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[PRP] A Timid Friend (Eliana and Cassi) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Anxious Goat

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:11 pm

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Dea and #Teddy#'s Teepee | xX Green Tea Tree Xx's Teepee

This is a private RP between these two soq. Please don't post unless you've been invited to do so emotion_bigheart
PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 6:57 pm
Ever since her father had entered her life, it had put a spring in her step, and a lightness in her heart that she hadn't felt in a long time. With her mother and sister arguing less frequently, it gave Eliana some time to herself where she wasn't plagued with worry and concern for the well-being of her fragmented family. Today had seemed like a lovely day to fly, to soar through the skies and let the tips of her wings stretch out to the clouds. There was nothing more wonderful, in Eliana's humble opinion, than taking flight and letting her body and soul feel truly free.

Of course, she hadn't taken into account how cold it was now that winter had set in. The white and yellow mare shivered as the cold sank into her bones, her wings working to try and even move enough so she could keep herself up in the air. "Ooh, this was so foolish of me. I c-can't stay up here when it's so c-cold like this." The young mare bit the inside of her cheek as she descended back to the ground, frustrated that she had overlooked something so important. At least the trees would hopefully provide her some protection from the few odd gusts of wind.

Eliana ruffled the feathers on her wings as she walked along the snow-covered path that she knew like the back of her claws. She had lived in these woods all her life and she had never thought to fly elsewhere. This area was safe, it was familiar, there was nothing for her to worry about here. Eliana had never so much as dreamed of leaving her little spot in the world; she was content with it. Besides, the very idea of leaving gave her such terrible anxiety that it made her stomach knot.

As she continued on her path surrounded by the muted gray of the sky and the dark ash browns of tree trunks, the mare couldn't help but feel an odd sense of peace bubbling up within her. The winter air was always quiet, the birds had moved south towards warmer weather, and clouds that would eventually let snow flit down to the earth would eventually mute the world, making even the faintest sound seem so much louder. While Eliana hated the cold, she appreciated the snow for it's ethereal beauty.

Her golden gaze turned upwards and she noticed a dark figure among the clouds. "Oh how strange. No one ever comes out this way... I w-wonder if they're lost..." Then she decided, against her better judgement, that she should call out to the stranger. If they were in need of help, how could Eliana even live with herself is she didn't offer hers? She couldn't.

"E-excuse me," she began quietly. The mare's brow furrowed in frustration at her own quietness. She could do this, there was no reason to be afraid of someone, especially when she was so sure that this stranger was probably such a lovely personality. Her chest swelled as she tried to bolster the volume of her voice. "E-Excuse me!" Her brows turned upwards as her voice carried a little more, hopefully this time the flyer would hear her.

Dea and #Teddy#
Hopefully this is alright! Let me know if you want me to change any details.


Anxious Goat

Dea and #Teddy#

Shy Regular

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 9:18 pm
Cassiopeia was enjoying the feeling of the wind in her wings, even if it was a bit cold. The young mare was a little away from the herd, having decided to see a little of the surrounding area. She hadn't really had a chance to explore, since she was almost always around her adopted father. They had traveled for a bit before coming to the herd, but with him out doing some exploring, she decided to go out for a little flight. She had felt certain that she would be able to find her way back to the herd, shouldn't be that hard.

Unfortunately, the starry mare was starting to feel some panic well up inside her after awhile. All the trees looked the same to her, how was she to know which direction was the right way? What if she got lost out here and died of starvation or from freezing to death? She let out a frustrated whinny, why had she not asked one of the other members of the herd to go with her? After all, Kage or someone would have went on a little trip with her. Just as she felt desperate, her ears picked up on a sound. She flicked her ears forward and hovered in the air, trying to figure out what she was hearing. As the sound got louder, she could tell it sounded like someone calling out, so she let her emerald eyes look down to see who it was. She was almost positive she saw spots of yellow, so she began to descend in that direction. In her head, she could almost hear her father telling her to be careful.

"Umm, hello? Is there something you need?"Cassi asked as she landed delicately near the other mare.  
PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 11:25 pm
Eliana's smile lit up as she saw the darkly patterned flier descend down to her. How lovely, she had been heard. Though this also meant she would have to try and speak to a total stranger... Eliana shook her head to try and dispel the growing worry within her. There was no reason to be anxious. No reason at all.

Her golden eyes tracked the mares graceful landing and Eliana couldn't help but stare in awe. She couldn't even remember the last time she had seen anyone in her family land as delicately as her counterpart had. What a magnificent display! "Th-that was l-lovely! I've n-never seen someone land as nicely as y-you did." Eliana couldn't stop herself from gushing and she quickly closed her beak as she felt heat surge up to her cheeks. The blush was so brilliant that Eliana wouldn't have been able to hide it without coming across as rude to the stranger.

She stayed relatively silent as she collected herself. She didn't want to embarrass herself any further. It was just so rare to encounter other soquili out this far and sometimes the naive mare didn't know how to handle it. The idea of making a potential friend always excited her and helped her forget her own concerns for self preservation. Eliana lifted her gaze up to the white haired mare and she shifted nervously. It was best she just got on with is and tried to spit the words out that seemed to be weighing her tongue down like pieces of lead.

"I w-was just wondering if you might be lost by any ch-chance... I don't see many c-come out this way, a-and if you head further north you'll end u-up near the mountains." Her voice came out in her typical, quiet stammer. There was little Eliana could do about it and she cursed herself for not being able to speak more smoothly. She was nothing like her self-assured sister, who knew exactly what she wanted to say and how to say it. Eliana was, if she were to speak honestly, a little jealous of her sister's charisma. "I know th-this area very well. I-if you are lost, I can help you f-find your way," she timidly offered the mare.

Dea and #Teddy#


Anxious Goat

Dea and #Teddy#

Shy Regular

PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 12:03 am
Cassiopeia was a little shocked when the other mare complimented her on her landing. Truth be told, she always felt a little self conscious when she saw Aiyana or one of the other fliers of the herd. Even her father seemed to be perfect in his landings, at least in her eyes. To the young mare, the stallion who had raised her like his own could do no wrong. She could only hope to be as good as him one day, so that she could make him proud of her. Despite her doubts, her father had instilled in her good manners.

"Thank you for your kind words about my landing. I still need to work on it a bit more, though,"Cassi answered. Then she noticed the red tinge of the other's cheeks, had she done something wrong? Of course, she decided, the other could be a little nervous. After all, she seemed to be stuttering, which was something Cassi had noticed when someone was embarrassed or shy. Then the white and yellow mare asked if she were lost and she winced slightly. Was it really that obvious that she had lost her way and probably needed help? She looked down at the ground and clawed at it lightly with one of her feet.

"Yes, I must admit, I am a little lost. You see, when my father went on a trip, I figured it was a perfect time to explore. So I left the herd just to fly around a little, then planned to go right back. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find my way back. You see, my herd lives near this beautiful flower meadow and the territory goes somewhat into the forest,"she explained to the other softly.  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:52 pm
Eliana hummed and gave a chipper nod of her feathered head. She was always happy to see other fliers come about, meeting anyone around the parts she lived was so rare and the few that did pass by were usually without wings, so this was a treat that Eliana hardly expected to happen. Maybe one day she'd be able to meet more fliers without having to leave her mother behind... She wasn't sure if her mother would ever want to leave the hidden glade they had lived in together.

"Oh n-no, I think it was a-absolutely perfect." She offered the dark colored mare a sweet smile and shifted on her claws. Patiently waiting to see if she could be of any help to the mare she had called down from the sky. Eliana had done so many fly-arounds the area that she was sure she'd be of some help.

After Cassiopeia explained her predicament, Eliana's eyes lit up and she couldn't help but flutter her wings. She had seen a beautiful meadow with flowers on the edge of the treeline more than a few times and she was absolutely certain she'd be able to lead the mare back to her herd's territory. "Oh, I th-think I know exactly where t-to take you. I c-could lead you back, i-if you want," Eliana offered timidly. She didn't want to intrude, even after offering her help to Cassiopeia in the first place.

Dea and #Teddy#


Anxious Goat

Dea and #Teddy#

Shy Regular

PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 11:47 pm
Cassiopeia liked the humming that Eliana did, it seemed so happy and it made her smile. When the other mare said her landing was perfect, it was Cassi's turn for her cheeks to become a bright color. Well, maybe she was better than she realized, though she still thought the others were better. Eliana herself might be as well, she thought, but she couldn't say for sure. However, the kind words and smile from the other brought a bubble of joy up in the young mare. After she had spoken her predicament, she waited, wondering if Eliana might be able to help her find her herd. If not, she could only hope that she would be able to find her way back before her father got back. She could just picture his worry if he came back to the herd and find his daughter not there. However, when the white and yelllow mare seemed to get excited and begin speaking, her own eyes lit up.

"You have seen my home before, that is wonderful! Yes, please, if you can lead me home, I would greatly appreciate it! I mean..if it is not any trouble for you to do so,"she added the last part hastily. She didn't want to put too much pressure on the mare, if helping her was too much. After all, she was already liking the kindness of the other.  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 6:05 pm
A smile spread across Eliana's face as Cassiopeia's face lit up in turn. It seemed good fortune was smiling upon the both of them, and their meeting seemed almost like it was meant to be. The yellow and white mare's wings flitted and she tilted her head to glance up at the sky. It seemed they'd have more than enough time to make to where Cassiopeia was from and Eliana to make it back before her mother would notice anything. She was positive nothing would seem amiss.

"I-I'd be more than happy t-to!" Her voice came out in a chipper, sweet sound, like chimes ringing in the wind. "W-we can make good time i-if we go now." The mare ducked her head sheepishly, an ever-present, shy smile resting on her beak. A bright light shined in her eyes and she flapped her wings to get up in to the air. "It'll be e-easier to see where to go if we fly. I k-know most of the l-land marks to go off of and we should make it before sundown."

Eliana rose in to the air just the smallest bit higher to see over the tree tops, scanning the area to see which direction they'd need to turn to get off on the right track. "A-ah, if w-we go this way we won't be too far off," she called down to her, hopefully, newfound friend.

Dea and #Teddy#


Anxious Goat

Dea and #Teddy#

Shy Regular

PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 9:41 pm
Cassiopeia saw the smile that came to the other, it was so warm and comforting. She felt like it was a good thing she had noticed this mare calling out to her, it was destined. Could it be possible that perhaps she had stumbled upon a new friend today, without even meaning to? Seems that her getting lost was actually something very beneficial, though it was not something she would want to do again. When the yellow and white mare said she would be happy to help her get home, she let out a whinny of delight. When the other suggested leaving right now, she looked up at the sky, before nodding her head in agreement. When the other spoke, her voice was so beautiful, it sounded like music. As soon as the other had taken to the air, the blue and white mare flapped her own wings. It took a moment before she had caught up to her new friend.

"Oh thank goodness, I am so glad that you know where to go. I really need to learn the area better, so I don't get lost again. My dad would probably be shaking his head if he found out I got lost while he was gone. Oh and by the way, you have a very musical and beautiful voice. You really should speak more often,"she recommended brightly. She looked in the direction she had indicated, then motioned for Eliana to lead the way.  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:47 pm
Eliana happily watched as Cassiopeia followed suit and joined her up in the air. Despite her nerves and anxiety when it came to meeting anyone new, Eliana was positively delighted that she had manged to talk to the winged mare that she had stumbled upon. Sure, her heart was still pounding from the adrenaline that coursed through her, but she had made a friend... or was at least in the process of making one. Either way, this was such a big step for her!

"H-hopefully it won't take too long..." Eliana glanced around her, sighting the landmark that she'd need to find her way to Cassiopeia's home. She usually kept to the ground, her mother insisted upon it, but it was incredibly imperative that the two fly back to the darkly colored mare's home. Eliana would feel just awful if she wasn't able to get her new friend back to her family. To be without family... why that was one of the worst possible things in Eliana's mind.

Her thoughts paused as the last bit of Cass' statement reached her ears, and the yellow and white mare let out a quick, nervous squawk and quickly shook her feathered head, scrambling to respond. "O-oh n-no, my sister has a much b-better voice! I, I don't nearly c-compare to yours, either... I um, p-prefer not to speak much any... anyways."

"W-we should be going." She murmured quietly, face hot from the blood that rushed to her cheeks from the embarrassment. Cassiopeia no doubt thought that she was incredibly bizarre now, Eliana chided herself. What a terribly impression she must have made.

The hippogryph flapped her wings and lead the two off in the direction of Cassiopeia's home.

Dea and #Teddy#


Anxious Goat

Dea and #Teddy#

Shy Regular

PostPosted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 1:17 am
Cassiopeia nodded her head when the other expressed her hope of it not taking too long, she would prefer that too. Don't get her wrong, she loved the night sky, but she would prefer to be home before it got too dark. When the other let out a bit of a squawk, her emerald eyes looked over to the other mare with worry. Did she hurt herself or was she possibly not sure of where they were going? Then the other spoke, saying her sister had a better voice, and obviously she thought Cassi did too. A soft blush came to the young mare, she wasn't sure she would say her voice was really that good. As Eliana headed off, she followed, thinking of what to say.

"I don't think my voice is that good, just normal sounding to me. Your's sounds like a beautiful song that is begging to come out. Trust me, your voice is lovely, even if you don't think it is,"she piped up, her green eyes dancing.  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 11:49 am
Eliana ducked her head sheepishly as the mare continued to flatter her. While she appreciated Cassiopeia's kind words, she had never been particularly good at accepting the compliments of others. There was always something she could do better, or others who had such better qualities than she did. It seemed almost selfish to accept the compliments that she did receive. Perhaps it would just be for the best if she tried to switch the conversation for something else....

"W-well, u-um, what's your family like? I d-don't think I've seen you in the skies before, a-and I don't think I've ever seen anyone else from your herd..." The mare continued to gaze at the forest while she spoke. She needed to stay sharp so she wouldn't miss when to change direction, otherwise she'd end up just as lost as Cassi had been. If Eliana returned home too late, she was sure her mother would be livid...

Dea and #Teddy#


Anxious Goat

Dea and #Teddy#

Shy Regular

PostPosted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 11:37 pm
Cassiopeia watched as Eliana ducked her head down, it seemed like her compliments might be embarrassing the other. The young mare may be naive, but she had gotten pretty good at reading some expressions, such as the one on the other. It seemed both mares were not really good at taking compliments, even if they were warranted. Cassi always thought there were others that were better than she was, even when she was pretty good at something. As she was thinking about that, Eliana asked about her family, saying she didn't think she had seen any of the herd before. A smile came to her lips as they flew, thinking of her amazing father and her herd, she loved them so much.

"I don't know anything about my biological family, I can only assume something happened to them or something. My father, is a white Triwing, you cannot miss him at all. He looks scary, but he is a big softie when it comes to me. He found my basket and adopted me, I don't know where I would be without him. And my herd, I don't know where to start, they are just amazing. The herd is called Odakota and it is home to all kinds of Soquili and familiars. It is led by Aiyana and her mate, Star Blayze. They are such a lovely couple,"she beamed.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 12:09 am
Eliana could hardly fight the smile that spread it's way on to her beak away as she listened to Cassiopeia talk about her family. It seemed like Cassiopeia came from a caring family, at least that was what Eliana inferred from the tone that the darkly patterned mare's voice took on. She hoped that she would be able to speak about her family in the same way one day. Right now they had a lot of healing that needed to happen, and her father's return in to their lives was one step that would allow the healing process to really begin, especially for her mother.

"I-it sounds like you really love them and they, you," she offered quietly, a small smile on her face. "I'm h-happy I might get to meet such lovely Soq... I think it w-would be good to see such bonds with my o-own eyes. My family... i-it has some h-healing to go through, but I'm s-sure once we start to heal t-together, we'll be just as you and your family are!"

Eliana paused in the air, her wings beating to keep her aloft as she glanced around the area. She was trying to see anything that looked familiar to her, just to make sure the pair were heading in the right direction. Her heart calmed once she spotted a familiar landmark and she couldn't help but sigh in relief. It had been quite some time since she had dared to fly near the herdlands that Cassi hailed from; it was good to know she still knew they way, since it seemed she might have a reason to visit now that she had met Cassiopeia. The hippogryph mix turned to look at her friend and offered an assuring smile. "We're not t-too f-far off. There's a n-natural rock formation that a bit east of where your h-herd is, i-it's in a small clearing th-that can be seen rather easily from in th-the sky." She gestured to the aforementioned clearing with a nod of her head. "Once we pass that, you m-might start seeing things y-you'll recognize."

The white and yellow mare gave her wings a few strong flaps, pushing herself forward so that she could continue leading the way. "D-do you have any h-hobbies, Cassi? Oh... um, it's a-alright if I call you Cassi, r-right? I don't want to be t-too informal..." She ducked her plumed head sheepishly, her cheeks lighting up in a faint blush. It wasn't often that Eliana had the chance to really speak to others, and she didn't want to ruin whatever chances she had of making a friendship that started off on the right hoof, or on the right claw in her case.

Dea and #Teddy#


Anxious Goat

Dea and #Teddy#

Shy Regular

PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 12:44 am
Cassiopeia nodded softly, she loved her family and her herd a lot, they made her feel important. She also knew they loved her too, her father always was looking out for her. The thought of all those she held dear brought another smile to her face, hoping they would manage to get back to her herd. Yes, she was enjoying her time with Eliana, but it was always nice to go home. She would have to hang out with the other mare again though, when she wasn't wandering around like a lost baby duck. When the white and yellow mare spoke about her own family needing to heal, she totally hoped it would happen. The other deserved all the happiness that she could get, least that was what she thought. Her ears perked a little more when it was soon announced they were almost there, her heart leaping in her chest.

"I will have to remember that rock formation for later reference, so I at least have one landmark to use. Once we get closer, I am sure something will pop out at me, letting me know where to go from there. And I do hope your family heals, Eliana, you deserve all the good fortune you can grab. Hmmm, hobbies, I do like helping with the little ones in the herd, they are sooo cute. And I enjoy studying the night sky, seeing all the stars up there. Oh and you can definitely call me Cassi,"she assured brightly.  
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