User ImageName: Hirzael (pronounced 'HEER-zay-el')
Nicknames: None as of yet, I don't think. Hirz? 'Imp'?
Gender: Technically nongendered, but goes by male pronouns for the sake of convenience
Age: 15

Faction: Demon
Race: Imp

Natural Ability: Shrinking - He can make himself smaller at will. The smallest size he can manage to reduce himself to is an inch in height.

(+) Extroverted - Hirzael has no trouble at all going up to a random stranger. Nor does he have trouble starting up a conversation with said stranger. What he does have trouble with is being able to tell whether or not said stranger wanted to talk to him in the first place. Nor does he seem to understand the meaning of 'personal space' or 'desired alone-time'.

(+) Playful - This little imp will happily make a game out of anything. He tends to do this excessively; so much to the point that he can be considered 'childish' and/or 'immature' by most of his high school peers. Hirzael delights in playing pranks and jokes. An example of one of his favorites is walking behind people on their way to their next class, unzipping their backpacks, snatching something from them, and zipping them back up in order to see how long it takes them to realize whatever it is he took is missing. If they don't realize they're missing something for over a month, he'll give it back (with some disappointment). However, this particular prank tends to give him a reputation so that he becomes the first person his schoolmates ask when they've lost something of theirs. What amuses him the most is when he can cause someone to check their backpack for missing items simply by stand behind them and snickering mischievously.

(+) Active - He has to be. How else would he be able to run away fast enough from those whose nerves he gets on? Well, there's always the shrinking factor, but that doesn't allow him to be fat and lazy. It just brings him closer to the analogy of 'cat and mouse'. Then there's the fact that he sweats a lot and wears sporty clothes, but that may be due to his internal body heat temperature as much as his activity. Whatever the case, Hirzael has quite a bit of energy to spare. Unfortunately, this gives him the tendency to act first, think later. He plans to try out for every sport he can (to see what friends he can make if nothing else), though in the past he's almost always been turned down except for track (where being small and agile counts for something). Hirzael also tends to play a lot of 'involuntary hide-and-seek' with students less tolerant of him and has gained the valuable skill of learning how to climb his way out of dumpsters after being thrown head-first into them.

(-) Spiteful - If someone wrongs Hirzael, be careful. He's just as childish in dealing with conflict as he is in dealing with games. He dislikes losing, being insulted, and being mocked. He also can't stand ingratitude or arrogance and has ways of humbling people. Sometimes, though, he goes overboard and will punish people with his pranks beyond what they reasonably deserve. Revenge is not something he will hesitate to stoop low for.

(-) Annoying - Hirzael has a hard time knowing when enough is enough - not for anything. You know those lines you don't cross? He can't see them; any of them. Not physical boundaries, not emotional, not personal, none. He will talk and talk and talk if a subject is brought up that he's interested in. If kids are showing off their basketball moves, he'll step in and try to show off his own (even if he doesn't have any, in which case he's fine making a fool of himself) just to get attention. This imp will go to great lengths to get people to like him, but often he ends up trying too hard and can be just plain annoying. It's really difficult to send him the message without blatantly telling him outright, though, so unless you're a good enough friend to be perfectly honest with him or you simply have no qualms about hurting his feelings, he will continue to be obnoxious. Politeness over honesty does not pay off with this guy. And when he does intend to be annoying? Well, let's just say he's exceptionally good at it.

(-) Mischievous - Trickster, prankster, mischief-maker, trouble-starter - call it what you want, but imps are pretty well-known for being up to no good, and this one is no exception. A lot of Hirzael's deeds are naughty and he loves to tease and taunt others. It's actually his way of making friends and getting them to notice him, but he doesn't seem to realize that feelings can be hurt in the process and that some people can take certain things very seriously. The fact that some people have no sense of humor is lost on him and will in no way deter his antics. The bigger their reaction, the better, in his opinion.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?
Hirzael could not stand his job in the Underworld with all those depressing souls. He started causing trouble among the other, more dignified demons and stirred up a few souls here and there until the overseers of the place couldn't abide his behavior anymore.

Of course there was no where to send him for punishment (besides the place he was already working in) and you really can't get lower than the Underworld, so they had to send him up. Just...not among the humans. That would have been disastrous. Another Underworld being named Kiriel had taken an unexcused 'vacation' there a while back when he had gotten tired of mirroring the misery of souls of the dead back at themselves. Since then, Kiriel had been trying to convince anyone he could - coworkers and miserable souls alike - to take a small break and visit. This gave the overseers an idea.

In order to teach Hirzael to be a good little imp, he was sent to Amityville Academy where he would learn from both peers and higher authorities how to do his job right and how to channel his irrepressible energies. How long would that take? No one knew, but at Amityville Academy, he wasn't the only immortal attending, so who cared if he was held back a few hundred years?

If he needed to be naughty, he could carry out his little pranks on beings who could and would actually fight back; perhaps even give him a taste of his own medicine. With time, the hope was that Hirzael would return to the Underworld a changed imp - or at the very least, a more tolerable one.

As for Hirzael himself...he couldn't be more pleased to get out of the place. He had always been fascinated by Kiriel's stories about the world above. Everyone in the Underworld already knew what the place was like, but that wasn't the same as experiencing it through a physical body.

Hirzael's job was to host the souls of the dead like a cog in a working machine; he got no recognition of his own as an individual, which was one of the reasons he acted up so much. Once out of the Underworld, however, he could be his own imp, free from his fun-opposed oppressors and able to take responsibility for the consequences of his own actions. Secretly he decided he never, ever wanted to go back if he could help it - Amityville Academy was just too much fun.

FEAR Ability: None as a quest character. (A character's FEAR ability is a special attack they can use in battle, similar to a limit break or other powerful and unique attack! Their power should be related to the character's species or personality somewhat.)

Don't forget to include what TYPE of Fear it is! For more information please see the FEAR guide:

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Black and shining as tar pitch
Hair Colour/Style: Straw-blonde/Thick and wild. He ties it back in a ponytail to keep it from covering his face. It reaches to his lower back (when in a ponytail)
Skin Colour: Red
Clothing Style/Colours: Short. Short-sleeved shirts, short shorts, and wristbands (wrist sweatbands, since he sweats a lot). Anything that can breathe. As an imp, his body temperature is often warm to hot, so he wears these clothes to keep his body cool, especially because he's almost constantly sweating from his inner body temperature.
Extra: He has a pair of black, curving horns pointing upward and a long, slender, black pointed tail. He has an ectomorph body type that's skinny and awkward, 90 lbs, and 4'6" at full height.
References: (If you have art or design sketches for your character, include them here!) TBA.