Name: Fenrir Ragnarok
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Channeler
Hometown: Unova

Background: At a young age Fenrir was an energetic and joyful child but one day that all changed. He developed an aggressive and cocky attitude that matched his first partner. Things were rough, at first Fenrir was captivated by the little green and black dragon type pokemon but his feelings weren't returned. When Axew had enough, he attacked Fenrir and after alot of rough housing axew was pinned ending the struggle for respect. From that day forward these two rebels walked side by side. A strong yet seemingly indestructible bond was formed creating a duo not to be underestimated. A higher ranking Officer who witnessed this duo's powerful bond in battle later invited them to join the righteous cause of team snagem.

Axew (Hax): 8/35
Gible (Chomp): 6/35
Tyrunt: 0/25

1x Hoverboard
1x Snag Machine
1x SNAG (Snagem Network Access Gear, communication device, pokedex, map, etc.)
2x Pokeballs
5x Revives
5x Potions
1x Flashlight
Snag Coins: 2