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Reply Familiar Breeding Dens
Odet's May Breeding Slots - Winners Pg. 4 Goto Page: 1 2 3 4 [>] [»|]

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 100%  [ 28 ]
Total Votes : 28

odet amo

Fiendish Nymph

41,375 Points
  • Miasmal Lake Champion 500
  • Devoted Fortune Seeker 400
  • Alchemy Level 10 100
PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 2:47 pm

... Odet's May Breeding Slots ...
- April Showers brings May Flowers -
Summer Love

Starts: Sunday April 30th at 12:00 PM EST (Noon)
Ends: Monday May 1st at 12:00 PM EST (Noon)

... Slots ...
1 Semi LL (10+ attempts)
1 Not Quite LL (5 - 9 attempts)
1 Young Love (0 - 4 attempts)
Possible CC?

... About These Slots ...

These slots count for the month of May and are edited slots but unedited couples are welcome too. I know there are a lot of familiar couples who have been trying for months or years to have children, so this raffle is dedicated to you. All familiars entered must have permissions dated from before the start time of these slots. Sorry no last minuet flings aloud.

There is no guarantee that two extremely edited familiars will produce more then moderately edited offspring. I will do my best to pass on edits that I'm comfortable with but I generally do not do heavy or extreme edits. If you have a question about your couple please PM me. My shop also has my level edit information - here. Unedited couples have a slight chance of gaining edits with the summer love twists.

These are open to all types of love! Traditional relationships, same sex couples, poly groups, and familiars paired with a different breed of familiars. Only things not aloud are Soq x familiar pairs and Soq x Soq pairs.

... Rules ...

LL Links -- In order to have your couple entered in Semi and Not Quite LL you must have proof that they have entered that many breedings. Don't forget to link your attempts or link somewhere you have all your attempts listed! No proof no entree.
Post certed Familiars -- I like seeing the Familiar without having to click every link so please post the image of the cert (It must be the certed image). If your familiar hasn't been certed yet please post a small uncert image and a link to the cert request. Cert requests must be from before the start of these slots!
Names! -- Please provide full names for both the Familiars entered and their owners
Header! -- Please Add this to the top of your form. This will let me know what sort of pair you have. You should have one per couple, no more no less
Forms -- Please fill out the form completely and correctly. If I manage to spot something wrong I will point it out and you can repost.
Editing forms/posts -- Once I put the couple in the main list I will not be re-reading any of the information; you may update uncerts and general information for a couple, you may not edit what familiars are involved.
Mistakes? -- If you need to fix something (be it by my request or your own) post it in thread that you are voiding your first entry to fix a mistake and that you’ll be reposting, so I can edit the list accordingly.
Be Nice! -- It's my favorite rule after all.
Pay what you want slots. No pay is aok.
A Reminder That: Each person can be involved in no more than two pairs in each raffle, and only win two slots per month -- One person MAY now enter both of the couples they are involved with themselves if they need to, but make CERTAIN that couples are not posted twice. Work out ahead of time with your breeding partners who will be responsible for entering in a pair. If they are entered twice, even with different partners, they will be disqualified from that raffle. Furthermore, you must have rights to the breeding (and therefore also own one of the parents) in order to post the breeding. No Proxying!
You may only win two familiar breedings per month total -- (CC or raffled breeding slots. Bribes do not count). If someone wins a breeding raffle slot, then they may only enter one couple for the remainder of the month's raffles.


Please make sure and read through the Familiar breeding information Thead before entering. Failure to do so may result in disqualification. I am not obligated to inform you if you have broken a rule.

Most Familiar Breeding raffles are unedited and edited breedings tend to produce lightly edited breedings
The majority of familiar breedings are unedited and handled solely by familiar colorists, where all the offspring end up unedited regardless of their parents edits. Additionally, since most familiar colorists are not trained to make the same level of edits as most Soquili colorists are, even when they do make edits the extremely edited familiars will tend to produce only minor to moderate edited offspring, even if paired with another extremely edited familiar (since most heavily edited familiars are made by Soquili colorists). Even if the colorist who takes it on can do extreme edits, that doesn't mean familiar breedings necessarily will, nor will have to.

It has been required for both owners to post permission for the breeding in the FAMILIAR PERMISSION THREAD prior to the close of the raffle in order to be eligible for raffles now, so hopefully everyone has gotten the idea. However, just as a reminder:


Familiars are meant to be simpler and shouldn't need co-owner agreements. Familiars should only have one owner.

For those who choose to utilize the new spirit breeding option, if you enter two different familiar species together as a couple the offspring will be ALL either one species or the other. (Ex. goat x wolf breeding, all offspring will be EITHER goats OR wolves!)

Non edited breed spacific traits will not pass between breeds. (Ex. unedited song bird x snake with jewelery edits, if the offspring are snakes they will not gain feathers or wings and if the offspring are song birds they won't gain a snake tail or scales! Offspring will gain jewelry or item edits.)

The exception to this rule is templated mutations. (Ex. unedited winged wolf x unedited fox, if the offspring are foxes some will have templated wings!) If for some reason the template doesn't work with the other parents base line art it may be dropped from the breeding all together though. (Ex. unedited winged fox x unedited songbird, if the offspring are songbirds they will not gain the templated mutant wings because they don't work with their base lineart.)

Major mistakes that are spotted after winners have been rolled, such as triple-entries into the breeding raffle or lack of permission can result in a nullification of the win. It is in your best interest to spot these ahead of time so that they can be corrected, or extraneous pairs removed instead of nullifying all of your chances.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 5:46 pm

... List Header ...
Remember your LL attempts reset after one or both of the familiars wins a breeding. Entering singles mixers or with another partner wont reset your LL attempts so long as you didn't win a breeding. Don't forget to fill in how many attempts you've entered, so I can view things quickly.

Edit: This number should be your previous attempts. If you have entered 4 slots this year and this is your 5th slot you are in the young love slots. Updated wording below to make it less confusing and I'll go back and correct previous posts so don't worry about reposting.

Semi LL (10+ attempts)

[color=#E4287C][u][size=18][b]Lucky number (enter number of previous attempts here)![/b][/size][/u][/color]

Not Quite LL (5 - 9 attempts)
[color=#B048B5][u][size=18][b]Trying again! We've tried (enter number of previous attempts here) times...[/b][/size][/u][/color]

Young Love (0 - 4 attempts)
[color=#0020C2][u][size=18][b]We're on our (enter number of previous attempts here) try![/b][/size][/u][/color]

... Poly-Group Header ...

This is an additional header for poly-groups, make sure you have one of the above headers too. Please note that this should only be used if BOTH familiars trying for the breeding are part of the same poly-group! If one of the partners is not part of the poly-group, than it is considered a fling/surrogate and this heading should not be used!
[align=center][size=14][b][color=purple]There's More To Love! Poly-Group Here![/color][/b][/size]
[b]Poly Group Agreement:[/b] Please post the agreement of ALL poly-members! Either the lifemate agreement of the group, or the non-lifemate poly-permission!
[b]Please List All Eligible Poly-Group Members Certs:[/b] [url=CERT HERE]NAME[/url] [url=CERT HERE]NAME[/url][/align]

odet amo

Fiendish Nymph

41,375 Points
  • Miasmal Lake Champion 500
  • Devoted Fortune Seeker 400
  • Alchemy Level 10 100

odet amo

Fiendish Nymph

41,375 Points
  • Miasmal Lake Champion 500
  • Devoted Fortune Seeker 400
  • Alchemy Level 10 100
PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 7:46 am

... Entry Form ...

- Post Header Here -

Parent 1 ( owner ) x Parent 2 ( owner )

[b]Parent 1:[/b]
[img][/img] [url=]Uncert[/url]
[b]Parent 2:[/b]
[img][/img] [url=]Uncert[/url]
[b]Low Luck?: [/b]
(Link unsuccessful tries at breeding raffles here - link to teepee or journal entry is fine. Required for Semi and not Quite LL slots)
[b]Are Either Familiars Rped?:[/b] Parent 1:
Parent 2: [url=]Example[/url]
[b]Throwbacks?:[/b] (Saying yes gives the colorist a bit more freedom in the breeding. Throwbacks can come from previous generations, this means parents, grandparents/etc. For 1st gens this would mean mystery traits. NOTE: Just because you say yes doesn't mean you'll get throwback traits. It only gives the colorist the OK to play around. Nothing more. You also don't get to choose which throwback traits are picked.)
[b]Link to Connected Familiars:[/b] (If said Yes to Throwbacks please link all parents, and grandparents, siblings and other blood relatives are optional - NOTE: LINKS ONLY NO IMG TAGGING)
[*][url=]Soquili Name[/url] | Relation here
[*][url=]Soquili Name[/url] | Relation here
[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b]

- Post Mods here -

... Optional Mods ...

[b]Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk):[/b] Would you prefer the old or new template? A mix? Or colorist choice?

[b]Twins?:[/b] Yes/No
[b]Triplets if Applicable?:[/b] Yes/No

[b]Family Echo or other Family Tree:[/b] [url=]X[/url]
PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 12:04 pm

... Summer Love Twists ...
Optional Tropical, Watery, Fiery, Romantic, Flowery - Spring/Summer Twists.
Please only choose one of these mods per couple.

[size=14][b][color=#347235]We are okay with any twist you can think of![/color][/b][/size]

[size=14][b][color=#E8A317]We love things twisted, but could you avoid...[/color][/b][/size]
Colors: (Colors you do not want)
Themes: (Themes you do not want)

[size=14][b][color=#E41B17]Count us out![/color][/b][/size]

[size=14][b][color=#C12267]It's getting hot out here![/color][/b][/size]
[spoiler][size=10][b]Mutations [/b]
Feathers or wings?: Y/N
Insect wings?: Y/N
Templated mutation?: Y/N

[b]Themes [/b]
Tropical animal markings?: Y/N
Flowers or heart markings?: Y/N
Reef animal markings?: Y/N
Bright summer colors?: Y/N
Pastel or romantic colors?: Y/N
Water colors or patterns?: Y/N
Mesoamerican patterns?: Y/N

[b]Accessories [/b]
Tiki items?: Y/N
Flowers?: Y/N
Hearts or Candy?: Y/N
Mesoamerican inspired?: Y/N
Tropical flowers, plants/ or leaves?: Y/N
Small water or bug critters?: Y/N

Tropical animal:
Tropical flower:
Tropical fish:
Tropical bug:

[b]Things you don't want to see[/b]
Colors?: (Colors you do not want)
Themes?: (Themes you do not want)

odet amo

Fiendish Nymph

41,375 Points
  • Miasmal Lake Champion 500
  • Devoted Fortune Seeker 400
  • Alchemy Level 10 100

odet amo

Fiendish Nymph

41,375 Points
  • Miasmal Lake Champion 500
  • Devoted Fortune Seeker 400
  • Alchemy Level 10 100
PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 12:05 pm

... Winners List ...
I know you want to see your familiars name here!
Don't forget to update your post in the NEW Master CC thread's for the current month.
I'd like to CC some hard trying couples this summer heart

Semi LL (10+ attempts)
1. (Mistea / Lunadriel) x (Barnabee / Lunadriel)

Mistea x Barnabee
Lucky number 13!

(Mistea / Lunadriel) x (Barnabee / Lunadriel)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Mistea / Lunadriel)
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Barnabee / Lunadriel)
User Image Uncert Wingless
Low Luck?: No

Are Either Familiars Rped?: No
Throwbacks?: Sure
Link to previous Generations: N/a
Link to Breeding Agreement: [x]

Twins?: Yes
Triplets if Applicable?: Yes

It's getting hot out here!
Feathers or wings?: Y!
Insect wings?: Y
Templated mutation?: Y

Tropical animal markings?: Y
Flowers or heart markings?: Y
Reef animal markings?: N
Bright summer colors?: Y
Pastel or romantic colors?: Y
Water colors or patterns?: Y
Mesoamerican patterns?: Y

Tiki items?: N
Flowers?: Y
Hearts or Candy?: N
Mesoamerican inspired?: Y
Tropical flowers, plants/ or leaves?: Y
Small water or bug critters?: Y

Tropical animal: Macaws. crying Love them.
Tropical flower: Plumeria (though less so the white and yellow ones. I like the pink and orange, or the blue/teal colored ones!)
Tropical fish: Mandarin fish. So dang pretty!
Tropical bug: Any blue or blue and orange butterfly.

Things you don't want to see
Colors?: Neon colors, yellow, brown
Themes?: Vines or roots coming out of the skin. Gross bugs.

CC. Coral ( catmagick ) x Omega ( catmagick )
Coral x Omega
Lucky number 11!

Coral ( catmagick ) x Omega ( catmagick )

 User Image Uncert
 User Image Uncert
 Low Luck?: No

 Are Either Familiars Rped?: No
 Throwbacks?: Yes
 Link to previous Generations: N/a
 Link to Breeding Agreement: N/a I own both

We are okay with any twist you can think of!

Not Quite LL (5-9 attempts)
2. Insight ( Sabin Duvert) x Hexen (Sabin Duvert)

Insight x Hexen
Trying again! We've tried 5 times...

Insight ( Sabin Duvert) x Hexen (Sabin Duvert)

Pairing Type: Spirit
Breeds Involved: Fox x Peacondor
Twins?: Yes
----Triplets?: Yes
Livestream?: Yes

Father 1
User Image Uncert
Father 2:
User Image Uncert

Low Luck?: No

1 - odet
2 - cel
3 - Kaitaia
4 - ryn
5 - odet Jan

Are Either Familiars Rped?: No
Throwbacks?: Sure!
Link to Connected Familiars:

Link to Breeding Agreement: I own both

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): CC / Feel free to play with whatever templates from either species, borrow things from others, etc; have fun!
Twins?: CC smile
Triplets if Applicable?: CC smile

It's getting hot out here!
Feathers or wings?: Y
Insect wings?: Y
Templated mutation?: Y

Tropical animal markings?: Y
Flowers or heart markings?: N
Reef animal markings?: Y
Bright summer colors?: N
Pastel or romantic colors?: N
Water colors or patterns?: N
Mesoamerican patterns?: Y

Tiki items?: Y
Flowers?: N
Hearts or Candy?: N
Mesoamerican inspired?: Y
Tropical flowers, plants/ or leaves?: Leaves/plants yes, flowers no <3
Small water or bug critters?: Y

Tropical animal: Jaguar
Tropical flower: bird of paradise
Tropical fish: lionfish? Are they tropical?
Tropical bug: Tarantulas? Let's go with something creepy for these two >3

Things you don't want to see
Colors?: I'd love to keep the current color scheme

CC. Yukine (sesshiyasha) x Apollo (Phail Ninja)
Yukine x Apollo
Trying again! Attempt number 7.

Yukine (sesshiyasha) x Apollo (Phail Ninja)

Parent 1:
User Image Uncert
Parent 2:
User ImageUser Image Uncert (Optional: Itemless)

Low Luck?: 7 attempts

Are Either Familiars Rped?: No
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to Connected Familiars:

Link to Breeding Agreement: [x]

Twins?: No
Triplets if Applicable?: No

We are okay with any twist you can think of!

Young Love (0-4 attempts)
3. Zuhno (Nyx Queen of Darkness) x Beauchamp Rhoding (Nyx Queen of Darkness)

Zuhno x Beauchamp Rhoding
We are okay with any twist you can think of!

Entry Code:
Zuhno (Nyx Queen of Darkness) x Beauchamp Rhoding (Nyx Queen of Darkness)

Parent 1:
User Image Uncert
Parent 2:
User Image Uncert
Low Luck?: N/A
Are Either Familiars RPed?: No
Throwbacks?: Sure!
Link to Connected Familiars:
Link to Breeding Agreement: N/A (self pair)

Alternate Base (Raccoon or Rabbit): N/A.
Twins?: Yes, but no exact duplicates please
Triplets if Applicable?: No
PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 12:08 pm

... The Lists ...
Please PM me if there are any mistakes!

Semi LL (10+ attempts)
.....Page 1
  1. Craft (Sabin Duvert) x Whizbang (Laroawan) - 17
  2. Lilura (Twitchapher the 3rd) x Dmitri (Teh Cheryl) - 15
    Page 2
  3. Toxic Truffle (Roarie Desu) x Elyon (Calixita) - 13
    (Mistea / Lunadriel) x (Barnabee / Lunadriel) - 13
    Page 3
  4. Yamka ( Dea and #Teddy# ) x Sorin ( SwordOfTheDarkOnes ) - 14
    Coral ( catmagick ) x Omega ( catmagick ) - 11

Not Quite LL (5 - 9 attempts)
.....Page 1
.....Insight ( Sabin Duvert) x Hexen (Sabin Duvert) - 5
  1. Darcy (Rita Zyon) x Kamran (Rita Zyon) - 8
  2. Nana (Teh Cheryl) x Daemon (Teh Cheryl) - 7
  3. Shaman- Tara de Draiocht x Enqueri - Tara de Draiocht - 7
  4. Betsy (xxx Yuki Bear xxx) x Bubba (xxx Yuki Bear xxx) - 5
  5. Aura (AstoriaFallen) x Kekipi (Wasteland Wyvern) - 6
    Page 2
  6. Brindle (Phail Ninja) x Ahchoo (Summer Raaven) - 5
    Yukine (sesshiyasha) x Apollo (Phail Ninja) - 7
  7. Zavara ( Cheyriddle4 ) x Rio ( Rein_Carnation ) - 9
  8. Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol 'HTCPCP'( Devil NightShade ) x Maverick ( Cheyriddle4 ) - 7
  9. Ramen ( Rein_Carnation ) x Sharingan ( Rein_Carnation ) - 9
  10. Lune ( Fea Line ) x Mishka ( FrostyPeaches ) - 5
  11. Talía (Calixita) x Glowworm (Novablu) - 7
  12. Squishy ( Mia Lovasz ) x D3RP ( Kesmi ) - 5
  13. Havilah (mistalina13) x Ronan (mistalina13) - 5
  14. Hemetre (mistalina13) x Stellar Horizon (mistalina13) - 5
    Page 3
  15. Lazuli ( Kaya Wolf Moon ) x Ghost ( Wasteland Wyvern ) - 5
  16. Arina (Niyaru Delacroix) x Noya (Kara Asumie) - 6
  17. Valphara (Lydalynn) x Foxglove (Kettyn) - 8
  18. Leorah (Revolutionary Roniel) x Vire (DarkenWoodWolf) - 8
  19. Mio (Kivras) x Raveri (DarkenWoodWolf) - 9
  20. Dreamer (Mewsings of An Angel) x Artho (Mewsings of An Angel) - 9

Young Love (0 - 4 attempts)
.....Page 1
  1. Azura - Elf Princess Flannery x Howl- Tara de Draiocht - 4
  2. Megapixel ( xxx Yuki Bear xxx ) x Waffles ( xxx Yuki Bear xxx ) - 3
    Page 2
  3. Chimera (AstoriaFallen) x Daiki (Devil NightShade) - 4
  4. Mizuki ( lysia_nyteblade ) x Yahya ( Strawberri Stardust ) - 1
  5. Cruz ( Mia Lovasz ) x Skittles ( White Neko Chan ) - 3
  6. Morning Glory (LOLTERNATIVE) x Pearl (LOLTERNATIVE) - 0
    Page 3
  7. Hinata (Kaya Wolf Moon) x Wildfire (tefla) - 4
    Zuhno (Nyx Queen of Darkness) x Beauchamp Rhoding (Nyx Queen of Darkness) - 0
  8. Firefly (Nyx Queen of Darkness) x Nirvana (Nyx Queen of Darkness) - 2
  9. CaterpillarMan (AislingJuno) x Yuca (Melomar) - 2
  10. Starfall ( tefla ) x Aldebaran ( tefla ) - 2
  11. Captain Glitch ( Sesshiyasha ) x Akanksha ( Nashawryn ) - 0

odet amo

Fiendish Nymph

41,375 Points
  • Miasmal Lake Champion 500
  • Devoted Fortune Seeker 400
  • Alchemy Level 10 100

odet amo

Fiendish Nymph

41,375 Points
  • Miasmal Lake Champion 500
  • Devoted Fortune Seeker 400
  • Alchemy Level 10 100
PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 9:26 am


Edit: I have confused people. Don't count these slots when you tally up your Low Lucks. Just count your previous slots. Got a few pms and quotes, so you guys are not alone if you were concerned.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 9:40 am

Lucky number 17!
(this raffle will be 18 - wasn't quite sure on how to count that <3 )

Craft x Whizbang
Entry Code:
Craft (Sabin Duvert) x Whizbang (Laroawan)

Twins?: Yes
----Triplets?: Yes
Livestream?: Yes

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Craft / Sabin
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Whizbang / Laroawan
User Image Uncert
Low Luck?: No / but up to 17 attempts

1 (in the edited list, since tingers were considered edited then)

Are Either Familiars Rped?: No
Throwbacks?: Sure! Both are first gen, but as a note, I LOVE the new rabbit template :3
Link to previous Generations: NA
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here
Alternate Base (Raccoon or Rabbit): NEW template please!
Twins?: CC
Triplets if Applicable?: CC

We are okay with any twist you can think of!

Sabin Duvert

Winter Trash

Sabin Duvert

Winter Trash

PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 9:46 am

Trying again! We've tried 5 times...
(well, this is attempt 6? 5 attempts previously)

Insight x Hexen

Insight ( Sabin Duvert) x Hexen (Sabin Duvert)

Pairing Type: Spirit
Breeds Involved: Fox x Peacondor
Twins?: Yes
----Triplets?: Yes
Livestream?: Yes

Father 1
User Image Uncert
Father 2:
User Image Uncert

Low Luck?: No

1 - odet
2 - cel
3 - Kaitaia
4 - ryn
5 - odet Jan

Are Either Familiars Rped?: No
Throwbacks?: Sure!
Link to Connected Familiars:

Link to Breeding Agreement: I own both

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): CC / Feel free to play with whatever templates from either species, borrow things from others, etc; have fun!
Twins?: CC smile
Triplets if Applicable?: CC smile

It's getting hot out here!
Feathers or wings?: Y
Insect wings?: Y
Templated mutation?: Y

Tropical animal markings?: Y
Flowers or heart markings?: N
Reef animal markings?: Y
Bright summer colors?: N
Pastel or romantic colors?: N
Water colors or patterns?: N
Mesoamerican patterns?: Y

Tiki items?: Y
Flowers?: N
Hearts or Candy?: N
Mesoamerican inspired?: Y
Tropical flowers, plants/ or leaves?: Leaves/plants yes, flowers no <3
Small water or bug critters?: Y

Tropical animal: Jaguar
Tropical flower: bird of paradise
Tropical fish: lionfish? Are they tropical?
Tropical bug: Tarantulas? Let's go with something creepy for these two >3

Things you don't want to see
Colors?: I'd love to keep the current color scheme
PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 9:46 am

Lucky number 15!

Lilura x Dmitri

Twins?: Yes
Triplets if Applicable?: Yes

Lilura (Twitchapher the 3rd) x Dmitri (Teh Cheryl)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Lilura (Twitchapher the 3rd)
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Dmitri (Teh Cheryl)
User Image Uncert
Low Luck?: No (15/20)

Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: N/A
Link to Breeding Agreement: [ x ]

We are okay with any twist you can think of!

It's getting hot out here!
Feathers or wings?: Y
Insect wings?: N
Templated mutation?: Y

Tropical animal markings?: Y
Flowers or heart markings?: Y
Reef animal markings?: Y
Bright summer colors?: Y
Pastel or romantic colors?: Y
Water colors or patterns?: Y
Mesoamerican patterns?: Y

Tiki items?: Y
Flowers?: Y
Hearts or Candy?: Y
Mesoamerican inspired?: Y
Tropical flowers, plants/ or leaves?: Y
Small water or bug critters?: N

Tropical animal: Toucan
Tropical flower: Hibiscus
Tropical fish: Blue Tang
Tropical bug: No buuuugs please! (Including butterflies)

Things you don't want to see
Colors?: Yellow!
Themes?: Nothing too commercial or touristy feeling!

Teh Cheryl

Rita Zyon

PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 9:48 am

Trying again! We've tried 8 times...

We love things twisted, but could you avoid...
Colors: Neon colours
Themes: Please no hearts or candy

Entry Code:
Darcy (Rita Zyon) x Kamran (Rita Zyon)

User Image Uncert
User Image Uncert
Low Luck?: 5-9 attempts
Are Either Familiars Rped?: No
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: N/A; Kamran's twin sister: Kadri
Link to Breeding Agreement: Both are mine

Twins?: Yes
Triplets if Applicable?: No
PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 9:50 am

Trying again! We've tried 7 times...

Nana (Teh Cheryl) x Daemon (Teh Cheryl)

Twins?: Yes
Triplets if Applicable?: Yes

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Nana (Teh Cheryl)
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Demon (Teh Cheryl)
User Image Uncert
Low Luck?: No (7/20)

Are Either Familiars Rped?: Yes. Have also RP'd Nana with her bonded Soquili Demon several times.
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: None
Link to Breeding Agreement: N/A]

We are okay with any twist you can think of!

It's getting hot out here!
Feathers or wings?: Y
Insect wings?: N
Templated mutation?: Y

Tropical animal markings?: N
Flowers or heart markings?: Y to flowers, N to Hearts
Reef animal markings?: N
Bright summer colors?: N
Pastel or romantic colors?: Y
Water colors or patterns?: Y
Mesoamerican patterns?: Y

Tiki items?: Y
Flowers?: Y
Hearts or Candy?: Y
Mesoamerican inspired?: Y
Tropical flowers, plants/ or leaves?: Y
Small water or bug critters?: N

Tropical animal: Toucan
Tropical flower: Hibiscus
Tropical fish: Blue Tang
Tropical bug: No buuuugs please! (Including butterflies)

Things you don't want to see
Colors?: Yellow!
Themes?: Nothing too commercial or touristy feeling! These guys are winter babies, so preferably more pastels or softer tones over the bright, summer colors.

Teh Cheryl

Tara de Draiocht

Naughty Man-Lover

PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 9:58 am

Trying again! We've tried 7 times...
Count us out!
Shaman- Tara de Draiocht x Enqueri - Tara de Draiocht

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Shaman- Tara de Draiocht
User Image- UNCERT

Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Enqueri - Tara de Draiocht
User Image - UNCERT
(technically he is an edit because at the time when I paid for him these lines didn't exist).
Low Luck?: no
1. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=2&t=25023863#378272077
2. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=25037133#378538463
3. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=2&t=25060583#379075491
4. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=25106503&page=2
5. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=3&t=25109615#379953077
6. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=25110101#379965533
7. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=2&t=25119429#380129283

Are Either Familiars Rped?: n
Throwbacks?: n
Link to previous Generations: n
Link to Breeding Agreement: here

Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk): n/a
Twins?: CC
Triplets if Applicable?: n


We're on our 4th try!
Count us out!
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Azura - Elf Princess Flannery
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Howl- Tara de Draiocht
User Image Uncert
Low Luck?: no
1. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=24737271#372871733
2. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=3&t=24883283#375687047
3. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=24970179#377293067
4. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=24991873#377656485

Are Either Familiars Rped?: no
Throwbacks?: no
Link to previous Generations:
Link to Breeding Agreement: here
Twins?: CC
Triplets if Applicable?: CC
PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:11 am

We're on our third try!
Megapixel ( xxx Yuki Bear xxx ) x Waffles ( xxx Yuki Bear xxx )

User Image Uncert
User Image Uncert
Low Luck?: N/A
Are Either Familiars Rped?: No
Throwbacks?: No
Link to Connected Familiars: N/A
Link to Breeding Agreement: Both mine
(( List of attempts for proof that they are a pre-existing pair :
1. June Prehistoric Familiar Breedings
2. Lolly's August Edited Familiar Breedings
3. Odet's September Familiar Twisted Bash ))

Count us out!

Trying again! We've tried 5 times...
Betsy (xxx Yuki Bear xxx) x Bubba (xxx Yuki Bear xxx)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Betsy (xxx Yuki Bear xxx)
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Bubba (xxx Yuki Bear xxx)
User Image Uncert
Low Luck?: No
Are Either Familiars Rped?: Yes - Betsy
Throwbacks?: No
Link to previous Generations: N/A
Link to Breeding Agreement: Both Mine
(( List of attempts for proof that they are a pre-existing pair :
1. Lolly's January Edited Familiar Breedings
2. Odet's 12 Hour January Unedited Slots
3. Spell’s February Breedings
4. Dolphin's April Unedited Familiar Breeding
5. Dolphin's July Unedited Familiar Breeding Slots ))

It's getting hot out here!
Feathers or wings?: Y
Insect wings?: N
Templated mutation?: Y

Tropical animal markings?: Y
Flowers or heart markings?: N
Reef animal markings?: Y
Bright summer colors?: N
Pastel or romantic colors?: N
Water colors or patterns?: N
Mesoamerican patterns?: Y

Tiki items?: Y
Flowers?: Y
Hearts or Candy?: N
Mesoamerican inspired?: Y
Tropical flowers, plants/ or leaves?: Y
Small water or bug critters?: Y to water - no bugs please

Things you don't want to see
Colors?: Neons, random unnatural colors
Themes?: Bugs

xxx Yuki Bear xxx

Rampaging Bear


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:11 am

Trying again! Attempt number 6 (this being 7).
We are okay with any twist you can think of!
It's getting hot out here!
Feathers or wings?: Y
Insect wings?: N
Templated mutation?: Y

Tropical animal markings?: Y
Flowers or heart markings?: N
Reef animal markings?: N
Bright summer colors?: CC
Pastel or romantic colors?: CC
Water colors or patterns?: Y
Mesoamerican patterns?: Y

Tiki items?: N
Flowers?: CC
Hearts or Candy?: N
Mesoamerican inspired?: Y
Tropical flowers, plants/ or leaves?: Y
Small water or bug critters?: N

Tropical animal: Jaguar
Tropical flower: Plumeria (teal but all are lovely)
Tropical fish: n/a
Tropical bug: n/a

Things you don't want to see
Colors?: anything that clashes with colors already present
Themes?: insects

Aura x Kekipi
Entry Code:
Aura (AstoriaFallen) x Kekipi (Wasteland Wyvern)

Pairing Type: Standard
Breeds Involved: Wolf x Wolf
Low Luck?: No
Twins?: Yes
----Triplets?: Yes
Livestream?: Yes

Parent 1:
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Uncert
Parent 2:
User Image Uncert
Low Luck?: No
  1. Lollys January Edited
  2. Odets July
  3. Cels October
  4. Kaits November
  5. Kaits March
  6. Dolphins March

Are Either Familiars RPed?: [ X ]
Link to Connected Familiars:

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ] (
Familiar Breeding Dens

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