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Word Count: 1082

Tisiphone was getting too comfortable in the Pridelands. There was just something about this place. It was a feeling she'd never be able to explain but it helped her understand just how so many lions ended up here, all together. Still, she never forgot her mission and she remained vigilant, keeping her eyes open for any lions of interest. She had spotted one pink-maned lion who looked like he just might be the right shade, and she had been trying to keep an eye on him and his goings-on for a few days now. Unfortunately for her, her target was not just a regular hunter.

Mo'olelo knew he was being stalked, though he had no idea why. The pride was a big place, you saw a lot of lions around but unless you were acquainted, it was rare to see a lot of the same individuals around. Not like he was seeing this lioness around. He was suspicious and tempted to involve a third party in the inevitable confrontation but there was no need, really. So he spent his afternoon wandering in a circuitous path, making note of how often he spotted this same lioness along his way.

She was good, but once he was onto her there was no avoiding being seen. It didn’t look like she was following him, to any outside observer, they did not appear connected in any way. And despite his cleverness, his plan to test her backfired and she caught on to what was happening. And there was only one way for a lioness to get out of a situation like this.. but she would not give herself up until she was caught. Instead, her demeanour changed and she slowly became more nervous and obvious. He would know she realized she had been caught following him.

It didn’t take long at all for this to change Mo’s tactic. He stopped leading them down a path with no logical goal and turned around to confront her. His expression was neutral but his eyes were suspicious. Tisiphone was shaking like a leaf when she finally approached him, avoiding eye contact and pawing at the dirt when she came to a stop a few short feet away.

“Why are you following me?” Mo asked, “Why have you been following me?”

“I- I’m sorry!” Tisiphone blurted out, her tail curled under her body and her ears turned back, “I just.. I wanted to talk to you.”

Mo blinked and suppressed a sigh. He, apparently, had an admirer. Tisiphone boldly looked up at him to gauge his reaction, and immediately looked back down to her feet. She didn’t know how shy was too shy and therefore obviously an act.. but she was counting on his ego getting in the way of that. Now that she was close, she could see there was some potential in this lead.. but she hoped she wouldn’t actually think he was so cute if they were really related by blood.

The silence dragged on between them and Tisiphone was the one to break it.

“M-my name is Kalypso,” she said, “Your mane is so pretty..”

She straightened up a bit and laughed awkwardly.

“S-so handsome, I mean!”

His eyes were pale blue.. and he only had one spot on him. Not deal breakers but discouraging, she decided.

“Thanks,” Mo said simply, “You know, it’s better to just come up and talk to someone than to follow them around.”

“I’m sorry,” she said, finally holding his gaze and even relaxing a bit, “I was hoping that maybe you would come talk to me eventually. I guess it worked.. just not the way I hoped.”

Another silence and the lioness realized she would have to work for any information.

“What’s your name?” she asked, easing into a hopeful smile.

“Mo’olelo,” he answered, “And I’m not interested.”

Tisiphone was looking more hopeful at his name, it didn’t have the same sound as her family’s names or the one she was seeking but it started with an M. There were many coincidences here, enough to be encouraging! And then, in the same breath, he turned her down. She pouted, and it was most genuine.

“You don’t even know me!” she complained.

“I know enough,” he answered sternly, looking no more impressed despite her apparent nerve to argue.

She kept pouting, a slight glare in her eyes. It was hard not to take it personally, even knowing she was playing a part. Tisiphone wanted to believe Kalypso was a likeable lioness! That was the whole point of the character, after all! It was weird that Mo’olelo wasn’t taken in by it, but she supposed it made sense that not all Pridelanders could be the same, could live up to the reputation.


“There’s no point talking about this,” he interrupted.

Tisiphone huffed, her true personality leaking through and not going unnoticed by Mo.. but lucky for her, it didn’t give much away to him. He wasn’t interested in the shy personality, he wasn’t interested in whatever was underneath it.. he simply didn’t care. Tisiphone weighed her options carefully before speaking again. She wasn’t interested in him, either, but the information he might have been able to provide. Looking back now, she had followed him long enough to know there were no other lions like him in this pride so it was likely a dead end.

The chances he had any valuable information were slim. It had been worth the attempt but it wasn’t worth any more if he wasn’t going to cooperate now.

She sighed and visibly drooped, falling easily back into character (with a fair amount of genuine disappointment helping).

“Alright,” she said, “Sorry for bothering you.”


Not that it mattered, of course. Maybe it was time to move on. She wasn’t getting anywhere staying here like this. Maybe one last attempt through the messengers, she could give the name to one hare and ask them to look.. perhaps even convince them to keep it a secret. Say it was a surprise. Some of the pride members here were foolishly kind enough.

One last ditch effort and then it would be time to move on, comfortable as she had gotten here.

Mo’olelo watched his stalker leave silently, shook his head and then went back on his way. He’d be watching out for her for a little while before being assured she had truly given up, but he wouldn’t see her again. She truly was on her way out.
