You got your plushies, but ran out of time to enter the raffle. You had plushies to give out, but ran out of time to give them out to the plushieless. And 2016 sucked over all.
Now is a chance to end this year with something magical.
INTRODUCING THE SECOND CHANCE RAFFLE: This is for People who have not entered the original CYO Raffle for this year (those who have entered, you WILL get claimed for a conversion eventually). to post plushies they received between November 1st and December 31st of 2016.
START DATE: NOW END DATE: 2400 EST (12:00 AM EST) Between December 31st 2016 and January 1st 2017 CONVERSIONS BEGIN: Once we run out of ponies to convert in the original raffle. CONVERSION END: January 31st (or until done cause WHY THE HELL NOT) -- BUT ALL CONVERSIONS COUNT TOWARD DECEMBER.
Please note: All plushies converted this year will be completely unedited. Minis, Commons, Uncommons, Rares, Angeni and Ulun'suti No mutants, paws, or fully-clawed soquili will be given out! No Cursed or Pure skinwalkers will be given away, and angeni/angenicorns will NOT be able to receive domains. (Ulun'suti CAN have elements however)
Unedited Native and Exotic familiars only: No mutants allowed!
Welcome to the raffle thread!
The max tickets you can claim is ONE, but you can post as many of the plushies you win within your post!
You are not entering plushies but more so applying for tickets. At the end if you happen to get rolled you get the choice of which plushie from your batch you'd like to be made real.
- ONLY THE PEOPLE GETTING THE PLUSHIES CAN POST HERE - If you are making the plushie for a friend tell them to come to this thread to claim their ticket.
••• RULES•••
• Post in the this thread with your plushie preference, you may update it as many times as you like (use the given additional code in the second post) • NO MULES! • If you are posting a plushie that's based off of a quest or OC ONLY, please include gender • If you would like to win a Mini rather than a full size for a specific soquili, please mark them as something you'd like to see as a Mini • You can only win ONE Pony Plushie conversion and one Familiar plushie conversion. • This counts as a December freebie. • You cannot Post Cosplays into the Raffle Thread. If it is a fantastical wildlife (Ex: Pokemon) it must have more to it than JUST the species traits to make it your own (Accessories, color/marking alterations etc) . •All plushies must be from THIS Event. However if you want a design from a previous year, you can request someone make you a new version of it. • If you win a soquili for December before the raffle, please edit your post to say you are only available for Familiars, and vice versa if you win a familiar freebie before rolling begins • When gifting/making plushies you absolutely MUST make your own art, or use PSD templates that were made specifically for Soquili Plushies. You should NOT use PSDs used for other pet sites or websites, period, even if they appear to be free.
[align=center][color=#1b7d99][size=18][b]Mementos of my Friends[/b][/size][/color][/align]
[b]Username:[/b] [b]Proof of Plush:[/b] [url=LINKTOCERT]First plushie Gifted this CYO[/url]
[size=15][b]If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted[/b][/size] (if no preference, leave blank) [img]CertIMG[/img] [url=Linkto]Uncert[/url]
[size=15][b]Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted[/b][/size]
[img]CertIMG[/img] [url=Linkto]Uncert[/url]: Fullsized preferred/Mini Preferred / No size preference
[b]Familiar Only below the mark[/b]
[color=indigo][size=18][b]In case of Familiar break glass[/b][/size][/color] [b]Familiar preferences (3 Minimum or any):[/b] [b]Any species to avoid (4 Maximum):[/b]
[size=15][b]So people don't have to ask me constantly[/b][/size] [b]Color preferences/Fave Color Combos:[/b]
You can use either code below for posting images in the Plushie preferences
[img]CertIMG[/img] [url=Linkto]Uncert[/url]
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 8:02 pm
The Soquili List
Colorists please put on top of winning posts for easier CC reference
Soquili Wins:
[size=16][color=red][b]Pony by "Your name"[/b][/color][/size]
Page 1
Gracie Loff Mysses Greenie Andranis Chi Honda Lieutenant Alphia CitrusCupcake Shariea xX Green Tea Tree Xx Kyjoto Tiger_kisa699 Page 2 oo DeD Astraea Pandora Daisicle Alanna the Pirate Queen Marzipanz DaerilS Sleet Tempest Snape xSakura Serenityx ~Masamune~ cursedandwandering Nisshou H Laroawan Strifeling -moomoolattecha- dbz2010 Page 3 Mameha Otome Kiareii SexyUgly Shop Valkymie Ryuthulhu Natsuko-neko Master Wild Mage S u r f for L o v e ChaosTheories Celeanor Lunarflowermaiden Zakiax Nashawryn SkyDragono Kaitaia Page 4 Agneza Fokushi Meishin Chi Sohma pippi18848 Vistada Painted Moose Freaksrus ivoryryu.20 Transpire Reality MoonRazor Milady Emerald 8-bit mosh pit Bluedemonwolf
Colorists please put on top of winning posts for easier CC reference
Familiar Wins:
[size=16][color=blue][b]Familiar by "Your name"[/b][/color][/size]
Page 1
Gracie Loff Mysses Greenie Andranis Chi Honda Lieutenant Alphia CitrusCupcake Shariea xX Green Tea Tree Xx Kyjoto Tiger_kisa699 Page 2 oo DeD Astraea Pandora Daisicle Alanna the Pirate Queen Marzipanz DaerilS Sleet Tempest Snape xSakura Serenityx ~Masamune~ cursedandwandering Nisshou H Laroawan Strifeling -moomoolattecha- dbz2010 Page 3 Mameha Otome Kiareii SexyUgly Shop Valkymie Ryuthulhu Natsuko-neko Master Wild Mage S u r f for L o v e ChaosTheories Celeanor Lunarflowermaiden Zakiax Nashawryn SkyDragono Kaitaia Page 4 Agneza Fokushi Meishin Chi Sohma pippi18848 Vistada Painted Moose Freaksrus ivoryryu.20 Transpire Reality MoonRazor Milady Emerald 8-bit mosh pit Bluedemonwolf
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 8:10 pm
(Q) • I HAVE A QUESTION! (A) • Please ask At the CYO hub
(Q) • What is this thread for? (A) • This thread is made for the CYO Raffle and its rolling!
(Q) • Can I gift the same person a plushie more than once? (A) • Of course! Anything past their first plushy is just icing on the cake and additional things colorist can pick from.
(Q) • Can I actually make myself a plushie? (A) • You can make yourself as many as you want since it doesn't drive up your tickets. But be sure to try and have fun giving plushies away as well.
(Q) • Is there a theme to the plushies I have to follow? (A) • NOPE! Though if you want ideas, you could always make winter or holiday themed ponies. While the resulting Ponies will be unedited ( Usdia can have the Seasonal Accessory of Sweaters, and any accessory that is applicable to a breed might end up being used) and limited on the Mini-to-Rare range, that does NOT limit what you can gift people! Feel free to play and create a gift for your friends they will treasure.
(Q) • A Link is broken! What do I do? (A) • Tell us which one so we can put it in a list of the broken to see if someone has a copy of them.
(Q) • I won a pony from this... But it doesn't look just like the design. (A) • The ponies are INSPIRED by the Plushies, but these are a form of semi-custom in the long run, unless you specify it as an OC... At which point we can still play around with it: They won't necessarily be your exact character but could end up being a sibling, doppelganger, or simply an unrelated pony with similar themeings if we don't get it "perfectly like your character": this is after all a form of semi-custom.
(Q) • I stated in my likes that I prefer a specific gender, and got a different one, what gives I have an OC posted! (A) • The actual pet colorists don't necessarily look in the likes/dislikes since thats for people making you plushies:You need to actively label the OC Inspired pony that you wish to be that sex.
(Q) • OKay so what happens if I win and end up having to have my CYO transferred to a different colorist, and they choose an entirely different plushie: I had plans for the one being made what do I do? (A) • Try again next year? Winning the CYO promises you a pony or Familiar inspired by a plushie... But in the unfortunate event of a colorist transfer having to happen, communication isn't always clear and sometimes you end up with a different pet that you had originally been expecting: So don't plot your Critters before they're ready for certing.
If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted (if no preference, leave blank) Uncert
Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted
(Lost uncert) No size preference
Familiar Only below the mark
In case of Familiar break glass Familiar preferences (3 Minimum or any): Condor Any species to avoid (4 Maximum): Nope, CC away
So people don't have to ask me constantly Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: Pink with either yellow or lavender, or really anything pink that matches well
If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted (if no preference, leave blank) Uncert
In case of Familiar break glass Familiar preferences (3 Minimum or any): Any Any species to avoid (4 Maximum): None
So people don't have to ask me constantly Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: Some kind of early 90's dayglow theme?
Likes: Nostalgia things - Think late 80's or early 90's
Dislikes: As long as it's not bodily fluid(Exception is blood), I'm game for everything!
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:46 pm
Lightning Shadow X
Spoilered your entry as this raffle is only for people who didn't get to enter the CYO before the initial deadline. You entered - just not converted yet.
If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted (if no preference, leave blank) UncertNo wings
Based off this custom quest:
Lieutenant Alphia
Edit Category: Heavy Soquili Species: Kiri'suti (Kirin/Ulun'suti) Body Build: Draft (reg nose) Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: WoW OC - Bloodelf Paladin WIP Needed? Yes please
~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~ Body: Light tanned body with a few scars (Battle worn) Face: Scar over his nose, his has the alt kirin forehead scales in the same gold as his back Mane: 'Sephiroth style' In bright white Tail: Tail blade with the top scales like the alt kirin scales Hooves/Fetlocks: Alt kirin fetlocks and hooves Reference Image(s): [x][x][x][x][x][x][x][x]
~*~ Physical Traits ~*~ Horn(s): The branched style of 'suti horns. Wings: Custom wings to look like 'Avenging Wrath' Scales: Alt kirin scales in coppers and golds that continue down the top of his tail Other Notes: If possible it would be awesome if you could show the Light (his element) in his scales and details. References: [x][x]
~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~ Custom Items: Shoulder armor and leg braces (like the MLP) They are based off the Tier 11 paladin set and the shoulders are based off the Tier 11 warrior set. Reference Image(s) for Items: [x][x][x]
~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~ Name of horse: Nazurak D'artordia Owner: Lieutenant Alphia Breed: Sin'dorei Temper: Rightious Mate: N/A Tag Background: [x] Tag frame color: Dark purple + grey-blue Tag feather color(s): One glowing white/yellow (the Light) the other either match the cert or him.
~*~ Existing Pets ~*~ If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A
In case of Familiar break glass Familiar preferences (3 Minimum or any): Wolf, Owl, or cat Any species to avoid (4 Maximum): No water creatures or rodents
So people don't have to ask me constantly Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: Black and gold
If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted (if no preference, leave blank) UncertWinglessUncert - (would love if this one was female ^_^ )
In case of Familiar break glass Familiar preferences (3 Minimum or any): octopus, porcupine, crow Any species to avoid (4 Maximum): songbirds, foxes (I have a fair few already XD)
So people don't have to ask me constantly Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: Naturals, tribal patterns, pastel shades, rainbow
Likes: Pretty much anything except for dislikes XD
Username: Shariea Proof of Plush: [url made by me/starpony_zpscskbikfs.png]First plushie Gifted this CYO
If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted (if no preference, leave blank) Uncert
In case of Familiar break glass Familiar preferences (3 Minimum or any): Pronghorn, songbird/humming bird, snake, parrot, raven/crow Any species to avoid (4 Maximum): jellyfish, turtle, lizard, buffalo
So people don't have to ask me constantly Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: pastels, cranberry red, pink, navy, natural colors (beige, creams, etc.), powder blue
If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted (if no preference, leave blank) Uncert
Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted
Uncert: Fullsized preferred/Mini Preferred / No size preference
Familiar Only below the mark
In case of Familiar break glass Familiar preferences (3 Minimum or any): wolf, buffalo, squirrel, lion, parrot, vulture Any species to avoid (4 Maximum): nothing water base I don't have any water soq.
So people don't have to ask me constantly Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: black, purples, silvers, blues, greens.