Name: Eleanor Kemp
        Nicknames: n/a
        Gender: Female
        Age: 15

        Faction: Reaper
            [Kitchen Witch] Kitchen witches draw their power from the mundane; things like herbs, cooking, and familial ties. Though generally considered "good" witches, they can still be powerful magic users and are very scary when crossed.

        Natural Ability
            [???] Stuff will go here as soon as I find something fitting.

        Racial Ability
            [Summon Weapon] Eleanor's weapon manifests as a slightly dinged-up, though incredibly sturdy, frying pan.


            [Loyal] Stuff will go here as soon as I find something fitting.

            [Stubborn] Stuff will go here as soon as I find something fitting.

            [Outgoing] Stuff will go here as soon as I find something fitting.

            [Prideful] Stuff will go here as soon as I find something fitting.

            [Sentimental] Stuff will go here as soon as I find something fitting.

            [Blunt] Stuff will go here as soon as I find something fitting.

        Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?
            Eleanor comes from a long, long line of Kitchen Witches; one of her great-great-great aunts is said to have inspired part of some well known Scottish play, or whatever. Kitchen Witches are a matriarchal bunch, and being the youngest woman in the family, Eleanor often felt smothered by her many aunts and grandmothers. As she got older this resulted in many unladylike antics, practical jokes, and general tomfoolery. Unable to get a handle on her, and unsure of what to do with her otherwise, Eleanor's family packed her up and shipped her off to Amityville for an education and with hopes that school would straighten her out. Despite this immense betrayal, Eleanor remains very close with her family and writes them often.

        FEAR Ability: (A character's FEAR ability is a special attack they can use in battle, similar to a limit break or other powerful and unique attack! Their power should be related to the character's species or personality somewhat.)

        Don't forget to include what TYPE of Fear it is! For more information please see the FEAR guide:

        Physical Description:

        Eye Colour:
        Hair Colour/Style:
        Skin Colour:
        Clothing Style/Colours: (Remember, everything should be Halloween-inspired! Creepy is good!)
        Extra: (Your character's special features: wings, tail, pointy ears, fangs, whatever else that isn't covered above.)
        References: (If you have art or design sketches for your character, include them here!)