future escort and protection details? Perhaps I shall request you any time I need a vacation or to travel. Chirping at you would make any trip exponentially more entertaining.”

Eteri grinned, shaking her head slightly as he gained the plateau and paused beside her. “If it is all the same to you, I am sure it is more comfortable if I do not wind up sprawled across your back like the pelt you already wear. It would be highly undignified, and rather uncomfortable, I feel.”

“It is quite unexpected to be recommended widely by the, golden crowd, shall we say? As I am a thief in my day to day, the fact that they acknowledge any of my skills in a positive light is something of a marvel.” He shrugged, golden eyes glinting with amusement. “Truth be told, I do not think I would be adverse to future tasks such as this. If accompanying you again proves to be so entertaining and beneficial, I suppose I would accept.”

Masaru laughed, shaking his head as he glanced at his dainty companion. “I would have to agree with you. It is unlikely to be comfortable or graceful if we are forced to slink you over my shoulders and carry you back to the world. Mountains are treacherous all on their own, with an injured or unconscious companion, and unbalanced weight, it would be far worse. I suppose then I am grateful indeed that matters have turned out this way. It has been a unique and eye-opening experience.”


Morien laughed and nodded as he listened to the group talk, the light glinting on his earing as well as the bracers on his foreleg and the bandolier collar of bells at the base of his neck. The traders around him happily gossiped and talked about their trade, sharing information on flush routes and those that were played out or closed for the season. With such talk came conservation of movement of herds, expansions and new alliances, altered travel or trade routes, announcements of who had welcomed foals or announced a new life mating.

“I would say it’s about time those two got together.” He laughed, giving an enthusiastic nod and a stamp of approval. “They’ve been dancing around each other for ages. Is there going to be a ceremony? I want to send a gift and my compliments.”

Eteri Wordcount (Total): 352
Masaru Wordcount (Total): 410
Morien Wordcount (Total): 358

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 5:53 pm
“Oh, the Golden Crowd, I rather like that.” Eteri murmured and give a silvery laugh. “Is that what you call all of them? Perhaps just the merchants and tradesman… Or just anyone who isn’t a thief? Perhaps they have to jangle when they walk, to earn the distinction. Do you distinguish between bells or beads or coin?”

She made a show of pondering the matter, then dissolved into another peal of laughter. When she had recovered, she straightened and shouldered him gently. “You know I think this trip has been good for you. Shaken you out of your usual day to day, new experiences and all that. Yes, I think you should take up a few more protection and escort tasks. If only to ensure that I might see you again, and keep you on your toes.”

Picking up her hooves and moving at a brisker pace, Eteri arched her neck and gave a flick of her tail. “We are in agreement that thrown over you like a hunted animal would do neither of us any good. For the one thing it would be bitterly uncomfortable for all parties involved, as well as dignified. But there would also be the matter of it putting you at risk of turning an unwary hoof or breaking something important. So let us both pull our own weight, and call it even for the moment. I will continue to be a unique and eye-opening experience, as well as charming companion, and you can be my dashing guide.”

“A compelling question, posed by an intriguing lady.” Masaru murmured, amusement growing as he listened to the possibilities that the mare rattled off. “As far as throwing things out, off the top of your head, I must admit your guesses are most amusing. I can’t say that I really thought to divide the mob of them up, but now that you point it out, there should be some sort of system. Tiers perhaps? I don’t know if there’s a point in separating patrons and merchants when there is no guarantee that one group be richer than the other. There is also the matter that no currency is worth more, without question, than the others. So no point in dividing them up by bells and beads and coin… But one could argue there are layers to the golden crowd, the richest, the middle group, and those that are not rich but are not thieves. Gold, silver and bronze? Ahh, you have made such work for me, Miss Voska, and I may grow to dislike you for it… For now I should ponder how to delineate the groups and if it would serve me best to offer them a sliding scale regarding the group paying for my services.”

"Well, one might argue that you already offer a sliding scale regarding the service you demand." Voska pointed out gently. "Because of how such matters are handled, I do not think you frequently demand more than one can pay. Of course, I do not know how much one must offer, should they wish to arrange a theft."

She adopted an expression of consideration. "I know some haggling was involved with arranging an escort mission. Which is to be expected, since it's not the sort of thing you really have a price list for... Not to mention that your services were somewhat specialized and you are inclined and privileged to charge what you might. Would such a thing be tolerated when a request is for theft? It doesn't really seem like the thing to do."

“In all fairness, you offer such observations freely and without any sort of consequence to speaking otherwise. They are appreciated, I must assure you. You, knowing that I am a thief, are under no such constraints to pretend otherwise. Still, I should point out that I am not ashamed of my skills, and find no fault in claiming my ability. Granted, a certain level of anonymity is a boon, but being known helps to gain me further work. Regardless, I do indeed offer a range for prices based on the work required.” Masaru shrugged slightly. “I suppose one could argue that offering prices based on the patron would be somewhat dishonest… It’s more that I would take their wealth into account to ensure I am not overcharging. I do like to make a profit, and that requires work… But charging too much would result in them going elsewhere.”

He broke off with a laugh, shaking his head. “No, of course not, my lady. You most certainly wouldn’t know of my prices for such work as that. Still, you make the point without question, and I agree. Haggling when requesting a theft would be in poor taste, particularly if they had no claim to the artifact in the first place. Which, I should say, is common enough but not the whole of the matter. When seeking to reclaim a lost heirloom or item, perhaps funds may be tight and some haggling could be understood. This is reasonable.”

Masaru Wordcount: 452  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 5:14 pm
Having started his journey fully expecting that he would be more than relieved to be rid of his new companion, Masaru led Eteri into the trading post with hesitance in his stride. In spite of himself and his previously rock-solid beliefs, he had grown fond of her through the days they’d spent traveling together. She’d gone from a vague nuisance and a fleeting concept of a stranger, to something like a friend. They had discussions, traded gentle barbs, there was banter for the star’s sake!

With a cheerful jostle the golden-maned mare gave him a nudge and then meandered to the market stalls to begin trading. Watching her drift away, Masaru was struck by the realization that she might actually be a friend, considering. As he didn’t have that many, the criteria couldn’t help but be minimal. Someone he traveled with and joked with and enjoyed spending time with and didn’t hate… Didn’t that mostly qualify her? Well, how about that. Masaru had just gone and made a friend.

But now he had to hand her safety over to a stranger, and he wasn’t sure that was the best idea. ‘My, if your family could see you now… What would they think? Well, aside from how the mighty have fallen…’

Now he was staring at a stallion with wings like tufts of cloud, and a golden charm swinging from his ear, with bright silk hair that verged on foppish. A dandy, really? After days of roughing it and mountain climbing and sharp cutting phrases exchanged with a known thief and fighter. This lad was practically pampered, like Masaru would have accused Eteri of before he had gotten to know her.


As usual, the hustle and bustle of the trading post -between vendors and hawkers and boisterous patrons- was lively and high-spirited. Overall peaceful and a welcoming environment, the young traveling bard was glad of the change of pace from home, though it made him miss some of the larger Faires that had not yet come to the area. Still, he’d be traveling on again soon, and he’d be sorry to see it vanish behind him.

Morien turned away from the trader’s discussion he had been chiming in with on and off, considering the pair that had just arrived at the post’s main avenue. They were both fine, with bells that subtly chimed in a way that assured wealth but didn’t telegraph it. There were other things besides, the mare’s golden mane silken and flowing, the stallion wearing a rich pelt with delicate ornaments in his mane. Things that bespoke of wealth and likely skill. Skill in craft or trade, or offering a service in relative high demand.

‘Whomever they are, they’re important where they hail from.’ He noted quietly, before taking into account that the mare’s eyes were two distinct colors. One was a deep evergreen, and the other a rich ocean blue. So then, that was his new client, Eteri Voska. The mare he’d be guiding back home along his travels. “Interesting…”


“Voska? I suppose that you’ll be making your rounds to the vendors.” Masaru noted softly, canting his head to consider Voska. “Can I rely on you to come visit before you drift off with your new guide? Or shall I just resign myself to being abandoned?”

He shifted on his hooves, grinning. “I don’t really mind, I just want to know what to expect.”

“Don’t be rude.” Voska murmured, shouldering him. “We’re friends now, you’ll never truly be rid of me. That being said, we’ve both got some bartering to do. So you go your way, and I’ll do mine… And of course I’ll speak with you again before I leave. If you decide to go before I do, I expect that you do the same.”

“Not an irrational ask.” Masaru conceded with an incline of his head. “Very well, go to your trade… Or perhaps to greet your other guide? We seem to have attracted the attention of a stranger.”

He shifted faintly, laying an ear back in warning. “If he isn’t your guide, and I suppose even if he is, I would have thought he was a gentleman. Do we warrant such staring?”


Realizing he probably should cease staring, Morien inclined his head in an apologetic nod when the newly arrived stallion shot him a look. Stoic and somewhat distant or not, the stallion’s disapproval carried easily between them. Right then, too much staring. If the lady was not his companion or even if she was, she’d introduce herself soon enough.

In the meantime, her current guide seemed protective, and it would do him no good to upset the other stallion before they’d had a chance to speak and smooth things over. After all, there was nothing to stop her from deciding the staring was offensive, and that she’d rather keep her current guide.

“Another one, if you please.” Morien murmured, picking out a few more trinkets and passing over the trade coin to purchase them. Small objects to delight the foals or mice would be good, and the bright colors would distract him for the time being.

Masaru Wordcount: 413
Morien Wordcount: 378

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

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