Adding to the ListIf you have owed work that has not been added to the list, the thread it was given out in is closed, and it has been a month* since it was won, please use this form to let us know.
* If the work is not assigned to a specific colorist (for instance,
Angeni Charms,
Soqemon Coins, RP Raffle Stock Items), please post only if it has not been claimed in six months. If it has been claimed, it follows the standard "give the list one month from the date of claiming to be updated" rule.
[quote="Phail Ninja"][/quote]
[size=18][color=crimson][b]My owed work is missing![/b][/color][/size]
[b]Won:[/b] [url=link]Description[/url]
Modifying the ListIf there's anything wrong with the list, including typos, use the form below to have it corrected. When it comes to recent changes, such as owed work that has been completed and needs to be removed from the list, please give it the standard one month wait to update. Thank you for your vigilance!
[quote="Phail Ninja"][/quote]
[size=18][color=darkseagreen][b]Something's up with the list![/b][/color][/size]
[b]ID:[/b] (state ID from list)
Requesting a TransferIf it has been at least six months since the owed work was taken on, you may request a transfer. Each transfer request will be handled on a case-by-case basis; for instance, if the original colorist has most of the work done, we may opt to give them more time rather than having the work redone by another colorist. However, a colorist will be given an extension of no more than 3 months, after which a transfer request will be automatically granted if the owner requests a transfer again.
When owed work is transferred, it will be made available to any colorist that is capable of fulfilling the work; the owner will not have a say in who picks up the work. If the owner opts to ease the owed work (e.g. make an edited breeding into an unedited breeding), a 2 week priority will be given to staff who are able to complete the original work in its entirety; after the 2 week period, it will be open to staff who can either do the original work or the eased work.
Anyone who posts a transfer request can expect the below:
When we touch base with the original colorist, they will have a week to discuss how the owed work will be handled or to send the shop the PSDs as necessary.
If the original colorist is given an extension to finish the request, they will have up to three months to complete it; after that period, it is up to the recipient whether they are willing to wait for the colorist, or whether they would prefer a new colorist take on the work instead.
When work available for transfer is picked up, the colorist will contact you via PM.
When a work is transferred, the process will start anew: the new colorist will have six months to complete it, the colorist will have a week to get back to the shop if they exceed the deadline, and so forth.
If you do not want the work to be transferred and do not mind waiting, simply do not make a transfer request. If there is ever a time when a transfer is obligatory, such as if a colorist goes MIA or quits, we will quote the affected users.
[quote="Phail Ninja"][/quote]
[size=18][color=rosybrown][b]My owed work is overcooking![/b][/color][/size]
[b]ID:[/b] (state ID from list)
[b]Are you open to easing the owed work:[/b] Yes, (specify)/No (For instance, are you open to having growing pets be adult-only? Are you open to having an edited pet be an unedited pet? If yes, please specify what changes you would be comfortable with. Priority will be given to those who can complete the work in full; after two weeks, we will also open up your work to those able to complete the adjusted owed work.)
(If multiple parties are involved, such as for twin customs or a breeding, please notify them and make sure they quote your transfer request stating they agree. If they quote Phail Ninja or LOLTERGEIST, [quote="Phail Ninja"][/quote],[quote="LOLTERGEIST"][/quote] we'll be able to respond ASAP.)
If multiple parties are involved in requesting a transfer (for instance, a breeding where you need permission from both parent owners) and one or more are inactive, the active party may elect to make a decision without their input. To do so,
The active party should try to contact inactive parties via PM (other channels, such as via IMs, DMs, quotes, Facebook, and so forth, are permissible so long as the active party, at minimum, sends the PM).
If a month passes with no reply since the first time the active party sent a PM regarding the issue, use the following form. If it's a case of the inactive party being on Gaia but choosing not to reply for any reason, staff might make an attempt themselves; otherwise, if it's clear they're gone, we'll likely grant permission for the active party to make the call.
[quote="Phail Ninja"][/quote]
[size=18][color=mediumaquamarine][b]Requesting permission to transfer without the inactive party![/b][/color][/size]
[b]ID:[/b] (state ID from list)
[b]Inactive Party:[/b] (list all inactive users)
[img]show us a copy of the message, including: 1. proof that it pertains to the transfer request, and 2. the date[/img]
[b]Transfer Request:[/b] (link to the original transfer request if you posted one earlier. Otherwise, N/A and include the transfer request form below)
Other InquiriesIf you have any other questions that cannot be handled by another form, use the header below.
Please note that there is not much we can do in this thread for any owed work under six months old. In such cases, the colorist is more knowledgeable about their own status and availability than we, and it would be better to contact them directly; this thread is primarily intended for facilitating transfer requests, and is not intended to be a place to request status updates on owed work under 6 months old. Even if the colorist disappears and cannot answer any inquiries, they are entitled to those six months and may return to complete the work within the allotted time frame. The only way it can pass hands before then is if they let us know they'll be gone, in which case, we will send out notifications to the affected parties.
However, this thread can process inquiries for owed work that has been waiting for at least six months.
[quote="Phail Ninja"][/quote]
[size=18][color=dodgerblue][b]Contact Initiated...![/b][/color][/size]
[b]ID:[/b] (state ID from list)
Work That Does Not Belong Here Baby Bump work and similar threads, even if claimed; the work is done at the discretion of available staff and never guaranteed.
SC purchases; they have no deadline and any transfer requests must be handled directly with the purchaser and colorist.
Certs; they are handled in the General Certing Thread.
Growths; they are also handled in the General Certing Thread.