xxxxxxC A D E N C E xxxB E AxxxG R E G O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              NICKNAMES »» Cady
              AGE »» 18
              BIRTHDAY »» 31 October 2026
              GENDER »» Female
              FACE-CLAIM »» Paige Hurd
              BLOOD STATUS »» Halfblood
              WAND »» Reed, fairy wings, 10 and 1/6 inches, springy, spiraled shaft
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English
              ACCENT »» Cockney-ish
              PET »» Cat named Pat
              xxx»» Music
              xxx»» Singing
              xxx»» Ballet
              xxx»» Quidditch
              xxx»» Her garden
              xxx»» Quiet
              xxx»» Ghosts
              xxx»» Mess
              xxx»» Strict adults
              xxx»» Meat
              xxx»» Growing vegetables for the Leaky Cauldron in her garden
              xxx»» Harassing her father
              xxx»» Writing Riley annoying letters

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Cady is an overwhelmingly positive person, almost to the point where you're not sure if she's doing it just to piss people off. Whatever the reason, she enjoys looking on the sunny side of life, and would much rather have fun and not worry too much about things than go through life expecting the worse or being suspicious of everyone she meets. Cady is rarely in a bad mood, and even when she is, it never lasts long, so when she is noticeably upset something is usually very wrong.

              xxx»» Cady is generally up for anything, whether it be trying a new food or going to a new place, meeting new people... She's not a very shy or cautious person and enjoys discovering new places and new people, and doesn't mind being the odd one out in a room. She finds taking risks fun and is rarely afraid of looking stupid or embarrassing herself. She finds the regular ho-hum mundane sort of life boring and is always on the lookout for something new and exciting.

              xxx»» Cady is at heart a very compassionate, caring person. She has a lot of empathy for others and is the type who starts tearing up at sad detergent commercials. She often feels obligated to help those around and is the sort of friend who's always willing to listen to other people's problems. She can't stand people who disregard the feelings of others and often expects other people to be just as big-hearted as herself.

              xxx»» Cady may be a very positive, happy person, but she's also not someone who's willing to let other people walk over her or tell her what to do. She can be quite challenging of authority figures and is very stubborn at times, especially when she feels pressured by others. When confronted she tends to give as good as she gets, and is fond of bickering with both her family and friends. To her credit, she usually doesn't hold a grudge, and doesn't expect others to either.

              xxx»» Cady is a very open person who wears her heart on her sleeve. She's an okay fibber, and not so great when it comes to big lies, especially about how she feels. You could read her like a book from her facial expressions alone, and Cady is perfectly okay with that. She embraces the fact that she's honest to a fault and incapable of pulling off any major deceptions, and would much rather speak now and regret it later than never speak at all and regret it forever. This can be both very endearing and extremely irritating.

              xxx»» Cadence can be a very fickle person in terms of her preferences and interests. She regularly goes through obsessions with certain colors, musicians, and hobbies. She'll pick up photography, for example, and pursue it almost fanatically, only to drop it four months later. In general, the only thing constant about Cadence is her friend groups and her affection for her family members. Otherwise she's always flitting from one thing to another, somewhat dizzyingly.

              xxx»» Cadence is a very positive person.
              xxx»» Cadence has a lot of empathy for others.
              xxx»» Cadence can be very contrary and obstinate for no reason.
              xxx»» Cadence is often hurt by others because she's so open with her emotions.
              xxx»» Rejection.
              xxx»» Cockroaches.

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Cadence is the result of a one-time fling between her father, Henry Deering, a former Gryffindor and a pureblood wizard, and her mother, Harper Gregory, a muggle woman who worked as a dancer in a club. Cady is not really privy to the details, but her mother was in no shape to care for a child and after several calls to family services, she ended up in the custody of her father, Hal, at the age of six months old. Cady was an extremely chipper and energetic child, and typically delighted in annoying her siblings both older and younger. As the oldest in the family to go to Hogwarts, seeing as her older sister Riley was born in the US, she was thrilled to get her letter, although she had been displaying magic since she was a toddler and knew it was coming. Seeing as her father ran The Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley, it made getting school supplies extremely easy.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» Cady very much enjoyed her first year. She was sorted into Gryffindor like her father and became close friends with another housemate, Elisabet. While she got lost plenty of times, she enjoyed her new classes and being in Gryffindor, and there was even a Halloween carnival, which made her 12th birthday that much better. (She went as a mermaid, to match Elisa's pirate).
                  SECOND YEAR »» Cady tried out for the quidditch team and made reserve chaser, to her delight. She was also pleased to not be the youngest in the castle anymore.
                  THIRD YEAR »» Cady continued with the quidditch team, and spent the year annoying her younger brother and taking her new electives, which she mostly enjoyed.
                  FOURTH YEAR »» Cady made first string as a chaser, to her surprise, and also made the acquaintance of the Lockwood twins', her friend Sher's standoffish cousins.
                  FIFTH YEAR »» Cady had a semi-enjoyable year of harassing the Lockwoods, getting a little too hyped over quidditch matches, and halfheartedly studying for her OWLs while stuffing her face with candy from Honeydukes, and mourning the loss of her guinea pig. (Don't worry, she got a new (stolen from her OWL exam) kitten).
                  SIXTH YEAR »» Cady enjoyed the break from constant (haha, as if) studying and had more free time, which unfortunately resulted in more trouble. During one memorable detention she met a younger Slytherin named Momo, who just so happened to be one Byron Lockwood's 'ahem' betrothed.
                  SEVENTH YEAR »» Cady unfortunately had to buckle down and get serious for her seventh year. Although not too serious, of course. She still made plenty of time for goofing off, trying to ignore her lingering anxiety about being shoved out into the 'real world' when her Hogwarts days were done. She might have been of age, but she still felt like a kid.

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDING »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              HOUSE »» Gryffindor
              YEAR »» GRADUATED
              BEST LESSONS
              xxx»» Charms
              xxx»» Transfiguration
              xxx»» Music
              WORST LESSONS
              xxx»» History of Magic
              xxx»» Potions
              xxx»» Astronomy
              DREAM JOB »» Ehhhh she doesn't know

              OWL SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» EE
              xxxCHARMS »» O
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» A
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» D
              xxxPOTIONS »» P
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» O
              xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» EE
              xxxDIVINATION »» A
              xxxHEALING »» EE
              xxxMUSIC »» O
              xxxWANDLESS MAGIC »» A

              NEWT SCORES
              xxxCHARMS »» O
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» EE
              xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» A
              xxxHEALING »» EE
              xxxMUSIC »» O

        xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

            RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Single
            SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» - - -

            xxx»» PARENTS Henry Deering and Harper Gregory
            xxx»» SIBLINGS Riley Fulton, Devin Bove, Felix Lorenz
            xxx»» BEST FRIEND Elisabet Amsel
            xxx»» Daniel Shepard, Fiona Calderwood, Sherwood Meadows, Giselle Scarlet
            xxx»» - - -
            xxx»» Kory Whitethorne, Payton Chance, Byron Lockwood, Blair Lockwood, Delphinia Meadows

PENDED BY ~ murrue ❤ 07/05/2017
ACCEPTED BY ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [09/01/2017
UPDATES ACCEPTED BY J Galaksylph ✦ [5/17/2018]