Name: Rasia
Nicknames: Pascha
Gender: Female
Age: 17

Faction: Demon
Race: Rusalka

Natural Ability: Shapeshifer - can transform into a swan.

Personality: Haughty, Rasia is not warm and friendly in the least. She wants what she wants and she damn well expects to get it. Confidence isn't an issue for this one as she thinks very highly of herself, sometimes too highly. As such she's not the easiest person to get along with and frankly if someone can't handle her, she believes they should just get out of the damn way.

All said, that doesn't mean she doesn't have insecurities. As race that relies a lot on physical beauty, she's always trying to look the part regardless of what she'd rather do (not wear make-up, revel in the comfort of a t-shirt and jeans, etc.) Which also means she lacks a lot of empathy and the ability to see that someone might be genuine. Everyone wants something, or so she thinks.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Rusalkas are beautiful, of course, but most of them rely on that beauty to lure victims into their arms and down into the reeds. Sometimes they use their shapeshifter form to further draw them in or disarm them. Rasia, however, has no desire to even play the damsel in distress. She'd rather punch the goddamn idiot. In short, she wants to be a badass instead of pretending to be a needy airhead in desperate need of anyone.

FEAR Ability: Confound (The Mind) - Rasia can make the opponent question the desire to hurt her. Isn't she lovely? And beautiful? Isn't she the woman of your dreams? Why harm her when you could love her instead?

Physical Description: Rasia is slim and while she is on the taller side (5'10"), her nickname has always been Pascha (meaning "small"). She is pale and would never be caught tanning (mostly because she'd burn into a lobster red). Blonde with brown eyes, she is beautiful and has a very aristocratic upper-class air to her and her style often reflects this. While rusalkas are often considered water demons (realistically they can just as well be field or wood demons, as well), she's adopted a mesh of modern comfort with more vintage looks and details. Often found in tunics or dresses that feature long flowing or hanging sleeves, she gives off the impression of being "Daddy's Little Princess".

Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour/Style: Blonde, see References
Skin Colour: Pale; it's hard to get a tan when you're drowning people or a bird...
Clothing Style/Colours: Black & Orange or Black & Red or CC; Rasia has an upper class style that features a lot of tunic-style tops with a corset accent and flowy or hanging style sleeves, usually paired with tights or leggings and then riding boots or ballet flats to give off a sophisticated and better-than-others vibe.
Extra: Claw like elongated nails, usually painted, that signal she is a demon.
References: Hair, Face, Earrings (in white to hint at her swan form), Tunic Style, Hanging Sleeves, Tights, Riding Boots, Riding Boots 2, Ballet Flats Ballet Flats 2