Name: Typhis
Gender: Male
Age: around 100-150, mentally around 16-17

Faction: Monster
Race: Wyvern
Natural Ability: Fire breathing - HE BREATHES FIAH


Arrogant: Regardless of the situation, task or time of day. Typhis thinks he's better then you. No, he knows he's better then you. Doesn't matter what it is he's harder, better, faster, stronger then you. Although this is typical of most giant scaly beasts so it's not exactly surprising. He is aware of his arrogance, and isn't one to spend all day and night bragging about it, but why should he when everyone already knew he was the best?

Chill: Contrary to popular belief, this guy is pretty hard to anger. He can be pretty good at putting on a show, or getting annoyed, but true draconic fury? You'd have to do something really bad. Like steal something from his hoard. Then, well, keep everything flammable away from him.

Protective: If one were to gain the privilege of calling him a 'friend', then Typhis will act as the loyal protective guy, trying not to act too invested or pretending he doesn't care, but actually he really does. Do you need a cake? He'll make you a cake. Someone bullying you? He'll go flame them.
Shinies. He likes shinies.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?

FEAR Ability: (A character's FEAR ability is a special attack they can use in battle, similar to a limit break or other powerful and unique attack! Their power should be related to the character's species or personality somewhat.)

Don't forget to include what TYPE of Fear it is! For more information please see the FEAR guide:

Physical Description:

Eye Colour:
Hair Colour/Style:
Skin Colour:
Clothing Style/Colours: (Remember, everything should be Halloween-inspired! Creepy is good!)
Extra: (Your character's special features: wings, tail, pointy ears, fangs, whatever else that isn't covered above.)
References: (If you have art or design sketches for your character, include them here!)