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Tags: soquili, horses, breedable pets, pet horses, familiars 

Reply Open/Private Canon IC RP
RP Sub-forum Rules & Information (Updated 01/15/2017)

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Sparkly Vampire

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 5:45 pm

Please note that this sub-forum is for IC (In Character) Roleplay only! The majority of any roleplay that you do here must be between Soquili that you and your roleplay partners own, with limited background use of non-player characters. Everything in this sub-forum is considered a canon part of the shop, and you are in effect contributing to the overall story of Soquili, so please follow the rules as outlined below.

If your RP is private, use:
[PRP] Thread Title Goes Here

If your RP is open (free for anyone to come and join), use:
[ORP] Thread Title Goes Here

If your RP is a solo (written solely by you!), use:
[Solo] Thread Title Goes Here


[SRP] Thread Title Goes Here

Refer to the Soquili RP Rules and the Soquili Breed Rules & Abilities threads if you have any questions that are not covered here. Also, if you are still feeling unsure about something, please feel free to send a PM to Nayci or another member of the RP staff. When in doubt, it never hurts to ask!
PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 6:03 pm

Hard Line Rules

Please keep in mind that Gaiaonline is a PG-13 site, which means keeping excessive sexual themes, gore, extreme violence, and so on out of our guild based RP. It is okay, within reason, to allude to some adult themes in your RP, but please provide appropriate trigger warnings when you intend to mention something that might be traumatic to another Soquili goer. Do not go into excessive detail. The below are requirements to RP here:

1. You may not write about sexual encounters between Soquili. Please fade to black when that subject matter presents itself and if you must continue writing, do so off-Gaia.

2. Rape scenes are not permitted in Soquili. We are aware that traumatic events occur for reasons of plot (and walkers,) etc, but please keep the subject of sexual assault as an allusion only, and provide appropriate trigger warnings. Keep it minimal.

3. Incest between Soquili who are closely related is not permitted. We do allow cousins to breed, but beyond that it is a strict no. Adoption is included in this.

4. Overt, excessive violence is off-limits. If your Soquili is a sadist, that's fine, but keep your RP within the ToS. As with sexual encounters, this subject matter must be kept off-Gaia. Violence happens, but scenes of torture fall right under the same umbrella as rape. Walkers are bound to be violent, and we allow for that... within reason.

5. For everything else, please refer to the Gaia Terms of Service. If you are concerned that your RP may break the ToS, you may very well be right.

Should anyone have any issues or questions, feel free to PM Nayci. Should any of the staff find out that roleplays of these kinds are continuing on from this point, they shall be dealt the necessary consequences, including the potential of losing the right to RP in the subforum altogether, or even greylisting from the shop. We take this subject seriously, and appreciate your cooperation with our request.


Sparkly Vampire


Sparkly Vampire

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 6:14 pm

General Setting Rules
Per Uta's Soquili RP Rules:

  1. There are two main native tribes in the soquili lands: the traditional Kawani folks and the more 'aquatic' (but still 100% human) Marlaic.

  2. If you RP a human, please keep them in line with the setting. While natives tribes are the most prevalent, if you RP someone from a colony or another country, please keep their technology to a minimum. This is not a modern setting, so keep things around the time of the 1700s and 1800s.

  3. Humans must be that -- human. They may be a tribe we've never seen or heard about, but they can't be elvish, or some magical sort of human.

  4. The lands are very vast and you can find just about any environment in the Kawani. From mountains, to jungles, to desert, to coasts -- just about anything goes in these lands!

  5. Familiars and NPC animals you create can speak soquili, or not. It's up to you if you want them to make animal noises, or speak to others. There is no right or wrong way. Familiars and NPC animals cannot speak to humans.

  6. Soquili may come from different lands, or speak other languages and possess accents.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 4:43 pm


Stats are a perk that your soquili can earn through dedicated roleplaying. Each soquili starts out with between 4-12% in each stat (strength, courage, speed, intelligence, luck and stamina), which can be increased to a maximum value of 100%. Raising your soquili's stats has two main benefits - it gives them a higher chance of having a third basket in a breeding, and makes them eligible for elderhood.

  • How do I get my soquili's base stats?
    You can roll your soquili's base stats in the rolling thread. Once you've finished rolling and assigned each stat's value, you should post in the stat & teepee updates thread, where Kyrieko, the Teepee Manager, will add them to your teepee.

  • What's a teepee and how do I get one?
    Teepees are Soquili's equivalent of journals. The first post is reserved by the soquili~teepees mule in order to house your soquili's stats, and after that you can use them however you please. Some people use them to store information about their soquili, others RP directly in the journals, and some don't use them for anything beyond holding stats. It's 100% up to you how you want to manage your teepee! If you don't have a teepee yet, you should roll stats for your soquili and post in the stat & teepee updates thread using the 'Getting Your First Teepee' form. Your teepee will then be set up by a member of staff.

  • My soquili rolled really bad stats, do I have to RP them as being unlucky/weak/etc...?
    No, your soquili's stats do not have to represent how your soquili acts in-character, they are purely an OOC perk. Your soquili can have an Intelligence stat of 4% and still be clever in RP, if that's what you wish!

  • How do I raise my soquili's stats?
    Each soquili can earn a 10% increase to each of its stats every month provided that they meet the minimum requirements. These are as follows: 250 words in any number of posts in an RP. All posts must be timestamped within that month, MST time. If you have met the requirements for stats, simply post in that month's stat log with proof of your RP. Theidren will then check your word count and add your stats for you. This is the main way to gain stats, meaning that it takes on average between 9-10 months of RP to attain maximum stats.

    In addition, there are monthly bonus questions that can provide a small boost to each stat. These vary from month to month, and more information about them can be found in the bonus stat thread. Staff may occasionally host a game or contest that also awards stats. These can crop up at any time, and usually involve some sort of RP component to them.

If you have any questions or confusion about stats, please feel free to PM Theidren!

Phail Ninja
Vice Captain

Man-Hungry Sex Symbol


Sparkly Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 5:25 pm

Their power level is over 9,000!

So what do you do with those handy-dandy stats that you've been accumulating? As Phail mentioned, when you reach 100% in every stat, you may apply for your Soquili to become an elder! However, not just any Soquili who maxes out their stats will make it to the final selection, as elderhood is the greatest honor that can be bestowed upon any Soquili. An elder exemplifies the finest qualities of their breed, or truly stands out from the crowd! They have grown as a character into a true elder among the community.

One of the well known perks of elderhood is that your Soquili may now have four baskets by default in every breeding, or a possibility of five! That's five, count them five, baskets. Of course, as always, each owner may only keep one basket per breeding. Another perk is that a Soquili's breed abilities will become magnified in their eldership. Elderhood also comes with a set of lineart all its own, so your Soquili will get a makeover courtesy of one of our lovely colorists!

For more information, please see this thread on elders!
Open/Private Canon IC RP

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