User Image The grunt that Abe made as he dropped the heavy carcass was one of both satisfaction and exhaustion. He usually wasn't that bad of a hunter--well who are we kidding, he was pretty awful--and this gazelle has given him more trouble than he anticipated. He'd almost lost his appetite in the heat and exertion of taking it down.

Abe collapsed near enough to keep an eye over his meal, but wanted to cool down before he began feasting. You'd think that he would have made friends by now, being an official member of one of the most prosperous prides in the area but, well... his personality didn't scream "be my friend, help me take down an animal to eat and therefore putting yourself in danger; trust me!"

Still overheating, Abe rolled onto his back and the breeze that wafted down his body was glorious due the shade of the tree he managed to drag the meal to.
