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[PRP] First Time [Ali`dido x YaikaTongo]

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Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 3:16 am
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Rumors told stories of a monstrous pride. The green lion had been intrigued from the time he'd first heard about the rumors, most of the time he wasn't sure what to make of them. The pride was often told to be home to hundreds of lions - unreal. Ali`dido was a young, adult traveler now and he was enthusiastic about new discoveries.

Why not start at the largest?

Truth was.. the lion was lazy. The rumors had given him directions, ideas to fill his mind beyond exploding and even gave him names of lions within. The history of the pride seemed to tell a story as old as the savannah itself. Color him impressed.

Ali`dido awoke that morning with a goal in mind, he'd already traveled quite a distance to reach where he was - only to be stopped by exhaustion. The exhaustion had begun to weigh on him like a boulder on a too soft ground. The choice to lay down and rest hadn't been an easy one, but when he woke he felt refresh. He could nearly taste victory! The prides borders were rumored to be near.


The thought had occurred to him that the reason the pride had likely remained so fruitful was due to being well protected and so he hung back slightly, suddenly becoming nervous. It didn't help that this was truly his first time 'adventuring' so to speak.

"H-Hello?" He queried the area surrounding him quizzically. The green lion surely looked pathetic as he moved slowly, golden eyes peering about cautiously seeking movements.

Syrius Lionwing
PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 5:05 am
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She wasn't old, but she certainly wasn't young either. She had been born near the pridelands and when she and her siblings were old enough they had moved to the land of plenty. The pridelands was huge and the lions within were plentiful. It was a good place to live full of friendly faces. Ocasionally the friendly faces turned away, it was more than ocasionally really, her appearance frightened others from adults to children. This made her very sad. Her mother had raised her to be loving and caring but that love could not be passed on because no one could see past her coat.

She had faintly considered leaving the pridelands. This was home though and she didn't know any where else. The borders loomed before her and as she padded towards what was the official line that indicated the end of the pridelands she heard a voice.

There were so many lions in the pridelands that she could hardly say she knew everyone by sight or even by voice, so it could have been anyone. She was close enough to the borders that this could have been a rogue, not that rogues were a bad thing, she had met rogues before, her mother had been a rogue before bringing them to the pridelands. If she took a moment, maybe she could say hello? Good idea.

"Hello?" She queried spotting the green coat almost instantly. His coat was so striking, she was fairly sure she would have recognised him if she had seen him before, she had never seen anyone quite so shocking a green. Still even with his unusual colours and markings he probably wouldn't want to speak to her for too long. Resigning herself to this fact she cleared her throat. "Uhm, can I direct you some where?" She managed, waiting for the inevitable fear on the others face.

Ctrl F Greenie

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 10:22 am
Nervous, unsure and a great number of other emotions would likely have been good words to describe the lion that had decided to stop where he was and simply wait. He wasn't a weak lion, not by any means, but the thought of all those lions lingered in the back of his mind - one wee lion at the border wouldn't be a problem to the many individuals he was sure were meant to protect and serve.

First he was greeted by silence though. Somehow Ali found himself welcoming the silence that had fallen over him following his pathetic sounding 'hello'. Who used such a formal greeting anyhow? The wonder had temporarily taken him away from his current predicament, but not for long.

A sound finally emerged through the blanket of silence and sung the word 'hello' right back. The source was female and as he began to fully realize someone was speaking to him he adjusted himself to get a good look.

The lioness that stood before him took his breath away. The dark pelt against a canvas of lush colors was so dramatic and the oranges acted so complimentary. He couldn't take his eyes from the way the legs markings encircled their way up her leg, dripping, in almost the same fashion as his own goopy markings. Though the legs had held his interest at first that didn't hold it for long.. soon the green lion spied a pair of dazzling blue eyes that were striking against her dark pelt. Ali was stunned into silence.

"Direct me?"

It was as though he'd finally heard her speak, when he spoke he sounded breathless - even to him. "Wait, no no.. I have no particular direction. I had heard rumors of a pride made up of hundreds of lions. Have I come to the right border?" He queried, but his interest wasn't focused as much on the pride anymore, as it was on the lioness herself.

"I'm Ali`dido, and yourself?"

Syrius Lionwing
PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 10:40 am
She was surprised by his gaze. Though she was certainly more surprised that his gaze lingered for so long. His silence and stare finally found her full of embarrassment and the dark lioness turned her gaze away, shying from his intense stare. No one had ever looked at her so intently before. Usually a glance was enough for a creature to turn and walk away. He didn't seem to be retreating though and as his gaze met her blue eyes she fashioned a smile that she hoped would see him staying and chatting instead of turning tail and fleeing. Her mother had taught her a long time ago how to smile, it didn't usually help. Maybe this time would be different.

"A pride of hundreds of lions?" she laughed gently, well there was only one place she could truly think of and that of course was here "You have reached the borders of the pridelands yes." Again she managed a smile, though her eyes, now returned a curious look. He was most peculiar to look at. Handsome really with his stark green coat. What she found most interesting was the drip like marks that came from his mouth, not unlike her own, she even contemplated that maybe he was related to her in some way, though this quickly passed, something about her godly parentage always told her when she was encountering someone of her own blood line. This male was not.

Her eyes lifted and finally settled on his, she was fascinated, surprised he hadn't run away yet or continued on in to the pridelands behind her. "Yaika'Tongo." She finally managed, he had introduced himself some where between her looking at him and finding his light orange eyes.

Ctrl F Greenie

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 10:59 am
He had realized, a little to late, that perhaps all of his staring would have been taken as incredibly rude or offensive. It seemed that wasn't the case this time around and instead he found himself rewarded by a dazzing smile. "Oh my." He mumbled quietly to himself, a clearly gleeful look upon his face.

Love at first sight?

His entire life he had gone by rumors, simple little tellings between individuals. There was a rumor for just about everything as well, including love. Rumor had it that love at first sight did exist - he wouldn't have believed it, not for a second and yet here he was with his heart pitter pattering within his chest. Of course he recognized the feeling to be lust, more so then love. But heck, couldn't it be one in the same?

Her laugh was sweet as could be and he reveled in it's musical tone for a moment. "Ah! That's very good!" He said, words suddenly becoming a very hard thing to put together. The struggle created a rather dorky sentence and he had to forcefully calm himself down. Did she.. Had she.. done the same thing to him as he had done to her? It was brief, but he caught her glance holding at a few places on his pelt - though he'd considered himself strange in the pelt department he hadn't put anymore thought into it beyond that.

"Would you.. show me the pridelands?"

A tour guide would be the most ideal approach to stealing away a few more moments of time with her. He hadn't planned on staying, but something was driving him now. "Yaika`Tongo." He said, almost tasting the name on his tongue. "Yaika`Tongo, would you be willing to do that? Give me a short tour of the Pridelands?" He queried again, enjoying being able to use her name.

Syrius Lionwing
PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 11:41 am
The dark lioness tilted her head. Was he asking her? She wears taken aback and for a brief moment she thought maybe someone was behind her. She even looked, nope, just her and the green fellow before her. "You may call me Yai if you will, my mother often calls me Yai." She smiles again, her blue eyes dancing an ever so pleased dance. She suddenly felt a flutter in her own heart. She had never really been spoken to by anyone without some sort of initial shock. He had looked at her so obviously, but the look had not been fear, it had been something else, something she didn't recognise.

"I would be delighted." She managed at last her blue eyes dancing happily as she took a few extra steps towards him. There was a skip in her step, a joy in moving towards someone that wasn't afraid of her. "I have lived here my whole life I pretty much know every where." She Purs a little gentle laughter. She couldn't believe just how happy she felt being asked such a thing. No one had ever relied on her before.

"Where do you come from Ali?" She asked finally as she close dthe gap between herself and the big green male. "I can show you the whole world of the pridelands if you wish it from the edge of the elephant graveyard to pride rock if you wish."

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 12:33 pm
The green lion welcomed a shortname and was relieved when she offered one. Her name was lovely as it was long and he found himself tripping over it. "Yai, you have a beautiful name." The words slipped passed his lips so quickly he barely even heard himself say them, but he had - oh well. Better to own it then shy away from it, but he almost couldn't help his bashful reaction of lowering his eyes and raising them again.

"Oh, I got lucky then!" He was estatic that she was a willing participant. The excitement only bubbled more when he noticed the way she seemed to inch towards him. Suddenly it felt as though his throat was closing up and air was flushing out of his lungs. The world was closing in as she was.

"Your whole life?"

The purr. Ali swallowed hard and mentally joked about his 'nerves of steel'. It was a wonder he'd remained standing the entire time and yet his legs stayed strong, sturdy and dependable. He couldn't have been more thankful.

"Come from?" The question was broken as he tried to pull himself together. Focusing on the question and not the female closing in on him was likely the hardest thing he'd had to do his entire life. "I.. uh." He breathed slowly and realized he likely had breathed in her face which made everything worse. Panic was settling over him.

Another deep breath.

He shut his golden eyes tight, but that didn't help either - she had closed the gap by now and he could feel her presence. A lingering warmth. He sighed softly and relaxed into that warmth. "I don't.. really come from anywhere?" He offered finally. "I would like to travel everywhere though." He was finally getting back on track - FINALLY. "Oh.. I think I'd like that very much..." His golden eyes widened excitement, betraying him.

Syrius Lionwing
PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 1:19 pm
She blushed when he said she had a beautiful name and hearing her nickname roll over his lips almost stopped her in her tracks. He was making her feel all kinds of weird and wonderful things she had never felt before. They were all very nice feelings though she thanked her lucky stars that her fur was dark so he couldn't see the flush she could feel rising on her face. "You have a very nice name too Ali." She smiled, her gaze searching him, searching for any sign of fear, perhaps he couldn't see her properly from afar but he didn't seem to be backing away. This alone made her feel special.

She sat slowly, though her tail twitched happily, she wasn't sure why she was sitting but she felt maybe she could try and seem relaxed instead of jumpy. The gap closed between them she could finally see him, all of him, he was handsome in a strange sort of way and the looks he kept giving her. What was that? She didn't know! Her heart leapt in to her throat when he said he was lucky. Lucky? "I'v never met anyone like you before." The comment could perhaps be misinterpreted but her mind didn't go there. She was just so very grateful that he wanted her to help. That he wasn't afraid of her.

She looked away briefly her gaze resting on the horizon. "I can't imagine living any where but here. I was born in the roguelands but my mother brought me here when I was very young so I don't know anywhere else." She paused "I think that is a very nice dream though. The world is such a big place. I'm sure it will enjoy having you in it." She whispers, her cheeks once again flushing, had she just said that? What was happening?

Ctrl F Greenie

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 10:23 pm
This was it. He was beginnning to fret over it for a moment, but that worry was set aside when her voice washed over him again. He'd worried time and time again that if he ever found true love he'd end up settling down and never seeing the rest of the world. That just couldn't happen. He had a dream.

"I-I do?" The response was terrible and unnecessary. Then her blue eyes couldn't seem to settle on one part of him, he hadn't realized she was seeking out signs of fear, instead he felt naked. This was the closest he'd been with a female beyond nestling in with his Mother in his youth. Of course the two situations felt entirely different. "I'm certainly unique."

I'm certainly unique.

Ali had never wanted to smack himself - not until this exact moment in time. Perhaps one of the most narcissistic comments he'd ever made and he felt strange. He'd been so distracted by everything that he barely noticed she had begun to get comfortable. When he did he watched her body language and smiled a soft and warm grin at the way her tail twitched. His was matching suit for the most part.

"I couldn't imagine living in one place." He responded. The blush that grew upon his cheeks was beginning to grow and spread. "You say that as though the world isn't enjoying you." Forgetting his dream for a moment. He realized after speaking that he might have been reading to much into what she had said and how she had said it, but he was nervous and wanted so badly to have the spot light shifted away from him, at least long enough to breath.

Syrius Lionwing
PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 1:44 am
The dark lioness tilted her head at him, she realised, maybe a little too late, just how sweet he was. His words, his actions, yes, she decided he was adorable. Should she say that out loud? Hell NO! She could feel her entire body burning, her face was the least of her worries. Once again she was glad of her darker fur colour and its ability to hide her blush. he may have thought that his words sounded vain but she just thought it was funny.

"You're so weird." She giggled, she wasn't sure of the last time she had 'giggled' she felt like a babe speaking to this big green male from the outside world. "I like that." She smiles her blue eyes dancing happily. He was just so attractive to her, he showed no sign of fear, he spoke to her so freely. It was definitely a weird, and very wonderful feeling. Wait, had she just said 'I like that'? like it was nothing. She looked away and breathed a huff. Really what was happening here? He was making her feel all hot and flustered, her words were just rolling off her tongue without a moments thought.

Taking a deep breath she turns her gaze upon him once again. Really, she had to pull herself together here. "I..Uhm.." Stumbling over her words she pulled her mind around to the conversation at hand "I'v never really known any where else. Maybe, maybe one day I will go out there beyond the borders, but for now, I am okay here." Again a pause, she almost said take me with you, but here was home, she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to see the world.

"Should we, uhm, go?" Again a stumble in her words but if she didn't move soon she was going to forget how to speak all together. He was turning her world upside down and honestly she didn't know what to do about that!

Ctrl F Greenie

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 12:52 am
"I'm weird?" He queried. Then he caught up to speed and grew bashful. Though lowering her head simply brought him closer to her. There was no way to escape it now."Thanks." He said and raised a paw to brush some mane free from his eyes. The act was one of his quirks when he felt a touch awkward, but the smile said he'd happiy stay in this kind of awkward moment for a while before needing some space.

Ah-ha! Finally.. Ali`dido took full advantage of the mere seconds the lioness had taken to look away as a chance to relax himself (only a small amount). He let loose a content sigh that seemed to ease all of the tension he'd built up enough to help him last, but when her gaze returned he found himself right where he'd started.

"You could travel with me someday." He offered, attempting to read between the lines. "I'll always bring you home." He smiled warmly - not truly realizing just how corny he'd become in such a short span of time.

Then the moment was gone. Her words seem to relinquish any grasp her eyes had on him and he almost visibly wiggled with excitement at the prospect of visiting one of the largest prides. the bonus was the lioness he got to travel with.

"Yes, let's go!"

[IC] Pridelands

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